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    PL2571 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PL2571B PL-2571 P2571 PL2571 eeprom 24C256 LQFP48 SSOP28 package SSOP28 USB to SATA
    Text: PL2571 Chip Rev B Hi-Speed USB to SATA Bridge Controller Product Datasheet Document Revision: 1.3 Document Release: June 15, 2009 Prolific Technology Inc. 7F, No. 48, Sec. 3, Nan Kang Rd. Nan Kang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2654-6363 Fax: 886-2-2654-6161

    PL2571 SSOP28 PL-2571 SSOP28 DS_PL2571B_V1.3 PL2571B PL-2571 P2571 PL2571 eeprom 24C256 LQFP48 SSOP28 package USB to SATA PDF


    Abstract: PL2571 usb to sata usb to sata circuit diagram 24C256 2571 10X10 25C256 LQFP64 QFN64
    Text: PL-2571 Hi-Speed USB to SATA 3Gbps Bridge Controller Product Datasheet Document Revision: 1.6 Document Release: February 26, 2008 Prolific Technology Inc. 7F, No. 48, Sec. 3, Nan Kang Rd. Nan Kang, Taipei 115, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: 886-2-2654-6363 Fax: 886-2-2654-6161

    PL-2571 pl2571 LQFP64 LQFP64 64-pin 10x10mm) usb to sata usb to sata circuit diagram 24C256 2571 10X10 25C256 QFN64 PDF


    Abstract: PL-2571 mx25l1005 AT24C256 2571 MX25L512 SPI flash product id CAT24WC02 M25P05-A M25P10-A
    Text: REV. Hi-Speed USB-to-SATA Controller Application Note SUBJECT SHT 1.0 1 of 1 PRODUCT NUMBER/NAME Supported I2C Serial EEPROM and SPI Serial Flash PL-2571 Hi-Speed USB-to-SATA Bridge Controller Scope and Purpose: This application note provides a list of supported external serial memory for the PL-2571. The PL-2571 uses

    PL-2571 PL-2571. SST25VF512 512Kbit M25P05-A M25P10-A 512Kbit PM25LV512 PM25LV010 Pm25LV010 mx25l1005 AT24C256 2571 MX25L512 SPI flash product id CAT24WC02 M25P10-A PDF


    Abstract: USB to Serial ATA to18v usb to sata power 3.3v 8051 spi eeprom ata device controller 2571 link sata LQFP64
    Text: PL-2571 Product Brochure Preliminary Release V1.0 10/13/06’ 1 PL-2571 Hi-Speed USB to SATAII Bridge Controller OVERVIEW The PL-2571 is a single chip Hi-Speed USB-to-SATA bridge controller that is designed to perform seamless protocol transfer between the USB and SATA interface.

    PL-2571 PL-2571 25MHz LQFP64 USB to Serial ATA to18v usb to sata power 3.3v 8051 spi eeprom ata device controller 2571 link sata LQFP64 PDF


    Abstract: PL-2571 EEPROM I2C atmel PL2571B AT24C256 AT25F512B CAT24WC02 EN25P05 MX25L512C PM25LV512
    Text: REV. Hi-Speed USB-to-SATA Controller Application Note SUBJECT SHT 1.1 1 of 1 PRODUCT NUMBER/NAME Supported I2C Serial EEPROM and SPI Serial Flash PL-2571B Hi-Speed USB-to-SATA Bridge Controller Scope and Purpose: This application note provides a list of supported external serial memory for the PL-2571 Chip Rev B . The

    PL-2571B PL-2571 PL-2571 EN25P05 512Kbit MX25L512C PM25LV512 PM25LV010 512Kbit Pm25LV010 EEPROM I2C atmel PL2571B AT24C256 AT25F512B CAT24WC02 EN25P05 MX25L512C PDF