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    OA 91 DIODE Search Results

    OA 91 DIODE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CUZ24V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 24 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ13V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 13.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    XCUZ36V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 36.0 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CUZ12V Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 12 V, USC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    MUZ5V6 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Zener Diode, 5.6 V, USM Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    OA 91 DIODE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: RP336LD RP56LD RS2180
    Text: 53/'53/'DQG53/' /RZ9ROWDJH9.IOH[99ELV 0RGHP'DWD3XPSVIRU/RZ3RZHU$SSOLFDWLRQV Introduction The CONEXANT RP56LD, RP336LD, and RP144LD Modem Data Pump MDP families support data/fax modem, voice coding/decoding, optional full-duplex

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    Abstract: RP336LD RP56LD RS2180 RQW 130
    Text: 53/'53/'DQG53/' /RZ9ROWDJH9.IOH[99ELV 0RGHP'DWD3XPSVIRU/RZ3RZHU$SSOLFDWLRQV Introduction The CONEXANT RP56LD, RP336LD, and RP144LD Modem Data Pump MDP families support data/fax modem, voice coding/decoding, optional full-duplex

    DQG53/' TM99ELV RP56LD, RP336LD, RP144LD 90/K56flex K56flex-compatible RP144LD RP336LD RP56LD RS2180 RQW 130 PDF

    data circuit schematics satellite connector

    Abstract: 30338 RCDL56ACF HB 8406 rc336 WCLA SDS Relay r6765 LM386 BLOCK DIAGRAM kds 97 45
    Text: RCVDL56ACFL/SP, RCV56ACFL/SP, and RCV336ACFL/SP Modem Device Set Designer's Guide Preliminary Order No. 1121 May 15, 1997 RCVDL56ACFL/SP, RCV56ACFL/SP, and RCV336ACFL/SP Modem Designer’s Guide NOTICE Information furnished by Rockwell International Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no

    RCVDL56ACFL/SP, RCV56ACFL/SP, RCV336ACFL/SP data circuit schematics satellite connector 30338 RCDL56ACF HB 8406 rc336 WCLA SDS Relay r6765 LM386 BLOCK DIAGRAM kds 97 45 PDF

    pin configuration L7905

    Abstract: transistor L7905 rockwell r6682 R6683 smd A6A l1303 500w SINE WAVE inverter schematic diagram R6693 RJ11 headset SDS Relay
    Text: RCV288ACL/SVD Modem Device Set Designer's Guide Preliminary Order No. 1096 May 2, 1996 RCV288ACL/SVD Modem Device Set Designer’s Guide NOTICE Information furnished by Rockwell International Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no

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    8086 microprocessor introduction

    Abstract: MD178 RC336DPFL RCV336DPFL XMD148F1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM audio Amplifier USING LM386 modem circuit echo AMS Loudspeaker OA 91 diode LM386 replacement
    Text: RCV336DPFL/SP V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, AudioSpan, Voice, Speakerphone, Modem Data Pump Introduction Features The Rockwell RCV336DPFL/SP is a V.34 modem data pump family that supports data rates up to 33600 bps, fax operation up to 14400 bps, AudioSpan, voice coding/decoding optional , and speakerphone (optional).

    RCV336DPFL/SP RCV336DPFL/SP RC336DPFL RCV336DPFL 8086 microprocessor introduction MD178 RC336DPFL RCV336DPFL XMD148F1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM audio Amplifier USING LM386 modem circuit echo AMS Loudspeaker OA 91 diode LM386 replacement PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s SC802-06 (1 .OA SCHOTTKY BARRIER DIODE • Outline Drawing H « - * / 'L fU * / > 1 9 eg (LJ 1 3 5 t04 12 w t j 04 13 5 s 04 1 1 12*«* 5.1-91 I Features ■ Marking • Surface mount device • Lo w V f • Super high speed switching • High reliability by planer design

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    SC802-06 2H367TS 03b41 40X60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Square ended SMD R v 1N6321US thru 1N6355US Applications 500 mWatt Voidless zeners Hard GlassTungsten MELF "D" Package i Low noise zener diodes with hard glass tungsten; non-rolling SMD design. Able to replace less robust families like 1N4099 and 1N5530B. For use in hostile environments and

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    1N6321US 1N6355US 1N4099 1N5530B. MlL-S-19500/533. DSAIH0002550 PDF


    Abstract: TZP33A zp 33a 1n9638 zp 278 1N52438 TZP10A MTZJ 188 MTZJ 248 1N6233
    Text: Part Marking <Switching Diodes <Rectifier Diodes> <SchoHky Barrier Diodes) 00-4KQ SR) Part No. Part No. Marking Marking ;«tn Marking < Z en er D io d es> Marking DO-34 MSO) RB441Q Marking DO-35<a8D) I; U RB721Q Black = t¿ n > = M M8R DO-340USD] li ,=tftl>=

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    00-4KQ DO-34 RB441Q RB721Q DO-340USD] RB100A T0220FP RB015T-40 R8026T-40 1N4146 ZP33A TZP33A zp 33a 1n9638 zp 278 1N52438 TZP10A MTZJ 188 MTZJ 248 1N6233 PDF


