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    OPTO TRIAC MOC Search Results

    OPTO TRIAC MOC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP3475W Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output), 60 V/0.4 A, 300 Vrms, WSON4 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3406SRH4 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 30 V/0.9 A, 300 Vrms, S-VSON16T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP5702H Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (Gate Driver Coupler), High-Topr / IGBT driver, 5000 Vrms, SO6L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRA Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TLP3407SRH Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photorelay (MOSFET output, 1-form-a), 60 V/1 A, 500 Vrms, S-VSON4T Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    OPTO TRIAC MOC Datasheets Context Search

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    triac moc 3010

    Abstract: 1N4001 speed control with triac 308-196 TRIAC MOC
    Text: Issued July 1995 020-054 Data Pack F Triac opto-isolators Data Sheet RS stock numbers 585-286, 308-196, 301-628 Three opto-coupled triacs available in 6-pin dual-inline plastic packages, designed for use with a triac in the interface of logic systems and for isolated triac triggering.

    7500Vpk TER10 triac moc 3010 1N4001 speed control with triac 308-196 TRIAC MOC PDF

    triac moc 3010

    Abstract: MOC3010 10K variable resistor scr and triac moc 3020 DIODE 1N4001 relay 1N4001 308-196 parallel triac mercury wetted relay
    Text: Issued March 1997 232-5531 Data Pack F Triac opto-isolators Data Sheet RS stock numbers 585-286, 308-196, 301-628 Three opto-coupled triacs available in 6-pin dual-inline plastic packages, designed for use with a triac in the interface of logic systems and for isolated triac triggering.

    7500Vpk triac moc 3010 MOC3010 10K variable resistor scr and triac moc 3020 DIODE 1N4001 relay 1N4001 308-196 parallel triac mercury wetted relay PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC2A40–10/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA POWER OPTO Isolator MOC2A40-10 MOC2A40-5* 2 Amp Zero–Cross Triac Output This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero–cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving

    MOC2A40â MOC2A40-10 MOC2A40-5* MOC2A40-10/D* MOC2A40-5 PDF


    Abstract: RCA H 432 MOC2A60-5 lamp dimmer with triac MOC2A60-10F motorola triac driver TRIAC 8315 IEEE472 MOC2A60 MOC2A60-10
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC2A60–10/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA POWER OPTO Isolator MOC2A60-10 MOC2A60-5* 2 Amp Zero–Cross Triac Output This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero–cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of

    MOC2A60 MOC2A60-10 MOC2A60-5* MOC2A60-10/D* TRIAC RCA RCA H 432 MOC2A60-5 lamp dimmer with triac MOC2A60-10F motorola triac driver TRIAC 8315 IEEE472 MOC2A60-10 PDF


    Abstract: TRIAC 226 b trailing SCHEMATIC dimmer motorola triac driver 2 amp triac driver opto 180 watts arc lamp driver MOV150 motorola 715 triac W117 MOC2R60
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC2R60–10/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information MOC2R60-10 * MOC2R60-15 POWER OPTO Isolator 2 Amp RandomĆPhase Triac Output *Motorola Preferred Devices This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled

    MOC2R60 MOC2R60-10 MOC2R60-15 MOC2R60-10/D* TRIAC RCA TRIAC 226 b trailing SCHEMATIC dimmer motorola triac driver 2 amp triac driver opto 180 watts arc lamp driver MOV150 motorola 715 triac W117 PDF

    triac driver opto application note

    Abstract: triac snubber calculation 2 amp triac driver opto OPTO TRIAC LIMITING INRUSH CURRENT npn TRIAC RCA ntc 3 phase inrush current limiting mov failure rate mtbf Optocoupler with triac circuits motorola make ntc thermistor
    Text: Order this document by AN1511/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR AN1511 APPLICATION NOTE Applications of the MOC2A40 and MOC2A60 Series POWER OPTO ISOLATORS Prepared by: Horst Gempe Discrete Applications Engineering INTRODUCTION Electronic controls of AC power loads based on microprocessor controllers, digital or linear sensor circuits are

