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    PLESSEY MIXER Search Results

    PLESSEY MIXER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    F1751NBGI Renesas Electronics Corporation Ultra-linear Single-channel Mixer for Rx Applications Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F1751NBGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Ultra-linear Single-channel Mixer for Rx Applications Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F1178EVBI Renesas Electronics Corporation Evaluation Board for F1178 Dual 3.5 GHz Downconverting Mixer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F1150NBGI8 Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual RF to IF Downconverting Mixer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    F1152NBGI Renesas Electronics Corporation Dual RF to IF Downconverting Mixer Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    PLESSEY MIXER Datasheets Context Search

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    3 pin 3296 Variable Resistor

    Abstract: "Varactor Diodes" AM MODULATOR MP20 330N capacitor GEC PLESSEY varactor diode AM video balun 2N3904 BB405
    Text: SL5067 HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire United Kingdom SN2 2QW. Tel: 0793 518000 Fax: (0793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067–0017,

    SL5067 602858F 43all 3 pin 3296 Variable Resistor "Varactor Diodes" AM MODULATOR MP20 330N capacitor GEC PLESSEY varactor diode AM video balun 2N3904 BB405 PDF

    high capacitance varactor 1nF AM

    Abstract: BB405
    Text: SL5067 HEADQUARTERS OPERATIONS GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS Cheney Manor, Swindon, Wiltshire United Kingdom SN2 2QW. Tel: 0793 518000 Fax: (0793) 518411 GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS P.O. Box 660017 1500 Green Hills Road, Scotts Valley, California 95067–0017,

    SL5067 602858F high capacitance varactor 1nF AM BB405 PDF


    Abstract: EDX1000 transistor 700w amplifier circuit diagram TDA2085 closed loop universal motor SPEED
    Text: PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 15 7220513 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS System Design . Throughout this section, component references are those shown on the Reference System Circuit Diagram, Fig.4. OPEN LOOP OPERATION The simplest method of motor speed control using

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    TDA2085A ub801 EDX1000 transistor 700w amplifier circuit diagram TDA2085 closed loop universal motor SPEED PDF

    SL680 Plessey

    Abstract: SL680 SP8921 crystal filter 10.695mhz SP8922 "frequency comparator" SP8923 27255 plessey sp
    Text: PLESSEY CB C IR C U IT S SEMICONDUCTORS 4 0 - CHANNEL CITIZENS' BAND SYNTHESISER 1C SETS SP8922 L SP8921 BINARY JL Recognising the different requirements of citizens' band transceiver manufacturers, Plessey Semiconduc­ tors have developed a range of integrated circuits for

    OCR Scan
    SP8922 SP8921 SP8923 40-channel SPB921, SP8923. SP8923/21 SL680 Plessey SL680 crystal filter 10.695mhz "frequency comparator" SP8923 27255 plessey sp PDF


    Abstract: S4056 AN4533
    Text: w t GEC PLESSEY OCTOBER 1996 StMIC.ONUUC.TORS 0 S 4 0 5 6 - 3.4 GP2010 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER RF FRONT END Supersedes edition in August 1996 Global Positioning Products Handbook, HB4305-1.0 The GP2010 is GEC Plessey Semiconductors’ second generation RFFront-endforGlobal Positioning System (GPS)

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    S4056 GP2010 HB4305-1 42MHz) 37bfl522 0G27C133 ds4004 AN4533 PDF

    plessey mixer

    Abstract: 01E0 oac oscillator SL6654 plessey radio Plessey semiconductors Linear Integrated circuit
    Text: PLESSEY SEM IC OND UC TO RS Gl 7220513 7520513 00075ticl 3 0 1E 0 7 5 6 9 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS T-77-05-CP7 A PSem L Eiconductors SSEY • W ADVANCE INFORMATION SL6654 LOW POWER IF/AF CIRCUIT FOR FM CELLULAR RADIO The SL6654 is a complete single chip mixer/oscillator, IF

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    00075tic T-77-05-CP7 SL6654 SL6654 plessey mixer 01E0 oac oscillator plessey radio Plessey semiconductors Linear Integrated circuit PDF


    Abstract: plessey gps receiver ST GEC 41
    Text: P^pi GEC PLESSEY Octobers S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4056 •3.4 GP2010 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER RF FRONT END Supersedes edition in August 1996 Global Positioning Products Handbook, HB4305-1.0 The GP2010 is GEC Plessey Semiconductors' second

