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    JW Winco Inc 12NC92-E

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    DigiKey 12NC92-E Box 1
    • 1 $6.2
    • 10 $6.2
    • 100 $6.2
    • 1000 $6.2
    • 10000 $6.2
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    JW Winco Inc 10NC92-E

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 10NC92-E Box 1
    • 1 $6.2
    • 10 $6.2
    • 100 $6.2
    • 1000 $6.2
    • 10000 $6.2
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    DigiKey NJ4-12GK-N-C92 Box 1
    • 1 $208.43
    • 10 $208.43
    • 100 $208.43
    • 1000 $208.43
    • 10000 $208.43
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    Newark NJ4-12GK-N-C92 Bulk 1
    • 1 $223.15
    • 10 $182.58
    • 100 $137.18
    • 1000 $137.18
    • 10000 $137.18
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    Square D by Schneider Electric NC92VS

    Enclosure Cover, NQNF, Type 1, Surface, Ventilated, 20x92in | Square D NC92VS
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    RS NC92VS Bulk 1 Weeks 1
    • 1 $606.05
    • 10 $606.05
    • 100 $606.05
    • 1000 $606.05
    • 10000 $606.05
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    Square D by Schneider Electric NC92VS3P

    Enclosure Cover, NQNF, Type 1, surface, ventilated, 3 point latch, 20x92in | Square D NC92VS3P
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    RS NC92VS3P Bulk 1 Weeks 1
    • 1 $897.27
    • 10 $897.27
    • 100 $897.27
    • 1000 $897.27
    • 10000 $897.27
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    NC92 Datasheets (1)

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    NC921 NEC NPN Medium Power UHF-VHF Transistor Scan PDF

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    Abstract: B1DHDC000028 1R154 MA2J72900L LE80536 R1112N331B-TR-FA K1KA02BA0014 NC131 Q13MC3061000414 B1CFMC000008
    Text: CF-Y4 Schematic Diagram Main 1 DOTHAN HOST BUS VC15 1 VCPUCORE E7 E9 C46 10u 6.3V C41 10u 6.3V C35 10u 6.3V C30 10u 6.3V C24 10u 6.3V C20 10u 6.3V C16 10u 6.3V C12 10u 6.3V 2 C7 10u 6.3V C3 10u 6.3V E17 E19 E21 F6 F8 GND F18 F20 F22 C47 10u 6.3V C42 10u 6.3V

    FDS6690A NBNP006 B1DBGD000006 SENSE27 UNR9214J0L 1500p IC613 C0DBDJH00009 LTC4008EGN d5024 B1DHDC000028 1R154 MA2J72900L LE80536 R1112N331B-TR-FA K1KA02BA0014 NC131 Q13MC3061000414 B1CFMC000008 PDF

    msi G31 crb

    Abstract: sc413 2pc501 nvidia nb8 vga board APL5912 MS-1636 nvidia BGA OZ711SP1-1 10n400 Socket AM2
    Text: A B C D E MS-1636 VER : 1.0 +3V , +5V TPI51120 DC JACK & Selector Merom Page 3,4 Page 40 1 2 3 1 +VTT 1.05V 01:BLOCK DIAGRAM 02:PLATFORM 03:Merom-1 CPU (HOST BUS) 04:Merom-2 CPU (POWER/GND) 05:i965PM-1 (HOST) CRT 06:i965PM-2 (DMI/VGA) RGB 07:i965PM-3 (DDR2)

