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    OSRAM VALVE Search Results

    OSRAM VALVE Result Highlights (5)

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    DRV110APWR Texas Instruments Single-Channel Relay, Solenoid, Valve Low-Side Controller With Current Regulation 14-TSSOP -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV110PWR Texas Instruments Single-Channel Relay, Solenoid, Valve Low-Side Controller With Current Regulation 8-TSSOP -40 to 125 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV104PWP Texas Instruments PWM High-Side Driver (1.5A) for Solenoids, Coils, Valves, Heaters, and Lamps 14-HTSSOP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV103UG4 Texas Instruments PWM Low Side Driver (1.5A/3A) for Solenoids, Coils, Valves, Heaters, and Lamps 8-SOIC Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    DRV103U Texas Instruments PWM Low Side Driver (1.5A/3A) for Solenoids, Coils, Valves, Heaters, and Lamps 8-SOIC Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    OSRAM VALVE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: CCO-40 Triode valve audio amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: OS ?»! 'V alve. Made in England. TYPE A577 TRIODE FOR VALVE VOLTMETERS With Indirectly Heated Cathode. Approx. Dimensions : Overall length {including puis 130 mjm. M axim um diameter of bulb 50 mjm. The OSRAM A577 triode is designed w ith characteristics

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    200yU A577 CCO-40 Triode valve audio amplifier circuit diagram PDF

    VALVE S23

    Abstract: osram valves
    Text: M a d e in i-.ngland. TYPE SCREEN GRID AMPLIFYING AND DETECTOR VALVE For u se w ith a 2-volt A ccum ulator . The OSRAM S23 is a 2-volt screcn grid valve designed w ith characteristics suitable to stable and efficient H.F. am plification and to sensitive detection.

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    transformer 9 volts

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: < « Made in England. 5 TYPE U18 RECTIFYING VALVE W ith D irectly H eated Filam ent Full W ave . Max. D im ensions : Overall length (including pins) 140 m im . DiameU'i o f bulb 56 mini. • The OSRAM U18 is a Rectifying Valve incorporating a dual electrode system in one bulb.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Made in England. TYPE QP21 QUIESCENT PUSH-PULL DOUBLE PENTODE VALVE For u se w ith a 2 -volt accum ulator . A pprox. Dimensions : Overall length {including pins) 120 mjm. M a xim u m Diameter of bulb 51 m/m . T he OSRAM QP21 com prises tw o electrode system s in

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Made in England. TYPE MHL4 MEDIUM IMPEDANCE TRIODE. With Indirectly Heated Cathode. For operation from A.C. M ains . M axim um Dimensions : Overall length (including pins) 112 mjm. Diameter of bulb 45 mjm . T he OSRAM M HL4 is an Indirectly H eated Cathode

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    Abstract: jdax
    Text: a Made m England. * TYPE MS4B SCREEN GRID AMPLIFYING AND DETECTOR VALVE m M a x im u m Dimensions : Overall length including pins 140 m/m. Diameter of bulb 45 mlm. W ith Indirectly H eated C athode. (For operation from A.C. m ains). The OSRAM MS4B is a Screen Grid H igh Frequency

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: osram Barretter OSRAM transformer osram valves Scans-0017355
    Text: Qsram M ade in England. BARRETTER TYPE 202 î Qsfanill aèimi CURRENT REGULATOR TTlif For u se in series w ith 0.2 am p . valves . 4i w M axim um Dimensions : Overall length {including pins) 145 mjm. Diameter of bulb 60 m /m. OSRAM B arretters are designed to m ain tain th e

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    Abstract: cathode ray
    Text: « Made in England T Y P E U16 RECTIFYING VALVE With Directly Heated Filam ent Half W ave . The OSRAM U16 is a H alf W ave R ectifier Valve designed prim arily to supply th e accelerator, or anode voltage to C athode R ay Tubes. For th is purpose it is capable

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    5000v. lj16 cathode ray PDF


    Abstract: MSP41 osram valves
    Text: Ill Made in England TYPE MSP4 SCREEN-PENTODE DETECTOR AND AMPLIFYING VALVE W ith In directly H eated Cathode For operation from A.C. m ains . The OSRAM MSP4 is an In d irectly H eated Pentode for use w ith A.C. M ains Receivers, suitable for operation in th e H igh Frequency p ortion of a receiver.

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    MSP41 MSP432 MSP41 osram valves PDF


    Abstract: Scans-0018094
    Text: <«s Made in England. TYPE VP21 “ VARIABLE MU ” SCREEN PENTODE AMPLIFYING AND DETECTOR VALVE For u se w ith a 2-volt A ccum ulator . M axim um Dimensions : Overall length (including pins) 128 mlm. Diameter of bulb 45 mjm. T he OSRAM VP21 is a 2-volt Pentode prim arily su it­

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    Abstract: MU14 osram valves
    Text: °W8L Made in England. TYPE MU 12 TYPE MU 14 RECTIFYING VALVES. M a x im a m Dimensions : Overall length {including pins 130 m/m. Diameter of bulb 51 mjm. W ith Indirectly H eated Cathode Full W ave) The OSRAM MU12 and MU14 are full wave rectifier valves designed w ith an Indirectly H eated Cathode system .