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    DS4056 GP2010 HB4305-1 GP2010 200mW 37bfl522 AN4364 plessey gps receiver ST GEC 41 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Si GEC PLESSEY S I M I C O l\ t> U C T l H S DS4056 • 2.5 GP2010 GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM RECEIVER RF FRONT END The GP2010 is GEC Plessey Semiconductors' second generation RF Front-end for Global Positioning System GPS) receivers. The GP2010 uses many innovative design

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    GP2010 GP2010 42MHz) 0-69S/0-715) 100LEADS 100-LEAD GP100/R 80-LEAD PDF


    Abstract: PLESSEY Replacement
    Text: GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDS 43E D H 37bflS2E 'T v7cf'Oct-0\ GEC PLESSEY IS E M IC ONDUCT OR S I SL6140 400MHz WIDEBAND AGC AMPLIFIER Supersedes edition in Septem ber 1988 Linear 1C Handbook The SL6140 is an integrated broadband AGC amplfier, designed on an advanced 3-micron all implanted bipolar

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    37bflS2E SL6140 400MHz SL6140 400MHz. MC1590 PLESSEY Replacement PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY U È JANUARY 1997 S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS4290-2.3 ACE9050 SYSTEM CONTROLLER AND DATA MODEM The ACE9050 provides the control and interface functions needed for AMPS or TACS analog cellular handsets. The device has been designed using GEC Plessey Semiconductors

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    DS4290-2 ACE9050 ACE9050 37bflSEE 6667C PDF

    saw oscillator 300MHz

    Abstract: TDA5030A TDA5030 vHF amplifier DIAGRAM single tuned amplifier uhf filter VHF ground plane double sided pcb 75H-0 TDAS030A
    Text: PLESSEY 15E SEMICONDUCTORS D 75H0S13 000^573 4 PLESSEY Semiconductors. T -'? 7-07-0 S TDA5030A TV VHF MIXER OSCILLATOR/UHF IF PREAMPLIFIER/IF AMPLIFIER The T D A 5 0 3 0 A is d e sign e d for use w ith in a UHF/VHF TV tuner and consists of a VH F local oscillator, a VHF mixer, a UHF IF preamplifier and

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    75H0S13 TDA5030A TDA5030A 7520S13 TDAS030A saw oscillator 300MHz TDA5030 vHF amplifier DIAGRAM single tuned amplifier uhf filter VHF ground plane double sided pcb 75H-0 TDAS030A PDF


    Abstract: oscillator plessey
    Text: PLESSEY SEMI CONDU CT OR S 12E D 7220513 OODiSSb 4 PLESSEY S e m ic o n d u c to rs . T-50-O°l SP5060 2.0GHz FIXED M ODULUS FREQUENCY SYNTHESISER The SP5060 is for use in outdoor head end units of satellite TV receivers and together with an appropriate

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    SP5060 SP5060 300MHz T-50-09 oscillator plessey PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    171AD DS3605-1 GP1020 GP1020 GP1010 16-bit MOTOROLA INSTANT GPS DESIGN GUIDE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOV SO 1Ç92 GEC PLESSEY S I o c t o b e r i 992 PRELIMINARY INFORMATION S E M I C O N D U C T O R S DS3076-2.4 GP1010 GLOBAL POSITIONING RECEIVER FRONT END The GP1010 is GEC Plessey Semiconductors' first generation product for the Global Positioning by Satellite

    OCR Scan
    DS3076-2 GP1010 GP1010 42MHz) PDF

    EHIC 110

    Abstract: plessey application note an 112 Plessey semiconductors Linear Integrated circuit SL550GD sds1b wideband linear amplifier SL550 plessey radar plessey mixer a/plessey sl550
    Text: P L ES S E Y~S EHIC ONI UCTOR S~TS 7220513 PLESSEY d Ë | 722ÜS13 aQGb35 jT T ~ | “ S E M IC O N D U C T O R S 95D 06351 PLESSEY D r-7¥-o9*/ Sem iconductors SL550G LOW NOISE W IDEB AND AMPLIFIER W ITH EXTERNAL GAIN CONTROL The SL550 is a silicon integrated circuit designed for use

