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    PIN CONFIGURATION 74LS32 Search Results

    PIN CONFIGURATION 74LS32 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 9-Pin (DB9) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 2.5ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 25ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 25-Pin (DB25) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 37-Pin (DB37) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 2.5ft Datasheet

    PIN CONFIGURATION 74LS32 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DB25 Parallel connector PAL Decoder 16L8 PC87310EB NEL NE-18A 74LS125 tri-state buffer p20l8 LS521 working of IC 74ls244 as buffer 74LS245
    Text: National Semiconductor Application Note 676 Welson Lin Steve Horeff December 1990 BACKGROUND The PC87310 integrates two UARTs a floppy disk controller with analog data separator one parallel port game port decode hard disk controller decode and standard PC-XT

    PC87310 74LS125 74LS245 20-3A 74ls521 DB25 Parallel connector PAL Decoder 16L8 PC87310EB NEL NE-18A 74LS125 tri-state buffer p20l8 LS521 working of IC 74ls244 as buffer PDF


    Abstract: pin connector ipad IPAD MICROPROCESSOR 50mhz crystal oscillator C703-C706 NAND 74LS00 IPAD MICROPROCESSOR DATASHEETS SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY PDF FILE 8PIN transistor C618 u19 c629

    PM5347 S/UNI-155-PLUS PMC-960553 PM5347 155-PLUS PM-960553 74x541 pin connector ipad IPAD MICROPROCESSOR 50mhz crystal oscillator C703-C706 NAND 74LS00 IPAD MICROPROCESSOR DATASHEETS SEVEN SEGMENT DISPLAY PDF FILE 8PIN transistor C618 u19 c629 PDF

    PSB 2165 H

    Abstract: arcofis 2165 siemens 82525 LSC series Microcontroller by MOTOROLA Motorola LSC microcontroller digital signal processing based closed loop control Microphone Preamplifier AGCs peak detector schematic diagram cga to vga converter cga motorola DSO hearing aid for high frequency
    Text: ICs for Communications Audio Ringing Codec Filter Featuring Speakerphone Function ARCOFI -SP PSB 2163 User’s Manual ICs for Communications Audio Ringing Codec Filter Featuring Speakerphone Function ARCOFI®-SP PSB 2163 User’s Manual 06.95 PSB 2163 Revision History:



    Abstract: pin configuration 74LS32 74LS32 pin configuration 74LS764
    Text: SCB68175 Signetics Bus Controller Preliminary Specification Microprocessor Products PIN CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Signetics SCB68175/8X821 Bus Controller is a high-speed bus requester and timing generator designed to inter­ face a local m aster typically, a m icro­

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    SCB68175 SCB68175/8X821 SCB68175/8X 74S245 pin configuration 74LS32 74LS32 pin configuration 74LS764 PDF

    74LS32 function table

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GD54/74LS32 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE OR GATES Description Pin Configuration This device contains four independent 2-input OR gates. It performs the Boolean functions V = Â • B or Y = A + B in positive logic. Vcc 14 4B 13 4A 12 4Y 11 38 10 3A 3Y 9 8 [¿-I

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    GD54/74LS32 QG0421B 74LS32 function table PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GD54/74LS322 8-BIT SHIFT REGISTERS WITH SIGN EXTEND Feature • M ultiplexed Inputs/O utputs Provide Im proved Pin Configuration Bit Density ^ c c S ELECT SE • 3 -S ta te O utputs Drive Bus Lines Directly [io] Fat [Tal F71 [Tel Fsl fT^l [Tä] [Täl [TT1

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    GD54/74LS322 665SJ, PDF

    74LS32 pin configuration

    Abstract: pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration 74LS32 74LS32 function table logic symbol 74LS32 74LS32 pin configuration and logic symbol 74LS32 74LS32 configuration 74LS32 NOT gate 74LS32 PIN
    Text: GD54/74LS32 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE OR GATES Description Pin Configuration This device contains four independent 2-input_OR gates. It performs the Boolean functions Y = A- B or Y = A + B in positive logic. . OUTPUT A B Y L H L L L H H H L H H H 4A 13 12

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    GD54/74LS32 74LS32 pin configuration pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration 74LS32 74LS32 function table logic symbol 74LS32 74LS32 pin configuration and logic symbol 74LS32 74LS32 configuration 74LS32 NOT gate 74LS32 PIN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GD54/74LS32 QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT POSITIVE OR GATES Description Pin Configuration This device contains four independent 2-input O R gates. It performs the Boolean functions Y = Â- B or Y = A + B in positive logic. Vcc 14 4B 13 4A 4Y 12 11 A B O U TP U T Y L L

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    GD54/74LS32 PDF


    Abstract: M74LS32P
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS32P QUADRUPLE 2 -IN P U T P O S IT IV E OR GATES DESCRIPTION The M 74LS 32P is a semiconductor integrated circuit PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW containing 4 dual-input positive OR and negative A N D gates. FEATURES • High breakdown input voltage (V | S 15 V )

