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    Omega Engineering FPUTS1509-30

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    Avnet Americas FPUTS1509-30 Bulk 1
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    Newark FPUTS1509-30 Bulk 1
    • 1 $999.96
    • 10 $999.96
    • 100 $999.96
    • 1000 $999.96
    • 10000 $999.96
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    Omega Engineering FPUTS1501-30

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    Avnet Americas FPUTS1501-30 Bulk 1
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    Newark FPUTS1501-30 Bulk 1
    • 1 $1018
    • 10 $1018
    • 100 $1018
    • 1000 $1018
    • 10000 $1018
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    Omega Engineering FPUTS1507

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    Avnet Americas FPUTS1507 Bulk 1
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    Newark FPUTS1507 Bulk 1
    • 1 $725.11
    • 10 $725.11
    • 100 $725.11
    • 1000 $725.11
    • 10000 $725.11
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    Omega Engineering FPUTS1503

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    Avnet Americas FPUTS1503 Bulk 1
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    Newark FPUTS1503 Bulk 1
    • 1 $725.11
    • 10 $725.11
    • 100 $725.11
    • 1000 $725.11
    • 10000 $725.11
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    Omega Engineering FPUTS1509-15

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    Avnet Americas FPUTS1509-15 Bulk 1
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    Newark FPUTS1509-15 Bulk 1
    • 1 $871.31
    • 10 $871.31
    • 100 $871.31
    • 1000 $871.31
    • 10000 $871.31
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    PUTS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 80C51 82B96 P89LPC925 P89LPC936 TDA3663 PWM generators
    Text: NXP Ultra-high brightness RGBA LED reference design with dimming Inherent system flexibility for solid-state lighting NXP’s ultra-high brightness RGBA LED driving reference design with dimming puts flexible, low-cost systems at your fingertips. It’s a fully tested solution based on robust components


    SOP 8 200MIL

    Abstract: serial flash 256Mb fast erase spi TM 1628 IC SOP Micron 512MB NOR FLASH HN29V1G91T-30 HN58C1001FPI-15 M5M51008DFP-70HI 256mb EEPROM Memory CSP-48 TSOP 28 SPI memory Package flash
    Text: Renesas Memory General Catalog 2003.11 Renesas Memory General Catalog Sales Strategic Planning Div. Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Keep safety first in your circuit designs! 1. Renesas Technology Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products better and more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with

    D-85622 REJ01C0001-0100Z SOP 8 200MIL serial flash 256Mb fast erase spi TM 1628 IC SOP Micron 512MB NOR FLASH HN29V1G91T-30 HN58C1001FPI-15 M5M51008DFP-70HI 256mb EEPROM Memory CSP-48 TSOP 28 SPI memory Package flash PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TYPES SN5480, SN7480 GATED FULL ADDERS D E C E M B E R 1972 - logic R E V iS E D D E C E M B E R 1983 S N 5 4 8 0 .J PA CK AG E SNS480 . . . W P A C K A G E SN7480 . . . J O R N P A C K A G E F U N C T IO N T A B L E See Notes 1, 2, and 3 IN PUTS (TOP VIEW)

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    SN5480, SN7480 SN7480 SNS480 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    Abstract: 20P4 20-PIN
    Text: MITSUBISHI LSTTLs M74LS640-1P OCTAL BUS TRANSCEIVER W ITH 3-STATE OUTPUT INVERTED DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) The M 74L S 64 0-1P is a semiconductor integrated circuit containing 8 bus transmitters/receivers w ith inverted ou t­ puts. DATA

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    M74LS640- M74LS640-1P 400mV -15mA) 16-PIN 20-PIN 20P4 PDF


    Abstract: wallace-tree
    Text: DUAL CARRY-SAVE FULL ADDER DESCRIPTION The T54LS183/T74LS183 is a Dual Adder charac­ terising high-speed, high-fan-out Darlington out­ puts, all puts are diode clamped for system design simplification. A separate carry output for each bit is designed to be used in multiple intput,

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    T54LS183/T74LS183 T54LS183 T74LS183 T54LS183D2 wallace-tree PDF


    Abstract: cmos data selector data selector 74HC MC74HCXXXN 74hc298
    Text: g MC54/74HC298 MOTOROLA Product Preview HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW-POWER COMPLEMENTARY MOS SILICON-GATE QUAD 2-INPUT DATA SELECTOR/ MULTIPLEXER W ITH OUTPUT LATCH The MC54/74HC298 is identical in pinout to the LS298. The device in­ puts are compatible w ith standard CMOS puts; w ith pullup

