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    PLESSEY MILITARY Search Results

    PLESSEY MILITARY Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    ISL8843AMBZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-Ended Current Mode PWM Controller with 3% Current Limit and Military Temp Grade Option Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL8843AABZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-Ended Current Mode PWM Controller with 3% Current Limit and Military Temp Grade Option Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL8843AAUZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-Ended Current Mode PWM Controller with 3% Current Limit and Military Temp Grade Option Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL8843AMBZ Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-Ended Current Mode PWM Controller with 3% Current Limit and Military Temp Grade Option Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ISL8843AAUZ-T Renesas Electronics Corporation Single-Ended Current Mode PWM Controller with 3% Current Limit and Military Temp Grade Option Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    PLESSEY MILITARY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PDSP16330/A/B HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 2QW, United Kingdom. Tel: 0793 518000 Fax: (0793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067-0017,

    PDSP16330/A/B 7023s 10MHz 84-pin PDSP16112 PDSP16116 PDSP16318 PDSP16340 PDSP16350 PDSP16510A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP8853A/B HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire United Kingdom SN2 2QW. Tel: 01793 518000 Fax: (01793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067–0017,

    SP8853A/B SP8853/B/HC SP8853/AC/HC PDF


    Abstract: full adder circuit using nor gates Plessey PLESSEY CLA2000 CLA21XX CLA2000 SERIES plessey semi-custom
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS tS 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS A PLESSEY w ' Semiconductors. Ï Ë| 7SH0S13 DODSSMfl 7 65C 05548 D /P ^ T-42-11-09 _CLA2000 series MICROGATE-C 1 CLA2000 SERIES Microgate-C is a semi-custom design technique for the production of gate arrays on Plessey Semiconductors high

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    7SH0S13 T-42-11-09 CLA2000 PLESSEY CLA full adder circuit using nor gates Plessey PLESSEY CLA2000 CLA21XX CLA2000 SERIES plessey semi-custom PDF


    Abstract: SP9131DG SP9131 mc10131 pin compatible with PLESSEY
    Text: d Ë J 7250513 D00b7Sl H | ~ PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 95D 0 6 7 5 1 D T -9 1 -0 7 -Û S PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION Semiconductors. SP9131 520MHz ECL DUAL D FLIP-FLOP The SP9131 Dual D type flip-flop Is pin compatible with 10131, but has improved dynamic performance.

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    D00b7Sl SP9131 520MHz SP9131 MC10131 10H131 72E0S13 SP9131DG pin compatible with PLESSEY PDF


    Abstract: SP16F
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS dË J 7S5GS13 DD0b7flfl □ 95D 06788 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS D T 'f t '0 7 'ô J r PLESSEY S em ico n d u cto rs. SP1670 MASTER/SLAVE TYPE D FLIP-FLOP The SP1670 is a D-type Master-Slave Flip-Flop designed for use in high speed digital applications. Master-slave

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    7S5GS13 SP1670 SP1670 TR25r TR26 SP16F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 6EC PLESSEY SEHICONDS 31E D • 37bô5E5 0011735 1 ■ 'T '4 Z - I~ 0 S • PLESSEY S E M IC O N D U C T O R S ■- ■■ ■ — JUNE1"° ULA DS SERIES HIGH PERFORMANCE ARRAYS FOR 100MHz DIGITAL ASIC SYSTEMS (Supersedes May 1989 edition Plessey Semiconductors DS Series of ULAs has been

    OCR Scan
    100MHz PDF

    dilmon 28

    Abstract: OA34
    Text: bBE J> m 3 7 bflSEE 0 0 x 7 7 3 b 'lO'i GEC PLESSEY Si PLSB GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS2322-2.1 ULA DS SERIES HIGH PERFORMANCE ARRAYS FOR 100MHz DIGITAL ASIC SYSTEMS Supersedes June 1990 edition GEC Plessey Semiconductors DS Series of ULAs has been

