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    PENTODE APPLICATION NOTE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CA3079 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3079 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059-G Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TCM3105NL Rochester Electronics LLC TCM3105NL - FSK Modem, PDIP16 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    AM79865JC Rochester Electronics LLC AM79865 -Physical Data Transmitter Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

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    Abstract: 65H7 ET-T335 4q00
    Text: 6SH7 PAGE I 6SH7 Description and Rating RADIO-FREQUENCY-AMPLIFIER PENTODE GENERAL DESCRIPTION Principal cut-off Application: amplifier high-gain The pentode r a d i o - f r e q u e n c y or type 6SH7 designed amplifier. is a s h a r p fo r use as a intermediate-frequency

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    ET-T335 6SH7 65H7 4q00 PDF

    data 6V6 tube

    Abstract: 6v6gta tube 6v6 6v6 tube 6V6 GT 6v6gt 6V6 GTA 6V6GT tube 6v6GTA tube 10000 watts amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: — PRODUCT INFORMATION — Page 1 E L E C T R O N IC ûsm m m m IN A C T IO N - Beam Pentode TUBES The 6V6-GTA is a beam-power pentode designed for use in the audio-frequency power output stage of television and radio receivers. In this application, it is capable of

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    -TD343-5 data 6V6 tube 6v6gta tube 6v6 6v6 tube 6V6 GT 6v6gt 6V6 GTA 6V6GT tube 6v6GTA tube 10000 watts amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: rs tube Scans-0017289 pentode application note general electric 12SJ7 tube
    Text: 12SJ7 ET-T385 12SJ7 Page 1 5-46 Description and Rating RADIO-FREQUENCY-AMPLIFIER PENTODE TUBES GENERAL DESCRIPTION detector Prin cipal Application: The t y p e I 2 S J 7 i s a s h a r p c u t - o f f a m p l i f i e r pentode d es io n e d for use as a biased d e t e c to r

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    12SJ7 ET-T385 BS-21 12SJ7 rs tube Scans-0017289 pentode application note general electric 12SJ7 tube PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: t n 1 1A ¿ ì w m / A j V l t '-ï SYIVANIA : 'ï engineering data service Bulb Base Outline 6dI7 ADVANCE DATA QUICK REFERENCE DATA MECHANICAL DATA The Sylvania Type 6DY7 Is a Dual Beam Power Pentode designed for application in stereophonic sound systems, and features

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    Abstract: 12SC7 Scans-0017289
    Text: 12SC7 PAGE I 12SG7 Description and Rating RADIO-FREQUENCY-AMPLIFIER PENTODE GENERAL DESCRIPTION Principal Application: The type remote cut-off a m p l i f i e r p e nt od e as a high gain radio-frequency . Cath od e: or between V o lt s

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    12SC7 12SG7 BS-21 ET-T383 12SG7 12SC7 Scans-0017289 PDF

    1N 3000 DIODE

    Abstract: 14R7 Scans-0017298 general electric
    Text: 14R7 14R.7 PAGE I Description and Rating DUPLEX-DIODE PENTODE GENERAL DESCRIPTION Pr i n c i p a l Application: semi-remote-cutoff combined fi er detector, The I4R7 pentode for us e as a automatic-voIume-controI and audio amplifier. a l s o be us ed as a r a d i o - f r e q u e n c y or i n t e r m ed ia te f r e q u e n c y a m p l i f i e r . Th e tube fe at ur es low co upling

    OCR Scan
    ET-T745 1N 3000 DIODE 14R7 Scans-0017298 general electric PDF

    1S5 tube

    Abstract: tube 1S5 diode gen 52 diode 5 ampere Scans-0017351 general electric
    Text: P0 1S5 w * Z_Z PAGE I 1S5 TUBE Description and R ating DIODE-PENTODE aiíi^Sií1,:'’ 1 m . GENERAL DESCRIPTION Principal Application: The IS5 is a m i n i a t u r e t u b e c o n t a i n i n g a d i o d e and a s h a r p - c u t o f f pe nt ode. designed

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    ET-T23IB 1S5 tube tube 1S5 diode gen 52 diode 5 ampere Scans-0017351 general electric PDF

    Tube 6B7

    Abstract: sera HF diodes de regulation de tension
    Text: CARACTERISTIQUES Tension de chauffage CA. ou C C . . C ou ran t de c h a u f f a g e . Am poule .

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    ST-12C Tube 6B7 sera HF diodes de regulation de tension PDF


    Abstract: 10megohms el 34 tube E12-70 general electric
    Text: — PRODUCT INFORMATION — Page 1 8AL9 Compactron Triode-Pentode TUBES C O L O R T V TYPE H IG H -M U , H IG H -G m TRIO DE H IG H -G m 30000 M IC R O M H O S . FRA M E-G RID PENTODE The 8 A L 9 is a compactron containing a sharp-cutoff, high-transconductance, frame-grid pentode and a triode. The

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    philips pcf80

    Abstract: PCF80 tube pcf803 PCF80 PCF801 PCF80 pentode PCF802 tube cathodique PHILIPS tube PCF80 PCF60
    Text: PHILIPS PCF 80 TRIODE-PENTODE with separate cathodes, for use as fre quency changer in television receivers TRIODE-PENTHODE avec cathodes séparées, pour utilisa­ tion comme changeuse de frequence dans des récepteurs de télévision TRIODE-PENTODE mit getrennten Katoden zur Verwendung

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    7R0S344 philips pcf80 PCF80 tube pcf803 PCF80 PCF801 PCF80 pentode PCF802 tube cathodique PHILIPS tube PCF80 PCF60 PDF


    Abstract: ST-12 Scans-0017365
    Text: Sylva nia TYPE 25A7G PENTODE REDRESSEUR COMBINE LJP CARACTERISTIQUES 25 volts Tension de chauffage CC ou CA Courant de c h a u ffa g e . 0,3 ampère Ampoule . ST-12 8-F Culot : octal 8 broches .

