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    PHILIPS 433-2 NPN Search Results

    PHILIPS 433-2 NPN Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TTC022 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC020 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=80 V / IC=4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=0.17 V / tf=70 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPCP8515 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=12 V / IC=5 A / hFE=250~500 / VCE(sat)=0.14 V / tf=50 ns / PS-8 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTC021 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=120 V / IC=3 A / hFE=120~240 / VCE(sat)=0.15 V / tf=170 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SC5198 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation NPN Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=140 V / IC=10 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=2.0 V / TO-3P(N) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    PHILIPS 433-2 NPN Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    2108 npn transistor

    Abstract: Dual General Purpose Transistors SC70-6 "Dual npn Transistor" philips 23 BP317 SC70-6 dual NPN Transistor 77 ic marking code sc70
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET PUMX1 Dual NPN transistor Preliminary specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC04 1995 Dec 07 Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Dual NPN transistor PUMX1 FEATURES APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION • Two transistors in one SC70

    SC70-6 base218, SCD47 113062/1100/01/pp8 2108 npn transistor Dual General Purpose Transistors SC70-6 "Dual npn Transistor" philips 23 BP317 SC70-6 dual NPN Transistor 77 ic marking code sc70 PDF


    Abstract: TOSHIBA 2N3055 bta41-600b application BTA41-600B firing circuit TAB 429 H toshiba BZX85C20V SCR tyn612 pin configuration picaxe TYN612 specification 2SA1085E
    Text: SEMICONDUCTORS DISCRETE DEVICES Cathode Anode DO-15 DO-201AD 6.8 x 3.5mm 9.5 x 5.3mm Anode Cathode TO-220AC Fast recovery diodes page 427 Schottky power diodes page 428 Isolated tab triacs page 430 Anode 1 Gate Anode 2 Bridge rectifiers Current regulating diodes

    DO-15 DO-201AD O-220AC T0202-3 STGP3NB60HD* STGP7NB60HD* STGP3NB60HD STGP7NB60HD BZX85C12V TOSHIBA 2N3055 bta41-600b application BTA41-600B firing circuit TAB 429 H toshiba BZX85C20V SCR tyn612 pin configuration picaxe TYN612 specification 2SA1085E PDF

    B.A date sheet karachi

    Abstract: BF547W marking code e2 m1b marking BF547 SCD31
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BF547W NPN 1 GHz wideband transistor Product specification Supersedes data of November 1992 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14 Philips Semiconductors June 1994 Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN 1 GHz wideband transistor

    BF547W OT323 BF547W BF547. MBC870 SCD31 123065/1500/02/pp12 B.A date sheet karachi marking code e2 m1b marking BF547 SCD31 PDF


    Abstract: 2322 157 philips B.A date sheet karachi RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ BFG11 MLC852 2222 031 capacitor philips 2222 424
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BFG11; BFG11/X NPN 2 GHz RF power transistor Product specification Supersedes data of November 1992 File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14 Philips Semiconductors 1995 Apr 07 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    BFG11; BFG11/X OT143 BFG11 SCD38 123055/1500/03/pp12 MLC850 2322 157 philips B.A date sheet karachi RF NPN POWER TRANSISTOR 2.5 GHZ BFG11 MLC852 2222 031 capacitor philips 2222 424 PDF


    Abstract: 3094 npn
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BFG590W BFG590W/X; BFG590W/XR NPN 5 GHz wideband transistor Product specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14 Philips Semiconductors August 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification BFG590W BFG590W/X; BFG590W/XR

    BFG590W BFG590W/X; BFG590W/XR BFG590W/X SCD35 BFG590W 3094 npn PDF

    ua 722 fc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BFG25AW BFG25AW/X; BFG25AW/XR NPN 5 GHz wideband transistor Product specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14 Philips Semiconductors August 1995 Philips Semiconductors Product specification BFG25AW BFG25AW/X; BFG25AW/XR

    BFG25AW BFG25AW/X; BFG25AW/XR OT343 OT343R BFG25AW/X ua 722 fc PDF

    BF 212 transistor

    Abstract: BFG67W
    Text: DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET BFG67W BFG67W/X; BFG67W/XR NPN 8 GHz wideband transistor Product specification File under Discrete Semiconductors, SC14 Philips Semiconductors September 1994 Philips Semiconductors Product specification BFG67W BFG67W/X; BFG67W/XR

