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    PHASE LOCKED LOOP DC MOTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TB67B001BFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC78B011FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=30/Square, Sine Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67S141AFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver/Unipolar Type/Vout(V)=84/Iout(A)=3/Phase Interface Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67B001AFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Brushless Motor Driver/3 Phases Driver/Vout(V)=25/Iout(A)=3/Square Wave Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67H480FNG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver/Unipolar Type/Vout(V)=50/Iout(A)=2.5/ PHASE input type Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    PHASE LOCKED LOOP DC MOTOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: dc to three phase conversion ic LM motor driver schematic diagram disk drive motor controller UC3633 277 Hall Effect
    Text: U-113 APPLICATION NOTE DESIGN NOTES ON PRECISION PHASE LOCKED SPEED CONTROL FOR DC MOTORS ABSTRACT There are a number of high volume applications for DC motors that require precision control of the motor’s speed. Phase locked loop techniques are well suited to provide

    U-113 UC3620 dc to three phase conversion ic LM motor driver schematic diagram disk drive motor controller UC3633 277 Hall Effect PDF

    schematic diagram brushless motor control

    Abstract: schematic diagram disk drive motor controller schematic diagram motor control timing diagram dc motor speed control driver dc motor schematic 3 phase MOTOR CONTROL ic three phase motor control schematics diagrams LM 3140 COMPARATOR Brushless DC Motor Drive Circuit schematic diagram motor
    Text: U-113 APPLICATION NOTE DESIGN NOTES ON PRECISION PHASE LOCKED SPEED CONTROL FOR DC MOTORS ABSTRACT There are a number of high volume applications for DC motors that require precision control of the motor’s speed. Phase locked loop techniques are well suited to provide

    U-113 schematic diagram brushless motor control schematic diagram disk drive motor controller schematic diagram motor control timing diagram dc motor speed control driver dc motor schematic 3 phase MOTOR CONTROL ic three phase motor control schematics diagrams LM 3140 COMPARATOR Brushless DC Motor Drive Circuit schematic diagram motor PDF

    47pF capacitor

    Abstract: LT1930 MARKING TRANSISTOR BD RC 400 mhz filter
    Text: Final Electrical Specifications LT1310 1.5A Boost DC/DC Converter with Phase-Locked Loop December 2001 U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO The LT 1310 boost DC/DC converter combines a 1.5A current mode PWM switcher with an integrated phaselock loop, allowing the user to set the switching frequency

    LT1310 10kHz LT1310 400mA 240mV OutpLT1767 25MHz LT1930 300mA LT1946 47pF capacitor LT1930 MARKING TRANSISTOR BD RC 400 mhz filter PDF


    Text: LT1310 1.5A Boost DC/DC Converter with Phase-Locked Loop U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO The LT 1310 boost DC/DC converter combines a 1.5A current mode PWM switcher with an integrated phaselocked loop, allowing the user to set the switching frequency anywhere from 10kHz to 4.5MHz. Intended for use

    LT1310 10kHz LT1310 400mA 240mV 10-Leanchronous LTC3401 10-Lead LTC3402 sn1310 ELL6RH2R7M MARKING TRANSISTOR BD RC CDRH5D18-4R1 CDRH5D28-5R3 LT1310EMSE LT1372 UPS120 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LT1310 1.5A Boost DC/DC Converter with Phase-Locked Loop FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO The LT 1310 boost DC/DC converter combines a 1.5A current mode PWM switcher with an integrated phaselocked loop, allowing the user to set the switching frequency anywhere from 10kHz to 4.5MHz. Intended for use

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    Abstract: 47pF capacitor LT1310EMSE LT1372 UPS120 CDRH5D18-4R1 CDRH5D28-5R3 LT1310
    Text: LT1310 1.5A Boost DC/DC Converter with Phase-Locked Loop U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DESCRIPTIO The LT 1310 boost DC/DC converter combines a 1.5A current mode PWM switcher with an integrated phaselocked loop, allowing the user to set the switching frequency anywhere from 10kHz to 4.5MHz. Intended for use