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    25A7G ST-12 25A7G redresseur Scans-0017365 PDF


    Abstract: poweramplifier ST-12 RCA tube 89
    Text: RCA-89 — ^ — — 02 G3 TRIPLE-GRID POWER AMPLIFIER The 89 is a triple-grid poweri amplifier tube of the heater-cathode H ^ type recommended for use in receiv­ ers with 6.3-volt heater supply. The triple-grid construction of this tube, with external connections for each grid, makes possible its application as 1 a Class

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    RCA-89 ST-12 92C-420IRI RCA-89 poweramplifier ST-12 RCA tube 89 PDF


    Abstract: 6v4 tube Triode
    Text: SYLVANIA TYPE TS* 6CU8 M E D IU M M U T R IO D E SH A R P C U T O F F PE N TO D E TOT MECHANICAL DATA T -6 H B u lb . , Sm all B u tto n 9-P in

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    Abstract: LB 1200U
    Text: DLL 21 DLL max 36 D ouble output pentode In many instances the output stage of a battery receiver, especially where a fairly large output is required, will consist of two triodes or pentodes or, alternatively, a double triode or pentode in a pushpull circuit: in order to keep the anode current as low as possible,

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    ECF80 TUBE

    Abstract: ECF80 ecf80 Philips tube cathodique PHILIPS ecf 80 VS20 pcf80 tube cathodique culot
    Text: PHILIPS ECF 80 TRIODE-PENTODE with separate cathodes, for use as frequency changer In television receivers and for other purposes TRIODE PENTHODE avec cathodes séparées, pour utilisation comme changeuse de fréquence dans récepteurs de télévision et pour d'autres applications

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CX1574C CX1535 CX1585A CX1140 CX1157 CX1836A cx2804 e2v spark gaps Thyratron dc to ac inverter
    Text: E2V Technologies Hydrogen Thyratrons Preamble Table of Contents 1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION . . . . . THE SWITCHING CYCLE . . . . . . . i. Voltage Hold-off . . . . . . . . ii. Commutation . . . . . . . . .

    180A-5 CX2801 CX1574C CX1535 CX1585A CX1140 CX1157 CX1836A cx2804 e2v spark gaps Thyratron dc to ac inverter PDF


    Abstract: 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram

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    76665N 76889N MA748PC MA709PC jA710PC A711PC iA712PC A723PC HA741PC A747PC AC125K 6AN7 tungsram 3S035T-1 ecc83 application notes ECL86 DG 7-123 tungsram AC125UZ PENTODE pl 508 ot-400 tungsram PDF


    Abstract: CK5784WB Raytheon Company subminiature tubes
    Text: TECHNICAL IN FO R M A T IO N TYPE SLL LU C K 5784 W B The CK5784WB is a heater-cathode type pentode of subminiature construction capable of operation in the VHF region» The control grid and suppressor grid may be used as independent control e le c ­ trodes for c irc u its such as gated a m plifiers; m ixers, and gain controlled amplifiers«

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    CK5784WB CK5784WB 5784wb Raytheon Company subminiature tubes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE PENTODE TECHNICAL IN FO RM ATIO N RAYTHEON TYPE Ç Ç / J8-JL CK618 7 The C K 6 l^ 7 is a miniature sharp cut off pentode designed for applications in R F amplifiers» T h is type features a control g rid anc suppressor grid which can be used as independent control elements.

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    Raytheon Company

    Abstract: Scans-0017557 6AH6wa EEL 28
    Text: TECHNICAL INFORMATION RAYTHEON RELIABLE PENTODE TYPE 1 Ç x-C-e-L U £ J - 6AH6WA The 6AH6WA is a Heater• cathode type« high transconductance« sharp c u t-o ff pentode of miniature construction designed for use as a wide band or IF amplifier. It w ill maintain its emission and

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    Abstract: 6AM8A 6CB6 6AL5 pentode 6AM8 combined video
    Text: SYLVANIA TYPE T6± 6AM 8 6AM8A 5AM8 w DIODE PENTODE MECHANICAL DATA B u lb .T-6 Vi, O utline 6-2 B utto n 9-Pin

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: reactance
    Text: SYLVANIA TYPE 6 B T 8 ^ 5BT8 D U O D IO D E SH ARP CUTOFF PENTODE T6± w MECHANICAL DATA B u l b . T-6H B a s e . E 9 -1 , M in ia t u r e B u t t o n 9 -P in

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T6± w SYLVANIA TYPE 6GJ8 T R IO D E -P E N T O D E MECHANICAL DATA T-6M B u lb . Base. E9-1, M in ia tu re B u tto n 9 -P in

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    loud speaker

    Abstract: speaker with screen automatic volume loud control
    Text: VP. 133 A.C./D.C. MAINS H.F. PENTODE RATING. 130 0-2 200 200 31 Es= ISO II tXO UJ r» Heater Voltage . H eater C u rre n t a m p s . Maximum Anode Voltage Maximum Screen Voltage *M utual Conductance (m A /V ) *Taken at Ea=200

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