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    OCS37 Search Results

    OCS37 Datasheets (1)

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    OCS37 OKI Semiconductor Optical PNPN Switches Original PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I electronic components OCS37_ OPTICALY PNPN SWITCHES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OCS37 is an optical coupler formed by combining a GaAs infrared light-emitting diode and a silicon high withstand voltage PNPN element into a 2-channel configuration, encased

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    OCS37_ OCS37 PDF

    t04 68 3 pin transistor

    Abstract: t04 68 diode OCS37 OD44L PHOTO SENSOR of application TRansistor A 940 2m240
    Text: O K I electronic components 0CS37_ Optical PNPN Switches GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OCS37 is an opto coupler, combining a GaAs infrared light emitting diode and a silicon PNPN photo sensor in a two-channel configuration. Encased in a 6-pin plastic package, the device is capable

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    0CS37_ OCS37 L754240 OCS37 t04 68 3 pin transistor t04 68 diode OD44L PHOTO SENSOR of application TRansistor A 940 2m240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I electronic components OCS37 Optical PNPN Switches GENERAL DESCRIPTION The OCS37 is an opto coupler, combining a GaAs infrared light emitting diode and a silicon PN PN photo sensor in a two-channel configuration. Encased in a 6-pin plastic package, the device is capable

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    OCS37 OCS37 b754240 OD44L PDF

    Photo Relays

    Abstract: OCS37 OLD122 OCS32 OLD222 OC40 ocm220
    Text: I PRODUCT LINE OLD122 LIGHT EMITTING DIODES OLD123 OLD124 OLD125 OLD127 OLD222 OLD222H OLD223 OLD224 OLD225 OLD232 OLD232-2 - OLD234 OLD2202 OLD22Û3 4 •P R O D U C T L IN E« PHOTO SENSORS Silicon PIN Photodiodes for Optical Communications " OD43L

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    OLD122 OLD123 OLD124 OLD125 OLD127 OLD222 OLD222H OLD223 OLD224 OLD225 Photo Relays OCS37 OCS32 OC40 ocm220 PDF

    photo transistor application

    Abstract: pair of led and photo transistor oki oc340 AN/npn photo transistor
    Text: - ♦PRODUCT o v e r v ie w # PHOTO COUPLING DEVICES PHOTO COUPLERS APPLICATION NOTES 1. General Description By coupling a light emitting element and a light sensing element, a single-function element

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    led phototransistor pair

    Abstract: toco Phototransistor til 81
    Text: î] E2P0007-27-31 PHO TOCO UPLERS PRO DU CT OVERVIEW PHOTOCOUPLERS APPLICATION NOTES 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTIO N B y coupling a light emitting element and a light sensing element, a single-function element: can be created. The functional element thus produced is called a photocoupler, photointerrupter or sensor

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    E2P0007-27-31 OCM22Q led phototransistor pair toco Phototransistor til 81 PDF


    Abstract: PNPN
    Text: OKI electronic components Optical PNPN Switches GENERAL DESCRIPTION The O CS37 is an optical PNPN switch, com bining an infrared light emitting diode and PNPN elem ents photothyristors in a two-channel configuration. Encased in a 8-pin plastic package, the

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    Abstract: OLD222 OCS32 LED 850nm TO-18 ocm220
    Text: Tstg : -5 5 ~ +125°C Metal can Topr :-4 0 - +125°C (Metal can) 1FM'’ (tw =100jis) 1FH'Z (tw -2 0 0 ms) 1fm':! (tw -150ns) -3 0 ~+100°C (Others) -3 0 ~ +100°C (Others) (T-10m s) Absolute Maximum Ratings (Tas25°C) R a d ia tio n Color Package P Vr IF

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    100jis) -150ns) Tas25 T-10m T-40m T-50m od43l OLD222 OCS32 LED 850nm TO-18 ocm220 PDF