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    MC54/74HC298 LS298. HC298 LS298 cmos data selector data selector 74HC MC74HCXXXN 74hc298 PDF

    WCL 209

    Abstract: ltzt
    Text: as DUAL JK NEGATIVE EDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOP DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS114/114A offer common clock and common clear puts and individual J, K, and set puts. These monolithic dual flip-flops are de­ signed so that when the clock goes HIGH, the in­ puts are enabled and data will be accepted. The

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    T54LS/T74LS114/114A WCL 209 ltzt PDF


    Abstract: 1S2074 74LSOO HD74LS195A Hitachi Scans-001 Scans-0014928
    Text: H D 74 L S 19 5A . 4-b¡t Parallel-Access Shift Registers This 4-bit register features parallel puts, parallel puts. is loaded into the associated flip-flop and appears at the out­ puts after the positive transition of the clock input. During loading, serial data flow is inhibited. Shifting is accomplished

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    HD74LS195A. QQ14CI14 DG-14 06max 20-iu8 OG-16 DG-24 HD74LSoop 1S2074 74LSOO HD74LS195A Hitachi Scans-001 Scans-0014928 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3.3V CMOS HEX INVERTER WITH OPEN-DRAIN OUT­ PUTS, 5 VOLT TOLERANT I/O DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: - IDT74LVC05A ADVANCE INFORMATION 0.5 MICRON CMOS Technology ESD > 2000V per MIL-STD-883, Method 3015; > 200V using machine model C = 200pF, R = 0 1,27mm pitch SOIC, 0.65mm pitch SSOP and

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    IDT74LVC05A MIL-STD-883, 200pF, LVC05A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT74LVC623A 3.3V CMOS OCTAL ADVANCE INFORMATION TRANSCEIVER WITH DUAL ENABLE, 3-STATE OUT­ PUTS, 5 VOLT TOLERANT I/O FEATURES: - 0.5 M IC R O N C M O S Technology E S D > 2 0 0 0 V per M IL -S T D -8 8 3 , Method 3 0 15; > 2 0 0 V using m achine model C = 2 0 0 p F , R = 0

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    IDT74LVC623A LVC62lH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IDT74LVCH162543A 3.3V CMOS 16-BIT ADVANCE REGISTERED TRANSCEIVER INFORMATION WITH 3-STATE PUTS, 5 VOLT TOLERANT I/O, BUS-HOLD flow. The A-to-B enable CEAB must be low in order to enter data from A or to output data from B. If CEAB is low and LEAB is low, the A-to-B latches are transparent; a subsequent lowto-high transition of LEAB puts the A latches in the storage

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    IDT74LVCH162543A 16-BIT 16-BIT PDF


    Abstract: 74LCX Logic Family Specifications 74LCX373 74LCX373MSA 74LCX373MSAX 74LCX373SJ 74LCX373SJX 74LCX373WM 74LCX373WMX
    Text: LCX373 National é * Semiconductor 74LCX373 Low-Voltage Octal Transparent Latch with 5V Tolerant puts and puts General Description Features The LCX373 consists of eight latches with TRI-STATE out­ puts for bus organized system applications. The device is

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    74LCX373 LCX373 TL/F/11995-1 74LCX373 74LCX Family-74LCX TL/F/11995-5 00fl4Ã 74LCX Logic Family Specifications 74LCX373MSA 74LCX373MSAX 74LCX373SJ 74LCX373SJX 74LCX373WM 74LCX373WMX PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA 4-LINE-T0-16-LINE DECODERS/DEMULTIPLEXERS DESCRIPTION The T54LS/T74LS154 is a 4-line-to-16-line deco­ der. It provided decoding of four binary-coded in­ puts into one of sixteen mutually exclusive puts when both the strobe puts, Ei and E , are in the

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    4-LINE-T0-16-LINE T54LS/T74LS154 4-line-to-16-line T54LS154 T74LS154 T54LS154D2 PDF


    Abstract: MC74HCXXXN ls181 74HC series j 182 74HC 74HC LOGIC PINOUT
    Text: g M OTOROLA MC54/74HC181 Product P re v ie w HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS LOW -POWER CO M PLEM ENTARY MOS S ILICO N-G ATE 4-BIT ARITHMETIC LOGIC UNIT The M C54/74HC181 is identical in p in o u t to the L S I81. The device in­ puts are com p a tib le w ith standard CM OS o puts; w ith pullup

    OCR Scan
    MC54/74HC181 LS181. MC54HCXXXJ MC74HCXXXN MC74HCXXXJ 74HC181 MC74HCXXXN ls181 74HC series j 182 74HC 74HC LOGIC PINOUT PDF

    full adder carry look ahead

    Abstract: MC5480 MC7480 MMD7000 VIC7480 MC9380
    Text: MTTL Complex Functions MOTOROLA G A T E D FU LL A D D E R M C5480 • M C7480 M C 9 3 8 0 - M C8380 A d d S u ffix S u ffix S u ffix These in puts, The n 0 1 t- F f o r T O - 8 6 c e r a m i c p a c k a g e i C a s t 6 0 •’ . L f o r T O - 1 1 6 c e r a m i c p a c k a g e <C ii s e 6 3 2 .