    MS-1636 TPI51120 i965PM-1 i965PM-2 i965PM-3 i965PM-4 i965PM-5 i965PM-6 32MX16 msi G31 crb sc413 2pc501 nvidia nb8 vga board APL5912 nvidia BGA OZ711SP1-1 10n400 Socket AM2 PDF

    smd code wKX

    Abstract: samsung nc110 samsung nc108 AR5112 TP2322 ELM7S08WS TP2320 smd zG sot 23 TP2323 GND194
    Text: [ Z zhtz|unGwyvwypl{hy€ Y X {opzGkvj|tlu{Gjvu{hpuzGjvumpklu{phs wyvwypl{hy€Gpumvyth{pvuG{oh{Gpz zhtz|unGlslj{yvupjzGjvNzGwyvwly{€U kvGuv{GkpzjsvzlG{vGvyGk|wspjh{lGmvyGv{olyz ljlw{GhzGh|{ovyplkGi€Gzhtz|unU k k jpjospk j i jw|GGGGGGaG ihuphzVkv{ohu j—GzŒ›GaG tjoTtGvkltR

    wziG2893-3017F ELM7S08WS 100nF MMBD41 PGB001 smd code wKX samsung nc110 samsung nc108 AR5112 TP2322 ELM7S08WS TP2320 smd zG sot 23 TP2323 GND194 PDF


    Abstract: PQ2000 up7711 PD8001 kb3925 asus schematic LG lcd backlight inverter RTL8111DL ADP3208J vga nvidia
    Text: 4 3 Reset 2 Off Button PWRGD DOWN CPU, VGA Thermal OVERT# FORCE_OFF# Circuit Daughter Board EC_RST# PWR_SW# 2 D AC_BAT_SYS +5VA +3VA 1 Power On SWITCH EC KB3925 5 PM_RSMRST# VSUS_ON ICH9-M VRMPWRGD C SUSC_EC# From EC 9 +12V +5V +3V +1.8V +1.5V +0.9V GMCH Cantiga

    KB3925 12VSUS PR136 PD8001 PC8002 PR280 PR8004 PR282 PU8001 PU8002 RTL8111D PQ2000 up7711 PD8001 kb3925 asus schematic LG lcd backlight inverter RTL8111DL ADP3208J vga nvidia PDF


    Abstract: isl6262acrz EC-IT8752 pc817 s6 Asus RTL8111C-GR sr7012 asus schematic diagram intel GM45 cantiga asus f3s
    Text: 4 3 Reset 2 Off Button PWRGD DOWN CPU, VGA Thermal OVERT# FORCE_OFF# Circuit Daughter Board EC_RST# PWR_SW# 2 D AC_BAT_SYS +5VA +3VA 1 3 6 Power On SWITCH EC KB3925 5 PM_RSMRST# VSUS_ON ICH9-M VRMPWRGD C SUSC_EC# From EC 9 +12V +5V +3V +1.8V +1.5V +0.9V GMCH

    KB3925 12VSUS 1SS355 GC147 033U/16V PMN45EN 100KOHM SI4800BDY kb3925 isl6262acrz EC-IT8752 pc817 s6 Asus RTL8111C-GR sr7012 asus schematic diagram intel GM45 cantiga asus f3s PDF


    Abstract: ALC662 K40IN UP7711U8 realtek 8112 RT8206A samsung nc108 MCP75 LC37 control key board up7711
    Text: 5 4 K40IN BLOCK DIAGRAM 3 2 1 CPU MERON;PENRYN XDP D Discharge Circuit Page 67 Page 3~5 D FSB 800MHz;1066MHz Thermal Sensor LCD Panel Page 45 PWM Fan DC Conn. Page 60 Page 50 Onboard DRAM Page 46 Page 41 Page 50 Page 6,8~9 CRT Switch & LED Maxim MAX6657 DDRII So-DIMMx2

    K40IN 800MHz 1066MHz MAX6657 MCP75 05VSUS TPS51116 ISL6266 BSC889N03MS BSC882N03MS rtl8112 ALC662 UP7711U8 realtek 8112 RT8206A samsung nc108 MCP75 LC37 control key board up7711 PDF

    beaglebone black

    Abstract: KE4CN2H5A-A58 D2516EC4BXGGB NC107 MTFC4GLDEA
    Text: A B C D C B A6A A6 1. Changed R46, R47,R48 to 0 ohms. 2. Changed R45 to 22 Ohms. Change was made due to production failures on some boards due to differences in impedances. A5C 5 4 THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THIS DESIGN , TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED



    Abstract: NC154 74LV128 NC168 NC108 NC143 C495 transistor NC164 NC132 NC130
    Text: ZLAN-57 ZL50211 2048 Channel VEC System Application Note Contents August 2003 The design contained within this document is intended as reference material only, and not as a fully qualified system. It is intended to be used as a starting point for a customer design.