    OCR Scan
    DS2322-2 100MHz dilmon 28 OA34 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS TS 7220513 Ï e | 725DS13 0D0b7Dl S 95D 0 6 7 0 1 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS • PLESSEY PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S em ico n d u cto rs • MV66401/2/3/4 64-WORD x 4/5-BIT FIRST-IN FIRST-OUT MEMORIES 18 ]Vcc 16 3 OR PoC 4 15 . M V 66402 D l[ 5 M V 6 6 4 0 4 iq

    OCR Scan
    725DS13 MV66401/2/3/4 64-WORD MV66401/2/3/4 MV66402-10 MV66402-25 MV66403-10 MV66403-25 MV66404-10 MV66404-25 MV66403 PDF

    TTL 74-series IC LIST

    Abstract: WATKINS JOHNSON storagetek Ford Aerospace GOULD litton 400M ECL IC NAND Westinghouse memory nicolet
    Text: c . 9 PLESSEY Product Sales Brief - ECL Gate Arrays ELA 60000 Series ELA 61000 660 Gates ELA 62000 1400 Gates ELA 63000 2900 Gates Proprietary To Plessey Sem iconductors . . . . . c* This Material Copyrighted By Its Respective Manufacturer . : : . 1 Introduction

    OCR Scan
    1X10-9 TTL 74-series IC LIST WATKINS JOHNSON storagetek Ford Aerospace GOULD litton 400M ECL IC NAND Westinghouse memory nicolet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS A PLESSEY W Sem iconductors « •■■ 72H0S13 — — — OOQTf l TH i— 5 — SP8828A & B 1.8GHz - i- 8 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8828 is one of a range of very high speed low power presoalers for professional and military applications. The

    OCR Scan
    72H0S13 SP8828A SP8828 10kHz 175mW 200MHz 1500MHz 1800MHz 250MHz 1800MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G EC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D • 37bflS22 DD13733 7 « P L S B GEC PLESSEY I s E M l C O N D U C T O R S~] SP8755 1200MHz * 64 The SP8755 is a divide by 64 prescaler which operates

    OCR Scan
    37bflS22 DD13733 SP8755 1200MHz SP8755 SP8755A 100mV. 00V/ps. 37bfiSS2 D01373S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÛEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D • GEC PL ESSEY 37bôS25 □01357b b BIPLSB . - SEMICONDUCTORS NJ8821 FREQUENCY SYNTHESISER MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACE WITH RESETTABLE COUNTERS The NJ8821A is a synthesiser circuit fabricated on the Plessey 5-micron CMOS process and is capable of achieving

    OCR Scan
    01357b NJ8821 NJ8821A 11-bit 10-bit 470pF, PDF

    GEC Plessey Semiconductors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS MbE D • 37bäS22 001bS40 □ « P L S B GEC PLESSEY MARCH 1992 SEMICONDUCTORS PRELIMINARY INFORMATION D S 3 1 7 4 1.3 SP8908 5.0/5.5GHZ + 8 FIXED MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8908 is one of a range of very high speed low power prescalers for professional and military applications.

    OCR Scan
    001bS40 SP8908 SP8908 GEC Plessey Semiconductors PDF

    IC GEC

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1S1 D GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS W 37bô522 DG1G354 b « P L S B PLESSEY S e m ico n d u cto rs. SP8793AC 200MHz + 40/41 TWO MODULUS DIVIDER CONFORMS TO MIL-STD-883C CLASS B The SP8793 is a low power programmable -MO/41 counter which operates over the full Military temperature

    OCR Scan
    DG1G354 SP8793AC 200MHz MIL-STD-883C SP8793 -MO/41 8793AC MIL-M-38510 37bfl522 001041fl IC GEC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS IE D • 37bä5S2 G0GÖ17Ö B BIPLSB Ü PLESSEY W Sem iconductors ■ T-SI-lO-OS ZN427E-8/ZN427J-8/ZN427D MICROPROCESSOR COMPATIBLE 8-BIT SUCCESSIVE APPROXIMATION A-D CONVERTER The ZN427 is an 8-bit successive approximation converter

    OCR Scan
    ZN427E-8/ZN427J-8/ZN427D ZN427 10kHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JUNE 1990 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS : ULA DS SERIES HIGH PERFORMANCE ARRAYS FOR 100MHz DIGITAL ASIC SYSTEMS Supersedes May 1989 edition Plessey Semiconductors DS Series o f ULAs has been developed specifically to provide a low power ASIC solution for systems with speed requirements to over 100MHz and