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    M74LS32P 500ns, 0013Sbl 74LS32P M74LS32P PDF

    U 665b

    Abstract: 4 bit right left shift register ics M74LS323P
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS323P 8 -B IT U NIVERSA L S H IF T /S T O R A G E REGISTER DESCRIPTION The PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW M 7 4L S 32 3P is a" semiconductor integrated circuit containing an 8-b it serial/parallel input/parallel ou tp ut shift register

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    M74LS323P M74LS323P 16-PIN 20-PIN U 665b 4 bit right left shift register ics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS323P 8 -B IT U NIVERSA L S H IF T /S T O R A G E REGISTER DESCRIPTION The PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW M 7 4L S 32 3P is a" semiconductor integrated circuit containing an 8-b it serial/parallel input/parallel ou tp ut shift register

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    M74LS323P 0013Sbl 14-PIN 16-PIN 20-PIN PDF

    pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32

    Abstract: pin configuration of ic 74ls32 IC PIN CONFIGURATION OF 74LS32
    Text: MITSUBISHI HIGH S P E E D CMOS M 74H C 32P /FP /D P QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT P O S IT IV E OR GATE DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 32 is a sem iconductor integrated circuit con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of four 2-input po sitive -lo g ic OR gates, usable as

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    74LSTTL pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration of ic 74ls32 IC PIN CONFIGURATION OF 74LS32 PDF

    ic ttl 7432

    Abstract: specifications of IC 7432 supply voltage IC 7432 ls 7432 IC pin configuration ttl 7432 TTL 7432 OR propagation delay 7432 or gate ic 7432 ic 74LS32 SIGNETICS 7432 pin configuration
    Text: 7432, LS32, S32 Gates Signetics Quad Two-Input OR Gate Product Specification Logic Products TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 7432 12ns 19mA 74LS32 14ns 4.0mA 74S32 4ns 28mA ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE Vcc = 5V ±5%: T a = 0°C to +70°C

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    74LS32 74S32 N7432N, N74LS32N, N74S32N N74LS32D, N74S32D 40/iA ic ttl 7432 specifications of IC 7432 supply voltage IC 7432 ls 7432 IC pin configuration ttl 7432 TTL 7432 OR propagation delay 7432 or gate ic 7432 ic 74LS32 SIGNETICS 7432 pin configuration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am25LS23 Am25LS23 8-Bit Shift/Storage Register with Synchronous Clear DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Synchronous dear • Three-state outputs • Common input/output pins Cascadable shifting Second sourced by T.l. as 54LS/74LS323 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Am25LS23 is an 8-bit universal shift/storage register

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    Am25LS23 54LS/74LS323 Am25LS299 20-pin Am25LS IC000120 03661B PDF

    ttl 7432

    Abstract: 7432 ttl 7432 pin configuration 7432 signetics 74LS 7432 TTL 7432 OR propagation delay 74LS32 specification and configuration logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration and logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration of 7432
    Text: 7432, LS32, S32 Signetics Gates Quad Two-Input OR Gate Product Specification Logic Products TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 7432 12ns 19mA 74LS32 14ns 4.0mA 74S32 4ns 28mA ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE Vcc = 5V ±5% ; TA = 0°C to + 70°C

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    74LS32 74S32 N7432N, N74LS32N, N74S32N SO-14 N74LS32D, N74S32D 10Sul 10LSul ttl 7432 7432 ttl 7432 pin configuration 7432 signetics 74LS 7432 TTL 7432 OR propagation delay 74LS32 specification and configuration logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration and logic symbol 74LS32 pin configuration of 7432 PDF

    74ls32 equivalent

    Abstract: IC 74LS32 SPECIFICATIONS 74LS32 fan-out ttl 7432 7432 pin configuration specifications of IC 74ls32 supply voltage
    Text: Signetics I 7432, LS32, S32 Gates Quad Two-Input OR Gate Product Specification Logic Products TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPE TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 7432 12ns 19mA 74LS32 14ns 4.0mA 74S32 4ns 28mA ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE Vcc = 5V ±5% ; T a = 0°C to +70°C

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    74LS32 74S32 N7432N, N74LS32N, N74S32N N74LS32D, N74S32D F07SB0S 74ls32 equivalent IC 74LS32 SPECIFICATIONS 74LS32 fan-out ttl 7432 7432 pin configuration specifications of IC 74ls32 supply voltage PDF


    Abstract: 74LS323 pin configuration am25ls23 SO-332
    Text: Am25LS23 Am25LS23 8-Bit Shift/Storage Register with Synchronous Clear DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • Cascadable shifting Second sourced by T.l. as 54LS/74LS323 Synchronous clear Three-state outputs Common input/output pins GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Am25LS23 is an 8-bit universal shift/storage register