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    OSRAM* 640

    Abstract: osram valve
    Text: M a d e in E n g la n d . TYPE X41 m " TRIODE-HEXODE FREQUENCY CHANGER. With Indirectly Heated Cathode. For Operation from A.G. M ains . ( M a x i m u m dimensions . triode and hexode Overall length (including pins) 135 mjm. Diameter oj bulb 45 mini. The OSRAM X41 is a m ulti-electrode valve

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    v0-01 OSRAM* 640 osram valve PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O» Made in England . TYPE IIA 1 MINIATURE LOW CAPACITY TRIODE W ith Indirectly Heated ¿Cathode . The OSRAM HA1 is an Indirectly H eated Triode of special design intended to reduce th e capacity betw een the electrodes, or th eir respective support and lead-in wires, to

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    Abstract: HD22 automatic volume control
    Text: o« Made in England. li TYPE HD22 DOUBLE DIODE TRIODE For use w ith a 2-volt Accum ulator . •ím ? M axim um Dimensions : Overall length (including p in s ) 125 m/m. M axim um diameter of bulb 45 m/m. The OSRAM HD22 is a 2-volt valve consisting of triode and double diode electrode assemblies in the one

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    osram valves

    Abstract: TRIODE itl amplification 111
    Text: M ade in England f l TYPE H30 TYPE L30 UNIVERSAL RANGE TRIODES * Illustrating T ype H 30. M axim um Dimensions : Overall length including pins 125 mjm. Diameter of bulb 45 mjm. (W ith Indirectly H eated C athodes) T he OSRAM H 30 and L30 are Triodes for series or

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    Abstract: OSRAM hi
    Text: OSrem Valves M ade in England. TYPE L.F. ML4 AMPLIFYING TRIODE W ith In d irectly H eated Cathode For operation from A.C. m a in s . T he OSRAM M L4 is a n In d ire c tly H eatei C athode T riode su ita b le for use : 1. In th e e arly stage of receivers or am plifiers fitte<

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    0.1 mfd

    Abstract: OSRAM* 640 .1 .1 .005 MFD PEAK DETECTOR potentiometer
    Text: M ade in England. TYPE X31 UNIVERSAL RANGE TRIODE-HEXODE FREQUENCY CHANGER. W ith Indirectly H eated Cathode. T he OSRAM X31 is a m ulti-electrode valve designed to perform as a m ixer, first d e te cto r, or frequency changer valve in a su p erh etero d y n e receiver. I ts filam ent ra tin g of

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    d42 40 12

    Abstract: OSRAM hf diode valve 80
    Text: o« Made in England. TYPE D42 SINGLE DIODE With Indirectly Heated Cathode. The OSRAM D42 is a Single Diode Valve w ith more generous em ission th a n ty p e D41. M a xim u m D im ensions : Overall length 86 m jm . D iam eter o f bulb 29 m ini. I t is suitable for use as a second D etector in super­

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    osram valves

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M a d e in E n g la n d . TYPE W31 UNIVERSAL RANGE VARIABLE MU SCREEN PENTODE With Indirectly Heated Cathode . The OSRAM W31 is a V ariable Mu Screen Pentode suitable for use in th e H igh Frequency or Interm ediate Frequency A m plifying portions of a receiver. Its filam ent

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    Abstract: J135 J60Z
    Text: *0 M a d e in E n g la n d TYPE DIV41 DOUBLE DIODE-OUTPUT PENTODE W ith In d irectly H eated Cathode. For operation from A.C. m a in s . T he OSRAM DN41 is a pow er am plifier pentode and a double diode system m ounter] in th e sam e bulb, w ith c athodes connected to a com m on cathode p in in th e valve

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: osram valves
    Text: M a d e in E n gland. TYPE U12 T U Y P E l i RECTIFYING VALVES W ith D irectly H eated F ilam ent F ull W ave . M a x im u m Dimensions : Overall length (including pins) 140 m :m. Diameter o f bulb 57 m /m . T he OSRAM U12 a n d U14 are in co rp o ra tin g a dual electrode sy stem in

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    Abstract: triode push-pull circuit osram valves
    Text: M ade in England. TYPE POWER PX25 AMPLIFYING TRIODE W ith D irectly H eated F ilam en t. M a x i m u m D i m e n s io n s : Overall length in clud ing pi ns 160 m / m . Diameter of bulb 66 mini. The OSRAM PX 25 is a Pow er A m plifying valve of e x tre m e ly high efficiency designed w ith a large pow er

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    Condenser Microphone Amp

    Abstract: A537
    Text: OR M ade in England. TYPE A537 TRIODE FOR MICROPHONE AM PLIFIERS, W ith In d irectly H eated Cathode. F or operation fro m lo w te n sio n battery . T he OSRAM A537 is a T riode su itab le for use in th e in itia l stages of m icrophone am plifiers. T he p a r tic u ­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: caso OSRAM hf osram valves
    Text: Made in England. TYPE N31 UNIVERSAL RANGE OUTPUT PENTODE W ith Indirectly H eated Cathode. T he OSRAM N31 is a Pow er A m plifier P en to d e for use in th e o u tp u t stage of rad io receivers or low frequency am plifiers in w hich th e h e a te r is w ired in series w ith the

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