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    NEC OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC75S102F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Operational Amplifier, 1.5V to 5.5V, I/O Rail to Rail, IDD=0.27μA, SOT-25 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    UPC251G2-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifier Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPC821C-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA17904ATEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HA1630S02LPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation Operational Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    NEC OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description /¿PC4081 J-FET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Pin Configuration TheAiPC4081 is a single operational amplifier with a com­ bination of matched ion implanted P-channel J-FET inputs with standard bipolar transistor technology. The

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    PC4081 TheAiPC4081 /UPC4081 /JPC4081 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC //PC324 QUAD LOW-POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER NEC Electronics Inc. Pin Configuration D escription The/iPC 324 is a quad operational am plifier designed to operate from either single or split power supplies, with very low current drain. The input common mode

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    //PC324 LM324 /iPC324C //PC324G2e PC324 PDF

    nec 358 amplifier

    Abstract: operational amplifier 458 PC1458 LPC-1458
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. D escription yuPC1458 DUAL GENERAL PURPOSE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Pin Configuration The /UPC1458 ¡a a dual general purpose operational amplifier w hich incorporates internal frequency com pen­ sation. This circuit w a s designed for a wide range of g e n ­

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    uPC1458 yuPC1458 PC1458 nec 358 amplifier operational amplifier 458 PC1458 LPC-1458 PDF


    Abstract: pc4741G
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. D escription //PC4741 QUAD HIGH-PERFORMANCE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER P in Configuration The¿/PC4741 is a quad operational am plifier designed using four independent internally compensated highperformance 741-type operational amplifiers. The

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    //PC4741 /PC4741 741-type HA4741 /yPC4741 3-002606A yuPC4741 PC4741 pc4741G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. D e scrip tio n /¿PC356 J-FET INPUT OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Pin C o n figu ratio n The juPC356 is a J -F E T input operational amplifier with matched P-channel ion implanted J -F E T s. In addition to the obvious advantages of J -F E T inputs, the //PC356 is

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    PC356 juPC356 //PC356 LF356 ATPC356 //PC356 PDF


    Abstract: MPC358 PC358C NEC SIP 8pin uc358c
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT _ /¿PC358 LOW POWER DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The juPC358 is a dual operational amplifier which is • Internally frequency compensation designed to operate from a single power supply over a

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    uPC358 juPC358 WS60-00-1 IR30-00-1 /iPC358C: /iPC358HA: P9HA-254B MPC358 PC358C NEC SIP 8pin uc358c PDF


    Abstract: PC741 replacement for ua741 uc741 UPC741 NEC C 324 C PC741C PC741 C C741
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description jjPC741 GENERAL PURPOSE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Pin Configuration The //PC741 is a general purpose operational amplifier which incorporates internal frequency com pensation C1 = 30 pF . It is intended for a wide range of analog

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    uPC741 /uA741 jjPC741 /PC741 juPC741 PC741G PC741 replacement for ua741 uc741 NEC C 324 C PC741C PC741 C C741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description /vPC4250 PROGRAMMABLE OPERATIONAL AM PLIFIER Pin Configuration The //PC4250 is a very versatile m onolithic operational amplifier. The quiescent pow er dissipation, input offset and bias current, slew rate, and gain bandw idth product

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    /vPC4250 //PC4250 PC4250 PDF

    LM318 replacement

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description //PC318 HIGH-SPEED OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Pin Configuration The^PC318 is a precision high-speed operational ampli­ fier designed for applications requiring wide bandwidth and high slew rate. It features a factor of ten increase

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    //PC318 PC318 //PC318 LM318 replacement PDF


    Abstract: iPC4556 C4556C 4556C
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /¿PC4556 HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL DECOMPENSATED OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ¿¿PC4556 is a dual operational am plifier which • Gain bandwidth products: 20 MHz A d > 20 dB features further advanced A.C. performance than

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    uPC4556 PC4556 iPC4558. 20MHz IR30-00-1 VP15-00-1 WS15-00-1 UPC4556C] 6065B iPC4556 C4556C 4556C PDF


    Abstract: lm324 replacement la 7910
    Text: N E C E L E C T R O N I C S I N C fll D Ë J t.427SaS DOl Gl f l B S J ” 81C 10183 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS INC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. D ' HP G 324 QUAD LOW-POWER OPERATIONAL AM PLIFIER P in C onfiguration D escription T he //PC324 is a quad operational amplifier designed

    OCR Scan
    427SaS T-79-10 uPC324 v125d lm324 replacement la 7910 PDF


    Abstract: IC-5623B
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC M RBIPOLAR S ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPC4559 HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The juPC4559 is a dual operational a m p lifie r having • Internal frequency com pensation better slew rate and bandw idth than the /iPC4558C w ith

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    juPC4559 /iPC4558C 7PC4559C iPC4559 PC4559C uc4558c IC-5623B PDF


    Abstract: NEC 4559 4559P uc4559 4559c PC4559 UPC4558C uc4558c
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC M RBIPOLAR S ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT juPC4559 HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The juPC4559 is a dual operational a m p lifie r having • Internal frequency com pensation better slew rate and bandw idth than the /iPC4558C w ith

    OCR Scan
    uPC4559 juPC4559 /iPC4558C 7PC4559C uc4558 NEC 4559 4559P uc4559 4559c PC4559 UPC4558C uc4558c PDF


