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    NEC IC D75 Search Results

    NEC IC D75 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SZ07FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Non-Inverter Buffer (Open Drain), SOT-353 (USV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7W66FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), SPST Analog Switch, SOT-765 (US8), 2 in 1, -40 to 85 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SET125F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-25 (SMV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WH125FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-505 (SM8), 2 in 1, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    NEC IC D75 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PE-67588 TLA-6M102
    Text: USER’S MANUAL µ3' SRUW0$703+</6, 1 $6&27770 NEC Corporation 1997 Document NO: S11409EJ2V0UMJ1(2nd edition Date Published: October 2000 NOTES FOR CMOS DEVICES 1 PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD FOR SEMICONDUCTORS Note: Strong electric field, when exposed to a MOS device, can cause destruction of the gate oxide and

    S11409EJ2V0UMJ1 atml PE-67588 TLA-6M102 PDF

    D78 NEC

    Abstract: PE-67588 TLA-6M102
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    d88-6130 D78 NEC PE-67588 TLA-6M102 PDF


    Abstract: uPD7105 82C55 NEC UPD71051GU RD71054 uPD71055GB-3B4 avnet NEC 82c55 82C51 uPD71054
    Text: Avnet Memec – The Source of Innovation REPLACEMENT FOR µPD71051 µPD71054 µPD71055 µPD71059 01/2008 AND COMPATIBLE DEVICES CREATE INNOVATE ACCELERATE AVNET MEMEC REPLACEMENT FOR THE POPULAR µPD7105X FAMILY Following the phase-out of the popular µPD71051, µPD71054, µPD71055, µPD71059 devices from NEC Electronics.

    PD71051 PD71054 PD71055 PD71059 PD7105X PD71051, PD71054, PD71055, PD71059 RD71051, upd71055 uPD7105 82C55 NEC UPD71051GU RD71054 uPD71055GB-3B4 avnet NEC 82c55 82C51 uPD71054 PDF

    Digital IC CMOS 16x1 mux

    Abstract: PART NUMBERING NEC IC DECODER ic tba 810 f34 function generator 80c42 F981 IC NEC VOLTAGE COMPARATOR IC LIST 3volt inverter 765 floppy disk controller 16x1 mux
    Text: b42?525 00437T3 TTT « N E C E |^ | 1^1 t w C B-C7, 3-VO LT 0.8-M IC R O N c e l l - b a s e d c m o s a s ic NEC Electronics Inc. C Preliminary Description The CB-C7,3-volt cell-based product family is intended for low power portables and battery-operated products. A

    OCR Scan
    00437T3 V30HL 16-bit NA80C42H NA8250 Digital IC CMOS 16x1 mux PART NUMBERING NEC IC DECODER ic tba 810 f34 function generator 80c42 F981 IC NEC VOLTAGE COMPARATOR IC LIST 3volt inverter 765 floppy disk controller 16x1 mux PDF


    Abstract: stc-1000 D7519 NEC FIP 7519 v D-7519 STC1000
    Text: i ií r / V NEC Electronics Inc. HPD7519/19H 4-BIT, SINGLE-CHIP c m o s m ic r o c o m p u t e r s W ITH FIP CONTROLLER/DRIVER Description Features The /¿PD7519, 7519H, 75CG19, and 75CG19H are CMOS 4-bit, single-chip m icro com pu ters w ith the /¿PD7500

    OCR Scan
    uPD7519 uPD7519H PD7519, 7519H, 75CG19, 75CG19H PD7500 14-bit 16-character, 14-segment 2SH24 stc-1000 D7519 NEC FIP 7519 v D-7519 STC1000 PDF

    nec 44-pin QFP

    Abstract: l1209 nec 44pin D75064CU 75068G
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD75064, 75066, 75068, 75064 A , 75066(A), 75068(A) T h e /JPD75064, 75066, 75068 and /#D75064(A), 75066(A), 75068(A) differ o n ly in their qu a lity grade. U n less o th erw ise specified, th is data sh eet d escrib es the /¿PD75068 as th e representative product.

    OCR Scan
    uPD75064 uPD75066 uPD75068 /JPD75064, D75064 PD75068 PD75064-- nec 44-pin QFP l1209 nec 44pin D75064CU 75068G PDF


    Abstract: 1r30 KRO 6.5 trip KMKP D75328 pD75304GF microcontroller based traffic light control JUPD75316 PD75306 PD75316
    Text: . J/PD75316 Family fiP D75304/306/308/312/316/P308/P316A Single-Chip Microcontrollers With LCD Controller/Driver NEC- N E C E lectronics Inc. June 1994 Description d The ^PD75316 fam ily of high-perform ance 4-bit single chip CMOS m icrocontrollers includes the follow ing

