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    NMB MANUFACTURER Search Results

    NMB MANUFACTURER Result Highlights (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D2-81431-LR Renesas Electronics Corporation D2-1 Family for Manufacturers of High-Performance Class-D Audio Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D2-81435-LR Renesas Electronics Corporation DAE-1 for Manufacturers of High-Performance Class-D Audio Amplifiers for Use with D2Audio X-Series Reference Designs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D2-81412-LR Renesas Electronics Corporation DAE-1 for Manufacturers of High-Performance Class-D Audio Amplifiers for Use with D2Audio X-Series Reference Designs Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    D2-81433-LR Renesas Electronics Corporation DAE-1 for Manufacturers of High-Performance Class-D Audio Amplifiers for Use with D2Audio X-Series Reference Designs, LQFP, /Tray Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    NMB MANUFACTURER Datasheets Context Search

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    Minebea step

    Abstract: nmb-mat pbt-GF30-fr fan 280R125D nmb-mat 7 bg0903 E89936 Bl4447-04w 175R069 2415KL 4715KL
    Text: FAN MOTORS Personal Service …Global Reach FanCat_Cvr's08.indd 1 1/28/09 7:15:53 AM NMB Technologies Corporation NMB Technologies Corporation – Chatsworth, California FanCat_Cvr's08.indd 2 NMB Technologies Corporation is a subsidiary of NMB (USA) Inc., the North


    minebea stepper motor

    Abstract: minebea motor stepper 4715FS-23T-B50-D00 minebea stepper minebea stepper motor 175R NMB 3110nl-05w-b50
    Text: Fans DC Axial • DC Blowers • AC Axial NMB Technologies Corporation NMB Technologies Corporation is a subsidiary of NMB USA Inc., the North American headquarters and operating center of the Minebea Group of Companies. Minebea Co., Ltd., was established in 1951 as Japan’s first


    Nidec TA450 Fan

    Abstract: 7805s AD1224HB-A73GL 4710NL-05W-B50 4715PS-23T-B30 4715PS-12T-B30 papst 4958 PAPST 8958 OD1225PT-12HB 8124G
    Text: ORION Fans CROSS REFERENCE ABOUT THIS CROSS REFERENCE The following cross reference material is for general information only. It covers the basic fan models for Comair-Rotron, Sunon, ADDA, ETRI, NMB, Nidec, Delta and EBM/Papst. In each case the crossed material is provided in a way that will allow you to find the appropriate ORION FAN equivalent in termsof size and voltage.

    OA825AP-22-1WB OA92AP-22-1WB OA92AP-22-1TB OA92AP-22-1WS OA92AP-22-1TS OA92AP-22-2WB OA92AP-22-2TB OA92AP-22-2TS OA109AP-11-1WB OA109AP-11-1TB Nidec TA450 Fan 7805s AD1224HB-A73GL 4710NL-05W-B50 4715PS-23T-B30 4715PS-12T-B30 papst 4958 PAPST 8958 OD1225PT-12HB 8124G PDF


    Abstract: esa detail specification 3401 24w7 connectors 2356c NMB MANUFACTURER 21WA4 2390-C C115440-0103
    Text: D*BM Series compliant with ESA/ESCC 3401/080 specification Connectors Savers, Electrical, Rectangular, Non-Removable Signal Contacts, and Removable Coaxial and Power Contact For D*Subminiature Features/Benefits Typical Applications • Compliant with ESA/ESCC specification

    FR022 FR022ectrical, FR022 esa detail specification 3401 24w7 connectors 2356c NMB MANUFACTURER 21WA4 2390-C C115440-0103 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3401-080 D*BM Connector Savers for D*M Combination Arrangement 3401/080 specification Connectors Savers, Electrical, Rectangular, Non-Removable Signal Contacts, and Removable Coaxial and Power Contact For D*Subminiature Features/Benefits Typical Applications

    A9-11 23APR13 FR022: A9-12 C115371 PDF

    LED backlight schematic laptop

    Abstract: smd transistor f24 sot23 elantech touch smd transistor 5d sot-23 strain gauge n6 EVQ-QS205K transistor SMD making code 3f alps encoder Diode smd f6 SMD TRANSISTOR j8
    Text: SH2165 PixiKey Programmable Keyboard Encoder & Force Stick Encoder HID & SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PRODUCTS, KEYCODER FAMILY The SH2165 PixiKey™ is a costeffective, high-functionality combination keyboard and mouse encoder which offers a programmable keyboard matrix and

    SH2165 18-column LED backlight schematic laptop smd transistor f24 sot23 elantech touch smd transistor 5d sot-23 strain gauge n6 EVQ-QS205K transistor SMD making code 3f alps encoder Diode smd f6 SMD TRANSISTOR j8 PDF

