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    ROHM Semiconductor SFR01MZPF27R0

    Thick Film Resistors - SMD Sulfur Tolerant Chip Resistors 0402 case size
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SFR01MZPF27R0 39,770
    • 1 $0.14
    • 10 $0.068
    • 100 $0.038
    • 1000 $0.024
    • 10000 $0.015
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    ROHM Semiconductor SFR01MZPF47R0

    Thick Film Resistors - SMD 0402 47ohm 1% Anti-Sulfur AEC-Q200
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SFR01MZPF47R0 26,598
    • 1 $0.14
    • 10 $0.045
    • 100 $0.038
    • 1000 $0.024
    • 10000 $0.018
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    ROHM Semiconductor LTR18EZPF47R0

    Thick Film Resistors - SMD 0612 47ohm 1% Rev Term AEC-Q200
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics LTR18EZPF47R0 18,428
    • 1 $0.22
    • 10 $0.112
    • 100 $0.065
    • 1000 $0.036
    • 10000 $0.031
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    ROHM Semiconductor ESR01MZPF27R0

    Thick Film Resistors - SMD
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ESR01MZPF27R0 16,995
    • 1 $0.28
    • 10 $0.145
    • 100 $0.081
    • 1000 $0.053
    • 10000 $0.03
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    ROHM Semiconductor ESR03EZPF47R0

    Thick Film Resistors - SMD 0603 47ohm 1% Anti Surge AEC-Q200
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics ESR03EZPF47R0 13,835
    • 1 $0.16
    • 10 $0.078
    • 100 $0.045
    • 1000 $0.024
    • 10000 $0.018
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    PF 7R0 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 560BC 270BCR050K 101BCR050K 220BC 220BCR050K 141bcr 68 n750 capacitor
    Text: BCR +85°C Temperature Stable Ceramic Disc Capacitors FEATURES • Stable Temperature Characteristics ■ Capacitance Range: 1 pF to 680 pF ■ Small Size SPECIFICATIONS Capacitance Tolerance 10 pF: ±0.5 pF D : 12 pF: ±10% (K) Operating Temperature Range

    N1000, 50WVDC N1BCR050K 151bc 560BC 270BCR050K 101BCR050K 220BC 220BCR050K 141bcr 68 n750 capacitor PDF


    Abstract: 471BCR050K N1000 5802 300bcr050k 100BCR050K 500BCR050K
    Text: BCR +85°C Temperature Stable Ceramic Disc Capacitors FEATURES • Stable Temperature Characteristics ■ Capacitance Range: 1 pF to 680 pF ■ Small Size SPECIFICATIONS ≤10 pF: ±0.5 pF D : Capacitance Tolerance ≥12 pF: ±10% (K) Operating Temperature Range

    N1000, 50WVDC 361BCR050K 371BCR050K 391BCR050K 401BCR050K 471BCR050K 501BCR050K 561BCR050K 601BCR050K 221BCR050K 471BCR050K N1000 5802 300bcr050k 100BCR050K 500BCR050K PDF


    Abstract: 1625nm DFB 1625nm laser diode
    Text: Data Sheet FOL15DCWx-A8x-W1510,1625 / 1510/1625nm CW DFB Laser Module Date July 16, 2007 ODC-7R003 1510/1625nm CW DFB Laser Module Applications • Supervisory Systems Descriptions • FOL15DCWx-A8x-W1510 and -W1625 series of DFB laser module is designed for

    FOL15DCWx-A8x-W1510 1510/1625nm ODC-7R003 -W1625 1-866-GO-FITEL FOL15 1625nm DFB 1625nm laser diode PDF


    Abstract: FOL15DCWD DFB FOL15DCWD laser diode stm64 butterfly laser diode stm64 furukawa standard
    Text: Data Sheet FOL15DCWx-A8x-Wxxxx-x / Wavelength Selected CW DFB Laser Module Date July 16, 2007 ODC-7R002 Wavelength Selected CW DFB Laser Module Applications • • OC-192/STM-64 Transmission Systems Probe Light Source Descriptions • FOL15DCWx-A8x-Wxxxx series of DFB laser module is designed for OC-192/STM-64

