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    PIXJ381 Search Results

    PIXJ381 Datasheets Context Search

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    CAPACITOR 64 680 4J

    Abstract: CAPACITOR 62 680 4J PIX203 IX533 RGB624
    Text: RGB624/RGB624DB 16.0 Pin Descriptions Table 16. Pin Descriptions Signal Typ e D escription Pin s Clocks and Clock Controls REFC LK 1 80 Reference Clock. A fixed frequency of 2 M H z to 100 M Hz applied to th is pin provides the reference clock for the programmable pixel and system clock

    OCR Scan
    RGB624/RGB624DB P1X1171 PIXL63 XI581 PIXJ381 CAPACITOR 64 680 4J CAPACITOR 62 680 4J PIX203 IX533 RGB624 PDF