    AN1511/D AN1511 MOC2A40 MOC2A60 2PHX33459P-0 AN1511/D* triac driver opto application note triac snubber calculation 2 amp triac driver opto OPTO TRIAC LIMITING INRUSH CURRENT npn TRIAC RCA ntc 3 phase inrush current limiting mov failure rate mtbf Optocoupler with triac circuits motorola make ntc thermistor PDF


    Abstract: opto triac angle phase control M0C3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS MOC3051 triac driver opto application note triac control circuit diagram varistor motorola 730C-04 MOC3052
    Text: Order this data sheet by MOC3050/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA t ~~ VDE UL CSA SETI SEMKO NEMKO \ DEMKO I BS @ \ M0C3051 BABT [In =15 mA Max] MOC3052* Series 600 V Random=Phase Opto Wiac Drivers MOC3050 [IFT = 10 mA Max] .,.: ~.:.,. The MOC3050 Series consists of a GaAs infrared LED optically coupled to a non

    MOC3050/D M0C3051 MOC3052* MOC3050 MOC3050 MOC3051 MOC3052 MK145BP, opto triac angle phase control M0C3051 MOC3052 APPLICATION CIRCUITS MOC3051 triac driver opto application note triac control circuit diagram varistor motorola 730C-04 MOC3052 PDF

    triac driver opto application note

    Abstract: MOC3160 triac snubber varistor RC snubber scr design varistor motorola optotriac general purpose MOC3162 MOC3163 triac snubber ac motor triac Motorola
    Text: MOC3160 Series 600 V Zero-Crossing The MOC3160 AC switch voltage dV/dT Series [triac]. consists The MOC3160 turn on of high current capability the first devices General 01 a GaAs to ensure to debut Sews triacs stable within inlrared ksolates or thyristors

    MOC3160 MOC3162 MOC3163 MK145BP, MOC3160~ 2PHX33673P-O triac driver opto application note MOC3160 triac snubber varistor RC snubber scr design varistor motorola optotriac general purpose MOC3162 MOC3163 triac snubber ac motor triac Motorola PDF


    Abstract: MOC2R60 MOC2R60-15 RS-443 2 amp triac driver opto TRIAC 226 a
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL Order this document by MOC2R60-10/D DATA Advance Information POWER OPTOTMIsolator MOC2R60”I 2 Amp Random= Phase ~iac MOC2R60-15 Output *Motorola This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitiing dode optically coupled

    MOC2R60-10/D MOC2R60 MOC2R60-15 140WI 0Y3521431 M070ROLA 2H609 2PHX33734P MOC2R60-1 IEEE472 MOC2R60-15 RS-443 2 amp triac driver opto TRIAC 226 a PDF


    Abstract: fairchild snubberless triac triac snubber design FOD41XX triac snubber ac motor triac phase control motor ac opto triac RC VOLTAGE CLAMP snubber circuit triac RC snubber DIP23
    Text: Snubberless TRIAC Drive Optocouplers Fairchild’s Offering The Snubberless TRIAC Drive Optocouplers feature a built-in active dv/dt clamp providing best-in-class noise immunity dv/dt of 10,000V/µs, which is superior to the average dv/dt rating (1,500V/µs) of monolithic TRIAC

    FOD41XX FOD410 FOD420 FOD4108 FOD4208 FOD4116 FOD4216 FOD4118 FOD4218 OPTO TRIAC fairchild snubberless triac triac snubber design triac snubber ac motor triac phase control motor ac opto triac RC VOLTAGE CLAMP snubber circuit triac RC snubber DIP23 PDF

    2 amp triac driver opto

    Abstract: MOV 150V L-1013 L1013 MOC2AV60 MOC2AV60C MOC2AV60F RS-443 dimmer -triac -led MPS triac driver application note
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL Order this document bv MOC2AV60/D DATA POWER OPTOTMisolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output This device consists of an input control circuit driver circuit and a power triac. The input circuit emitting diode which is activated by the application