    LT1310 10kHz LT1310 400mA 240mV 10-Lea2MHz, LTC3401 10-Lead LTC3402 820PF 47pF capacitor LT1310EMSE LT1372 UPS120 CDRH5D18-4R1 CDRH5D28-5R3 PDF

    Unitrode Linear Integrated Circuits Data and Application

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UC1635 UC2635 UC3635 Phase Locked Frequency Controller FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Precision Phase Locked Frequency Control System • Crystal Oscillator • Programmable Reference Frequency Dividers • The UC1635 family of integrated circuits was designed for use in precision speed control of DC motors. An extension to the UC1633 line of

    UC1635 UC2635 UC3635 UC1633 SSYA008 SZZA017A U-113 SLUA085 Unitrode Linear Integrated Circuits Data and Application PDF


    Abstract: 11729B-1 Application Note 93-0002, PN-9000 Automated diode ring mixer phase detector LM317 0 to 30 volts voltage regulator LB 1639 AN1639 LM317 wenzel oven diode ring mixer
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE ARCHIVED BY FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. 2005 Phase Noise Measurement Using the Phase Lock Technique Order this document by AN1639/D AN1639 Prepared by: Morris Smith ARCHIVED BY FREESCALE SEMICONDUCTOR, INC. 2005

    AN1639/D AN1639 HP8563 11729B-1 Application Note 93-0002, PN-9000 Automated diode ring mixer phase detector LM317 0 to 30 volts voltage regulator LB 1639 AN1639 LM317 wenzel oven diode ring mixer PDF

    LB 1639

    Abstract: diode ring mixer phase detector Application Note 93-0002, PN-9000 Automated AN1639 LM317 single phase to three phase conversion circuit us noise diode 60 hz dc oscillator circuit Wenzel Associates
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Phase Noise Measurement Using the Phase Lock Technique Order this document by AN1639/D AN1639 Prepared by: Morris Smith Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. INTRODUCTION This application note explains the phase locked loop PLL

    AN1639/D AN1639 LB 1639 diode ring mixer phase detector Application Note 93-0002, PN-9000 Automated AN1639 LM317 single phase to three phase conversion circuit us noise diode 60 hz dc oscillator circuit Wenzel Associates PDF

    "Brushless DC Motor" abstract

    Abstract: 24vdc pwm brushless motor driver schematics 45ZWN24-30 45zwn24 schematic diagram brushless motor control linix diagram motor control sensorless bldc driver circuit direct back-emf PC based dc motor speed control brushless dc motor speed control simple circuit 4 dc motor for 24v
    Text: Application Note Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Control with the Z16FMC MCU AN031101-1210 Abstract This application note discusses the closed loop control of a 3-phase brushless direct current BLDC motor using the Z16FMC Family of Microcontrollers (MCUs). The Z16FMC product family is designed specifically

    Z16FMC AN031101-1210 "Brushless DC Motor" abstract 24vdc pwm brushless motor driver schematics 45ZWN24-30 45zwn24 schematic diagram brushless motor control linix diagram motor control sensorless bldc driver circuit direct back-emf PC based dc motor speed control brushless dc motor speed control simple circuit 4 dc motor for 24v PDF


    Abstract: 45zwn24 Z8FMC1600 MCU 45ZWN driver dc motor schematic Z8FMC1600 schematic diagram brushless motor control "Brushless DC Motor" brushless dc schematics schematic diagram motor control
    Text: Application Note Sensorless Brushless DC Motor Control with Z8 Encore! MC Microcontrollers AN022601-0905 ZiLOG Worldwide Headquarters • 532 Race Street • San Jose, CA 95126 Telephone: 408.558.8500 • Fax: 408.558.8300 • This publication is subject to replacement by a later edition. To determine whether a later edition

    AN022601-0905 45ZWN24-30 45zwn24 Z8FMC1600 MCU 45ZWN driver dc motor schematic Z8FMC1600 schematic diagram brushless motor control "Brushless DC Motor" brushless dc schematics schematic diagram motor control PDF