    FOL15DCWx-A8x-Wxxxx-x ODC-7R002 OC-192/STM-64 FOL15DCWx-A8x-Wxxxx 1-866-GO-FITEL FOL15DCWA FOL15DCWD DFB FOL15DCWD laser diode stm64 butterfly laser diode stm64 furukawa standard PDF

    FOL15DCWD 19340

    Abstract: FOL15DCWD FiTel DFB Laser DWDM with 50GHz spacing FOL15 FOL15DCW
    Text: Data Sheet FOL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x / DWDM CW DFB Laser Module Date: July 16, 2007 ODC-7R001C DWDM CW DFB Laser Module Applications • OC-192/STM-64 DWDM Transmission Systems Descriptions • FOL15DCWx series of DFB laser module is designed for long haul DWDM applications

    FOL15DCWx-A8x-xxxxx-x ODC-7R001C OC-192/STM-64 FOL15DCWx 1-866-GO-FITEL FOL15DCWD 19340 FOL15DCWD FiTel DFB Laser DWDM with 50GHz spacing FOL15 FOL15DCW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +85°C Temperature Stable Ceramic Disc Capacitors Stable Temperature Characteristics Capacitance Range: 1pF to 680pF Small Size SPECIFICATIONS <10 pF: ±0.5 pF C a p a c ita n c e Tolerance >12 pF: ±10% D : O perating T em p e ra tu re R ange -55°C to +125°C

    OCR Scan
    680pF N1000, 371BCR050K 391BCR050K 401BCR050K 471BCR050K 501BCR050K 561BCR050K 601BCR050K 681BCR050K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TUSONIX For circuits requir­ ing temperature compensation or high stablility. Available in MIL types. A P P L IC A T IO N CERANUC CAPACITORS Type Value pF 301 Length Dia. Volts .400 200 500Vdc .5-24 Temperature Compensating High Stability Temperature Compensating Capac­

    OCR Scan
    500Vdc PDF


    Abstract: vhf triode
    Text: PHILIPS EC 95 TRIODE with variable mutual conductance and low anode to grid capacitance for use in V.H.F. television tuners. TRIODE à pente variable et à petite capacité anode-grille pour l'utilisation dans l'etage d'entrée de récepteurs de télévision pour très hautes fréquences

    OCR Scan
    max19 fEC95 7R060 vhf triode PDF


    Abstract: UCC85 pcc85 tube philips h Self-Oscillating mixer I-T-15V Scans-0017986 250VA ca-g philips oszillator
    Text: PCC85 PHILIPS DOUBLE TRIODE for use as oscillator and mixer in tele­ vision receivers DOUBLE TRIODE poor utilisation en oscillatrice et mélangeuse dans des récepteurs de télévision DOPPELTRIODE zur Verwendung als Oszillator und Mischröhre in Fernsehempfängern

    OCR Scan
    max22 PCC85 PCC85I PCC85 UCC85 pcc85 tube philips h Self-Oscillating mixer I-T-15V Scans-0017986 250VA ca-g philips oszillator PDF

    Philips electronic tube handbook

    Abstract: E80T ELECTRONIQUES beam Tube
    Text: PHILIPS E 80 T Special quality BEAU DEFLECTION TUBE with ribbon shaned beam TUI3E A DEVIATION DE FAISCEAU à haute securité de fonction­ nement à faisceau laminaire Zuverlässige ELE/ITRONENSTRAHLABLENKRQHRE mit bandförmigem Elektronenstrahi Heatmg : indirect; parallel supply

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: DB13-2 DG13-2 106 DG DP 132 cathode ray
    Text: DB 13-2 DG 13-2 DR 13-2 PHILIPS High vacuum CATHODE RAY TUBE with acceleration elec­ trode for oscillography TUBE A RAYONS CATHODIQUES à vide poussé avec elec­ trode d ’accélération poor oscillographie Hochvakuum KATHODENSTRAHLRÖHRE mit Nachbeschleuni­