    Life of a Power Supply

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Life of a Power Supply: Effects of Temperature, Loading & Input Conditions APPLICATION NOTE The life of a power supply can be defined as the length of time a power supply can operate and continue to meet its specifications. Power supplies have limited life because they often use two types of


    SpaceWire cable

    Abstract: GMR7580 MWDM2L
    Text: Qwik Connect GLENAIR n APRIL 2015 n VOLUME 19 n NUMBER 2 S A P C E G NASA ESA, JAXA R A D E SCREENED SPECIAL FEATURE ESA/Glenair Interconnect Part Number Reference Guide International Partnerships and the Future of Space Exploration QwikConnect International Partnerships

    135th SpaceWire cable GMR7580 MWDM2L PDF

    International Partnerships and the Future of Space Exploration

    Abstract: MWDM2L 9SFR114 Glenair MWDM GMR7580
    Text: Qwik Connect GLENAIR n APRIL 2015 n VOLUME 19 n NUMBER 2 S A P C E G NASA ESA, JAXA R A D E SCREENED SPECIAL FEATURE ESA/Glenair Interconnect Part Number Reference Guide International Partnerships and the Future of Space Exploration QwikConnect International Partnerships

    135th International Partnerships and the Future of Space Exploration MWDM2L 9SFR114 Glenair MWDM GMR7580 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Operation Manual: AS5048-EK-AB-STM1.0 AS5048 Eval-Kit Stepper Motor Revision 1.0 / 07/12/2012 AS5048 Eval-Kit Stepper Motor Table of Contents 1. General Description . 2

    AS5048-EK-AB-STM1 AS5048 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Operation Manual: AS5145B-EK-AB-STM1.0 AS5145B Eval-Kit Stepper Motor Revision 1.1 / 01/23/2014 AS5145B Eval-Kit Stepper Motor Table of Contents 1. General Description . 2

    AS5145B-EK-AB-STM1 AS5145B PDF

    cooler master fan

    Abstract: 2410ML-04W-B60 DC1205SY dynaeon PGA socket 478 cooler clip DC1205 DC1205B 50102B AMD Thermal Design Guide HSC002P124
    Text: AMD-K6 ® Processor Thermal Solution Design Application Note Publication # 21085 Rev: G Issue Date: August 1998 Amendment/0 This document contains information on a product under development at Advanced Micro Devices. The information is intended to help you evaluate this product. AMD reserves the

    21085G/0--August cooler master fan 2410ML-04W-B60 DC1205SY dynaeon PGA socket 478 cooler clip DC1205 DC1205B 50102B AMD Thermal Design Guide HSC002P124 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BUILDING WIRE COPPER BUILDING WIRE & CABLE FOR COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS O C T O B E R 2 012 Building Wire Servicing Commercial and Residential Applications This catalog contains in-depth information on our full line of building wire power cables

    INS-0132-R1012 E66903 PDF


    Abstract: c9012 equivalent nidec brushless dc motor Nidec TA450 Fan OD1225PT-12HB nidec ta350 nidec 24v motor TA150DC PAPST 8958 papst 6028S
    Text: 77282 table contents:72975 Fan Catalog 7/24/09 7:57 AM Page 1 Table of Contents Part Number Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Fan Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

    1-15P 2410ml-05w c9012 equivalent nidec brushless dc motor Nidec TA450 Fan OD1225PT-12HB nidec ta350 nidec 24v motor TA150DC PAPST 8958 papst 6028S PDF

    Quantum Fireball ex 3,5

    Abstract: quantum atlas v 3.5 Fireball Quantum Fireball EX Series Quantum Fireball cx 3.5 series Quantum Fireball CR TRIO64V2 seagate st34321a thrustmaster logitech 99 mouse controller
    Text: AMD Athlon Processor Peripheral Recommendations February 3, 2000 Compatible Components List The compatible peripherals are listed in the following table: n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 3.5-inch Diskette Drives CD-ROM Drives DVD Drives Graphics Cards Sound Cards

    AMD-756 Quantum Fireball ex 3,5 quantum atlas v 3.5 Fireball Quantum Fireball EX Series Quantum Fireball cx 3.5 series Quantum Fireball CR TRIO64V2 seagate st34321a thrustmaster logitech 99 mouse controller PDF

    NMB Semiconductor

    Abstract: M104 256KX4 NMB MANUFACTURER
    Text: NMB Sem iconductor AAA1M104 SERÍES CMOS 256K X4 Dynamic RAM PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES T O P V IE W • 262,144x4 bit organization ■ S ingle + 5 V ± 10% pow er supply ■ P erform ance Ranges: Device Max. RAS Access Tim e M ax. CAS Access Tim e -1 0

    OCR Scan
    AAA1M104 256KX4 144x4 190ns 220ns AAA1M104 AAA1M105 220ns) NMB Semiconductor M104 NMB MANUFACTURER PDF