    BFG67W BFG67W/X; BFG67W/XR BFG67W/X SCD34 BF 212 transistor BFG67W PDF


    Abstract: BFQ236 BFQ236A BFQ256 BFQ256A
    Text: Philips S em iconductors bb53*ì31 DD31723 bflG M A P V NPN 1 GHz video transistors BFQ236; BFQ236A N FEATURES Product specification AUER P H IL IP S /D IS C R E T E b^E PINNING • High breakdown voltages • Low output capacitance PIN 1 • High gain bandwidth product

    OCR Scan
    DD31723 BFQ236; BFQ236A BFQ256 BFQ256A OT223 OT223. MSB002 0Q317H4 P10T BFQ236 BFQ236A BFQ256A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AUER PHILIPS/DISCRETE bRE D • bbS3R31 002fl37b 724 « A P X Philips specification Silicon diffused power transistor BU2520D GENERAL DESCRIPTION New generation, high-voltage, high-speed switching npn transistor with an integrated damper diode in a plastic

    OCR Scan
    bbS3R31 002fl37b BU2520D bbS3T31 PDF

    IC 651

    Abstract: BDS645 BD8643 BDS647 Darlington NPN Silicon Diode BDS643 BDS649 BDS651
    Text: 5bE D PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL Philips Components B D S 643/645/647/649/651 Data sheet status Product specification date o f issue April 1991 m 7110ÛEb DQ4314b 17T • PHIN r-33-z^j NPN Silicon Darlington power transistors DESCRIPTION PINNING -SOT223 DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    DD4314b BDS643/645/647/649/651 r-33-z OT223, BDS644/646/648/650/652. -SOT223 BDS643 BDS645 BDS647 BDS649 IC 651 BDS645 BD8643 BDS647 Darlington NPN Silicon Diode BDS643 BDS649 BDS651 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Com ponents Datasheet status Product specification date of issue April 1991 BDS643/645/647/649/651 NPN silicon Darlington power transistors PINNING -SOT223 DESCRIPTION NPN epitaxial base transistors in a monolithic Darlington circuit in SOT223, intended for general

    OCR Scan
    BDS643/645/647/649/651 -SOT223 OT223, BDS644/646/648/650/652. bbS3T31 0034bt bbS3T31 0034bl0 DQ34bll PDF

    IC 651

    Abstract: BDS643 BDS645 BDS647 BDS649 BDS651
    Text: Philips Com ponents BDS643/645/647/649/651 Data sheet status Product specification date o f issue AprS 1991 NPN silicon Daiiington power transistors PINNING -SO T223 DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION base collector emitter collector PIN 1 NPN epitaxial base transistors in a

    OCR Scan
    BDS643/645/647/649/651 OT223, BDS644/646/648/650/652. -SOT223 BDS643 BDS645 BDS647 BDS649 BDS651 IC 651 PDF


    Abstract: smd npn darlington BDS61 BDS61B Darlington NPN Silicon Diode BDS61C smd diode LC 61 SMD 547 DIODE
    Text: Philip» Comportants Datasheet status Product specification data of issue Apr* 1991 BDS 6 1 /6 1 A /6 1 B /6 1 C NPN Silicon Darlington power transistors DESCRIPTIO N PINNING - SOT223 DESCRIPTIO N base collector emitter collector PIN 1 2 3 4 NPN Silicon power transistors in a

    OCR Scan
    BDS61 OT223) BDS60/60A/60B/60C. OT223 BDS61A BDS61B BDS61C smd npn darlington Darlington NPN Silicon Diode smd diode LC 61 SMD 547 DIODE PDF

    ha 431 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Silicon Diffused Power Transistor BU2727AX GENERAL DESCRIPTION High voltage, high-speed switching npn transistor in a plastic full-pack envelope intended for use in horizontal deflection circuits of high resolution monitors. Designed to withstand VCES pulses up to 1700V.

    OCR Scan
    BU2727AX ha 431 transistor PDF


    Abstract: UG77A bux87 TO126 BUX87 philips bux86 philips bux87
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Silicon diffused power transistors BUX86; BUX87 High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistors in T O -126 envelopes, fo r use in con­ verters, inverters, switching regulators, m otor co n tro l systems and switching applications.

