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    PH28 POWER SUPPLY Search Results

    PH28 POWER SUPPLY Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74LV4T126FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Level shifter, Unidirectional, 1-Bit x 4 Single Supply Bus Buffer, US14, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74LV4T125FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Level shifter, Unidirectional, 1-Bit x 4 Single Supply Bus Buffer, US14, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4164F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=2 A / HSSOP31 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4164K Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=2 A / HDIP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPD4163K Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Intelligent power device (High voltage PWM DC brushless motor driver) / VBB=600 V / Iout=1 A / HDIP30 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    PH28 POWER SUPPLY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: L2340 TMC2340A AM3 Processor Functional am3 socket pinout 5a6f 5a6e
    Text: L2340 L2340 DEVICES INCORPORATED Digital Synthesizer Digital Synthesizer DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ Digital Waveform Synthesis at 50 MHz ❑ 24-Bit Polar Phase Angle Accuracy ❑ User-selectable Waveform Synthesis, Frequency Modulation, or Phase

    L2340 24-Bit TMC2340A MIL-STD-883, L2340 16-bit 16-bit with15-bit 5A64 TMC2340A AM3 Processor Functional am3 socket pinout 5a6f 5a6e PDF

    am3 socket pin diagram

    Abstract: socket am3 pinout AM3 Processor Functional 5a6f socket am2 am3 5a69 L2340 TMC2340A PH26 5a6e
    Text: L2340 L2340 DEVICES INCORPORATED Digital Synthesizer Digital Synthesizer DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ Digital Waveform Synthesis at 50 MHz ❑ 24-Bit Polar Phase Angle Accuracy ❑ User-selectable Waveform Synthesis, Frequency Modulation, or Phase

    L2340 24-Bit TMC2340A MIL-STD-883, 120-pin L2340 16-bit am3 socket pin diagram socket am3 pinout AM3 Processor Functional 5a6f socket am2 am3 5a69 TMC2340A PH26 5a6e PDF


    Abstract: ph-12 diode 5a69 ph-15 diode socket AM2 pinout socket am3 pinout 5a6f am3 socket pinout am3 socket pin diagram PH-17
    Text: L2340 L2340 DEVICES INCORPORATED Digital Synthesizer Digital Synthesizer DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ Digital Waveform Synthesis at 50 MHz ❑ 24-Bit Polar Phase Angle Accuracy ❑ User-selectable Waveform Synthesis, Frequency Modulation, or Phase

    L2340 24-Bit TMC2340A 120-pin L2340 16-bit 16-bit with15-bit ph-12 diode 5a69 ph-15 diode socket AM2 pinout socket am3 pinout 5a6f am3 socket pinout am3 socket pin diagram PH-17 PDF

    AM3 Processor Functional

    Abstract: socket am3 pinout 5a6f 5a69 ph28 power supply am3 socket pin diagram diode ph-30 ph 77 ph-12 diode PH17
    Text: L2340 L2340 DEVICES INCORPORATED Digital Synthesizer Digital Synthesizer DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ Digital Waveform Synthesis at 50 MHz ❑ 24-Bit Polar Phase Angle Accuracy ❑ User-selectable Waveform Synthesis, Frequency Modulation, or Phase

    L2340 24-Bit TMC2340A MIL-STD-883, L2340 16-bit 16-bit with15-bit AM3 Processor Functional socket am3 pinout 5a6f 5a69 ph28 power supply am3 socket pin diagram diode ph-30 ph 77 ph-12 diode PH17 PDF


    Abstract: ph26 diode socket am3 pinout 5a67 5a6e am3 socket pin diagram 5a6f socket AM2 pinout am3 socket pinout ph-12 diode
    Text: L2340 L2340 DEVICES INCORPORATED Digital Synthesizer Digital Synthesizer DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ Digital Waveform Synthesis at 50 MHz ❑ 24-Bit Polar Phase Angle Accuracy ❑ User-selectable Waveform Synthesis, Frequency Modulation, or Phase

    L2340 24-Bit TMC2340A 120-pin L2340 16-bit 16-bit with15-bit ph26 diode socket am3 pinout 5a67 5a6e am3 socket pin diagram 5a6f socket AM2 pinout am3 socket pinout ph-12 diode PDF

    ph26 diode

    Abstract: 5a6f 5A73 socket am3 pinout 5a69 ph24 .5A67 5a67 5a6e 5a65
    Text: L2340 L2340 DEVICES INCORPORATED Digital Synthesizer Digital Synthesizer DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ Digital Waveform Synthesis at 50 MHz ❑ 24-Bit Polar Phase Angle Accuracy ❑ User-selectable Waveform Synthesis, Frequency Modulation, or Phase

    L2340 L2340 16-bit with15-bit 32-bit MIL-STD-883 ph26 diode 5a6f 5A73 socket am3 pinout 5a69 ph24 .5A67 5a67 5a6e 5a65 PDF


    Abstract: transistor ph27 transistor ph18 pin diagram for quad core i7 processor MARKING PH12 PH23 PH26 1010 OEI MARKING PH24 NFC ferrite
    Text: Electronics Semiconductor Division TMC2340A Digital Synthesizer Dual 16 Bit, 50 Msps Features • User-configurable phase accumulator for waveform synthesis, frequency modulation or phase modulation • Amplitude input for amplitude modulation and gain adjustment

    TMC2340A 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin DS7002340A PH17 transistor ph27 transistor ph18 pin diagram for quad core i7 processor MARKING PH12 PH23 PH26 1010 OEI MARKING PH24 NFC ferrite PDF