    OCR Scan
    uPD75316 uPD75304 uPD75306 uPD75308 uPD75312 uPD75P308 uPD75P316A PD75316 pPD75304 PD75X 1r30 KRO 6.5 trip KMKP D75328 pD75304GF microcontroller based traffic light control JUPD75316 PD75306 PDF


    Abstract: d75p316 D75304GF D75308GF PD75316G D75312GF PD75X nec PC141 NEC microcontroller qfp-80 d75316
    Text: . |\| E ¿/PD75316 Fam ily C jiP D75304/306/308/312/316/P308/P316A Single-Chip Microcontrollers With LCD Controller/Driver NEC Electronics Inc. June 1994 Description The juPD75316 fam ily of high-perform ance 4-bit single chip CMOS m icrocontrollers includes the follow ing

    OCR Scan
    uPD75316 D75304/306/308/312/316/P308/P316A) juPD75316 fiPD75304 fiPD75312 /JPD75P316A jUPD75306 PD75316 fiPD75308 juPD75P308 D75306GF d75p316 D75304GF D75308GF PD75316G D75312GF PD75X nec PC141 NEC microcontroller qfp-80 d75316 PDF


    Abstract: uPD27C2000 23C4000 pd77p20 D27c512 PD75402 d27c1001 pd75216 D75328 JPD7527A
    Text: NEC NEC E lectronics Inc. ROM Code Submission Guide Application Note 90-05 Introduction Minimum Requirements This a p p lic a tio n n o te p ro vid e s g u id e lin e s fo r su b m it­ tin g th e d a ta file s used by NEC to p ro g ra m se m icu s­ to m iz e d in te g ra te d c irc u its a c o m p le te lis t of w h ich

    OCR Scan
    30000-J6 FFFF-16 D7528AC uPD27C2000 23C4000 pd77p20 D27c512 PD75402 d27c1001 pd75216 D75328 JPD7527A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PD75P316A 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The /¿PD75P316A is a product of the /iPD75316 with on-chip ROM having been replaced with the one-time PROM or EPROM . It is most suitable for test production during system development and for production in sm all amounts since it

    OCR Scan
    PD75P316A PD75P316A /iPD75316 PD75316/75P316, EEU-730 EEU-704 PG-1500 IEI-635 IEI-1207 IEI-1209 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The ¿ZPD75512 is a 4-bit single-chip m icrocom puter which employs 75X series architecture, and its perform ­ ance is com parable to that of an 8-bit microcomputer. In addition to its high-speed processing capabilities, the /¿PD75512 is also capable of processing data in units

    OCR Scan
    ZPD75512 PD75512 jiPD75512 /XPD75516 IEM-5049 EP-75516GF-R pPD75512, 80-pin EV-9200G-80. EV-9200G-80 PDF

    philips V30M

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CB-C8VX/VM 3-Volt, 0.5-M icron Cell-Based CMOS ASIC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. April 1996 Preliminary Figure 1. BGA Package Examples Description NEC's CB-C8VX/VM CMOS cell-based ASIC family facilitates the design of complete cell-based silicon system s composed of user-defined logic, complex

    OCR Scan
    35-micron b427525 philips V30M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PD75P316B 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The /JPD75P316B is a product of the jjPD75316B with its built-in ROM having been replaced with the one­ tim e PROM. It is most suitable for test production during system development and forproduction in small

    OCR Scan
    PD75P316B /JPD75P316B jjPD75316B EEU-731 RA75X EEU-730 PG-1500 EEU-704 IEI-635 IEI-1207 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET / M OS IN TEG R A TED C IR C U IT ¿¿PD750064, 750066, 750068, 750064 A , 750066(A), 750068(A) 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLERS The ¿¡PD750068 is one of the 75XL Series 4 -bit sin g le -ch ip m icro co n tro lle rs and has a data processing ca pa bility

    OCR Scan
    PD750064, PD750068 16-bit uPD750068 PD750068. U10165EJ2V0DS00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PP75P4308 m b 4 2 75 25 QOfiôSTH 123 • MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. IBM DOS, PC/AT, and PC DOS are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. The export of this product from Japan is regulated by the Japanese government. To export this product may be prohibited

    OCR Scan
    PP75P4308 b427525 00flflfc PDF


    Abstract: JPD7554 P110 il02 7564 NEC
    Text: JJPD75P54/P64 i W *j V NEC Electronics Inc. 4-Bit, Single-Chip, One-Time Programmable (OTP CMOS Microcomputers W ith Serial I/O Description Ordering Information The pPD75P54 and pPD75P64 are 1024 x 8 -bit on-chip, one-time programmable (OTP) ROM versions of the

    OCR Scan
    uPD75P54 uPD75P64 pPD75P54 pPD75P64 JPD7554 pPD7564. the//PD75P54/P64 juPD7554/64 pPD75P54CS /PD75P64CS PD75P54 P110 il02 7564 NEC PDF

