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    PPD6120 Search Results

    PPD6120 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: npd19 KL SN 102 PD1913 Li42 UD1943 ud271 27S9S KL 13 diode UPD6120C102
    Text: MOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCU IT /¿ P D 6 1 2 0 M U L T I- P U R P O S E R E M O T E C O N T R O L T R A N S M IT T E R IC C M O S LSI D ESCRIPTIO N The pPD6120 is an LSI for the transmission of general-purpose, infrared, remote control codes to TV s, V TR s, audio equip­

    OCR Scan
    uPD6120 457sas /IPD6120 npd19 KL SN 102 PD1913 Li42 UD1943 ud271 27S9S KL 13 diode UPD6120C102 PDF