    OCR Scan
    BUX86; BUX87 O-126 BUX86 O-126. 711Gfl2t. UG77A bux87 TO126 BUX87 philips bux86 philips bux87 PDF

    transistor w 431

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T Philips Components RZ2731B32W Data sheet status Product specification data of Issue June 1992 NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 711Dfi2b OOHbSbb 3b3 I IPHIN DESCRIPTION AP P LIC A T IO N FEATU R ES • Interdigitated structure; high

    OCR Scan
    RZ2731B32W 711Dfi2b FO-57D 711005b 00MbS71 transistor w 431 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification Silicon Diffused Power Transistor BU2730AL GENERAL DESCRIPTION New generation, high-voltage, high-speed switching npn transistor in a plastic envelope intended for use in horizontal deflection circuits of large screen colour television receivers.

    OCR Scan
    BU2730AL PDF

    STT 433

    Abstract: variable capacitor erie ceramic RX1214B170W Tekelec
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN silicon planar epitaxial microwave power transistor FEATURES RX1214B170W QUICK REFERENCE DATA Microwave performance up to Tmb = 25 °C in a common base class C narrowband amplifier. • Suitable for short and medium

    OCR Scan
    RX1214B170W FO-91B. 71106Eb STT 433 variable capacitor erie ceramic RX1214B170W Tekelec PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P h ilip s S em icon ducto rs P relim inary sp e cifica tio n S ilicon ep itaxial-b ase tran sistors QUICK REFERENCE DATA MIN. CONOTTIONS BD433 PINNING - TO-126 SOT32 DESCRIPTION PARAMETER collector-emitter voltage Veto MAX. UNIT SYMBOL Yces if n DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    BD433 BD437 BD439 BD441 BD435 O-126 BD434, BD436, BD438, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification NPN 7 GHz wideband transistor BFG591 FEA TUR ES D ES C R IPTIO N • High power gain NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor in a plastic, 4-pin S O T 223 package. • Low noise figure • High transition frequency

    OCR Scan
    BFG591 voltage929 7110A2b BFG591 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pjjijip^enijconductor^^^ • bbS3T31 0031233 T1S ■ APX^ProductspecificatiOT NPN 6 GHz wideband transistor ^ BFG91A N AHER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION b*lE D PINNING NPN transistor in a 4-lead dual-emitter plastic SOT 103 envelope. PIN It is designed for application in

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 BFG91A PDF

    transistor tt 2222

    Abstract: TT 2222 npn SOT171 multilayer ceramic capacitor heatsink catalogue BLV934 philips 0201 capacitor transistor 257 isolated npn metal
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification UHF power transistor BLV934 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Internal input matching to achieve high power gain and easy design of wideband circuits NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for common emitter class-AB operation. The transistor has

    OCR Scan
    BLV934 OT171 OT171 col11 OT171. transistor tt 2222 TT 2222 npn SOT171 multilayer ceramic capacitor heatsink catalogue BLV934 philips 0201 capacitor transistor 257 isolated npn metal PDF


    Abstract: transistor kt 801 MBS330 transistor 446-1 1SS TRANSISTOR transistor kt 326 FP 801 transistor SOT103 transistor C 2290
    Text: PhHip^emiconductor^^^ • bbS3T31 0031233 T1S ■ APX^Productspecification NPN 6 GHz wideband transistor — ^ BFG91A N AHER PHILIPS/DISCRETE DESCRIPTION b*lE D PINNING NPN transistor in a 4-lead dual-emltter plastic SOT 103 envelope. PIN It is designed for application in

    OCR Scan
    G031233 BFG91A bfg91a transistor kt 801 MBS330 transistor 446-1 1SS TRANSISTOR transistor kt 326 FP 801 transistor SOT103 transistor C 2290 PDF

    transistor b 1238

    Abstract: BFG91A UBB328 7407 IC and
    Text: PhHip^emiconductor^^^ • bbS3T31 0031233 T1S ■ APX^Productspecification NPN 6 GHz wideband transistor — ^ BFG91A N AHER P H ILIP S /D IS C R E TE DESCRIPTION b*lE D PINNING NPN transistor in a 4-lead dual-emltter plastic SO T 103 envelope. PIN It is designed for application in

    OCR Scan
    bb53T31 BFG91A transistor b 1238 BFG91A UBB328 7407 IC and PDF