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    POWERBLOCK TT 131 N 1200 Search Results

    POWERBLOCK TT 131 N 1200 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    XPN12006NC Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation N-ch MOSFET, 60 V, 20 A, 0.0120 Ω@10V, TSON Advance(WF) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TPN12008QM Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 80 V, 26 A, 0.0123 Ohm@10V, TSON Advance Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    CS1200 Coilcraft Inc Current Sense Transformer, 35A, 1:200 Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    CS1200L Coilcraft Inc Current Sense Transformer, 35A, 1:200, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    HPH5-1200LD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 173uH, 25%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, ROHS COMPLIANT Visit Coilcraft Inc

    POWERBLOCK TT 131 N 1200 Datasheets Context Search

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    powerblock TT 95 N 1200

    Abstract: powerblock TT 131 N 1200 powerblock TD 95 N 1200 din IEC 747 tt 25 n powerblock powerblock TT 60 N 1200 thyristor TT 46 N 1200 powerblock TT 106 N 1600 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock tt 45
    Text: 1400 VRRM [V] 20 mm 25 mm * highest Voltage on request 30 mm 34 mm 50 mm 50 mm Single 60 mm *) *) TZ630N. TZ530N. 3200 TZ800N. *) TZ740N. TT430N. TT400N. TT240N. Outlines TT500N. TT570N. TT425N. TT385N. TT310N. *) TT380N. TZ430N.

    TZ630N. TZ530N. TZ800N. TZ740N. TT430N. TT400N. TT240N. TT500N. TT570N. TT425N. powerblock TT 95 N 1200 powerblock TT 131 N 1200 powerblock TD 95 N 1200 din IEC 747 tt 25 n powerblock powerblock TT 60 N 1200 thyristor TT 46 N 1200 powerblock TT 106 N 1600 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock tt 45 PDF

    powerblock TT 95 N 1200

    Abstract: powerblock DD 76 N 1200 powerblock tt 45 tt 25 n powerblock EUPEC TT 105 N 12 EUPEC tt 162 n 16 thyristor tt 250 n 16 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock td 162 powerblock TT 131 N 1200
    Text: kuka-2003-inhalt.qxd 17.04.2003 10:34 Uhr Seite 23 PowerBLOCK Thyristor Modules for Phase Control Type ITRMSM A ITSM A 10 ms, Tvj max ∫i2dt A2s•103 10 ms, Tvj max ITAVM/Tc A/°C 180° el sin V TO V Tvj = Tvj max rT mΩ Tvj = Tvj max (di/dt)cr A/µs DIN

    kuka-2003-inhalt powerblock TT 95 N 1200 powerblock DD 76 N 1200 powerblock tt 45 tt 25 n powerblock EUPEC TT 105 N 12 EUPEC tt 162 n 16 thyristor tt 250 n 16 powerblock tt 60 N powerblock td 162 powerblock TT 131 N 1200 PDF

    powerblock tt 162

    Abstract: tt 92 powerblock powerblock tt 60 N thyristor tt 250 powerblock TD 95 N 400 thyristor tt 250 n 16 tt 251 n powerblock thyristor tt 330 powerblock TT 170 N powerblock TD 95 N 08
    Text: Click on outline no. Phase Control Thyristor Modules Type VDRM ITRMSM ITSM ∫i2dt ITAVM/Tc V TO rT (di/dt)cr tq (dv/dt)cr RthJC RthCK Tvj max outline VRRM V A A A²s A/°C V mΩ A/µs µs V/µs °C/W °C/W °C VDSM=VDRM 10 ms, 10 ms, 180° el DIN typ. DIN IEC

    DT106N DT210N powerblock tt 162 tt 92 powerblock powerblock tt 60 N thyristor tt 250 powerblock TD 95 N 400 thyristor tt 250 n 16 tt 251 n powerblock thyristor tt 330 powerblock TT 170 N powerblock TD 95 N 08 PDF

    FS450R12KE3 S1

    Abstract: infineon pmb 6850 e bsm25gp120 b2 HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 infineon pmb 6850 Thyristor eupec POWERBLOCK 2SD 1460 pmb 6850 V61-14 BSM35GP120
    Text: Power Semiconductors Shortform Catalog 2003 An Infineon Technologies Company go to content eupec eupec Inc. headquartered in Lebanon, New Jersey, provides a wide array of innovative semiconductor products, includinge IGBT high power and standard modules, thyristors and diodes.

    E-103, FS450R12KE3 S1 infineon pmb 6850 e bsm25gp120 b2 HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 infineon pmb 6850 Thyristor eupec POWERBLOCK 2SD 1460 pmb 6850 V61-14 BSM35GP120 PDF


    Abstract: aeg powerblock tt bsm25gp120 b2 thyristor aeg aeg powerblock tt 32 n STR W 6856 DATA SHEET HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 FS450R12KE3 S1 MR 4710 IC aeg powerblock dd
    Text: Power Semiconductors » Short Form Catalog » 2004 A Wide Range In Short Words. An Infineon Technologies Company go to content go to content eupec eupec European Power Semiconductors and Electronics Company – is situated in Warstein and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Power Semiconductors