    MOC2AV60/D MK145BP, 2PHXS250SP-1 ll1llll1lllllllllllll1llll1ll1llll11lllll 2 amp triac driver opto MOV 150V L-1013 L1013 MOC2AV60 MOC2AV60C MOC2AV60F RS-443 dimmer -triac -led MPS triac driver application note PDF

    moc opto triac

    Abstract: OPTO TRIAC moc motorola moc moc 3021 optocoupler 3023 Optocoupler, MOC 3021 DIN 3021 STANDARD applications of Moc 3021 3021 opto IFT30
    Text: IL440 Triac Predriver Non-Zero Crossing Optocoupler FEATURES • 400 and 600 V Blocking Voltage • 5.0 mA Maximum Trigger Current • Isolation Voltage, 5300 VRMS, t=1.0 sec. • Isolation Materials per UL94 • Pin Compatible with Motorola Optocouplers IL440–1

    IL440 IL440 moc opto triac OPTO TRIAC moc motorola moc moc 3021 optocoupler 3023 Optocoupler, MOC 3021 DIN 3021 STANDARD applications of Moc 3021 3021 opto IFT30 PDF


    Abstract: MAC3060/D
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO 0 e! D • TRIACs (□3b7255 007723b b ■ t - 25-/5 - Chipscrete Subassemblies Optically Isolated Triac Driver/Triac Combinations This series of Triac Drivers consists of infrared LEDs op­ tically coupled to photodetectors with Triac output. 7500 V

    OCR Scan
    3b7255 007723b O-220 CT6343A CT6347AÃ CT15-6 CT15A6Ã CT223-6 CT223A6Ã CT6344A MAC3060-4 MAC3060/D PDF

    triac ot 239

    Abstract: TM 0134 led driver AN 483 Motorola mps 0734 motorola triac TRIAC 109 TRIAC 226 b
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC2AV6Q/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC2AV60 POWER OPTO Isolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output Motorola Preferred Device This device consists of an input control circuit optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. The input circuit contains a gallium arsenide infrared

    OCR Scan
    2PHX33605P-1 MOC2AV60/D triac ot 239 TM 0134 led driver AN 483 Motorola mps 0734 motorola triac TRIAC 109 TRIAC 226 b PDF


    Abstract: MOC2A40-10 601 Opto isolator 7255 AN1048 ACS01 motorola triac driver triac 101 amps IEEE472 RS-443
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA POWER OPTO Isolator M O C 2 A 4 0 -1 0 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output M O C 2 A 4 0 -5 * This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving

    OCR Scan
    UL50811117 0CH1047 MOC2A40-5 MOC2A40-10 601 Opto isolator 7255 AN1048 ACS01 motorola triac driver triac 101 amps IEEE472 RS-443 PDF


    Abstract: 417B-01 MOC2A60-10F
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MOC2A60-10/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC2A60-10 M O C2A60-5* POWER OPTO Isolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output ‘ Motorola Preferred Device This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to

    OCR Scan
    MOC2A60-10/D UL508 MOC2A60-10 MOC2A60-5 2PHX31299P-2 MQC2A60-10/D 417B-01 MOC2A60-10F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M O C 2 A 4 0 -1 0 M O C2 A 4 0 -5 POWER OPTO Isolator 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output M o to ro la P r e f o r m ! D c v Io m This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to a zero-cross triac driver circuit and a power triac. It is capable of driving a load of up to 2

    OCR Scan
    UL508 CA77170-1] MOC2A40-10 PDF


    Abstract: M0C2A-60 triac arc control
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MOC2A60-10 M0C2A60-5 Advance Information POWER OPTO Isolator M o to ro la P r « * r r * d O v v ic i« 2 Amp Zero-Cross Triac Output This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically coupled to

    OCR Scan
    UL508 M0C2A60-5 M0C2A-60 triac arc control PDF

    KD 472 M mov

    Abstract: TM 0134 led driver triac tic 226 q 391 2 amp triac driver opto triac tic 109
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MQC2R60-10/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Advance Information M O C 2R 60-10* M O C 2R 60-15 POWER OPTO Isolator 2 Amp Random-Phase Triac Output * Motorola Preferred Devices This device consists of a gallium arsenide infrared emitting diode optically