    Abstract: 45M10 transistor ph18 pin diagram for quad core i7 processor PH17 AM12 AM13 PH31 TMC2340A PH27 marking
    Text: TMC2340A Digital Synthesizer Dual 16 Bit, 50 Msps Features • User-configurable phase accumulator for waveform synthesis, frequency modulation or phase modulation • Amplitude input for amplitude modulation and gain adjustment • Guaranteed 50 Msps pipelined data throughput rate

    TMC2340A 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin DS3002340A ph-17 45M10 transistor ph18 pin diagram for quad core i7 processor PH17 AM12 AM13 PH31 TMC2340A PH27 marking PDF

    transistor ph18

    Abstract: transistor ph27 PH17 AM11 AM12 AM13 PH31 TMC2340A 45M10 marking AM9
    Text: TMC2340A Digital Synthesizer Dual 16 Bit, 50 Msps Features • User-configurable phase accumulator for waveform synthesis, frequency modulation or phase modulation • Amplitude input for amplitude modulation and gain adjustment • Guaranteed 50 Msps pipelined data throughput rate

    TMC2340A 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin 120-pin DS30002340A transistor ph18 transistor ph27 PH17 AM11 AM12 AM13 PH31 TMC2340A 45M10 marking AM9 PDF

    uei 310

    Abstract: ph17
    Text: FA IR C H IL D S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm TMC2340A Digital Sy nth esiz er Dual 1 6 Bit, 50 Msps Features • User-configurable phase accumulator for waveform synthesis, frequency modulation or phase modulation • Amplitude input for amplitude modulation and gain

    OCR Scan
    TMC2340A 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit C2340A uei 310 ph17 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMC2340 TMC2340 Digital Synthesizer Dual 16-Bit, 25 MOPS The TMC2340 performs waveform synthesis, modulation, and demodulation. When presented with a TTL clock signal and user-selected 15-bit amplitude and 32-bit phase increment values, the TMC2340 automatically

    OCR Scan
    TMC2340 16-Bit, TMC2340 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit available74. PDF


    Abstract: 45M10
    Text: F A I R C H I L D w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m s e m i c o n d u c t o r tm TMC2340A Digital Sy nth esi ze r Dual 16 B i t , 50 M s p s Features • User-configurable phase accumulator for waveform synthesis, frequency modulation or phase modulation • Amplitude input for amplitude modulation and gain

    OCR Scan
    TMC2340A 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin PH22 45M10 PDF


    Abstract: PH27 marking MARKING PH12 PH15 PH17 PH31 TMC2340 TMC2340A PH-27
    Text: FAIRCHILD S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm TMC2340A Di g i t a l S y n t h e s i z e r Dual 16 B i t , 50 M s p s Features • User-configurable phase accumulator for waveform synthesis, frequency m odulation or phase modulation • Am plitude input for am plitude m odulation and gain

    OCR Scan
    TMC2340 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin DS3002340A 45M10 PH27 marking MARKING PH12 PH15 PH17 PH31 TMC2340A PH-27 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Raytheon Electronics Semiconductor Division TM C 2340A Digital Synthesizer Dual 16 Bit, 5 0 Msps • U ser-co n fig u rab le ph ase a cc u m u la to r fo r w aveform sy n th esis, freq u en cy m o d u la tio n o r phase m o d u latio n • A m p litu d e in p u t fo r am p litu d e m o d u latio n an d gain

    OCR Scan
    120-pin TMC2340AH5C 121-Pin 2340AH5C TMC2340AH5C1 2340AH5C1 TMC2340AH5C2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: _bq4285E/bq4285L Enhanced RTC With NVRAM Control >- 14 bytes for clock/calendar and control Features > Enhanced features include: - System wake-up capability— alarm interrupt output active in battery-backup mode >- BCD or binary format for clock and calendar data

    OCR Scan
    bq4285E/bq4285L bq4285L bq4285E 32KHz DS1285 bq4285E/bq4285L 24-pin PDF

    AM1 marking

    Abstract: TMC2340AKEB AM-140 PIN equivalent fairchild h11 amplitude modulation block diagram PH10 PH20 PH23 PH25 PH31
    Text: FAIRCHILD s e m i c o n d u c t o r tm TMC2340 A Digital S ynthesizer Dual 16 B i t , 30 M s p s , I n d u s t r i a l a n d M i l i t a r y T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e s A new data word pair is available at the output every clock

    OCR Scan
    TMC2340 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin DS702340AI AM1 marking TMC2340AKEB AM-140 PIN equivalent fairchild h11 amplitude modulation block diagram PH10 PH20 PH23 PH25 PH31 PDF

    amplitude modulation applications

    Abstract: J11G Ph28p 10632c 7L Marking
    Text: F A I R C H I L D s e m ic o n d u c t o r w w w .fa ir c h ild s e m i.c o m tm TMC2340A Digital S ynthe size r Dual 16 Bi t , 30 M s p s , I n d u s t r i a l a n d M i l i t a r y T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e s Description • User-configurable phase accumulator for waveform

    OCR Scan
    TMC2340A 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin amplitude modulation applications J11G Ph28p 10632c 7L Marking PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F A I R C H I L D w w w .fa irc h ild s e m i.c o m s e m i c o n d u c t o r tm TMC2340A Digital Sy nth esi ze r Dual 16 B i t , 30 M s p s , I n d u s t r i a l a n d M i l i t a r y T e m p e r a t u r e R a n g e s A new data word pair is available at the output every clock

    OCR Scan
    TMC2340A 15-bit 32-bit 16-bit 120-pin PH31 PDF