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    100MHz 100MHz 250MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY 12 SEMI CONDS D aOÜÔMTb 5 H P L S B 37bâ522 PLESSEY Semiconductors. "T'SS-O-7 REF12/REF12Z 1.26V MICROPOWER PRECISION REFERENCES The REF12 and REF12Z are integrated circuits using the bandgap principle to provide a precise reference voltage of

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICOND/DISCRETE i 7220533 PLESSEY SEMICOND/DISCRETE DE~| 732D533 0G04C1S5 b | ~ 95D 04952 r-33-i/ HIGH VOLTAGE NPN HIGH VOLTAGE SELECTOR CHART TO-66 2-5A TO-3 10A 140 2N3441 2N3442 175 2N3583 Package •c TO-39 <2A V C E0 Volts 2N3440 250 2N3584

    OCR Scan
    732D533 0G04C 2N3441 2N3442 2N3583 2N3440 2N3584 2N3585 2N3439 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 31E D • 37fafl552 QG117GS 3 ■ MARCH 1990 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS ; T 4 z-Z \ ULA DA SERIES ANALOG/DIGITAL MIXED SIGNAL ARRAY FAMILY The ULA DA Series is a family of 8 arrays developed to provide single chip solutions to a wide variety of mixed

    OCR Scan
    37fafl552 QG117GS 150DA PDF


    Abstract: plessey radar ELA60000 hughes Random Access Network Eaton ECL
    Text: c 9 PLESSEY Product Sales Brief - ECL Gate Arrays ELA 60000 Series ELA 61000 660 Gates ELA 62000 1400 Gates ELA 63000 2900 Gates Proprietary To Plessey Semiconductors i Introduction The world wide markeUor ECL 1C Products in over U.S. $1 Billion Dollars. North America comprises approximately half

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: G EC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D • 37bflS22 GD13b42 4 « P L S B GEC PLESSEY S E M I C O N D U C T O R S | SP8782A & B 1GHz r 16/17, 32/33 MULTI-MODULUS DIVIDER The SP8782 is a 1GHZ multi-modulus divider which

    OCR Scan
    37bflS22 GD13b42 SP8782A SP8782 37b6S22 0Q13b44 SP8782A/B T-45-J SP8782 PDF


    Abstract: PLESSEY Replacement
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D H 37bflS2E 'T v7cf'Oct-0\ GEC PLESSEY IS E M IC ONDUCT OR S I SL6140 400MHz WIDEBAND AGC AMPLIFIER Supersedes edition in Septem ber 1988 Linear 1C Handbook The SL6140 is an integrated broadband AGC amplfier, designed on an advanced 3-micron all implanted bipolar

    OCR Scan
    37bflS2E SL6140 400MHz SL6140 400MHz. MC1590 PLESSEY Replacement PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 12E & • 7220513 OQlQOfla 5 ■ N O T R EC O M M ENDED FOR N EW DESIGNS. PLEASE USE PDSP16318/A PLESSEY Sem iconductors , — ,«« n. , PDSP16316/PDSP16316A COMPLEX ACCUMULATOR The PDSP16316 contains two independent 20-bit Adder/Subtractors combined with accumulator registers

    OCR Scan
    PDSP16318/A PDSP16316 20-bit 20MHz PDSP16316As PDSP16112A 256jus. PDSP16316/PDSP16316A 120-PIN PDSP1640 PDF

    U 121 d

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 121 D 37bfl522 D01DD44 2 « P L S B Ô PLESSEY 'ÇÜr S e m ico n d u cto rs. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION PDSP1601/PDSP1601A T -m -u AUGMENTED ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT SUPERSEDES APRIL 1987 E D IT IO N The PDSP1601 is a high performance 16-bit arithmetic

    OCR Scan
    37bfl522 D01DD44 PDSP1601/PDSP1601A PDSP1601 16-bit PDSP1601A 20MHz 10MHz U 121 d PDF