    ZLAN-57 ZL50211 ZL50211 16Mbps, k2843 NC154 74LV128 NC168 NC108 NC143 C495 transistor NC164 NC132 NC130 PDF

    Diode Y1

    Abstract: pinout db9 rj45 BAT54 COL UIO12 DSTINI1-1MG TINIs400 DSTINI1-512 cd423 NC84 rj11 to db9 pinout
    Text: DSTINIs400/DSTINIs-00x Sockets Evaluation Board GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The TINI sockets boards are motherboards designed to host the corresponding TINI evaluation module. The combination of the two boards allows full evaluation of the features of the target

    DSTINIs400/DSTINIs-00x DS80C400, DSTINIm400 DSTINIs400. DSTINIm400) DSTINIs400 DS80C400 DS80C4nF Diode Y1 pinout db9 rj45 BAT54 COL UIO12 DSTINI1-1MG TINIs400 DSTINI1-512 cd423 NC84 rj11 to db9 pinout PDF

    K72 V3

    Abstract: transistor bipolar k72 transistor k72 x5 transistor k72 t8 D5024 k72 v6 transistor k72 v6 k104 transistor grease k67 transistor k79
    Text: ORDER NO. CPD0512063C1 Personal Computer CF-Y4 This is the Service Manual for the following areas. M …for U.S.A. and Canada Model No. CF-Y4HWPZZ 1 2 1: Operation System B: Microsoft Windows® XP Professional 2: Area M: Refer to above area table 2005 Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

    CPD0512063C1 EN60825 IC613 C0DBDJH00009 LTC4008EGN JS606 JS609 B1CFGD000004 2SK3019TL K72 V3 transistor bipolar k72 transistor k72 x5 transistor k72 t8 D5024 k72 v6 transistor k72 v6 k104 transistor grease k67 transistor k79 PDF

    BAT54 COL

    Abstract: UIO12 TINIs400 NC128 NC132 UIO30 nc86 dio sc bat54 DS2408 NC81
    Text: nPCE2 P52 P51 P50 A18 nC E2 nC E1 nC E0 P67 P66 A21 nC E7 nC E6 nC E5 nC E4 nC E3 P 1[7:0] nPCE3 P33 nPCE0 P 3[3:0] P31 P53 P32 nPCE1 P 5[3:0] P30 P 6[7:6] R xD0 R xD1 R xD2 R xD3 n R stIn TxClk R x C lk n R s t O ut TxD3 TxD2 TxD1 TxD0 TxEn CRS TxEn C OL

    DIMM144 100nF UIO26 UIO25 UIO24 UIO23 UIO22 XIO12 XIO11 XIO10 BAT54 COL UIO12 TINIs400 NC128 NC132 UIO30 nc86 dio sc bat54 DS2408 NC81 PDF


    Abstract: PE-65421 NFA18 NFA18 diode fa358 FA19 PE65421 FD052 29F010 nc92
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 SMSC USB97C100 SA3 SA2 SA1 SA0 B SD7 SD6 SD5 SD4 SD3 SD2 SD1 SD0 READY SD6 SD5 SD4 SD3 SD2 SD1 SD0 READY NC NC NC AEN NIOW NIOR NC NC NC IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ1 IRQ0 IRQ3 IRQ2 IRQ1 IRQ0 100 READY 104 DRQ3 106 DRQ2 108 DRQ1 110 DRQ0 105 NDACK3 107 NDACK2

    USB97C100 NFA18 74ACT00 MAX707 USB97C100 EVB97C100-10BT SD5115 PE-65421 NFA18 NFA18 diode fa358 FA19 PE65421 FD052 29F010 nc92 PDF