    OCR Scan
    aQGb35 SL550G SL550 60MHz, SL550G EHIC 110 plessey application note an 112 Plessey semiconductors Linear Integrated circuit SL550GD sds1b wideband linear amplifier plessey radar plessey mixer a/plessey sl550 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • 37bfl522 QGlfiHbfl w MPLSB GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS DC1524 SILICON SCHOTTKY J-BAND MICROSTRIP LID MIXER DIODES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS This general purpose diode available in the microstrip package is suitable for applications requiring high performance

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    37bfl522 DC1524 400mW 300mW 100H-A 350mV 150nA PDF


    Abstract: second order low pass filter advantage and disadvantages HF inverter circuit schematic diagram single phase inverter circuit schematic diagram digital control of 3 phase inverter schematic diagram with phase feedback ultrasonic fsk Receiver plessey radio
    Text: P L E S S E Y SEnrcÔNDÛCTORS 01 DE I 7 2 2 0 S 1 3 D0 0 7 S 4 7 0 1E 0 7 5 4 7 7 2 2 0 5 1 3 PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS 4 D -r-77-05-05 PLESSEY ADVANCE INFORMATION S e m ic o n d u c to rs . SL6637 DIRECT CONVERSION FSK RECEIVER The SL6637 is a lower power direct conversion radio

    OCR Scan
    -r-77-05-05 SL6637 SL6637 200mA second order low pass filter advantage and disadvantages HF inverter circuit schematic diagram single phase inverter circuit schematic diagram digital control of 3 phase inverter schematic diagram with phase feedback ultrasonic fsk Receiver plessey radio PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PBffll gec plessey DS3350-1.3 DA1512 DOUBLE BALANCED MIXER The DA1512 is a double balanced mixer using ferrite baluns and matched diode quads giving exceptional isolation and improved IMD performance. FEATURES Broad Band • Low Conversion Loss ■ High Isolation

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    DS3350-1 DA1512 DA1512 100MHz 500MHz 400MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PSHGEC plessey D S3343-13 DA1392 MILLIMETRE WAVE BALANCED MIXER The DA1392 is a Millimetre Wave Balanced Mixer. FEATURES • 90 to 98GHz Coverage Available ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS @ 25°C P aram eter Signal Frequency Range Signal Bandwidth IF Range Conversion Loss

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    S3343-13 DA1392 DA1392 98GHz 94GHz 10dBm 150mW UG387/U PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PBti g e c plessey DC1860 PLANAR DOPED BARRIER W BAND MICROSTRIP COPLANAR MIXER DIODE Planar doped barrier PDB coplanar mixer diodes represent a major advancement in mixer/detector technology. These diodes otter good conversion loss at low local oscillator

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    DC1860 100pA 130mV 94GHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 37bfl522 GQlàMbb fl^Q « P L S B Si GEC PLESSEY SEMICONDUCTORS DC1523/28/29 SILICON SCHOTTKY C-BAND MICROSTRIP LID MIXER DIODES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS This general purpose diode available in the microstrip package is suitable for applications requiring high performance

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    37bfl522 DC1523/28/29 DC1523 DC1528 DC1529 100nA 350mV 200fF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GEC PLESSEY CT3510-1.2 DC1301/01C & DC1332/33 GaAs SCHOTTKY X-BAND MICROSTRIP MIXER DIODES These diodes are used in mixer applications requiring a better noise figure than can be acheived with silicon diodes and as sensitive broadband detectors at high microwave

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    CT3510-1 DC1301/01C DC1332/33 200mW DC1301 DC1301C DC1332 DC1333 100pA 600mV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P ^pi GEC PLESSEY DC1331 GaAs SCHOTTKY X-BAND WAVEGUIDE INTEGRAL LIMITER MIXER DIODE This diode is used in detector applications requiring a better noise figure than can be acheived with silicon diodes and as a sensitive broadband detector at high microwave

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    DC1331 375GHz 150pA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P^pi GEC PLESSEY DC1505/07 SILICON SCHOTTKY S-BAND WAVEGUIDE MIXER DIODES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS This general purpose diode available in the microstrip package is suitable for applications requiring high performance mixers. These diodes can be supplied in matched pairs by the

    OCR Scan
    DC1505/07 100pA 350mV DC1505 DC1507 150pA PDF