    Abstract: A2KB A2hb
    Text: Duodiode - Triode fUr Empfangsgleichrichtung und ÄPVerstärkung i hz VO N“ <*• i <*• «O a1B Gewicht ca. 7,5 g l.Helgerwerte für Serienspeleung ca. Heizspannung Heizstrom Oxydkatode, indirekt geheiet 12,6 V 0,15 A 2.Betriebawerte a Diodenaystea als Demodulator

    OCR Scan
    HBC91 a23lC hbc91 A2KB A2hb PDF

    OA 91 diode

    Abstract: high voltage diode high voltage diodes BAW101
    Text: Central Semiconductor Corp. DUAL, ISOLATED HIGH VOLTAGE SWITCHING DIODES DESCRIPTION The CENTRAL S E M IC O N D U C TO R BAW101 type is a Silicon Dual Isolated High Voltage Switching diode designed for surface mount switching applications requiring high voltage

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    BAW101 OT-143 BAW101 100mA OA 91 diode high voltage diode high voltage diodes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B /4 X J U y !f Low Noise Bridge Single In-line Package Bridge Diode •*W fN -äsH OUTLINE DIMENSIONS LN4SB60 TO 600V 4A 45 £1 •U L1S W UL File No,E 1 4 2 4 2 2 •S IP K 'j/ir-y • S I fsm RATINGS Absolute Maximum Ratings 1 a Item Storage Temperature

    OCR Scan
    LN4SB60 J514-5 PDF


    Abstract: Step Recovery Diodes
    Text: an A M P com pany Step Recovery Diodes MA43000, MA44600, MA44700 Series V3.00 Features • Low Transition Times • Tight Capacitance Ranges • High Voltage and Low Thermal Resistance for Higher Input Power • Surface Mount Package Available SOT-23 Description

    OCR Scan
    OT-23) MA43000, MA44600, MA44700 MA44600 OT-23 MA43000 MIL-S19500, A4466 Step Recovery Diodes PDF


    Abstract: diode U1J M208 1209M DIODE JS.3 K616 b225
    Text: 2DI75D-055A 75a S ± / '7 - ;e ì >ì - ; p POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE : Features • S ii/ E High Voltage • 7 V —fc 4 l) 's '? 9’ ^ ^ — Kfà/SE • A S O jW a L' • ÎfelüJfé Including Free W heeling Diode Excellent Safe Operating Area Insulated Type

    OCR Scan
    2DI75D-055A E82988 l95t/R89 diode U1J M208 1209M DIODE JS.3 K616 b225 PDF

    sanken transistor

    Abstract: sanken airpax SANKEN 5003 SANKEN 5003-F Airpax 5003 8123B Airpax 2SA733 equivalent s1815 bridge rectifier 2A 30v
    Text: Switching Voltage Regulator SI-8000B Series Outline Drawings Unit: mm Features : W id e DC in p u t v o lta g e ~ 5 5 V High p o w e r conversion e fficie n cy (91% fo r S I-82 43B ) Precise setting volta ge (1 % fo r S I-80 53B ) O u tp u t p o w e r c o n tro l by external co m p o n e n ts

    OCR Scan
    SI-8000B SI-8243B) SI-8053B) SI-8053B SI-8093B SI-8123B. S1-8153B SI-8243B CTM-21 sanken transistor sanken airpax SANKEN 5003 SANKEN 5003-F Airpax 5003 8123B Airpax 2SA733 equivalent s1815 bridge rectifier 2A 30v PDF

    error code e39

    Abstract: jl audio 500 1 schematics SLE 77 M737-4 accelerator rockwell modem S2665 transistor SMD S33 gd241 FL 032 PIF MD130
    Text: RC144ACFL and RC144ATFL Rockwell RC144ACFL and RC144ATFL Low Power, Integrated High Speed Data/Fax/Voice Modem Device Set _for Portable Applications_ INTRODUCTION FEATURES The Rockwell RC144ACFL and RC144ATFL integrated data/fax/voice modem device set supports high speed

    OCR Scan
    RC144ACFL RC144ATFL RC144ATFL 10ECTM DG24177 error code e39 jl audio 500 1 schematics SLE 77 M737-4 accelerator rockwell modem S2665 transistor SMD S33 gd241 FL 032 PIF MD130 PDF


    Abstract: 1N474 in 4746a IN4746A
    Text: ¡URGE ZENER DIODES 1W ZENER DIODES DO-41 CASE 5 SURGE PART NUMBER Nominal Zenef Voltage : -m . O P E R A T ; N G / S T O R A G E T E M P E R A T U R E R A N G E -6 5 C to + 2 0 0 C Currant 1 Volts’ mA Ohms 1N4729A 1\4 7 3 0 A 1N4731A 1N4732A 1N4733A 36

    OCR Scan
    DO-41 1N4729A 1N4731A 1N4732A 1N4733A 1N4734A N473tA 1N4737A 1N4738A 1N4739A 1N474A 1N474 in 4746a IN4746A PDF