    Abstract: ISL6262CRZ RT9199 ALC660 307LV 966L schematic LG TV lcd backlight led inverter led RT9199PSP ICS9LPR600 SUSCON capacitor
    Text: 5 4 3 01_Block Diagram 2 CPU 02_System Setting 03_Power Sequence CLOCK GEN YONAH 31W 04_History 1 Z96H ICS 9LPR600 07_CLOCK GEN-ICS9LPR600 08_CLOCK BUFFER-ICS9P935 D 09_CPU-YONAH HOST 10_CPU-YONAH(PWR) 11_NB-M662MX(HOST) 12_NB-M662MX(MuTIOL&VGA) SiS 307LV

    GEN-ICS9LPR600 BUFFER-ICS9P935 9LPR600 NB-M662MX SB-966L CODEC-ALC660 ISL6262CRZ RT9199 ALC660 307LV 966L schematic LG TV lcd backlight led inverter led RT9199PSP ICS9LPR600 SUSCON capacitor PDF


    Abstract: 9lpr600 SiS307ELV 88E8056 SIS 672 Sis 968 south bridge SIS 968 Asus PT116 slb9635

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    Abstract: Sony CXD1135 SM6841 sony cxd1125 0W16 cxd1130 SM5841BS CXD1125 SM5841AS il127
    Text: SM5841A/B QJPC 7*4 NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. SM5841A/B tè ,NPC tffà É K $|§& L t z ^ 1 ¥~~ h CMOS 'J9 )Vy 4 to p a to SM5841A/B fi, y 7 ^ fcflUE L tz T 4 V 9 )V* - T 4 t W T4 > rffilè<Ditfe. rW itjrjV'T'tx.y V 7 h ^ jt.- h ^ lasflE 3.2V) -ci>i&i^^'nrt^’ei-o

    OCR Scan
    SM5841A/B SM5841A/B 4535fs SM5841B 256fs/384fs SM6841 PCM58P cxd1135 Sony CXD1135 sony cxd1125 0W16 cxd1130 SM5841BS CXD1125 SM5841AS il127 PDF


    Abstract: CXD1125 MN6617 PCM58P 4fsk csd1130 sony cxd1125 PD6376 SM5841 SM5841D
    Text: rupc NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. SM5841D Audio Multi-function Digital Filter OVERVIEW The SM5841D is a digital filter, fabricated in Molybdenum-gate CMOS, for digital audio playback systems. The SM5841D features 4-times and 8-times oversampling, digital deemphasis, digital attenuation and soft

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    SM5841D SM5841D 22-pin 69-tap 13-tap NC9255CE SM5841DS CXD1125 MN6617 PCM58P 4fsk csd1130 sony cxd1125 PD6376 SM5841 PDF

    SVI 3104 c

    Abstract: UPC1678G ne333 stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor bf 175 NE85635 packaging schematic NE72000 VC svi 3104 NE9000 NE720
    Text: Introduction Small Signal GaAs FETs Power GaAs FETs Small Signal Silicon Bipolar Transistors Power Silicon Bipolar Transistors Silicon Monolithic Circuits GaAs Monolithic Circuits Reliability Assurance Appendix This C atalog is printed on R ecycled Paper California Eastern Laboratories, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products or

    OCR Scan
    AN83301-1 NE24615 AN83302 AN83303-1 NE71083 NE70083 AN83901 AN85301 11/86-LN AN86104 SVI 3104 c UPC1678G ne333 stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor bf 175 NE85635 packaging schematic NE72000 VC svi 3104 NE9000 NE720 PDF


    Abstract: 50 BCOW 00 bcow cxd1135 Sony CXD1135 cxd1125 SONY cxd1130 Sony CXD1125 SM5852AS Car r
    Text: fUPC SM5852AS Digital Signal Processor NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS LTD. OVERVIEW PINOUT The SM5852AS is a digital signal processor IC that features Digital Dynamic Bass Boost DDBB and Digital Dynamic-range compression Sound (DDS) functions, making it ideal for use in digital audio