    OCR Scan
    DB13-2 DG13-2 DP13-2 DR13-2 cathodique 106 DG DP 132 cathode ray PDF


    Abstract: KSS oscillator Self-Oscillating mixer philips ecc86 amplificateur hf Scans-0017850 hf mixer eCc8 k2938 "Self-Oscillating mixer"
    Text: PHILIPS ECC 86 DOUBLE TRIODE for use as R.F. amplifier and self-osclllating mixer in carradio sets. The tute can be directly opérated from a storage battery DOUBLE TRIODE pour l'utilisation comme amplificatrice H.F. et tube mélangeur auto-oscillateur dans récepteurs auto­

    OCR Scan

    mv diode 203

    Abstract: nf schaltungen UBC41 UBC81 h 48 diode
    Text: DtJODIODE-TEIODE for use as A.F. amplifier DUODIODE-TRIODE pour l'utilisation comme amplifica­ trice B.F. DUODIODE-TRIODE zur Verwendung als R.F.Verstärker Heating: indirect by A.C. or D.C.; series supply Chauffage î indirect par C.A.^ou C.C.; alimentation en séria

    OCR Scan
    Iubc41 ubc41 7R02975 mv diode 203 nf schaltungen UBC41 UBC81 h 48 diode PDF


    Abstract: ecc85 tube ECC 85 hf tube cascode ECC85 philips PF0008 ECC-85 eCc8 pour
    Text: PH ILIPS ECC 85 DOUBLE TRIODE for use as R.F. amplifier and selfoscillating mixer DOUBLE TRIODE pour utilisation, en amplificatrice H.P. et tube mélangeur auto-oscillateur DOPPELTRIODE zur Verwendung als HF-Verstärker und selbstschwingende Mischröhre Heating:

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: CKF i11 rs tube Double Triode LA 4162
    Text: SQ PHILIPS E182CC SPECIAL QUALITY DOUBLE TRIODE with separate cathodes foi use in computer circuits DOUBLE TRIODE A HAUTE SECURITE avec cathodes séparées pour utilisation dans circuits de comptage ZUVERLÄSSIGE DOPPELTRIODE mit getrennten Katoden zur Ver­

    OCR Scan
    E182CC E182CC CKF i11 rs tube Double Triode LA 4162 PDF


    Abstract: UBC81 h 48 diode DETECTION FUITE 0005pF rs tube
    Text: UBC81 PH ILIPS DOUBLE DIODE-TRIODE for A.F. amplification, signal de­ tection and A.V.C. DOUBLE DIODE-TRIODE pour amplification B.F., la détection de signaux et C.A.V. DOPPELDIODE-TRIODE für NF-Verstärkung, Empfangsgleichriclrtung un d A.L.R. H eating

    OCR Scan
    UBC81 UBC81 7R0297S CD2A h 48 diode DETECTION FUITE 0005pF rs tube PDF


    Abstract: hf tube cascode e188cc E88CC hf cascode philips SQ 10 amplifier E88CC tube tube cathodique philips e88c PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK IE18
    Text: SQ SPECIAL QUALITY, SHOCK AND VIBRATION RESISTANT DOUBLE TRIODE for use in R.F. and A.F. circuits as cascode amplifier, cathode follower, etc. DOUBLE TRIODE A HAUTE SECURITE, RESISTANTE AUX CHOCS ET VIBRATIONS pour utilisation dans des circuits H.F. et B.F.