    Abstract: MC68040 MC88920 1M resistor Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver With Power-Down/Power-Up Feature Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The MC88920 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to

    MC88920 MC68/EC/LC030/040 MC88920/D* MC88920/D BR1333 LC030 MC68040 1M resistor Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA DATA SHEET LowLow Skew CMOSCMOS PLL Clock PowerSkew PLLDriver ClockWith Driver Down/Power-up Feature With Power-Down/Power-Up Feature Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MC88920 MC68/EC/LC030/040 199707558G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC88LV926/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL 68060 Clock Driver 2 The MC88LV926 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference clock. It is designed to provide clock distribution for CISC microprocessor

    MC88LV926/D MC88LV926 MC88LV926 MC68/EC/ LC030/040/060 88LV926 delay470K 20-PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC88LV926/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL 68060 Clock Driver 2 The MC88LV926 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference clock. It is designed to provide clock distribution for CISC microprocessor

    MC88LV926/D MC88LV926 MC88LV926 MC68/EC/ LC030/040/060 88LV926 delay470K 20-PIN LC030 PDF


    Abstract: MC68040 MC88920 Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver MC88920 With Power-Down/Power-Up Feature The MC88920 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference

    MC88920 MC88920 MC68/EC/LC030/040 MC88920/D* MC88920/D BR1333 LC030 MC68040 Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: MC68040 MC88920 Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver MC88920 With Power-Down/Power-Up Feature The MC88920 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference

    MC88920 MC88920 MC68/EC/LC030/040 MC88920/D* MC88920/D BR1333 LC030 MC68040 Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order Number: MC88LV915T/D Rev 3, 08/2001 SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Low Voltage Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver, 3-State The MC88LV915T Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology

    MC88LV915T/D MC88LV915T 88LV915 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Voltage Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver, 3-State The MC88LV915T Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference clock. It is designed to provide clock distribution for high performance

    MC88LV915T/D MC88LV915T 88LV915 PDF

    crystal oscillator 100mhz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Voltage Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver, 3-State The MC88LV915T Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference clock. It is designed to provide clock distribution for high performance

    MC88LV915T/D MC88LV915T 88LV915 crystal oscillator 100mhz PDF


    Abstract: mc12071 MC145145 tv-catv tuner f1684 crystal oscillator 4.000 cmos crystal oscillator 5.0 volt Crystal oscillator 12 MHz dc to single phase inverter ic th crystal oscillator
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC145145–2/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC145145-2 4-Bit Data Bus Input PLL Frequency Synthesizer P SUFFIX PLASTIC DIP CASE 707 Interfaces with Single–Modulus Prescalers The MC145145–2 is programmed by a 4–bit input, with strobe and address

    MC145145 MC145145-2 MC145145-2/D* MC145145-1 mc12071 tv-catv tuner f1684 crystal oscillator 4.000 cmos crystal oscillator 5.0 volt Crystal oscillator 12 MHz dc to single phase inverter ic th crystal oscillator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver With Processor Reset The MC88916 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference

    MC88916 MC68/EC/LC030/040 80MHz. MC88916DW70 MC88916DW80, MC88916 BR1333 MC88916/D* MC88916/D PDF


    Abstract: LC030 MC68040 MC88916DW70 MC88916DW80 Nippon capacitors Motorola 68040
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver With Processor Reset The MC88916 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to lock its low skew outputs’ frequency and phase onto an input reference

    MC88916 MC68/EC/LC030/040 80MHz. MC88916DW70 MC88916DW80, MC88916 BR1333 MC88916/D* MC88916/D LC030 MC68040 MC88916DW80 Nippon capacitors Motorola 68040 PDF


    Abstract: MC68040 MC88916 MC88916DW70 MC88916DW80 Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document from Logic Marketing SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Low Skew CMOS PLL Clock Driver With Processor Reset Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The MC88916 Clock Driver utilizes phase–locked loop technology to

    MC88916 MC68/EC/LC030/040 80MHz. BR1333 MC88916/D* MC88916/D LC030 MC68040 MC88916DW70 MC88916DW80 Nippon capacitors PDF