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    LEDIL FA11206_TINA-M

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    Mouser Electronics FA11206_TINA-M 120
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    • 100 $2.26
    • 1000 $2.08
    • 10000 $2.06
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    N TMOS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Green L i n e ' MGSF3442XT1 Preliminary Information Motorola P referred Device Low rDS on Sm all-Signal MOSFETs TMOS Single N-Channel Field Effect Transistors N -C H A N N EL E N HA N C EM EN T-M O D E TM O S MOSFET rDS(on) = 58 m£i (TYP)

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    MGSF3442XT1 10Vdc, b3b7255 00T3b3D PDF

    MARKING tAN SOT-23 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA G I N E R E E M GSF1N02LT1 Motorola Preferred Device Low rDS on S m all-Signal MOSFETs TMOS Single N -Channel Field E ffect Transistors N -C H A N N E L E N H A N C E M E N T-M O D E TM O S MOSFET Part of the GreenLine Portfolio of devices with en e rg yconserving traits.

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    GSF1N02LT1 MARKING tAN SOT-23 diode PDF

    z40 mosfet

    Abstract: IRFZ42 IRFZ40 221A-04
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA IRFZ40 IRFZ42 P o w e r F ie ld E f f e c t T ra n s is to rs N -C h a n n e l E n h a n c e m e n t-M o d e S ilic o n G a te T M O S T h e « TMOS Power fETa ore designed for lo w voltage. hlQfi «peed power v»MK:hlr>3 Bppilcntlon* such as switching

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    IRFZ40 IRFZ42 21A-04 O-22CAB z40 mosfet IRFZ42 221A-04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    MPF9200 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MGICP020/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA G r e e n V ;.,/ l t m e M GICP020 Preliminary Information Motorola Preferred Device Low rDS on Sm all-S ignal MOSFETs TMOS P-Channel w High Side Driver P P -C H A N N E L E N H A N C E M E N T-M O D E

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    MGICP020/D GICP020 318G-02 PDF


    Abstract: D004 power ic pf990
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICONDUCTOR MPF930 MPF960 MPF990 TECHNICAL DATA N -C H A N N E L E N H A N C E M E N T -MO DE TM O S F IE L D -E F F E C T T R A N S IS T O R 2 .0 A M P E R E N-CHANNEL TMOS FETs T h e s e T M O S FE Ts a re d e s ig n e d f o r h ig h - s p e e d s w it c h in g a p p li­

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    MPF930 MPF960 MPF990 MPF930, PF960 D004 power ic pf990 PDF


    Abstract: P15N06V TP15N06V 15N06VL
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview M TP15N06VL TMOS V Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate T M O S V is a new te c h n o lo g y d e sig n e d to a chie ve an o n -re s is ta n ce a rea prod u ct a bo u t o n e -h a lf th a t ot sta n d a rd M O S FE Ts. This

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    3055vl motorola

    Abstract: 3055vl TP3055VL TP3055V Motorola 3055vl
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D e s ig n e r ’s D ata S heet MTP3055VL TMOS V™ Power Field Effect Transistor M o to ro la P re fe rre d D e v ic e N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate T M O S V is a n e w te c h n o lo g y d e s ig n e d to a c h ie v e a n o n - r e s is -

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    3055VL 0E-05 0E-01 3055vl motorola 3055vl TP3055VL TP3055V Motorola 3055vl PDF


    Abstract: BUZ-10L BUZ10L 221A-04 AN569 MTP23N05L
    Text: BUZ10L MTP23N05L Pow er Field Effect T ran sistor N -C h an n el E n h an ce m e n t-M o d e S ilic o n G ate These TMOS Power FETs are designed for high speed, low loss power switching applications such as switching regulators, converters, motor controls, solenoid and relay

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    BUZ10L MTP23N05L 21A-04 O-220AB 50tching BUZ10L C6554S ds3847 BUZ-10L 221A-04 AN569 MTP23N05L PDF


    Abstract: transistor equivalent Gate Turn-Off Thyristors scr 15 amps scr 1000 amps SCR GTO asymmetrical SCR MCR1000-6 GTO Gate Drivers MCR1000-4
    Text: TMOS SCR - MCR1000 TW O T R A N S IS T O R E Q U IV A L E N T T O T M O S S C R P o w e r FE T te c h n o lo g y is n o w e x te n d e d to in c lu d e a tw o - tra n s is to r e q u iv a le n t to la tc h in g s ilic o n c o n tro lle d re c tifie rs S C R s . T h is firs t-g e n e ra tio n T M O S S C R h a s v e ry fa s t s w itc h in g tim e s , h igh line

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    MCR1000 MCR1000-4 MCR1000-6 EB103 EB103 MOTOROLA SCR transistor equivalent Gate Turn-Off Thyristors scr 15 amps scr 1000 amps SCR GTO asymmetrical SCR GTO Gate Drivers PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA The RF TMOS Line Power Field Effect Transistor MRF158 N-Channel Enhancement Mode D e sig n e d fo r w id e b a n d la rg e -s ig n a l a m p lifie r a nd o scilla to r a p p lic a tio n s to 5 00 M Hz. • G u a ra n te e d 28 Volt, 4 0 0 M H z P e rfo rm a n ce

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    IS21I IS12I IS22I MRF158 PDF


