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    PHOTODIODE RETICON Result Highlights (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ISL78365ARZ-T7A Renesas Electronics Corporation Automotive High Speed Quad Laser Diode Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL78365ARZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Automotive High Speed Quad Laser Diode Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL78365ARZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation Automotive High Speed Quad Laser Diode Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    PHOTODIODE RETICON Datasheets Context Search

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    7404 not gate

    Abstract: lm 7404 LM 7408 RL2048dag 7408 12V lm 7404 and pin configuration rl1024dag-111 RETICON RL 1024 rl1024dag 7408 ttl family
    Text: Introduction D Series PerkinElmer's D Series image sensors 256, 512, 1024, 2048 Elements Photodiode Array are high-speed, self-scanned, chargecoupled photodiode CCPD arrays. The EVERYTHING IN A D Series Family, consisting of the NEW Standard and Wide Aperture image

    RL0256DAG-111 RL0512DAG-111 RL1024DAG-111 RL2048DAG-111 RL0256DKQ-111 RL0512DKQ-111 RL1024DKQ-111 RL2048DKQ-111 775-OPTO 7404 not gate lm 7404 LM 7408 RL2048dag 7408 12V lm 7404 and pin configuration rl1024dag-111 RETICON RL 1024 rl1024dag 7408 ttl family PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A T A S H E E 14 µm, Dual Output, 2048 and 4096 Elements D S E N S O R S O LUTI O N S CCD Line Scan Array P-Series High Speed Linear Photodiode Array Imagers T Description Based on the industry standard Reticon arrays, PerkinElmer has combined the best features of highsensitivity photodiode array detection and high-speed charge coupled

    DTS1007P PDF


    Abstract: line scan sensor Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel rl1024P linear array photodiode element RETICON CCD reticon photodiode array LC1917 LC1917HAN-011 line scan ccd 12 pin
    Text: Imaging D A T A S H E E T Lighting Telecom Imaging Product Line LC1917 Series Cameras Low-Profile Analog Line Scan Camera Features Description In the LC1917 analog line scan camera, PerkinElmer has combined the best features of photodiode array detection,

    LC1917 wher5-0703 D-65199 DSP-205 4/2001W RETICON line scan sensor Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel rl1024P linear array photodiode element RETICON CCD reticon photodiode array LC1917HAN-011 line scan ccd 12 pin PDF

    RETICON photodiode array 512

    Abstract: RL1202LGQ-711 RL1205LGQ-711 RETICON RETICON 128 RL1210LGQ-711 RL1201LGQ-711 RETICON TB series sensors Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel photodiode 256 elements silicon
    Text: Imaging Telecom Imaging Product Line L-Series Linear CMOS Spectroscopy Sensor 25 or 50 µm pitch, 2.5 mm aperture, 128 to 1024 elements Description Features The PerkinElmer L-series of monolithic self-scanning linear photodiode arrays offers a high quality, low cost solution

    sil-0703 D-65199 DSP-106 10/2001W RETICON photodiode array 512 RL1202LGQ-711 RL1205LGQ-711 RETICON RETICON 128 RL1210LGQ-711 RL1201LGQ-711 RETICON TB series sensors Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel photodiode 256 elements silicon PDF

    RETICON photodiode array 512

    Abstract: AMPLI DUAL CV 60 reticon photodiode array RL1505LFQ-711 RETICON RL1202LGQ-711 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel RL1502LFQ-711 RL1201LGQ-711 RL1205
    Text: Imaging Telecom Imaging Product Line L-Series Linear CMOS Spectroscopy Sensor 25 or 50 µm pitch, 2.5 mm aperture, 128 to 1024 elements Description Features The PerkinElmer L-series of monolithic self-scanning linear photodiode arrays offers a high quality, low cost solution

    sil5-0703 D-65199 DSP-106 8/2001W RETICON photodiode array 512 AMPLI DUAL CV 60 reticon photodiode array RL1505LFQ-711 RETICON RL1202LGQ-711 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel RL1502LFQ-711 RL1201LGQ-711 RL1205 PDF


    Abstract: RA1662NAG-011 reticon photodiode array RA1662N RA1662NAG011 RA1662 EGG RETICON RETICON diode array RETICON RA
    Text: E G & G RETICON 47E D m 3G3Q73Ö 00D3bl0 ü « R E T -o , RA1662N n 11 EGzG RETICON General Description Parallel Output Photodiode Area Array Video 7 C 1 The RA1662N is a self-scanned area photodiode array con­

    OCR Scan
    3G3Q73Ö 00D3bl0 RA1662N RA1662N RA1662NAG-011 RETICON RA1662NAG-011 reticon photodiode array RA1662NAG011 RA1662 EGG RETICON RETICON diode array RETICON RA PDF

