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    California Eastern Laboratories (CEL) NE94430-T1-A

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    DigiKey NE94430-T1-A Reel 3,000
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    • 10000 $0.17596
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    California Eastern Laboratories (CEL) NE94430

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    Bristol Electronics NE94430 2
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    Quest Components NE94430 1
    • 1 $6
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    • 100 $6
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    • 10000 $6
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    NE94430 Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    NE94430-AZ NEC TRANS GP BJT NPN 15V 0.05A Original PDF
    NE94430-T1-A NEC RF Transistors (BJT), Discrete Semiconductor Products, TRANS NPN OSC FT=2GHZ SOT-323 Original PDF
    NE94430-T2 NEC NPN silicon oscillator and mixer transistor. Original PDF
    NE94430-T2-AZ NEC TRANS GP BJT NPN 15V 0.05A T/R Original PDF

    NE94430 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: transistor C2003 C319B MGF1412 RF TRANSISTOR 10GHZ MRF134 rf model .lib file 2SK571 MGF1402 MRF9331 pb_hp_at41411_19921101
    Text: Vendor Component Libraries RF Transistor Library May 2003 Notice The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Agilent Technologies makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness

    F2002: F2003: F2004: 2SC3355 SPICE MODEL transistor C2003 C319B MGF1412 RF TRANSISTOR 10GHZ MRF134 rf model .lib file 2SK571 MGF1402 MRF9331 pb_hp_at41411_19921101 PDF


    Abstract: NE94430 2SC3545 2SC4184 NE944 NE94432 NE94433 S21E
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES DESCRIPTION • LOW COST The NE944 series of NPN silicon epitaxial bipolar transistors is intended for use in general purpose UHF oscillator and mixer applications. It is suitable for automotive keyless entry

    NE944 NE944 CONDITI17 34-6393/FAX 2SC3544 NE94430 2SC3545 2SC4184 NE94432 NE94433 S21E PDF


    Abstract: T62 marking marking R33 NE02130B NE02130 NE94430 NE68030 NE68130 NE68530 NE68630
    Text: Packaging Schematic All dimensions are in millimeters, and typical unless otherwise specified. Drawings are not to scale. 30 2.1 ± 0.2 1.25 ± 0.1 0.65 2.0 ± 0.2 2 1.3 3 1 +0.1 0.3 -0.05 ALL LEADS MARKING 0.15 0.9 ± 0.1 0 to 0.1 PART NUMBER NE02130B NE02130

    NE02130B NE02130 NE68030 NE68130 NE68530 NE68630 NE68730 NE68830 NE85630 NE94430 NE85630 T62 marking marking R33 NE02130B NE02130 NE94430 NE68030 NE68130 NE68530 NE68630 PDF


    Abstract: 2SC3545 2SC4184 NE944 NE94430 NE94430-T2 NE94432 NE94433 0840 057 MICROWAVE TRANSISTOR
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES DESCRIPTION • LOW COST The NE944 series of NPN silicon epitaxial bipolar transistors is intended for use in general purpose UHF oscillator and mixer applications. It is suitable for automotive keyless entry

    NE944 NE944 NE94430-T2 NE94433-T1B 24-Hour NE94433-T1B 2SC3545 2SC4184 NE94430 NE94430-T2 NE94432 NE94433 0840 057 MICROWAVE TRANSISTOR PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram philips ecg master replacement guide ecg semiconductors master replacement guide diac 3202 bta16 6008 csr1000 mini Audio transformer 200k to 1k ct input jrc 2904 d BTA12 6008
    Text: Prices Guaranteed Until July 31,1998 Catalog 594 Search Products Suppliers New Products CD Only Products How to Order Web Site Help Select an Option Main Menu New Products Help See pages 194 and 196 for new Trimmer Potentiometers. See pages 41 and 42 for new EEPROMS.