    OCR Scan
    MQC2R60-10/D UL508 -----------------------------2PHX33734P-0 MOC2R60-10/D KD 472 M mov TM 0134 led driver triac tic 226 q 391 2 amp triac driver opto triac tic 109 PDF

    how to interface optocoupler with triac

    Abstract: triac snubber calculation optocoupler MTBF calculation triac dc motor control circuits snubber full bridge SCR opto DRIVER 12 amp triac heat control triac snubber varistor 2 amp triac driver opto MOC2A40
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE AN1511 Applications of the MOC2A40 and MOC2A60 Series POWER OPTO ISOLATORS Prepared by: Horst Gempe Discrete Applications Engineering INTRODUCTION Electronic controls of AC pow er loads based on m icropro­ cessor controllers, digital or linear sensor circuits are

    OCR Scan
    AN1511 MOC2A40 MOC2A60 how to interface optocoupler with triac triac snubber calculation optocoupler MTBF calculation triac dc motor control circuits snubber full bridge SCR opto DRIVER 12 amp triac heat control triac snubber varistor 2 amp triac driver opto PDF


    Abstract: 2 amp triac driver opto moc opto triac M0C3020 MOC 3161 all types of triac M0C3040 RC inductive load thyristor design C3030 triac MOC30xx
    Text: MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO LHE D b3b?ESS GGflbÜSM TÖ2 Hi MOT? Triacs Silico n Bidirectional Thyristors . . . designed fo r full-w ave ac power control applications, and specifically designed to be used in conjunction w ith MOC30XX opto couplers in circuits sim ila r to tha t

    OCR Scan
    MOC30XX MAC3010/MAC3030 MOC3010/MC C3030 MAC3020/MAC3040 M0c3020/M0c3040 AN982 AN1048 2 amp triac driver opto moc opto triac M0C3020 MOC 3161 all types of triac M0C3040 RC inductive load thyristor design C3030 triac MOC30xx PDF

    opto triac moc3010

    Abstract: PT607 PT615 H24A1 MOC3Q23
    Text: ISOCOM LTD Optolink OPTOCOUPLERS TRIAC COUPLERS Single Channel DIP, Light Activated Triac * Port Number $ 4 1 IM 1 r"n 0884 a s i Input Trigger Current V tm = 3V Rl = 1 5 0 0 M A X m A H11J1 H11J2 H11J3 H11J4 H11J5 PT3020 PT3021 PT607 PT608 MOC3009 MOC3010

    OCR Scan
    H11J1 H11J2 H11J3 H11J4 H11J5 PT3020 PT3021 PT607 PT608 MOC3009 opto triac moc3010 PT615 H24A1 MOC3Q23 PDF


    Abstract: M0C3040 AC3020 MAC3030-25 opto triac moc3041 C30XX M0C3030 M0C3020 OPTO TRIAC moc MOC30XX
    Text: MAC3010 M AC3020 M AC3030 M AC3040 Se rie s T riacs Silic o n Bidirectional Thyristors . designed for full-wave ac power control applications, and specifically designed to be used in conjunction with M O C30XX opto couplers in circuits similar to that shown on page 3-189.

    OCR Scan
    C30XX MAC3010/MAC3030 0c3010/M0c3030 MAC3020/MAC3040 0c3020/M0c3040 MAC3010 AC3020 AC3030 AC3040 AN982 M0C3010 M0C3040 MAC3030-25 opto triac moc3041 M0C3030 M0C3020 OPTO TRIAC moc MOC30XX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ISOLATORS General Information Equivalent Discrete Semiconductors The MOC2A40 and MOC2A6O Series are the first members of the POWER OPTO Isolator family from Motorola. The MOC2A40/MOC2A60 are 2 Amp @ 40°C/Zero-Crossing/Optlcally Coupled Triacs. These isolated AC output devices are ruggedized to survive the harsh operating environments inherent in Industrial Controller applications. Additionally, their thermally opti­

    OCR Scan
    MOC2A40 MOC2A60 MOC2A40/MOC2A60 OC2A40-10/Dand MOC2A60-10/D KrTMOC2A40-10/D, PDF