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    QUARZ SMD N Search Results

    QUARZ SMD N Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    1812SMS-47NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 47uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    1812SMS-68NG Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 68uH, 2%, 1 Element, Air-Core, SMD, 1915, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-105XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 1000uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-374XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 370uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    5315TC-704XGBD Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 700uH, 2%, 1 Element, SMD Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy

    QUARZ SMD N Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: simpson 464 Tele Quartz Group 16.384 MHz Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator HC-49 crystal Tele Quarz Group 16.384 CT 9254 Telcona N1086 30227
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Framing and Line Interface Component for PCM 30 and PCM 24 FALC54 and FALC-LH PEB 2254 PEB 2255 Crystal recommendation Application Note 12.97 PEB 2255 Revision History : Previous Version : None Page Page Current Version : 12.97

    FALC54 254-A TQX6273 simpson 464 Tele Quartz Group 16.384 MHz Tele Quarz Group Crystal Oscillator HC-49 crystal Tele Quarz Group 16.384 CT 9254 Telcona N1086 30227 PDF


    Abstract: MPC555 RTC-8563 Funkamateur Motorola MPC555 mpc555 die PowerPC MPC555
    Text: phyCORE-MPC555 Hardware-Manual Ausgabe Dezember 2000 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG phyCORE-MPC555 Im Buch verwendete Bezeichnungen für Erzeugnisse, die zugleich ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen darstellen, wurden nicht besonders gekennzeichnet. Das Fehlen der 

    phyCORE-MPC555 L-523d D-55135 82C251 MPC555 RTC-8563 Funkamateur Motorola MPC555 mpc555 die PowerPC MPC555 PDF

    mpc555 die

    Abstract: 82C251 PCM-995 MPC555 RTC-8563 ic 67a smd X1D53 Funkamateur rtc ic 8563 fram i2c
    Text: phyCORE-MPC555 Hardware-Manual Ausgabe August 2001 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG phyCORE-MPC555 Im Buch verwendete Bezeichnungen für Erzeugnisse, die zugleich ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen darstellen, wurden nicht besonders gekennzeichnet. Das Fehlen der 

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    Abstract: crystal oscillator safety factor Tele Quartz Group Crystal Oscillator HC49 SMD Quarz Datasheet iec 122-2-1 ba 7268 crystal oscillator 32.768 crystal quartz 24mhz C164CI XTAL1* 4 MHz Crystal
    Text: Microcontrollers ApNote AP242005 Crystal Oscillator of the C500 and C166 Microcontroller Families The microcontrollers of the C500/C166 Family include the active part of the oscillator. This document explains the quartz crystal oscillator functionality and gives recommendations

    AP242005 C500/C166 AP242005 TPSM32A crystal oscillator safety factor Tele Quartz Group Crystal Oscillator HC49 SMD Quarz Datasheet iec 122-2-1 ba 7268 crystal oscillator 32.768 crystal quartz 24mhz C164CI XTAL1* 4 MHz Crystal PDF

    Corning Frequency Control

    Abstract: quarz smd smd quarz tele quarz ecl book
    Text: VCXO 048 Typical Applications SONET, STM, SDH Multiplexing Digital Switching Features High Frequency Ideal for Phase Locking SMD Package Complementary Output ECL and PECL Options Frequency Range 100 MHz – 155.52 MHz Standard Frequency 155.52 MHz Frequency Stabilities

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    Abstract: OCXO corning 6 pin IC SMD CODE PA
    Text: OCXO OCO900 Preliminary OBSOLETE PART: Go to for the latest product information Typical Applications Base Station Synthesizer Switching Test Equipment Features SMD Package AT-Cut Crystal Stratum III Frequency range 10 MHz – 60 MHz

    OCO900 D-74924 G195 OCXO corning 6 pin IC SMD CODE PA PDF

    quarz smd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VCXO 348 Typical Applications SONET, STM, SDH Multiplexing Digital Switching Features High Frequency Ideal for Phase Locking 3.3 Vdc SMD Package Complementary Output LVPECL Output Frequency Range 100 MHz – 155.52 MHz Standard Frequency 155.52 MHz Frequency Stabilities

    D-74924 quarz smd PDF


    Abstract: quarz smd smd quarz STM-16 SVO2500 Corning Frequency Control 800mVss TELE QUARZ
    Text: SVO2500 Typical Applications SDH / SONET Frequency range VCXO Features Standard SMD Package G185 Wide Pulling Range Low Jitter meets SONET OC-48 and SDH STM-16 requirem. High Speed CML Output 3.3 Volt Supply 2488.320 MHz Frequency stabilities vs. operating temperature range

    SVO2500 OC-48 STM-16 D-74924 G185 quarz smd smd quarz SVO2500 Corning Frequency Control 800mVss TELE QUARZ PDF

    quarz smd

    Abstract: smd quarz 3.3v negative Corning Frequency Control
    Text: VCXO 348 Typical Applications SONET, STM, SDH Multiplexing Digital Switching Features High Frequency Ideal for Phase Locking 3.3 Vdc SMD Package Complementary Output ECL and PECL Options Frequency Range 100 MHz – 155.52 MHz Standard Frequency 155.52 MHz

