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    NEC VFD DISPLAY UPD16311 Search Results

    NEC VFD DISPLAY UPD16311 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPD78F0058YGK-9EU Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for VFD Control (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780053GK-XXX-9EU-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for VFD Control (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780053YGK-XXX-9EU-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for VFD Control (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780056GK-XXX-9EU-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for VFD Control (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780058GK-XXX-9EU-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for VFD Control (Non Promotion), TFQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    NEC VFD DISPLAY UPD16311 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: vfd circuit diagram NEC VFD Display SM16311 uPD16311 vfd display driver nec vfd CONTROL circuit diagram 40 bit shift register vfd NEC VFD Display UPD16311 16311
    Text: 三合微科股份有限公司 SM16311 SAMHOP Microelectronics Corp. VFD CONTROLLER / DRIVER GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES SM16311 is a Vacuum Fluorescent Display VFD Controller driven on a 1/8 to 1/16 duty factor. Twelve segment output lines, 8 grid output lines, 8 segment/grid output

    SM16311 SM16311 upD16311 12-GRID 16-SEGMENT IN4148 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF AC VFD vfd circuit diagram NEC VFD Display vfd display driver nec vfd CONTROL circuit diagram 40 bit shift register vfd NEC VFD Display UPD16311 16311 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //P D 1 6 3 1 1 1/8- to 1/16-DUTY FIP VFD CONTROLLER/DRIVER The /¿PD16311 is a FIP (Fluorescent Indicator Panel or Vacuum Fluorescent Display) controller/driver that Is driven on a 1/8- to 1/16 duty factor. It consists of 12 segm ent output lines, 8 grid output lines, 8 segment/grid output

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    1/16-DUTY PD16311 12-segment 16-digit 20-segm 16-segment 12-digit PDF


    Abstract: NEC VFD Display UPD16311 uPD16311
    Text: EET MOS Integrated Circt / x P D 1 6 3 1 ‘ 1/8- to 1/16-DUTY FIP VFD CO NTROLLER/DRIVER T h e / tP D 1 6 3 1 1 is a F IP {F lu o re s c e n t In d ic a to r P a n e l o r V a c u u m F lu o r e s c e n t D is p la y } c o n t ro M e r/driver tha t is d r iv e n o n a 1/8- to 1/16 d u t y factor. It c o n s is t s o f 12 s e g m e n t o u t p u t lin e s, 8 g r id o u t p u t lin e s, 8

    OCR Scan
    1/16-DUTY PD16311 P52GC-100-AB6-2 006-d 0-15tn mPD16311 NEC VFD Display UPD16311 uPD16311 PDF