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    Am25LS23 54LS/74LS323 Am25LS299 20-pin 50MHz. 03661B AM25LS23PC 74LS323 pin configuration SO-332 PDF

    ttl 7432

    Abstract: 7432 pin configuration TTL 74ls LS32 7432 TTL pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32 74LS32 specification and configuration 7432 7432 signetics TTL 7432 NOT propagation delay ttl 7432 or
    Text: S ig n e lics I 7 4 3 2 , LS 3 2 , S32 Gates Quad Two-Input OR Gate Product Specification Logic Products TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 7432 12ns 19m A 74LS32 14ns 4.0m A 74S 32 4ns 28m A ORDERING CODE COMMERCIAL RANGE Vcc = 5V ±5% ; T a = 0°C to +70°C

    OCR Scan
    74LS32 74S32 N7432N, N74LS32N, N74S32N SO-14 N74LS32D, N74S32D 10Sul 10LSul ttl 7432 7432 pin configuration TTL 74ls LS32 7432 TTL pin configuration logic symbol 74LS32 74LS32 specification and configuration 7432 7432 signetics TTL 7432 NOT propagation delay ttl 7432 or PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Am 25LS23 8-Bit Shift/Storage Register with Synchronous Clear DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • • • Cascadable shifting Second sourced by T.l. as 54LS/74LS323 Synchronous clear Three-state outputs Common input/output pins GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Am25LS23 is an 8-bit universal shift/storage register

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    Am25LS23 54LS/74LS323 Am25LS299 20-pin 50MHz. Am25LS 03661B THR9 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS322 1. IC 74IS244 processor 8088 74is32 Faraday Electronics 7ls05 powered computer speaker FE2000 a 2305
    Text: FARADAY ELECTRONICS The Faraday CPU Controller FE2000 is a single chip with various control logic designed to complement the Processor 8088 and to build on an IBM compatible single board computer. The chip is packaged in a 68 pin J-type leaded surface mount and uses

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    FE2000) QILE6BP-408) 741508 74LS322 1. IC 74IS244 processor 8088 74is32 Faraday Electronics 7ls05 powered computer speaker FE2000 a 2305 PDF


    Abstract: 74is32 Faraday Electronics 7ls05 74ls374 parallel port 74IS240 74ls155 pin configuration 74LS157 FE2000 TTL 74125
    Text: FARADAY ELECTRONICS The Faraday CPU Controller FE2000 is a single chip with various control logic designed to complement the Processor 8088 and to build on an IBM compatible single board computer. The chip is packaged in a 68 pin J-type leaded surface mount and uses

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    FE2000) QILE6BP-408) 741508 74is32 Faraday Electronics 7ls05 74ls374 parallel port 74IS240 74ls155 pin configuration 74LS157 FE2000 TTL 74125 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 54LS/74LS323 Preliminary data DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “ 323" is an 8-Bit B idirectional Universal S h ift/S to r a g e R e g is te r w ith a 3 - s ta te bidirectional Input/O utput port. The re gister has four operating modes: shift right, shift left, parallel load, and hold (do nothing). The

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    54LS/74LS323 MIN35F PDF


    Abstract: N74LS323N S54LS323F
    Text: 54LS/74LS323 Preliminary data DESCRIPTION FEATURES The “ 3 2 3 " is an 8 -B it B id ire c tio n a l U n ive rsa l S h if t / S t o r a g e R e g is te r w it h a 3 - s t a t e b id ire c tio n a l In p u t/O u tp u t p o rt. The r e g is te r h a s fo u r o p e ra tin g m o d e s : s h ift rig h t, s h ift

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    54LS/74LS323 20-pin 54S/74S; 54LS/74LS N74LS323F N74LS323N S54LS323F PDF

    8088 motherboard schematics

    Abstract: Faraday motherboard 8088 PC XT MOTHERBOARD IBM computer schematics 8088 intel 8284 clock generator computer schematics 8088 c8087 ic 8237 dma controler 8088 ram 256K ic dma 8237 8088
    Text: FARADAY 3486347 ELECTRONICS FARADAY INC A4 ELECTRONICS 00D0201 Í>F 34flL,3M7 CORP 84D 00201 h *|~D T- » '33 -03 T -5 2 - 3 3 -1 5 FE2010 PC BUS CPU & PERIPHERAL CONTROLLER IC * 100% Hardware & Software compatible to the IBM-PC * Keyboard Port * 8284 Clock Generator

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    ij34flL T-52-33-15 FE2010 FE2010) FE20O FE2010 0D00523 8088 motherboard schematics Faraday motherboard 8088 PC XT MOTHERBOARD IBM computer schematics 8088 intel 8284 clock generator computer schematics 8088 c8087 ic 8237 dma controler 8088 ram 256K ic dma 8237 8088 PDF