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    PU 4127 Search Results

    PU 4127 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    MSS7341-273ML Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, shielded, 20/30% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS7341-273MLD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 2929, CHIP, 2929 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS7341-273 Coilcraft Inc Power inductor, shielded, 20/30% tol, SMT, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc
    MSS7341-273MLB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 27uH, 20%, 1 Element, Ferrite-Core, SMD, 2929, CHIP, 2929 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    603-24-127JA4I Renesas Electronics Corporation 24MHz 3.2 x 2.5mm Reference Crystal Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    PU 4127 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    PU4127 Unknown The Transistor Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF
    PU4127 Panasonic Silicon NPN Triple Diffused Planar Type Power Transistor Array Scan PDF

    PU 4127 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    Siemens Ferrite B65541

    Abstract: TESLA mh 7400 mh 7400 tesla MDT 760 THYRISTOR ARALDITE AY 105 ARALDITE HY 956 EPF S20 Siemens Ferrite B64290 ETD54 n62 ARALDITE D AY 103
    Text: Contents Selector Guide Index of Part Numbers 5 11 23 SIFERRIT Materials 29 General – Definitions Application Notes Processing Notes 111 129 151 Packing Quality Considerations Standards and Specifications 165 175 179 RM Cores 183 PM Cores 283 P Cores P Core Halves P Cores for Proximity Switches


    siemens ferrite n22 p14

    Abstract: Siemens Ferrite B65541 EC35 Siemens ferrite core ETD54 n62 U93 QUANTA ARALDITE ay 105 EC70 N27 Siemens Ferrite N47 EC52 N27 FERRITES N67
    Text: Contents Page 5 Selector Guide Index of Part Numbers 11 25 SIFERRIT Materials 31 General - Definitions Application and Processing Notes Packing 103 121 163 Quality Considerations Standards and Specifications 177 181 RM Cores 185 PM Cores 287 P Cores P Core Halves P Cores for Proximity Switches


    supressor diode S20 K30

    Abstract: TT 2206 horizontal d Metal-Oxide Varistor S14 VARISTOR s14 K30 VDE 0542 tt 2206 horizontal 8523740000 K30 varistor S20 K25 varistor varistor k25
    Text: Overvoltage Protection 234 Overvoltage Protection Overvoltage Protection The electronic equipping of electrical installations is becoming increasingly complex. PLC controls and PC applications are replacing hard-wired relay technology. Interferences from overvoltage or switching

    mm/89 supressor diode S20 K30 TT 2206 horizontal d Metal-Oxide Varistor S14 VARISTOR s14 K30 VDE 0542 tt 2206 horizontal 8523740000 K30 varistor S20 K25 varistor varistor k25 PDF

    varistor k60

    Abstract: S20 K25 varistor VARISTOR s14 K30 802150 weidmuller 801581 s10 k60 varistor 100v varistor K30 VARISTOR 10241 94015 VARISTOR NR 220 140
    Text: Produktübersicht Überspannungsschutz EGU 1 - Zweistufig, ein Strompfad Seite 6-11/6 EGU 4 - Dreistufig, zwei Strompfade Seite 6-11/8 TGU - Testkoffer EGU 2 - Dreistufig, ein Strompfad Seite 6-11/6 Seite 6-11/7 RSU - Dreistufig, zwei Strompfade LPU - Steckbar, dreistufig, zwei Strompfade

    Ex-93 varistor k60 S20 K25 varistor VARISTOR s14 K30 802150 weidmuller 801581 s10 k60 varistor 100v varistor K30 VARISTOR 10241 94015 VARISTOR NR 220 140 PDF

    ST ARM CORE 1825 0255

    Abstract: 55132-2 REV H
    Text: ARM-based Embedded MPU SAMA5D3 Series DATASHEET Description The Atmel SAMA5D3 series is a high-performance, power-efficient embedded MPU based on the ARM Cortex ® -A5 processor, achieving 536 MHz with power consumption levels below 0.5 mW in low-power mode. The device features a floating



    Abstract: B62152-A7-X17 siemens N30 B62152A7X17 siferrit material siferrit siferrit N30 siemens siferrit al 400 B62152A4X17 41279
    Text: Double-Aperture Cores B62152 Double-Aperture Cores Primarily used for broadband transformers up to high frequencies Application examples ● SIFERRIT material N30 for low frequencies and for pulse applications ● SIFERRIT material K1 for matching transformers and baluns

    B62152 B62152-A1-X17 B62152-A1-X1 B62152-A4-X17 B62152-A4-X1 B62152-A4-X30 B62152-A7-X17 B62152-A7-X1 B62152-A7-X30 B62152-A8-X17 B62152-A8-X17 B62152-A7-X17 siemens N30 B62152A7X17 siferrit material siferrit siferrit N30 siemens siferrit al 400 B62152A4X17 41279 PDF

    toshiba laptop schematic diagram

    Abstract: acer motherboard circuit diagram MAX1270 C source code MAX11871 mp 9141 es dc-dc lm324 pwm speed motor 220v DC MOTOR SPEED CONTROLLER schematic ACER laptop schematic diagram L-band down converter for satellite tuner wideband acer laptop MOTHERBOARD Chip Level MANUAL acer laptop motherboard circuit diagram
    Text: Welcome to the Maxim Full-Line Data Catalog. We hope you find this CD-ROM a helpful tool for selecting the best Maxim IC for your design. This CD-ROM contains: The Maxim Full-Line Data Catalog The menu to the left of this page lists the available documents. Use the small