    OCR Scan
    MC5480 MC7480 MC9380â MC8380 VIC7480, MC8380. full adder carry look ahead MC5480 MMD7000 VIC7480 MC9380 PDF


    Abstract: LM1205 LM1208 LM1281 N28B OSD ic national semiconductor 1976
    Text: S e m i c o n d u c t o r LM1281 85 MHz RGB Video Amplifier System with On Screen Display OSD General Description Features The LM1281 is a full feature video amplifier with OSD in­ puts, all within a 28-pin package. This part is intended for use in monitors with resolutions up to 1024 x 768. The video

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    LM1281 LM1281 28-pin 20-3A 212-11B1 lm1281n LM1205 LM1208 N28B OSD ic national semiconductor 1976 PDF


    Abstract: NC7LCX00M5 NC7LCX00M5X national semiconductor cmos
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION Semiconductor NC7LCX00 Low Voltage Single 2-Input NAND Gate with 5V Tolerant puts General Description Features The LCXOOO contains a single 2-input NAND gate. The in­ puts tolerate voltages up to 7V allowing the interface of 5V systems to 3V systems.

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    NC7LCX00 NC7LCX00 TL/F/12664-3 D0fl4b32 MA05B NC7LCX00M5 NC7LCX00M5X national semiconductor cmos PDF


    Abstract: LT685 LT685C LT685CH LT685CJ LT685CN LT685M LT685MH LT685MJ
    Text: rrimm JtkrnmW TECHNOLOGY _LT685 High Speed Comparator F€ATUR€S DCSCRIPTIOd • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT685 is an ultra-fast comparator with differential in­ puts and complementary puts fully compatible with ECL logic levels. The output current capability is adequate

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    LT685 Am685 LT685 Q-020 AM685 LT685C LT685CH LT685CJ LT685CN LT685M LT685MH LT685MJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: June 1989 DM5405/DM7405 Hex Inverters with Open-Collector puts General Description Pull-Up Resistor Equations This device contains six independent gates each of which performs the logic INVERT function. The open-collector out­ puts require external pull-up resistors for proper logical op­

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    DM5405/DM7405 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1995 Semiconductor & DM74ALS38A Quadruple 2-lnput NAND Buffer with Open-Collector puts General Description Features This device contains four independent gates, each of which performs the logic NAND function. The open-collector out­ puts require external pull-up resistors for proper logical op­

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    DM74ALS38A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm 9602/DM9602 Dual Retriggerable, Resettable One Shots General Description Features These dual resettable, retriggerable one shots have tw o in­ puts per function; one w hich is active high, and one w hich is active low. This allows the d esigner to em ploy either

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    9602/DM9602 9602N 16-Lead 9602FM 9602D PDF

    rtd 2486

    Abstract: YM6063 YM6063B TC9200 cdi wiring diagram YAMAHA RA 200 make dc cdi ADPCM NEC yamaha 68000 hr/rtd 2486
    Text: YAMAHA L S I YM6063B CD- I Data Controller CDC • OUTLINE The CDC (CD-I Data Controller) is a data processor capable of handling data from both CD-I and CD-ROM sources. This receives data read out from a CD-I disk and detects the synchronous pattern, then descrambles the data and puts it in a buffer. File and channel

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    YM6063B YM6064 YM7302 CA95112 3K-0305 rtd 2486 YM6063 YM6063B TC9200 cdi wiring diagram YAMAHA RA 200 make dc cdi ADPCM NEC yamaha 68000 hr/rtd 2486 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a WPS256K32-XXC M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS 256Kx32 SRAM MODULE ADVANCED* FEATURES • Access T im e s * ■ C o m m e rc ia l T e m p e ra tu re R ange B iC M O S : 10ns ■ TTL C o m p a tib le In puts and O u tp u ts ■ 5 V o lt P o w e r S u p p ly ■

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    WPS256K32-XXC 256Kx32 256K32 PDF