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    N490CH Search Results

    N490CH Datasheets (16)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    N490CH08 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    N490CH08 Westcode Semiconductors 800V V[drm] Max., 2.1kA I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH10 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    N490CH10 Westcode Semiconductors 1kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH12 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    N490CH12 Westcode Semiconductors 1.2kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH14 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    N490CH14 Westcode Semiconductors 1.4kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH15 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    N490CH16 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    N490CH16 Westcode Semiconductors 1.6kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH18 Unknown Short Form Datasheet and Cross Reference Data Short Form PDF
    N490CH18 Westcode Semiconductors 1.8kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH20 Westcode Semiconductors 2kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH22 Westcode Semiconductors 2.2kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF
    N490CH24 Westcode Semiconductors 2.4kV V[drm] Max., 495A I[T] Max. Silicon Controlled Rectifier Scan PDF

    N490CH Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: thyristor BBC thyristor aeg BBC DSDI 35 WG15013B8C WG9017 abb sami star SM18CXC805 sm13cxc174 CSG2001-18A04
    Text: REPLACEMENT TABLE FOR THE POWER SEMICONDUCTORS OF SAMI STAR FREQUENCY CONVERTERS The replacement table gives a list of those semiconductors, which can be used in SAMI STAR frequency converters. The types given for each semiconductor are interchangeable. Detail information about the mounting of the power

    400F415 460F460 500F500 630F415 730F460 800F500 570F575 630F660 870F575 1000F660 CSG3001-18A04 thyristor BBC thyristor aeg BBC DSDI 35 WG15013B8C WG9017 abb sami star SM18CXC805 sm13cxc174 CSG2001-18A04 PDF


    Abstract: TN490C N490C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A N490CH18 27MF JD 1800 At2550A U120R westinghouse thyristor drive
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3SE D • ^70^55 0D02251 3 ■ lilE S B ^ ^ r -a i Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TN490C Issue 3 July 1985 Convertor Grade Capsule Thyristor Type N490C 1200 amperes average: up to 2400 volts VRRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

    OCR Scan
    0D02251 IESB7V25--2i N490C TN490C 8000A SN151JL 2M785 2418A TN490C N490C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A N490CH18 27MF JD 1800 At2550A U120R westinghouse thyristor drive PDF


    Abstract: 5N330K N018RH12 n490chx n990chx westcode n540c 1010T N260chx N105PH12HOO n880ch
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Ordering 3TE D • The required voltage rating may be defined by substituting the appropriate voltage code number see table 1. into the type number in place of the "x" symbol, see type list. When phase control thyristors are supplied

    OCR Scan
    00V/p N018RH12 N105PH12HOO: 00V/jjsec res000 N850C N880C N980C N1400C N1600C N600CH 5N330K N018RH12 n490chx n990chx westcode n540c 1010T N260chx N105PH12HOO n880ch PDF


    Abstract: N600CH N283CH N320CH n520ch N281CH N280CH N370CH n740ch N900CH
    Text: Phase C ontrol T hyristors ~ Capsule Type V DRMV RRM Range ty p e s ^T AV ^T(RMS) It @Tns55°C @Tte55°C @Tte55°C I tsm(1) I-TSM(2) 10m s 10m s I 2t (2) di/dt V r= s 60% V R^ 1 0 V @ 25°C (Note 1) (Note 1) N086CHX N105CHX N170CHX N195CHX N275CHX N282CHX

    OCR Scan
    Tns55 Tte55 N086CHX N105CHX N170CHX N195CHX N275CHX N282CHX N281CHX N1200CH N600CH N283CH N320CH n520ch N281CH N280CH N370CH n740ch N900CH PDF


    Abstract: N490CH20 N600CH N540CH12 N510CH16 N510CH n760ch18 N980CH16-22 N880CH24 n740ch
    Text: Phase Control Thyristors Product une of W|STCODE Capsule Types - 19mm-100 mm diam eter silicon slices. Type VDRM VRRM ^T BI*S @TS= 55CC TS=25°C ^TAV ^TSM di/dt 10ms Non-Rep/Rep ^th J S A n n ' x ' , c »mPany Package v TO rT @X=12 °c VB£60%VRfiu d> ¡1

    OCR Scan
    19mm-100 N320CH40-45 N500CH38-42 N570CH30-36 N360CH30-38 N390CH30-32 N620CH24-30 N680CH20-26 N450CH20-26 N490CH20-26 N600CH12 N490CH20 N600CH N540CH12 N510CH16 N510CH n760ch18 N980CH16-22 N880CH24 n740ch PDF

    westcode n 600 ch 14

    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 18
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Capsule Phase Control Thyristor Consists of a diffused silicon element mounted in an hermetic ceramic cold welded capsule, and features an amplifying gate. Available in industry standard and thin housings. Ratings Unless otherwise indicated Tj = 125°C

    OCR Scan
    300mm 00DS7314 N490/4 westcode n 600 ch 14 westcode n 600 ch 18 PDF


    Abstract: westcode n 600 ch 18 westcode n540c N018RH12 N540CH N029RH n490chx
    Text: WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Phase Control Thyristors • Shortform Design Guide Issue 9 Table 2. dv/dt Code Ordering The required voltage rating may be defined by substituting the appropriate voltage code number (see table 1. into the type number in place of the "x" symbol,

    OCR Scan
    N018RH12 00V/nsec N105PH12HOO BL5K9/93 N600CH westcode n 600 ch 18 westcode n540c N018RH12 N540CH N029RH n490chx PDF


    Abstract: N1200CH N450CH N630CH N320C N630CHX n490chx N610CHX n880ch
    Text: P hase C o n tro l T h y ris to rs ~ Capsule ty p e s Type V ORM V RRM ^T AV •^T(RMS) Range Ths55°C @ 25°C IT @ 25°C I* 2t (2) di/dt ^TSM(1) ^TSM(2) 10m s 10m s Non- V Rs s 6 0 % V R=s10V Rep/Rep (Note 1) (A2S) 19 x 103 36.3 x 1 0 3 (Note 4) (A / ms)

    OCR Scan
    Ths55 101A223 101A232 101A281 101A325 N620 N1200CH N450CH N630CH N320C N630CHX n490chx N610CHX n880ch PDF


    Abstract: N1200CH N490CH S0609 N105PH12 N600CH TI 45-600 BLA06 n880ch
    Text: Phase Control Thyristors ~ Capsule types Type V DRM V R R M I t AV ^T(R M S) Range T,55°C @ 25°C IT @25°C -^TSM(l) ^ TSM (2) 10ms 10ms I2t(2) di/dt Non- V r^60% VR^10V Re p/Rep 25°C ^RRM (Note 5) (Note 4) (A) (Note 1) (A2s) 1000/500 (Note 1) (Note 1)

    OCR Scan
    Ths55Â Vrss60% N086CHX N105CHX N170CHX N195CHX N275CHX N282CHX N281CHX 150/3ents. N283CH N1200CH N490CH S0609 N105PH12 N600CH TI 45-600 BLA06 n880ch PDF