    RETICON 128 application notes

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: K Series JLeGsB RET1CON Wide Aperture Linear Photodiode Array W Introduction The EG&G Reticon K Series linear photodiode arrays are designed for applications that require higher sensitivity and wider dynamic range than is available with square element geometries. Devices in this series contain 128, 256, 512 or

    OCR Scan
    RL0128K RL0256K RC0100LNB-011/RC0104LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0105LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0106LNN-011 3D3D73Ã RETICON 128 application notes PDF


    Abstract: RL0256
    Text: K Series J}^EBnG RETICON Wide Aperture Linear Photodiode Array Introduction The EG&G Relicon K Series linear photodiode arrays are designed tor applications that require higher sensitivity and wider dynamic range than is available with square element geometries. Devices in this series contain 128, 256, 512 or

    OCR Scan
    RL0128K RL0256K RC0100LNB-011/RC0104LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0105LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0106LNN-011 RL1024KAQ011 RL0256 PDF


    Abstract: RL0512DAG RL0512DAG-011 RL2048DAG-011 RL0256DAG-011 rl1024dag RL0256 RL1024DAG-011
    Text: D Series Linear Family J}^EG&E RETJCON Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array Introduction EG&G Reticon's D Series image sensors are high-speed, self-scanned, charge-coupled photodiode CCPD arrays. The D Series Family, consisting of the ST ANDARD-D, VALUED, FAST-D, and LOLIGHT-D image sensors, allows the

    OCR Scan
    RC0730LNN-011 RL1024D RL0512DAG RL0512DAG-011 RL2048DAG-011 RL0256DAG-011 rl1024dag RL0256 RL1024DAG-011 PDF


    Abstract: RETICON CA10A RETICON RF R00064N R00064NAG-011 automatic clock room light reticon photodiode linear array reticon photodiode array RC00640NB-011
    Text: E G a G RETICON lñE D 3D3073Ô a a a 3 n 7 ? R00064N Self-Scanned Circular Photodiode Array : " r 4 !-SS The R00064N is the first self-scanned photodiode array available in a circular configuration. The device will find appli­ cation in such fields as tracking, alignment, pattern recogni­

    OCR Scan
    3D3073Ô R00064N R00064N R00064NAG-011 RC00640NB-011 RETICON CA10A RETICON CA10A RETICON RF automatic clock room light reticon photodiode linear array reticon photodiode array PDF


    Abstract: RETICON RL 1024 STR 6656 RETICON RL0512DAG011 RL0512DKQ RL0512DAG RL2048DAG011 rl1024dag RL1024DAG-011
    Text: m T T 'r /V M l ¥ E T CI O N PI J ^ E G z G D Series Linear Family R Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array Introduction _ EG&G Reticon’s D Series image sensors are high-speed, self-scanned, charge-coupled photodiode CCPD arrays. The D Series Family, consisting of the STANDARD-D, VALU E­

    OCR Scan
    1993EG 00045AA RL2048dag RETICON RL 1024 STR 6656 RETICON RL0512DAG011 RL0512DKQ RL0512DAG RL2048DAG011 rl1024dag RL1024DAG-011 PDF

    IC TTL 7404

    Abstract: RETICON ccd
    Text: Il ^ 1 -II E G r G R E a LT IC - _ O D Series Linear Family N Charge-Coupled j Photodiode Array Introduction _ EG&G Reticon’s D Series im age sensors are high-speed, self-scanned, charge-coupled photodiode C CPD arrays. The D Series Fam ily, consisting o f th e STAN D ARD -D , VALUED, FAST-D, and LO LIG H T-D im age sensors, allow s the

    OCR Scan
    3Q3G73Ã IC TTL 7404 RETICON ccd PDF

    reticon photodiode linear array

    Abstract: RL1024SRF011 RL1024SRQ-011 RC1010LNN-011/ RETICON
    Text: J}^EB&t3 RETICON SR Series Random Access Linear Array G eneral D escrip tio n Ao The SR Series is a unique family of monolithic linear image arrays with randomly-accessible photodiode sensors. The photodiodes are accessed via 5V binary address lines. Like

    OCR Scan
    withL1024SRF-011 RC1010LNN-011/ RC1011LNN-011 reticon photodiode linear array RL1024SRF011 RL1024SRQ-011 RC1010LNN-011/ RETICON PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TH Series RETICON Solid State Scanners General Description The EG&G Reticon TH series is a family of monolithic self­ scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy, specifically HPLC applications. The devices in this series consist of a row of silicon photo diodes. Each

    OCR Scan
    22-pin RL0256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary J ^ E B mB RETICON TC Series Solid State Line Scanners 7 General Description \ •-— ■ The TC Series is a family of monolithic self-scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy. The devices in this series consist of a row of silicon photodiodes,

