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    PMI OP 490

    Abstract: OP490 pmi op490
    Text: PMÏ> OP -490 LOW-VOLTAGE MICROPOWER QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER M o n n l i t h i r s In c . FEA TUR ES G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N • The OP-490 is a high performance micropower quad op amp that operates from a single supply of + 1 ,6V to +36V or from dual

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    OP-490 PMI OP 490 OP490 pmi op490 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Low-Voltage Micropower Quad Operational Amplifier OP-490 A N ALO G D EVIC ES FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The OP-490 is a high-performance micropowerquad op amp that operates from a single supply of +1.6V to +36V or from dual supplies of +0.8V to +18V. Input voltage range includes the

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    OP-490 OP-490 OP-490â DAC-8408 0P-490 OP490 PDF


    Abstract: LT1078I/LT10791 lt10791sw
    Text: LT 1078/LT1079 u r m TECHNOLOGY M icropow er Dual and Quad, Single Supply, Precision Op Amps F€ATUR €S DCSCRIPTIOn • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The LT 1078 is a micropower dual op amp in 8-pin packages including the small outline surface mount pack­

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    1078/LT1079 LT1079 14-pin LT1078/LT1079 10789fd LT10791 LT1078I/LT10791 lt10791sw PDF


    Abstract: DP-490
    Text: DP-490 FMI LOW-VOLTAGE MICROPOWER QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER mm FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The OP-490 is a high performance micropower quad op amp that operates from a single supply o f +1,6V to +36V or from dual supplies of ±0.8V to ±18V. Input voltage range includes the

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    00V/mV DP-490 OP-490 5-S34 OP490 DP-490 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES Low Voltage Micropower Quad Operational Amplifier 0P49Û PIN CONNECTION 14-Pin H erm etic DIP Y-Suffix 14-Pin Plastic DIP (P-Suffix) OUT A [ T m 3 | ] - IN D +IN A [ T 3 1 +IN D 33] V - V+ [ T +IN B [ T 10] + IN C -IN B [ T ] [ ] - IN C

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    14-Pin 16-Pin OP490 OP490 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP-490 pm D LOW-VOLTAGE MICROPOWER QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER P re c isió n M o n o IU h ics Inc. FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The O P -490 is a high perform ance m icropow er quad op amp tha t operates from a single supply of +1.6V to +36V or from dual

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    OP-490 OP-490 OP490 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Low-Voltage Micropower Quad Operational Amplifier OP-490 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The OP-490 is a high-performance m icropowerquad op amp that operates from a single supply of + 1 .6V to +36V or from dual supplies of ±0.8V to ±18V. Input voltage range includes the

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    OP-490 OP-490 OP-490â 0P-490 OP490 PDF

    sn 8408

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES FEATURES S in g le /D u a l S u pp ly O pe ra tio n +1.6 V to +36 V ± 0 . 8 V to ± 1 8 V Tru e S in g le-S u p p ly O pe ra tio n; Input and O u tp u t V o lt a g e Ranges Include Gro und Low S u pp ly Current: 80 jiA m ax High O u tp u t Drive: 5 m A min

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    14-Pin QP490 sn 8408 PDF


    Abstract: LT107 equivalent LT10791 it1078 L8006 LT1079SW LT107 diode
    Text: rrw m _ LT1078/LT1079 TECHNOLOGY Micropower, Dual and Quad, Single Supply, Precision Op Amps F€OTUR€S DCSCRIPTIOfl • Available in 8-Pin SO Package The LT 1078 is a micropower dual op amp in 8-pin ■ 50nA Max Supply Current per Amplifier

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    250pA 200kHz LT1078/LT1079 LT1079 14-pin 152mm) 254mm) 10789fd CD40168 LT107 equivalent LT10791 it1078 L8006 LT1079SW LT107 diode PDF