    Abstract: PU4127 00J0
    Text: Power Transistor Arrays PU3127, PU4127 PU3127, PU 4127 Package D im ensions P U 3127 Um t:m m Silicon NPN Triple-Diffused Planar Type J il" ? Pow er A m plifier, S w itching — TdT • Features • H igh D C c u r re n t gain 4.2max. 20. 5max. 08 + 0 X 0.5 = 015

    OCR Scan
    PU3127, PU4127 PU3127: PU4127: PU3127 PU3127 PU4127 00J0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    AF-1746 Cj50H T075j Jt0-02S PDF


    Abstract: transistor d 4515 EQUIVALENT equivalent transistor n 4212 d 1275 transistor k 4212 fet 4435 equivalent 4435 fet 4435 transistor U3146 PU3131
    Text: Transistors Selection Guide by Applications and Functions I Power Transistor Arrays S eries N am e P U 3 0 0 0 Series PUA3000 Series P U 4 0 0 0 Series Equivalent Circuit Package (No.) 8 Pin • SIL Package (D68)(D69) Equivalent Circuit ^ '\J 3 tr u c tu r e

    OCR Scan
    PU3110 PU3111 PU3112 PU3211 PU3214 PU3116 PU4116 PU4110 PU4111 U4112 PU1501 transistor d 4515 EQUIVALENT equivalent transistor n 4212 d 1275 transistor k 4212 fet 4435 equivalent 4435 fet 4435 transistor U3146 PU3131 PDF

    IC LA 4127

    Abstract: circuit diagram of antilog circuit
    Text: B U R R -B R O W N [ 4127 1 LO G A R IT H M IC AM PLIFIER FEATURES functions accurately for up to six decades of input current and four decades of input voltage. In addition, a newly developed current inverter and a precise internal reference allow pin programming of

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: transistor a999 bs 7818 -1995 transistor tt 2206 A999 transistor TT 2206 transistor a1535A 8340UAS transistor 3866S 2SD 4515
    Text: H Integrated Circuits MOS LSIs Page MOS LSI Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page Type No. Page M N 171608 42 A M N 18P73210 43 M N 3210 69 M N 5179/H 91 M N 171609 42 AM N 18P73215 43 M N 3214 69 MN5181 91 M N 3102 69 M N 53 00 0 Series 55 M N 33 00 Series

    OCR Scan
    1020G N12861 N12B62 MN1381 MN13811 MN13821 15P0802 15P5402 58851A 70803A 3866S transistor a999 bs 7818 -1995 transistor tt 2206 A999 transistor TT 2206 transistor a1535A 8340UAS transistor 3866S 2SD 4515 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R F * MICRO DEVICES RF2334 Preliminary GENERAL PURPOSE AM PLIFIER T y p ic a l A p p lic a tio n s • Broadband, Low Noise Gain Blocks • Final PA for Low Power Applications • IF or RF Buffer Amplifiers • Broadband Test Equipment • Driver Stage for Power Amplifiers

    OCR Scan
    RF2334 RF2334 RF233X410( PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 193 54F/74F193 Connection Diagrams Up/Down Binary Counter With Separate Up/Down Clocks Description The ’ F193 is an up/down modulo-16 binary counter. Separate Count Up and C ount Down C locks are used, and in eith e r cou n tin g mode the c irc u its operate synchronously. The ou tputs change state synchronously

    OCR Scan
    54F/74F193 modulo-16 54F/74F PDF

    transistor a2160

    Abstract: transistor A1270 A1270 transistor transistor 2sD 4515 1431T transistor transistor A769 mn15151 mini circuits 15542 A1270 Y AN 5606K
    Text: Type Number List • Integrated Circuits MOS LSIs M O S L S Is Page Type No, M N 5117 M N171605 32,42 AM N18P83221 43 M N 3671A 62 M N 5126 87 43 M N 3672 62 M N 5128 87 37 ,4 4,45 46 M N 1256 46 M N 1258 46 M N 1259 46 M N12861 46 M N 12862 46 M N 187124

    OCR Scan
    N12861 N13801 MN1381 N13811 N13821 N150402 15P0802 N150412 MN15151 MN152121 transistor a2160 transistor A1270 A1270 transistor transistor 2sD 4515 1431T transistor transistor A769 mini circuits 15542 A1270 Y AN 5606K PDF


    Abstract: DM74 DM74LS113A FTHA
    Text: DM54LS113A/DM74LS113A National Semiconductor DM54LS113A/DM74LS113A Dual Negative-Edge-Triggered Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Preset and Complementary Outputs General Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Note d T h is d e vice c o n ta in s tw o in d e p e n d e n t neg a tive -ed g e trig g e re d J-K flip -flo p s w ith c o m p le m e n ta ry o u tp u ts .