    OCR Scan
    RL0128TC 22-pi RL0128TCF-011 RL0256TCF-011 RL0512TCF-011 RC1032LNN-020 RL0128TCQ-111 PDF

    RETICON photodiode array 512

    Abstract: reticon photodiode array Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel reticon photodiode linear array RL1024SAF-011 Reticon 512 sensor photodiode reticon reticon tad-32 RL1024SAQ011 RL1024SAQ-011
    Text: j^EG& O RETICON S Series Solid State Line Scanners 128, 256,512, and 1024 Elements General Description The Reticon S series is a family of monolithic self-scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectros­ copy. The devices in this series consist of a row of silicon

    OCR Scan
    RL0256S RL0512S RL1024S RETICON photodiode array 512 reticon photodiode array Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel reticon photodiode linear array RL1024SAF-011 Reticon 512 sensor photodiode reticon reticon tad-32 RL1024SAQ011 RL1024SAQ-011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary ^ E G k G R E T ÏC O N Solid State Line Scanners j General Description The EG&G Reticon TC series is a family of monolithic self­ scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy. The devices in this series consist of a row of

    OCR Scan
    RL0128TC 2LNN-020 RC1032LNN-020 RL0128TCQ-111 3D3Q73fi RL0256 PDF


    Abstract: RA1441A reticon photodiode array EGG RETICON EG*G Reticon
    Text: E G & G RETICON M7E D • 3030735 Q003b0b q » R E T fi _ _ RA1441A RETICO N General Description The RA1441A is a self-scanned area photodiode array containing 14 rows of 41 sensing elements each. The centerto-center spacing of the elements along each row is 4.1 mils;

    OCR Scan
    Q003b0b RA1441A RA1441A RA1441AAB-011 RC0501 ANN-011 RETICON reticon photodiode array EGG RETICON EG*G Reticon PDF


    Abstract: reticon photodiode array EGG RETICON EG*G Reticon 14x41 EG&G reticon photodiode array sensor
    Text: S i 6 RETICON IflE C • 3030738 OOOBlhO h n EB zG R ETIC O N General Description The RA1441A is a sell-scanned area photodiode array con­ taining 14 rows of 41 sensing elements each. The center-tocenter spacing of the elements along each row Is 4.1 mils; the

    OCR Scan
    RA1441A RA1441AAB-011 RC0501 ANN-011 RETICON reticon photodiode array EGG RETICON EG*G Reticon 14x41 EG&G reticon photodiode array sensor PDF

    RETICON ccd

    Abstract: RETICON
    Text: E G & G RETICON 1ÔE D • 3030735 0003050 4 ■ RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D D Series Tapped RETICON High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array EG&G Reticon's RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 128 diodes. The RL1282D has two

    OCR Scan
    RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1284DAQ-011 RETICON ccd RETICON PDF


    Abstract: RETICON CCD RETICON photodiode array 512 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel RL1288DAQ-011 Reticon 256 reticon photodiode array RC07 RL1282D RL1288D
    Text: E G & G RETICON 1ÔE D • 3030735 0003050 4 ■ RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D D Series Tapped RETICON High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array EG&G Reticon's RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 128 diodes. The RL1282D has two

    OCR Scan
    RL1282D, RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1282DAQ-011 RL1284DAQ-011 RL1288DAQ-011 RC0716LNN-020 RETICON RETICON CCD RETICON photodiode array 512 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel Reticon 256 reticon photodiode array RC07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h J ' ^ E B k G D Series Tapped r e t t c o High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array n RL1282D Introduction EG&G Reticon’s RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 126 diodes. The RL1282D has two

    OCR Scan
    RL1282D RL1282D, RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1288DAQ-111 RC0716LNB-020 RC0716LNB-011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J VL V T Series Solid State Line Scanners e g &g r e t ic o n 64,128, 256, and 512 Elements General Description The Reticon T series is a family of monolithic self-scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy. The devices in this series consist of a row of silicon photodiodes,

    OCR Scan
    LNN-O2O/RCI001 LNN-011 RC1000LNN-020/RC1001 RC1OOOLNN-O2O/RCI001 RL0256 PDF


    Abstract: RETICON photodiode array 512 rl0256sbq011 Reticon 256 RETICON amplifier RETICON Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel rl1024sb RC1030LNN-011 rl1024s
    Text: E 6 & G RETICON j^ E G & G 4?E P • 3030736 R E T IC O N ODOBSSÌ Solid State Line Scanners General Description The EG&G Reticon SB series is a family of monolithic self­ scanning linear photodiode arrays optimized for application in spectroscopy. The devices in this series consist of a row of

    OCR Scan
    side-30LNN-011 RC1030LNN-011 RL0128SBF-011 RL0256SBF-011 RL0512SBF-011 RL1024SBF-011 RL0256SBQ-111 RL0128SBQ-011 RETICON photodiode array 512 rl0256sbq011 Reticon 256 RETICON amplifier RETICON Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel rl1024sb rl1024s PDF