    OCR Scan
    E188CC E88CC hf tube cascode e188cc E88CC hf cascode philips SQ 10 amplifier E88CC tube tube cathodique philips e88c PHILIPS ELECTRONIC TUBE HANDBOOK IE18 PDF

    uch 81 tube

    Abstract: UCH81 uch 81 k952 Self-Oscillating mixer 67KL 10FXX Heptode W-9-52 cg1f
    Text: aJOniuhdt Yxizugì TRIODE-HEPTODE for various purposes in P.M., AM/FM, A.M. and television receivers TRIODE-HEPTODE poor applications diverses dans des récepteurs F.M., A.M./P.M., A.M. et de télévision TRIODE-HEPTODE für mehrere Anwendungen in F.M., A.M./

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: PCL-841 tube pcl84 pentode philips ll 220VHA
    Text: PHILIPS PCL 84 TRIODE-PENTODE with separate cathodes. Triode for use In circuits for keyed A.G.C., sync-separation, sync-ampliflcation and noise suppression. Pentode for use as video output tube TRIODE PENTHODE avec cathodes séparées. La triode pour uti­

    OCR Scan
    PCL84 PCL84 PCL-841 tube pcl84 pentode philips ll 220VHA PDF


    Abstract: 1R91 philips oszillator Scans-0017813 philips BC 047 tube DK 92 33kfk
    Text: P H IL IP S [DK96 HEPÎODE for use as frequency changer in battery sets HEPTODE pour utilisation en changeuBe de fréquence dans des appareils batterie HSPÎODE zur Verwendung als Mischröhre in Batterie­ geräten Heating :direct by D.C.; parallel or series supply

    OCR Scan
    7R03932 120kit 27kCl l0000 dk96 1R91 philips oszillator Scans-0017813 philips BC 047 tube DK 92 33kfk PDF


    Abstract: EBC81 TUBE EBC41 philips ebc41 Scans-0017837 nf schaltungen
    Text: PHILIPS EBC41 DUODIODE-TRIODE for use as A.F. amplifier DUODIODE-ÏRIODE pour l'utilisation comme amplifica­ trice B.F. DUODIODE-TRIODE zur Verwendung als NF-Verstärker Heating: indirect by A.C. or D.C.; parallel supply Chauffage: indirect par C.A. ou C.C.;

    OCR Scan
    Jrax22t EBC41 7R02975 ebc81 EBC81 TUBE EBC41 philips ebc41 Scans-0017837 nf schaltungen PDF


    Abstract: tube double triode
    Text: PH ILIPS ECC186 MEDIUM n DOUBLE TRIODE for computer applications. The tube will maintain its emission capabilities after long periods of operation under cut-off conditions DOUBLE TRIODE AVEC COEFFICIENT D'AMPLIFICATION MOÏEN pour application dans des machines à calculer. Le tube conser­

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    ECC186 7R0S237 ECC186 tube double triode PDF

    EF80 pentode

    Abstract: EF80 tube EF80 ef 80 eF8o ef80 tube kss 151a als 4 pin RG1 Series cathode ray
    Text: EF80 PHILIPS PENTODE for use as R.F., I.F. or video amplifying valve or mixing valve in television receivers PENTHODE pour l'utilisation en amplificatrice H.F., M.F. ou vidéo ou en convertisseuse dans des récep­ teurs de télévision PENTODE zur Verwendung als H.P.-,Z.F.- oder Bildver­

    OCR Scan
    7R03131 7K030 7R03277 -200V 7R0327S EF80 pentode EF80 tube EF80 ef 80 eF8o ef80 tube kss 151a als 4 pin RG1 Series cathode ray PDF


    Abstract: EABC 80 tube EABc80 TUBE TUBE eabc 80 eabc 80 philips eabc801 h 48 diode
    Text: PHILIPS EABC80 TRIPLE DIODE TRIODE for F.K.or FM/AM broadcast receivers and for video and audio signal detection in television receivers TRIPLE DIODE TRIODE pour récepteurs F.I.i.ou FH/AM et pour détection des signaux d'images et du son dans des récep­

    OCR Scan
    IEABC80 max33_ EABC80 7R039UB 7R039L9 7R03950 EABC80 7R03951 Vj-60 EABC 80 tube EABc80 TUBE TUBE eabc 80 eabc 80 philips eabc801 h 48 diode PDF