    Delta dps 240 fp

    Abstract: rockwell l39 DELTA DPS 1200 rc144dpg RC144ACG 386 laptop schematic MD105 9 UN07
    Text: RC144ACG Rockwell RC144ACG 3.3V, Low Power, Integrated High Speed Data/Fax/Voice Modem Device Set with Cellular Direct Connect Support INTRODUCTION FEATURES The Rockwell RC144ACG integrated data/fax/voice modem device set family supports high speed data and

    OCR Scan
    RC144ACG RC144ACG J22198 20017Mazzodi 00E4S1S Delta dps 240 fp rockwell l39 DELTA DPS 1200 rc144dpg 386 laptop schematic MD105 9 UN07 PDF


    Abstract: THC-1500 lrk9 20as15
    Text: Bulletin 127132 rev. D 09/97 International ISR Rectifier IRK.71, .91 SERIES THYRISTOR/ DIODE and THYRISTOR/THYRISTOR NEWADD-A-pak Power Modules Features • Electrically isolated: DBC base plate ■ 3500 VRMS isolating voltage ■ Standard JED EC package

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n r7 -= E 'J j.- l V 3 7 h ^ ~ / t U 7 K Schottky Barrier Diode R ectifier Module O U T L IN E D IM E N S IO N S D360SC3M 3 - M 4 n u ts 30V 360A m U n it • mm ■ R A T IN G S A bsolute Maximum R atings m s aEi? Symbol Item ^ fib 2^ J T Conditions _ ""

    OCR Scan
    D360SC3M 360SC 100ns, width--100ns, 2000r PDF

    Airpax 5003

    Abstract: SANKEN 5003 bridge rectifier 2A 30v sanken airpax SANKEN 5003-F Thermostat Airpax Series 5003 Equivalent to transistor 2sc945 sanken airpax 5003 sanken transistor SanKen Si-8153B
    Text: Switching Voltage Regulator SI-8000B Series Outline D rawings U nit: mm Features: W ide DC input voltage - 5 5 V High power conversion efficiency (91% for SI-8243B) Precise setting voltage (1 % for SI-8053B) Output power control by external components

    OCR Scan
    SI-8000B SI-8243B) SI-8053B) SI-8053B SI-8093B SI-8123B SI-8153B SI-8243B CTM-21S CTM-21R Airpax 5003 SANKEN 5003 bridge rectifier 2A 30v sanken airpax SANKEN 5003-F Thermostat Airpax Series 5003 Equivalent to transistor 2sc945 sanken airpax 5003 sanken transistor SanKen Si-8153B PDF

    8086 microprocessor serial communication

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: *1* R o c k w e ll Semiconductor Systems RCVDL56DPFL/SP Downloadable K56Plus , V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, AudioSpan, Voice, Speakerphone, Modem Data Pump Introduction Features The Rockwell RCVDL56DPFL/SP is a K56Plus™/V.34 modem data pump family that supports receive data rates

    OCR Scan
    RCVDL56DPFL/SP K56PlusTM, K56PlusTM/V RCDL56DPFL RCVDL56DPFL RCVDL56DPFL/SP K56PIUSTM, MD183 11D73 8086 microprocessor serial communication PDF


    Abstract: 1N6336 diode MIL-S-19500/533 1N6309 1N631 1N6312 1N6314 1N6315 1N6336 1M63
    Text: 1N6309 thru 1N6355 Micro/semi Corp. Thp dioóe expert!, SANTA A N A , CA F o r m o r e in f o r m a ti o n call: 714 979-8220 500 mW Glass Zener Diodes FEATURES ' VOIDLESS HERMETICALLY SEALED GLASS PACKAGE •MICROMINIATURE PACKAGE >TRIPLE LAYER PASSIVATION

    OCR Scan
    979-X220 MlL-S-19500/533 1N6309 1N6336 MIL-S-19500/533 1N6320-1N6336 250/jA 1N6309 1N6355 1N6310 1N6336 diode 1N631 1N6312 1N6314 1N6315 1N6336 1M63 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4L* R o c k w e ll Semiconductor Systems RCV56DPFL/SP K56Plus , V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, AudioSpan, Voice, Speakerphone, Modem Data Pump Introduction Features The Rockwell RCV56DPFL/SP is a K56Plus™/V.34 modem data pump family that supports receive data rates up to 56

    OCR Scan
    RCV56DPFL/SP K56PlusTM, K56PlusTM/V RC56DPFL MD180 PDF

    Super-247 Package

    Abstract: IRG4PSC71UD
    Text: International IÖR Rectifier PD - 91682A IRG4PSC71UD INSULATED GATE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR WITH ULTRAFAST SOFT RECOVERY DIODE UltraFast CoPack IGBT Features • Generation 4 IGBT design provides tighter parameter distribution and higher efficiency minimum switching and conduction losses than

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    Super-247 O-247 1682A IRG4PSC71UD --600V Liguria49, Super-247 Package IRG4PSC71UD PDF