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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DF2B5M4ASL Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation TVS Diode (ESD Protection Diode), Bidirectional, +/-3.6 V, SOD-962 (SL2) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK190U65Z Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 650 V, 15 A, 0.19 Ohm@10V, TOLL Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TK7R0E08QM Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation MOSFET, N-ch, 80 V, 64 A, 0.0070 Ohm@10V, TO-220AB Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCR5RG28A Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation LDO Regulator, Fixed Output, 2.8 V, 500 mA, WCSP4F Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation


    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    I2C EEPROM 1kbit

    Abstract: AR02 AR11 AR12 AR21 AR22 SMD1108 SMH4803A SMH4804 UV3 marking
    Text: SUMMIT SMD1108 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. 8-Channel Auto-MonitorTM ADC Preliminary In System Programmable Analog ISPATM Device FEATURES ! Programmable LED Driver Outputs ! Programmable 8 Channel 10-Bit A to D con- verter ! Programmable, Nonvolatile Combinatorial Reset

    SMD1108 10-Bit I2C EEPROM 1kbit AR02 AR11 AR12 AR21 AR22 SMD1108 SMH4803A SMH4804 UV3 marking PDF


    Abstract: auto monitor a to d converter SMH4803A SMH4804 summit microelectronics SMB prt0
    Text: SUMMIT SMD1108 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Preliminary 8-Channel Auto-MonitorTM ADC In System Programmable Analog ISPATM Device FEATURES l Programmable, Nonvolatile Combinatorial Reset l Programmable 8 Channel 10-bit A to D converter logic w Programmable Sequencing of Analog

    SMD1108 10-bit SMD1108 auto monitor a to d converter SMH4803A SMH4804 summit microelectronics SMB prt0 PDF


    Abstract: SMH4811A hot swap dc-dc converter 50kW boost 0635B air circuit breaker Film Microelectronics 1N4148 LMV331 MO-137
    Text: SUMMIT SMH4811A MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Distributed Power Hot-Swap Controller FEATURES l Programmable Circuit Breaker Function l Supply Range ±20VDC to >±500VDC w Programmable Over-current Filter l Versatile Card Insertion Detection Supports: w Programmable Quick-Trip Circuit Breaker

    SMH4811A 20VDC 500VDC 12VREF SMH4811 SMH4811A hot swap dc-dc converter 50kW boost 0635B air circuit breaker Film Microelectronics 1N4148 LMV331 MO-137 PDF


    Abstract: SMH4804 SMS44 25VREF
    Text: SUMMIT SMH4804 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. User-Programmable Nonvolatile Distributed Power Hot Swap Controller with Forced Shutdown Preliminary FEATURES " Programmable Circuit Breaker Mode: Latched Volatile or Nonvolatile ! Soft Starts Main Power Supply on Card Insertion

    SMH4804 0313V SMH4804 SMS44 25VREF PDF

    sda 2087 N

    Abstract: 1N4148 MO-137 SMS47 S47G
    Text: SUMMIT SMS47 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Cascade Sequencer and Supervisory Controller FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs z Programmable Power-up Cascade Sequencing

    SMS47 sda 2087 N 1N4148 MO-137 SMS47 S47G PDF


    Abstract: BD011 BD100 BD101 BD110 bd001
    Text: SUMMIT SMS24 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Highly Programmble Voltage Supervisory Circuit FEATURES INTRODUCTION l User Programmable Device Configuration The SMS24 is an in-system programmable analog circuit. All configurations are accessible to the end user and can

    SMS24 SMS24 SMX3199 BD011 BD100 BD101 BD110 bd001 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUMMIT SMS47 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Cascade Sequencer and Supervisory Controller FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs z Programmable Power-up Cascade Sequencing

    SMS47 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUMMIT SMS48 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Supervisory Controller With Independent Resets FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs z Four Independent Programmable Reset Outputs

    SMS48 SMS48 PDF


    Abstract: MO-137 SMS48 ST Microelectronics date code format
    Text: SUMMIT SMS48 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Supervisory Controller With Independent Resets FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs z Four Independent Programmable Reset Outputs

    SMS48 SMS48 1N4148 MO-137 ST Microelectronics date code format PDF


    Abstract: SMS44
    Text: SUMMIT SMS44 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Preliminary Highly Programmable Voltage Supply Controller and Supervisory Circuit FEATURES INTRODUCTION l Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs l Programmable Closed Loop Power-up Cascading l Programmability allows monitoring any voltage

    SMS44 SMS44 MO-137 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SUMMIT SMT4004 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Distributed Power Hot-Swap Controller FEATURES l Programmable Watchdog and Longdog Timers l Programmable Voltage and Current Monitoring 0 to 6.4 seconds w Monitors 4 independent supplies l Operates From Any One of Four Supply Voltages