    Batte48 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram philips ecg master replacement guide ecg semiconductors master replacement guide diac 3202 bta16 6008 csr1000 mini Audio transformer 200k to 1k ct input jrc 2904 d BTA12 6008 PDF

    UAA 1006

    Abstract: manual* cygnus sl 5000 transistor marking T79 ghz PC1658G NEC Ga FET marking code T79 gaas fet T79 pc1658 MC-7712 2SC5431 NEC U71
    Text: NEC Offices NEC Electronics Europe GmbH Oberrather Str. 4 D-40472 Düsseldorf, Tel. (02 11) 65 03 01 Fax (02 11) 65 03-3 27 NEC Electronics Italiana S.R.L. Via Fabio Filzi, 25A I-20124 Milano Tel. (02) 66 75 41 Fax (02) 66 75 42 99 NEC Electronics (Germany) GmbH

    D-40472 I-20124 I-00139 D-30177 GB-MK14 D-81925 S-18322 F-78142 E-28007 UAA 1006 manual* cygnus sl 5000 transistor marking T79 ghz PC1658G NEC Ga FET marking code T79 gaas fet T79 pc1658 MC-7712 2SC5431 NEC U71 PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 2-6 Fiber Optic Connectors and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . See Page 121 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 10-122 Fiber Optic Cable, Connectors, and Accessories . . . . . . See Pages 118-122

    P390-ND P465-ND P466-ND P467-ND LNG901CF9 LNG992CFBW LNG901CFBW LNG91LCFBW 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor PDF

    MRF947T1 equivalent

    Abstract: MRF947T1 equivalent transistor NJ1006 BFP320 fll120mk FLL101ME MGF4919G fujitsu gaas fet fhx76lp HPMA-2086 MMBR521L
    Text: California Eastern Laboratories CEL / NEC - Complete Cross Reference Manufacturer Part Nbr NEC 2SA1977 NEC 2SA1978 NEC 2SC2351 NEC 2SC3355 NEC 2SC3357 NEC 2SC3545 NEC 2SC3583 NEC 2SC3585 Toshiba Matsushita Matsushita NEC 2SC4093 NEC 2SC4094 NEC 2SC4095 Hitachi

    2SA1977 2SA1978 2SC2351 2SC3355 2SC3357 2SC3545 2SC3583 2SC3585 2SC4093 2SC4094 MRF947T1 equivalent MRF947T1 equivalent transistor NJ1006 BFP320 fll120mk FLL101ME MGF4919G fujitsu gaas fet fhx76lp HPMA-2086 MMBR521L PDF


    Abstract: NE46734 NE32702 NE32708 NE32740A NE32740B NE46700 NE68039 NE94430
    Text: N E C / CALIFORNIA SbE D • b4E7414 DD0ES33 374 M N E C C Additional Small Signal Silicon Bipolar Products E LE C T R IC A L CH ARACTERISTICS PAR T N UM BER PACKAGE CODE VCEO V (mA) Pt (W) NE32700 NE32702 NE32708 NE32740A NE32740B CHIP 02 08 40A 40B 12

    OCR Scan
    ME7414 D00E533 NE32700 NE32702 NE32708 NE32740A NE32740B NE46700 NE46734 NE68039 NE94430 PDF

    SVI 3104 c

    Abstract: UPC1678G ne333 stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor bf 175 NE85635 packaging schematic NE72000 VC svi 3104 NE9000 NE720
    Text: Introduction Small Signal GaAs FETs Power GaAs FETs Small Signal Silicon Bipolar Transistors Power Silicon Bipolar Transistors Silicon Monolithic Circuits GaAs Monolithic Circuits Reliability Assurance Appendix This C atalog is printed on R ecycled Paper California Eastern Laboratories, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to the products or

    OCR Scan
    AN83301-1 NE24615 AN83302 AN83303-1 NE71083 NE70083 AN83901 AN85301 11/86-LN AN86104 SVI 3104 c UPC1678G ne333 stb 1277 TRANSISTOR equivalent transistor bf 175 NE85635 packaging schematic NE72000 VC svi 3104 NE9000 NE720 PDF

    EZ 707

    Abstract: 2SC3544 EZ 0710 EZ 728
    Text: -NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION . LOW COST The NE944 series of NPN silicon epitaxial bipolar transistors is intended for use in general purpose UHF oscillator and mixer applications. It is suitable for automotive keyless entry