    D-59581 FS20R06XE3 aeg powerblock tt bsm25gp120 b2 thyristor aeg aeg powerblock tt 32 n STR W 6856 DATA SHEET HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 FS450R12KE3 S1 MR 4710 IC aeg powerblock dd PDF


    Abstract: FS450R12OE4P FP06R12W1T4 F3L400R12PT4 bt 1690 scr fp150r07n3e4 F3L300R12PT4 Eupec thyristors catalog FF150R12RT4 Dz800S17ke3
    Text: Short Form Catalog 2012 High Power Semiconductors for Industrial Applications Auch mit dem KuKa Kurzkatalog 2012 bieten wir Ihnen wieder einen Überblick über dieses Spektrum mit vielen Details. Durch ständigen Dialog mit unseren Kunden haben wir auch in


    Arduino Mega2560

    Abstract: 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR arduino uno rev 3 agilent optical encoder 9988 MZ 13001 TRANSISTOR arduino mega 2650 skiip 613 gb 123 ct arduino sound sensor module pic arduino nano mc34063l

    CY8C38 CY8C29 incl795 12T9797 12T9804 12T9803 12T9800 12T9802 12T9801 12T9805 Arduino Mega2560 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR arduino uno rev 3 agilent optical encoder 9988 MZ 13001 TRANSISTOR arduino mega 2650 skiip 613 gb 123 ct arduino sound sensor module pic arduino nano mc34063l PDF

    thyristor aeg

    Abstract: aeg powerblock tt aeg powerblock tt 32 n thyristor AEG t 10 n 600 aeg thyristor aeg powerblock td aeg tt 18 n 1200 aeg tt 46 n 1200 AEG DD 65 N 1200 K AEG DD 31 n 1200
    Text: A E G CORP 17E D • GOa'iMSb 000=1313 4 Powerblocks für netzgeführte Stromrichter Power modules for line commutated converters Modules surmoulés pour applications secteur é zté -o l I - - « r- a 3 TT.N - Vollgesteuerte Kompaktbaustelne/Fully controlled power modules/Modules surmoulés à 2 thyristors

    OCR Scan
    DT18N 75VDRM 00V/ns thyristor aeg aeg powerblock tt aeg powerblock tt 32 n thyristor AEG t 10 n 600 aeg thyristor aeg powerblock td aeg tt 18 n 1200 aeg tt 46 n 1200 AEG DD 65 N 1200 K AEG DD 31 n 1200 PDF

    powerblock TT 131 N 1200

    Abstract: powerblock TT 95 N 1200 thyristor Tz 100 powerblock TD 95 N 1200 TP8350 powerblock TT 95 N 1000 powerblock TT 106 N 1600 thyristor st 103 powerblock TT 66 N 16 t162n
    Text: Phase Control Thyristor Modules Type Netz-Thyristor-Module V drm It r m s m It s m ii2dt It A V m / T c V T O Vrrm V A A A2s A/°C V 10 ms, 10 ms, 180° el T v max Tvj max sin V dsm = V drm V rsm = mn max T v J = T y j max (di/dt)cr tq (dv/dt)cr R th J C

    OCR Scan
    TD/DT106N powerblock TT 131 N 1200 powerblock TT 95 N 1200 thyristor Tz 100 powerblock TD 95 N 1200 TP8350 powerblock TT 95 N 1000 powerblock TT 106 N 1600 thyristor st 103 powerblock TT 66 N 16 t162n PDF

    powerblock tt 45

    Abstract: powerblock TT 95 N 1200 thyristor tt 18 n 800 tt 92 TP-7F tt 251 n powerblock powerblock TD 170 N thyristor TT 430 N DT46F thyristor tt 162 n 12
    Text: Phase Control Thyristor Modules Type V drm ' trmsm Itsm Ji2d t V rrm V A A A 2s 10 ms, 10ms, Vdsm = V DRM Vrsm = Tyj max T vj max V rrm+ 1 oov •103 ItAVM^T c V TO rT A /°C V m fì (d i/d t )cr A /p s MS 180° el Tvj —Tvj max Tvj “ Tyj m aX DIN typ.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EUPEC blE » • 34032^7 OGOICHÖ 'ìlT « U P E C TT 131 N, TD 131 N, DT131 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values 600, 800 1000, 1200 1400 V V V Vrsm = Vrrm + 100 V Itrmsm Itavm 220 131 140 3600 3200

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    DT131 PDF


    Abstract: powerblock TT 131 N 1200 EUPEC powerblock tt 131 tt 25 n powerblock powerblock tt 60 N EUPEC TT 131 N 12 tt131 EUPEC powerblock tt EUPEC tt 25 N 12 powerblock TT 60 N 1200
    Text: EUPEC blE 3 4 0 3 2 ^ 7 OO d l D T Ö ^IT J> lUPEC TT 131 N, TD 131 N, DT131 N Elektrische Eigenschaften Electrical properties Höchstzulässige Werte Maximum rated values Periodische Vorwärts- und Rückwärts-Spitzensperrspannung repetitive peak forward off-state

    OCR Scan
    DT131 3403Stà tvj--40 EUPEC TT powerblock TT 131 N 1200 EUPEC powerblock tt 131 tt 25 n powerblock powerblock tt 60 N EUPEC TT 131 N 12 tt131 EUPEC powerblock tt EUPEC tt 25 N 12 powerblock TT 60 N 1200 PDF