    HT - 0886

    Abstract: HT 0886 g3je ht 9366 MARKING LE50 T108
    Text: NEC 1 î ^>— 57 . Ì / — h C om pound Transistor / \ 1 ' 7 t «F GN1A3Q & ^ •^ H ! W Ì o'<j tx m /L £ ftB itr o tte ( Ri = 1 .0 k û , 2.1 ±0.1 1.25 + 0.1 R 2 = 10 kQ O G A 1A 3Q £ 3 > r i) / > ? ') T îû tm T ' ë i t (T a = m z îv JX. ; 2

    OCR Scan
    PWS10 CycleS50 HT - 0886 HT 0886 g3je ht 9366 MARKING LE50 T108 PDF


    Abstract: d7554 PD7554 PD7564CS opt pl13 BE 64A MPD7564 il02 P102 P103
    Text: JUPD7554/54A/64/64A 4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers With Serial I/O NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Ordering Information_ Description The //PD7554/54A and pPD7564/64A are low-end ver­ sions of/JPD7500 series products. These m icro com pu t­

    OCR Scan
    UPD7554 UPD7554A UPD7564 UPD7564A fjPD7554CS f/PD7554ACS //PD7554/54A pPD7564/64A of/JPD7500 PD7500 PD7564AG d7554 PD7554 PD7564CS opt pl13 BE 64A MPD7564 il02 P102 P103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E pPD75316 Family #iPD75304/306/308/312/316/P308/P316/P316A 4-Bit, Single-Chip Microcontrollers W ith LCD Controller/Driver C NEC Electronics Inc. March 1994 Description The yjPD75316 fam ily of high-perform ance 4-bit single chip CMOS m icrocontrollers includes the follow ing

    OCR Scan
    pPD75316 iPD75304/306/308/312/316/P308/P316/P316A) yjPD75316 JPD75304 pPD75312 pPD75P316 /JPD75306 /JPD75316 /JPD75P316A /JPD75308 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿iPD 753012 , 75 3 01 6 ,75 3 0 17 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER T h e /iPD753017 is one of the 7 5 X L s e rie s 4-bit sin g le -ch ip m icro co n tro lle r ch ip s and h a s a data p ro ce ssin g ca p a b ility co m p a ra b le to that of an 8-bit m icro co n tro lle r.

    OCR Scan
    /iPD753017 75316B, 12x12 b42752S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iP D 7 5 3 1 0 4 , 7 5 3 1 0 6 ,7 5 3 1 0 8 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ^PD753108 is one of the 75XL series 4-bit single-chip microcontroller chips and has a data processing capability comparable to that of an 8-bit microcontroller.

    OCR Scan
    PD753108 80-pin 64-pin 12x12 PD75308B. HPD753108 U10890E bM27525 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ly NEC Electronics Inc. JJPD75048/75P056 General-Purpose 4-Bit Microcomputers With EEPROM and A/D Converter Description The ^PD75048 is a single-chip CMOS microcomputer containing CPU, ROM, EEPROM, RAM, I/O ports, sev­ eral timer/counters, A/D converter, vectored interrupts,

    OCR Scan
    uPD75048 uPD75P056 PD75048 14-bit 16-bit 16-bit, 64-pin D75048CW PDF

    uPD7500* instruction set

    Abstract: D7556 JPD7566ACS uPD7500 instruction set a diagram rice cooker microcomputer stop mode halt mode NEC retenti EVAKIT-7500 20ppd7556 uPD7500 instruction set
    Text: NEC #iPD7556/56A/66/66A 4-Bit, Single-Chip CMOS Microcomputers With Comparator NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /JPD7556/66A and /JPD7566/66A are low-end ver­ sions of pPD7500 series products. These m icrocom put­ ers in corp orate a 4-bit com parator input and are useful

    OCR Scan
    uPD7556 uPD7556A uPD7566 uPD7566A /JPD7556/66A /JPD7566/66A pPD7500 /JPD7500 COM-87 juPD7556/56A/66/66A uPD7500* instruction set D7556 JPD7566ACS uPD7500 instruction set a diagram rice cooker microcomputer stop mode halt mode NEC retenti EVAKIT-7500 20ppd7556 uPD7500 instruction set PDF

    SKIP 603 GB 122 CT

    Abstract: UAA 1006 75P0016 uPD7500* instruction set upd75p0016
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /iP D 7 5 P 0 0 1 6 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICRO CONTROLLER The /iPD75P0016 replaces the / jPD750008&#39;s internal mask ROM with a one-time PROM and features expanded ROM capacity. Because the ¿¿PD75P0016 supports programming by users, it is Suitable for use in prototype testing for system

    OCR Scan
    uPD75P0016 uPD750008 iPD750004, pPD75P0008 IEU-1421 PD750008 iPD750008 U1Q328EJ1V0OS01 b427525 SKIP 603 GB 122 CT UAA 1006 75P0016 uPD7500* instruction set PDF