    Abstract: UC4741
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC r BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PC4741 HIGH PERFORMANCE QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER DESCRIPTION FEATURES The juPC4741 consists o f fo u r independent fre ­ • quency com pensated operational a m p lifie rs fe a tu r­ • Low noise

    OCR Scan
    uPC4741 juPC4741 //PC4741C UPC4741G2 pc4741c UC4741 PDF


    Abstract: PC4064C TL064 PIN CONFIGURATION "Direct Replacement" TL064
    Text: NEC ¿ PC4064 QUAD J-FET INPUT LOW-POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER NEC Electronics Inc. Pin Configuration Description The a<PC4064 is a low power J- F ET input quad oper­ ational amplifier that will operate at voltage levels as low as± 2.0V. Input currentis typically less than 1 mA.

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    uPC4064 //PC4064 PC4064 TL064 /PC4064C PC4064G2 14-pln 14-pin PC4064C TL064 PIN CONFIGURATION "Direct Replacement" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC N E C Electronics Inc. //PC4062 DUAL J-FET INPUT LOW-POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER PRELIMINARY INFORMATION Description Pin Configuration TheyuPC4062 is a low-power, J - F E T input, operational am plifier featuring low supply voltage operation from ±1.75 V. S upply current of //PC4062 is 1/10 the supply

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    //PC4062 TheyuPC4062 //PC4062 PC4083 /uPC4062 PDF

    4560c nec

    Abstract: PC4560 4560C IPC4560C uc4560 IC456 Ic4560
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC M BIPOLAR B BANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT mPC4560 HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEA TU RES D E S C R IP TIO N The /IPC4560 is a dual operational a m p lifie r w hich • Internal frequency com pensation features more im proved slew rate and G.B. products

    OCR Scan
    uPC4560 /IPC4560 uPC4559 4560c nec PC4560 4560C IPC4560C uc4560 IC456 Ic4560 PDF


    Abstract: 7812CT UA555TC 7808CT nec 7805a TLC82CP C4082C TL082D C393HA Nec 4558c
    Text: CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE A NEC O R IG IN AL • f u n c t i o n a l EQUIVALENT Single Operational Amplifiers Function G eneral P urpose O perational A m plifier NEC Í/PC741C FAIRCHILD NATIO NAL M O TO RO LA TEXAS ^A 741T C LM 741CN MC1741CP1 /JA741CP /iP C 7 4 lG

    OCR Scan
    uPC741C uPC741G uPC811C uPC811G PC813C JPC813G4 juPC815C C616C 741CN MC1741CP1 7805CT 7812CT UA555TC 7808CT nec 7805a TLC82CP C4082C TL082D C393HA Nec 4558c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. D e scrip tio n ¿/PC1458 DUAL GENERAL PURPOSE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Pin C o n figu ratio n The //PC1458 ¡a a dual general purpose operational amplifier which incorporates internal frequency com pen­ sation. This circuit w a s designed for a wide range of g e n ­

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    /PC1458 //PC1458 PC1458 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC M BIPOLAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT B f ANALOG l mPC4560 HIGH PERFORMANCE DUAL OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEA TU RES D E S C R IP TIO N The /IPC4560 is a dual operational a m p lifie r w hich • Internal frequency com pensation features more im proved slew rate and G.B. products

    OCR Scan
    uPC4560 /IPC4560 uPC4559 IR30-00-1 VP15-00-1 iPC4560C PDF


    Abstract: mpc844 MPC844C c844 g iPC844 C-844 PC844C SC119 UPC844 equivalent
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT /#C844 SINGLE SUPPLY VOLTAGE, HIGH SPEED, WIDE BAND, QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The fiPCS44 is quad high speed, wide band opera­ tional amplifier designed for single supply operation from

    OCR Scan
    uPC844 /iPC844 WS60-00-1 VP15-00-1 IR30-00-1 iPC844C: 14-pin C844 mpc844 MPC844C c844 g iPC844 C-844 PC844C SC119 UPC844 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. //P C 4574 QUAD ULTRA LOW-NOISE, WIDEBAND, OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER P in C o n fig u ra tio n D e sc rip tio n T h e/u P C 4 5 7 4 is an ultra low noise, high slew rate quad o p eratio n al a m p lifie r sp ecifically designed fo r audio,

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    /PC4574C PC4574 PDF


    Abstract: uPC4359 PC4359C
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC 01 b457SH5 OD1D1SO 1 j~~ 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS INC NEC Electronics Inc. SIC 10150 //PC4359 DUAL HIGH-SPEED PROGRAMMABLE CURRENT MODE OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Description Pin Configuration The /¿PC4359 consists of two current differencing

    OCR Scan
    b457SH5 uPC4359 PC4359 026/i| 001015b //PC4359 PC4359C PDF


    Abstract: c842 GL112 JPC842G2
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ¿¿PC842 SIN G LE SUPPLY VOLTAGE, HIGH SP EED , WIDE BAND, DUAL OPERATIONAL AM PLIFIERS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ¿tPC842 is dual high speed, wide band opera­ tional amplifier designed for single supply operation from

    OCR Scan
    uPC842 uPC842 itPC842 VP15-00-1 IR30-00-1 iPC842C: MPC842 c842 GL112 JPC842G2 PDF