    OCR Scan
    NE944 EZ 707 2SC3544 EZ 0710 EZ 728 PDF


    Abstract: IC sn 74 ls 2000
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION • LO W COST The NE944 series of NPN silicon epitaxial bipolar transistors is intended for use in general purpose UH F oscillator and m ixer applications. It is suitable for autom otive keyless entry

    OCR Scan
    NE944 IS12I IS12S21I b427525 00L5770 2SC3544 IC sn 74 ls 2000 PDF


    Abstract: NE64535 CHIP transistor 348 fvh 38 p08c NE68039 NE889 NE02135 NE64500 NE24318
    Text: Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Selection Guide Typical Minimum Noise Figures and Associated Gain vs. Frequency Optimum Noise Figure, Ga dB Noise Figure, NFopt (dB) Gain at Optimum Frequency, f (GHz) Typical Output Power and Gain vs. Frequency NE46134 10 V, 80 mA, PidB - 26.7

    OCR Scan
    NE46134 NE85634 NE46734 NE85634 NE46134 NE85619 NE68119 73412 NE64535 CHIP transistor 348 fvh 38 p08c NE68039 NE889 NE02135 NE64500 NE24318 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Medium Power Bipolar Transistors -i : . ,*&• M l VCE Pm dBM TYP (dBM) VCE (V) fc <mA> (V) (mA) Mm m. / -fr:.; λ TYP 'rrtifria' (dB) r. JH H S L 2.0 12.5 100 19 27 10 100 9.8 5.5 100 NE46134 1.0 . 12.5 100 20.5 27.5 10 50 9 5.5 100 ] 250 NE461M02 1.0

    OCR Scan
    NE46100 NE46134 NE461M02 NE85634 NE856M02 OT-89 NE94430 NE94433 PDF

    transistor IR 324 C

    Abstract: transistor selection guide
    Text: Small Signal Bipolar Transistor Selection Guide Typical Minimum Noise Figures and Associated Gain vs. Frequency d B Gain Optimum Figure, G a (d B ) Noise Noise Figure, N F opt at Optimum F re q u e n c y , f (G H z ) Typical Output Power and Gain vs. Frequency

    OCR Scan
    NE46134 NE85634 NE46134 NE46734 NE68018-T1 transistor IR 324 C transistor selection guide PDF


    Abstract: 2sc 792 lt 8232 CT 101 K 104 B 1206
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION . LOW COST The NE944 series of NPN silicon epitaxial bipolar transistors is intended for use in general purpose UH F oscillator and mixer applications. It is suitable for automotive keyless entry

    OCR Scan
    NE944 2SC3544 2sc 792 lt 8232 CT 101 K 104 B 1206 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES_ DESCRIPTION • LOW COST The NE944 series of NPN silicon epitaxial bipolar transistors is intended for use in general purpose UHF oscillator and mixer applications. It is suitable for automotive keyless entry

    OCR Scan
    NE944 NE94430-T2 NE94433-T1B IS111 PDF


    Abstract: 814T
    Text: Medium Power Bipolar Transistors Pide MAQ fr I TEST Hfe Fax on dBM TYP (dBM) NE46100 2.0 12.5 100 19 27 10 100 9.8 5.5 100 250 Chip 00 D 314 NE46134 1.0 12.5 100 20.5 27.5 10 50 9 5.5 100 250 SOT-89 34 D 314 NE85634 1.0 10 40 13 22 10 40 11 6.5 120 100 SOT-89

    OCR Scan
    NE46100 NE46134 NE85634 OT-89 NE94430 E944321 NE94433 UPA801T UPA806T NE68018 814T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NPN SILICON OSCILLATOR AND MIXER TRANSISTOR NE944 SERIES FEATURES DESCRIPTION • LOW COST T he N E 9 44 series o f NPN silicon epitaxial b ipo lar transisto rs is intended fo r use in ge ne ral purpose U H F o scilla to r and m ixer applicatio ns. It is su ita b le fo r au tom otive keyless entry

    OCR Scan
    NE944 NE94430 2SC4184 NE94430-T2 NE94433-T1B 24-Hour PDF