    Abstract: f 0472 N-Channel MOSFET
    Text: MOTOROLA • SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA BSS123 Advance Information S m all-S ig n al Field E ffe c t T ran sisto r N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS N -C H A N N E L S M A L L -S IG N A L T M O S FET rD S o n l = 6 O H M S 100 V O L T S This TM O S FET is designed fo r h ig h -vo ltag e , h ig h ­

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    BSS123 OT-23 O-236AA) C0034 C086 f 0472 N-Channel MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: MTP23P06
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Designer’s Data Sheet M TP23P06 P o w e r Field E ffe c t T ra n sis to r Motorola Preferred Device P -C h a n n e l E n h a n c e m e n t-M o d e S ilic o n G a te TMOS POWER FET 23 AMPERES T h is T M O S P o w e r F E T is d e s ig n e d f o r h ig h s p e e d p o w e r

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    TP23P06 b3b7254 TP23P06 MTP23P06 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D e s ig n e r’s D ata S heet MTD5P06V TMOS V ™ Power Field Effect Transistor DPAK for Surface Mount M otorola Preferred Device TM O S PO W ER FET P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TM O S V is a n ew te ch n o lo g y d e sig n e d to a ch ie ve an o n -re s is ta n ce area prod u ct a bo u t o n e -h a lf th a t of sta n d a rd M O SFE Ts. This

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    MTD5P06V PDF


    Abstract: MTM20N10 MTP20N10 MOSFET based SSR mtp20n08
    Text: M O TO ROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M TM 20N 10 M T P 20 N 08 M T P 20 N 10 Designer's Data Sheet P o w er Field E ffe c t T ran sisto r IM-Channel E n h a n c e m e n t-M o d e S ilic o n G a te T M O S TMOS POWER FETs 20 AMPERES rDS on = ° -15 0H M

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    21A-04 O-220AB 20n10 MTM20N10 MTP20N10 MOSFET based SSR mtp20n08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA G r e e n L i n e Low rDS on Small-Signal MOSFETs TMOS Single N-Channel Field Effect Transistors Part of the GreenLine Portfolio of devices with energy-con­ serving traits. MMBF0201NLT1 Motorola Preferred Device N-CHANNEL

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    OT-23 MMBF0201NLT1 PDF

    P-Channel IGBT

    Abstract: IGBT Power Module
    Text: Selector Guide 1 TMOS Power MOSFETs Plastic Packaged — T0-220AB Table 1 — P-Channel. 1-3 Table 2 — N -C h a n n e l.1-4 Table 3 — N- and P-Channel Isolated T 0 -2 2 0 . 1-7

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    T0-220AB O-218 O-226AA TQ-220 P-Channel IGBT IGBT Power Module PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview MTP2955V TMOS V Power Field Effect Transistor P-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS POWER FET 12 AMPERES 60 VOLTS R DS on = 0.200 OHM T M O S V is a n ew te c h n o lo g y d e sig n e d to a chie ve an o n -re s is ta n ce a rea p ro d u ct a bo u t o n e -h a lt th a t of sta n d a rd M O S FE Ts. This

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview M TD15N06VL TMOS V Power Field Effect Transistor DPAK for Surface Mount TMOS POWER FET 15 AMPERES 60 VOLTS RDS on = 0-085 OHM N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TM O S V i s a new te ch n o lo g y d esig n ed to a ch ie ve an o n -re s is ta n ce a rea p ro d u ct a bo u t o n e -h a lf th a t of sta n d a rd M O SFETs. T h is

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview MMFT3055VL TMOS V SOT-223 for Surface Mount TM OS V N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS POWER FET 1.5 AMPERES 60 VOLTS RDS on = 0.140 OHM T M O S V is a new te ch n o lo g y d e sig n e d to a ch ie ve an o n -re s is ta n ce area p rod u ct a bo u t o n e -h a lf th a t of sta n d a rd M O SFETs. This

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    OT-223 3055VL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information 2N 6784 P o w e r Field E ffe c t T ra n sisto r N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TMOS N -C H A N N E L T M O S PO W ER FE T . . . desig ned fo r high vo ltag e , high speed p o w er sw itch in g

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D esigner’s Data Sheet MTD15N06V TMOS V Power Field Effect Transistor DPAK for Surface Mount M otorola Preferred Device T M O S P O W E R FET 15 A M P E R E S 60 V O LTS N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TM O S V is a n ew te ch n o lo g y d e sig n e d to a ch ie ve an o n -re s is ta n ce area p rod u ct a b o u t o n e -h a lt th a t of sta n d ard M O SFETs. This

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    Abstract: TP3055V MOTOROLA 3055V
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D esigner’s Data Sheet MTP3055V TMOS V™ Power Field Effect Transistor M o to ro la P re fe rre d D e v ic e N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate T M O S V is a new te ch n o lo g y d e s ig n e d to a ch ie ve an o n -re s is ta n ce area prod u ct a bo u t o n e -h a lf th a t o f sta n d a rd M O SFETs. This

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA D esigner’s Data Sheet TMOS V Power Field Effect Transistor N-Channel Enhancement-Mode Silicon Gate TM O S V is a new le ch n o lo g y d e sig n e d to a ch ie ve an o n -re s is lan ce area product a bo u t o n e -h a lf th a t of sta n d ard M O SFETs. T h is

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    0E-05 0E-01 PDF