    NMB Semiconductor

    Abstract: aaa2800
    Text: NMB Sem iconductor AAA2800 Static Column Decode Mode CMOS 256K x 1 Dynamic RAM FEATURES • 262,144 words x 1 bit organization ■ U ltra high speed, 60, 70, 80, 100 ns RAS access tim es o ver full Vcc 4.5V to 5.5V and tem p eratu re (0°C to 70°C) ranges

    OCR Scan
    AAA2800 256Kx 100ns NMB Semiconductor aaa2800 PDF


    Abstract: 360-200
    Text: NMB Series Isolated 1.8W Single Output O In p u t/O u tp u t isolation 500VD C Schematic R egulated D u a l-In -L in e Package top view d Low profile IN n i High efficiency up to 80% □ 2 4 pin standard DIL style O Regulated output availab le O 5 V and 1 2V input

    OCR Scan

    TEAC FC-1

    Abstract: Dynamic RAM Controller 1M200 NMB Technologies 1MX1
    Text: NMB S em iconductor A A A 1 M 2 0 0 Fast P ag e M o d e C M O S 1M X 1 D ynam ic R AM PIN CONFIGURATIONS FEATURES Max. RAS Access Time 60ns 1 o Parameter -06 ->l • 1,048,576 x 1 bit Organization ■ Single 5V ±10% Power Supply ■ Performance Ranges: 70ns

    OCR Scan
    AAA1M200 100ns 110ns 130ns 150ns 190ns 26pin CA91311, TEAC FC-1 Dynamic RAM Controller 1M200 NMB Technologies 1MX1 PDF

    NMB Technologies

    Abstract: 1M204-07 CMOS256K 1M204 1M204-10 LWL1R
    Text: MËÊBmÊÊÊmmm m MiïÊmmÊmÊÊÊmÊËÈÊÊmmm. NMB Sem iconductor AAA1M204 Fast Page Mode CMOS256K x 4 Dynamic RAM [p iB iS iU M n r a K ii PIN CONFIGURATIONS FEATURES 20 i/o , C • 2 6 2,14 4 x 4 bit Organization ■ Single 5V ± 1 0 % Power Supply

    OCR Scan
    AAA1M204 CMOS256K 100ns 110ns 130ns 150ns 190ns CA91311, NMB Technologies 1M204-07 1M204 1M204-10 LWL1R PDF

    NMB Semiconductor

    Abstract: 2661 AAA280XJ-06 AAA280XJ-07 AAA280XJ-08 AAA280XJ-10 M280 NMB MANUFACTURER
    Text: NMB Sem iconductor 1 M M 2800J8/J9 SERIES CMOS 256K *8, 256 K *9 Memory Module x 9 Organization FEATURES 262,144 x 8 (o r x 9) O rg a n iz a tio n S in g le 5V ± 10% S u p p ly U tiliz e N in e 256K C M O S D R A M s in PLCC P ackag e A ll in p u ts, o u tp u ts , fu lly

    OCR Scan
    MM2800J8/J9 256Kx8, 100ns NMB Semiconductor 2661 AAA280XJ-06 AAA280XJ-07 AAA280XJ-08 AAA280XJ-10 M280 NMB MANUFACTURER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Optimized to perform fast address filtering in FDD! nodes • Stores up to 128 48-bit addresses in an on-chip Content-addressable Memory CAM with 16 associated bits for each word to give status information, masking capability,

    OCR Scan
    48-bit PDF

    cache memory OF intel 80386

    Abstract: 82385 Unicorn Microelectronics intel 80286 video pa10 PA10 PA11 PA12 PA13 PA15
    Text: UNICORN MICROELECTRONICS WZ D • _ _ LJfyiigsg_ I ^270730 GGOOflTE .7 ■ UM82C388 Intel Cache Interface General Description The UM82C388 is one of the UMC High End AT HEAT Chip Set. It provides memory control functions which facilitate wide ranges of DRAM and CPU speed

    OCR Scan
    T27fi7afl UM82C388 UM80386 16MHz, 20MHz 25MHz 120ns UM82C388 cache memory OF intel 80386 82385 Unicorn Microelectronics intel 80286 video pa10 PA10 PA11 PA12 PA13 PA15 PDF


    Abstract: LIL3266 24 9y mark NMB MANUFACTURER NMB EXPECTED LIFE EH10500
    Text: 2 1 I I @ i — ÿ — f lJ ïS S 3 IT E M S q^ T C (m o to r t y p e ) y h u b 2 & IJ3 ! □ -f (d e s c r ip t io n ) n.&nwwgi 2P Single P h . Shndod Polo Induction M otor S îf ô (R atin g } stts in n (du»v ) S E iS J îliE f iS (F m q u a n c y )

    OCR Scan
    DC500V L2j83 3110MS-1ZW-B30 AWG22 LIL3266 24 9y mark NMB MANUFACTURER NMB EXPECTED LIFE EH10500 PDF