    OCR Scan
    DM54LS113A/DM74LS113A 25Vand 25Vfor DM54 DM74 DM74LS113A FTHA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NJM2119 DUAL SIMGLE-SUPPLY OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER • PACKAGE OUTLINE ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION N J M 2 1 1 9 is a u ltr a -lo w in p u t o f fs e t v o lta g e a n d b ia s c u rre n t, lo w d rift a n d s in g le s u p p ly d u a l o p e ra tio n a l a m p lifie r. N J M 2 1 19 is su ita b le

    OCR Scan
    NJM2119 RJN2119M PDF


    Abstract: carry skip adder PFD1020 PIC1665 Two digit bcd adder circuit
    Text: .I N I KAI INS! RI M I M PI C1665 8 Bit Development Microcomputer • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ PIC 1670 m icro co m p u te r w ith ROM removed Useful fo r engineering p ro to typ in g of PIC app licatio n s PIC ROM address & data lines b ro u g h t o u t to pins

    OCR Scan
    PIC1665 PIC1670 carry skip adder PFD1020 Two digit bcd adder circuit PDF


    Abstract: zcmd 39 LC78835 LC78835M LC8953 LC8954 LC8955 LC89560 pcm decoder
    Text: Ordering number : EN4127 _ CMOS LSI LC8954 No. 4127 Error Correction and AD PCM Playback LSI for CD-I Applications Overview The LC8954 is an error correction and AD PCM decoder LSI for CD-I applications, and integrates in a single chip

    OCR Scan
    EN4127 LC8954 LC8954 LC8951, LC8955 LC8953 EN4127 zcmd 39 LC78835 LC78835M LC89560 pcm decoder PDF

    IGO tv circuit diagram

    Abstract: zn8g
    Text: FET BIAS CONTROLLER WITH POLARISATION SWITCH AND TONE DETECTION ISSUE 2 - APRIL 1998 DEVICE DESCRIPTION ZNBG3110 ZNBG3111 These devices are un con ditio na lly stable over the full w orking tem perature w ith the FETs in place, subject to the inclusion o f the

    OCR Scan
    ZNBG3110/11 470pF -WV10 100nF 100nFI ZNBG3110 ZNBG3111 ZNBG3110Q20 ZNBG3111Q20 QSOP20 IGO tv circuit diagram zn8g PDF


    Abstract: PU4127
    Text: Power Transistor Arrays PU3127, PU4127 PU3127, PU4127 Package Dimensions Silicon NPN Triple-Diffused Planar Type Power Amplifier, Switching • Features • H igh D C c u r re n t gain PU3127 4. 2max. 20.5 ma x. sf i - J S l ^ oil 08 + 025 TdT ~ 4 M . 5r 01 5

    OCR Scan
    PU3127, PU4127 PU3127: PU4127: PU3127 PU3127 PU4127 PDF


    Abstract: SG1529J SG1529/SG2529/SG3529
    Text: SG1529/SG2529/SG3529 SILICON GENERAL REGULATING PULSE WIDTH MODULATOR LIN EAR IN TEGR ATED CIRCUITS D E S C R IP T IO N FEA TU R ES The SG1529 series of pulse width modulator integrated circuits are designed to provide all the operational features of the SG1524B series with the added

    OCR Scan
    SG1529/SG2529/SG3529 100Hz 400KHz 100mA SG1529 SG1524B SG3529N SG1529J SG1529/SG2529/SG3529 PDF


    Abstract: SP-3400 sp8600 ta 8606 n 4201 display ic dp 8600
    Text: W h p ì H E W LE T T mL'tiâ PA C K A R D 20 mm 0.8 inch S even S egm en t D isp lays H D SP-3400, 3401, 3403, 3405, 3406 H D SP-N 150, N151, N153, N155, N156 H D S P -3 9 0 0 ,3901, 3903, 3905, 3906 H D S P -4 2 0 0 ,4201,4203, 4205, 4206 H D S P -8 6 0 0 ,8601, 8603, 8605,

    OCR Scan
    SP-3400, HDSP-3400 SP-3400 sp8600 ta 8606 n 4201 display ic dp 8600 PDF


    Abstract: SY10E445
    Text: * 4-BIT SERIAL/PARALLEL CONVERTER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES DESCRIPTION On-chip clock -h4 and +8 Extended 100E V ee range of -4 .2 V to -5 .5 V 2.5Gb/s data rate capability Differential clock and serial inputs Vbb output for single-ended use Asynchronous data synchronization

    OCR Scan
    SY10E445 SY100E445 75ki2 MC10E/100E445 800ps 1050ps SY10E445JC J28-1 SY100E445 SY10E445 PDF