    SMT4004 SMT4004 PDF

    r1c diode

    Abstract: K2049 MS-026 SMT4004
    Text: SUMMIT SMT4004 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Quad Power Supply Controller FEATURES DESCRIPTION l Programmable Voltage and Current Monitoring The SMT4004 is a fully integrated programmable voltage manager IC, providing supervisory functions and tracking control for up to four independent power supplies. The

    SMT4004 SMT4004 r1c diode K2049 MS-026 PDF

    8051 programming in c and interface for circuit breaker

    Abstract: 2057 MS-026 SMH4044 02HEX 1N4148 US2057
    Text: SUMMIT SMH4044 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Compact PCI Hot-Swap Controller With IPMI Support Preliminary FEATURES ! IPMI Implementation ! Under-Voltage Lockout " IPMB Interface ! Electronic Circuit Breakers " Software Controlled Power-Up/-Down " Programmable Over-current Levels

    SMH4044 8051 programming in c and interface for circuit breaker 2057 MS-026 SMH4044 02HEX 1N4148 US2057 PDF


    Abstract: em78pxxx EM78P15
    Text: Quick Time Programmable QTP Web Order Guide APPLICATION NOTES ELAN MICROELECTRONICS CORP. Document Number : Date of Issue : Issue Version : Supported Chips : Applicable Software : AN-026 March 2007 1.0 QTP Type: EM78Pxxx Series, Trademark Acknowledgments:

    AN-026 EM78Pxxx EM78P156E EM78P15 PDF

    sda 2083

    Abstract: 1N4148 MO-137 SMS46
    Text: SUMMIT SMS46 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Supervisory Controller With Independent Resets and 4k-Bit Nonvolatile Memory FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs

    SMS46 SMS46 sda 2083 1N4148 MO-137 PDF

    S45 marking

    Abstract: 1N4148 MO-137 SMS45 tablet counter circuit diagram
    Text: SUMMIT SMS45 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Cascade Sequencer and Supervisory Controller with 4k-Bit Nonvolatile Memory FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs

    SMS45 S45 marking 1N4148 MO-137 SMS45 tablet counter circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: MO-137 SMS45
    Text: SUMMIT SMS45 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Cascade Sequencer and Supervisory Controller with 4k-Bit Nonvolatile Memory FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs

    SMS45 1N4148 MO-137 SMS45 PDF


    Abstract: MO-137 SMS45
    Text: SUMMIT SMS45 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. PRELIMINARY INFORMATION 1 SEE LAST PAGE Quad Programmable Precision Cascade Sequencer and Supervisory Controller with 4k-Bit Nonvolatile Memory FEATURES INTRODUCTION z Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs

    SMS45 1N4148 MO-137 SMS45 PDF


    Abstract: MO-137 SMS44
    Text: SUMMIT SMS44 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Preliminary Highly Programmable Voltage Supervisory Circuit FEATURES INTRODUCTION l Operational from any of four Voltage Monitoring Inputs l Programmability allows monitoring any voltage between 0.9V and 6.0V with no external

    SMS44 SMS44 mr1116 MO-137 PDF

    d 2046

    Abstract: BD011 BD100 BD101 BD110 SMS24 L 2046 nv TPTO
    Text: SUMMIT SMS24 MICROELECTRONICS, Inc. Highly Programmble Voltage Supervisory Circuit FEATURES INTRODUCTION l User Programmable Device Configuration l Guaranteed Reset Valid to VCC = 1V l Immune to Short Negative VCC Transients l Six Unique Pin Configurations

    SMS24 SMS24 d 2046 BD011 BD100 BD101 BD110 L 2046 nv TPTO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Data Sheet November 1999 , microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations ORCA OR3LP26B Field-Programmable System Chip FPSC Embedded Master/Target PCI Interface Introduction Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group has developed a solution for designers who need the

    OCR Scan
    OR3LP26B OR3LP26B, 32-/64-bit OR3L125B 352-Pin 680-Pin BA352 BM680 OR3LP26B 32-/64-bit, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: microelectronics Product Brief February 1999 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations ORCA OR3TP12 Field-Programmable System Chip FPSC Embedded Master/Target PCI Bus Interface Introduction • PCI SIG Hot Plug (R1.0) compliant. The Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group has

    OCR Scan
    OR3TP12 OR3TP12, 32-/64-bit PN99-047FPGA PN98-054FPGA) PDF

    BB pwr 70

    Abstract: attda400
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet May 1993 = AT&T Microelectronics ATTDA400 Programmable 125 MHz Clock Distribution IC Description Features • Generates a programmable output frequency from an input clock fin fout The ATTDA400 Clock Distribution IC is a single­ supply combination— programmable timing

    OCR Scan
    ATTDA400 44-pin, DS92-211DBIP DS92-109DBIP) BB pwr 70 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet January 2000 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations ORCA OR3LP26B Field-Programmable System Chip FPSC Embedded Master/Target PCI Interface Introduction Four internal FIFOs individually buffer both direc­

    OCR Scan
    OR3LP26B OR3LP26B 352-Pin 680-Pin BA352 BM680 32-/64-bit, 64-bit OR3L125 PDF