    OCR Scan
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    Abstract: so 54 t cxd1135 cxd*1135 cxd1130 SONY cxd1130 D2141 CXD1125
    Text: fUPC SM5852AS Digital Signal Processor NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS LTD. OVERVIEW PINOUT The SM5852AS is a digital signal processor IC that features Digital Dynamic Bass Boost DDBB and Digital Dynamic-range compression Sound (DDS) functions, making it ideal for use in digital audio

    OCR Scan
    SM5852AS 16-pin NC9211A sony cxd1125 so 54 t cxd1135 cxd*1135 cxd1130 SONY cxd1130 D2141 CXD1125 PDF


    Abstract: SM5872BS 1SSB1 yamaha fc5 C91J htv 375 yamaha ic KMI 814 SM5872B BUK 546
    Text: in 2 Ln oo •o Cn S _ vu 'j NJ > Ni so C/i I A V VJ C/3 Q *° 7s ui <z> a \ r s? m h ^ •4 V. I V' « uU s X pp ^ il V 4 * V i S: ^ m 3 l§ u r ¿ [ I Q ! | v V: ^ ~r n S oc « A * 3 % m rv 0 ^ g a - n M ^ — V n fr is a m g I * $1 s tfr EE vi & £f

    OCR Scan
    SM5872A/B IDECOSM5872A/B 5465fs SM5872B SM5872 NC9242C GFCI SM5872BS 1SSB1 yamaha fc5 C91J htv 375 yamaha ic KMI 814 SM5872B BUK 546 PDF

    sony cxd1125

    Abstract: SONY cxd1130 SM5841CS cxd1130 cxd1125 digital filter for digital audio ym3623 MN6617 SM5841C 0W16
    Text: OJPC SM5841C Audio Multi-function Digital Filter NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS INC. OVERVIEW The SM5841C is a digital filter for digital audio, fabricated in Molybdenum-gate CMOS. The SM5841C fea­ tures 8-times oversampling, digital deemphasis, soft muting and a noise shaper. It can operate from a standard

    OCR Scan
    SM5841C SM5841C 22-pin 69-tap 13-tap NC9252CE sony cxd1125 SONY cxd1130 SM5841CS cxd1130 cxd1125 digital filter for digital audio ym3623 MN6617 0W16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: \ - + Technical Data CD54/74HC11 CD54/74HCT11 HARRIS SEMICOND 3 -2- 1-00 File N um b er SECTOR 27E D H 4302271 1475 001747= 2 • H A S High-Speed CMOS Logic Triple 3-Input AND Gate Type Features: ■ B uffe red inputs m Typical propagation delay = 8 ns r A = 25° c

    OCR Scan
    CD54/74HC11 CD54/74HCT11 -CD54/74HC11 CD54/74HCT11 T/74H 54/74HC 54/74HCT 74hc11 PDF


    Abstract: TC9200f MN6617 CXD2500 DIP18 digital filter for digital audio 0w16
    Text: fUPC Audio Multi-function Digital Filter OVERVIEW PINOUTS NIPPON PRECISION CIRCUITS LTD. The SM5840JP/JS is an 8-times oversampling digi­ tal filter for digital audio, fabricated using NPC’s Moly-Gate CMOS process. It supports 18.9 and 37.8 kHz input sample rates for CDI replay, and

    OCR Scan
    SM5840JP/JS SM5840JP/JS 18-bit 20-bit NC9218A TC9200 TC9200f MN6617 CXD2500 DIP18 digital filter for digital audio 0w16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ 8 & m/1 TO ^ is SS _ . ^ J-N Sk * ? CO* ir > * V > co| A m ,>k S I fs CM V IS & m & m „1 2 W BEE ^ i t nt G H Q g Q < 6 O Q CU 0 0 If A jj *\ N in’ & K fc I 'S >h H >\ >r K ÌK ••! ^ ir -*- >r IK IN ;X Y V O f ¡Z S o q q q Û J oQ o W u sp «o ni

    OCR Scan
    5841D 5841D TEL06 FAX06 NC9255C PDF