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    Abstract: smd quarz G185 STM-16 SVO2500 Corning Frequency Control 36PS Corning Frequency Control vcxo smd
    Text: SVO2500 Typical Applications SDH / SONET Frequency range VCXO Features Standard SMD Package G185 Wide Pulling Range Low Jitter meets SONET OC-48 and SDH STM-16 requirem. High Speed CML Output 3.3 Volt Supply 2488.320 MHz Frequency stabilities vs. operating temperature range

    SVO2500 OC-48 STM-16 D-74924 quarz smd smd quarz G185 SVO2500 Corning Frequency Control 36PS Corning Frequency Control vcxo smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VCXO OBSOLETE PART: Go to for the latest product information 048 Typical Applications SONET, STM, SDH Multiplexing Digital Switching Features High Frequency Ideal for Phase Locking SMD Package Complementary Output ECL and PECL Options

    D-74924 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SVO2500 Typical Applications OBSOLETE PART: Go to for the latest product information SDH / SONET Frequency range VCXO Features Standard SMD Package G185 Wide Pulling Range Low Jitter meets SONET OC-48 and SDH STM-16 requirem.

    SVO2500 OC-48 STM-16 800mVss SVO2500 D-74924 PDF


    Abstract: dcf77 AM RECEIVER quarz smd dcf receiver
    Text: DA1017.001 5 January, 2001 0$6 $0 5HFHLYHU ,& •:LGH 6XSSO\ 9ROWDJH 5DQJH • 3RZHU 'RZQ DQG 3RZHU 8S &RQWURO ' 6&5,37,21 The MAS1017 AM-Receiver chip is a highly sensitive, simple to use AM receiver specially intended to receive time signals in the frequency range from 40

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    Abstract: HC49 SMD Quarz
    Text: Crystals EC Typical Applications Telecom, industrial, Features micro processor crystals HC-49/U low profile, SMD, height : 3.2 mm max. Enclosure all units in mm 3.579545 MHz to 60.000 MHz In MHz Frequency range Standard frequencies 3.579545 3.686400 4.000000

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    dcf receiver

    Abstract: dcf ferrite antenna quarz 77503 hz um 1625 time code receiver dcf ferrite antenna dcf77 dcf77 ferrite antenna dcf77 AM RECEIVER MAS1017ATC1
    Text: DA1017.002 29 May, 2002 MAS1017 AM Receiver IC • High Sensitivity • Very Low Power Consumption • Wide Supply Voltage Range • Power Down and Power Up Control • High Selectivity by Crystal Filter DESCRIPTION The MAS1017 AM-Receiver chip is a highly sensitive,

    DA1017 MAS1017 MAS1017 dcf receiver dcf ferrite antenna quarz 77503 hz um 1625 time code receiver dcf ferrite antenna dcf77 dcf77 ferrite antenna dcf77 AM RECEIVER MAS1017ATC1 PDF

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    Abstract: dcf ferrite antenna quarz 77503 hz ferrite antenna dcf77 ferrite antenna AM antenna ferrite DA1017 dcf77 dcf receiver 77.5 receiver ic
    Text: DA1017.002 29 May, 2002 MAS1017 AM Receiver IC • High Sensitivity • Very Low Power Consumption • Wide Supply Voltage Range • Power Down and Power Up Control • High Selectivity by Crystal Filter DESCRIPTION The MAS1017 AM-Receiver chip is a highly

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    433.92 MHz Transceiver Power Amplifier Circuit

    Abstract: transisTOR C123 broadband monopole tx 433 saw 433.92 tx 433 saw pcb loop antenna 433.92 loop antenna helical antenna 433 helical filter 433 MHZ AS3921 C91-C93
    Text: Half Duplex 315/433 MHz Transceiver AS3921 Application Note for the AS3921 Half-Duplex 315/433 MHz Transceiver Application Note Rev. A1, September 2001 Application Note AS3921 AS3921 Single Chip High Performance RF Transceiver Applications • • • •

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PX-508 Clock Oscillator Low G-Sensitivity PX-508 Features Applications Low G-Sensitivity Vibration hardened Tight Tolerances Low Phase Noise • • • • Vibration Environment Airborne and Military Equipment Portable Equipment Tactical Weapons Performance Specifications2

    PX-508 D-74924 1-88-VECTRON-1 PDF


    Abstract: cxo-0 CXO0 smd quarz 2MA16
    Text: CMOS–SMD–Oszillatoren CMOS–SMT–Oscillators CXS–2300 / 2400 / 5300 RoHs conform 1,3 max. 12 KHz ~ 170 MHz CXS–2300 12 KHz to 170 MHz, Betriebsspannung 5V CXS–2400 1.8 MHz to 80 MHz, Betriebsspannung 5V CXS–5300 12 KHz to 170 MHz, Betriebsspannung 3,3V

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    Abstract: SAW Filter B4535 Y6930T Y6972T quartz 11.059 Y6972 SIEMENS MICROWAVE RADIO 8 GHz Y6930 Y6932T B4535
    Text: Klaus Ruffing Cordless phones: No strings attached with SAW filters Manufacturers of cordless telephones supply both the mass market with economy versions and the professional sector with high-performance models. With a wide range of types in various packages for both


    PLCC32 sockel

    Abstract: 16V8 80C154 80C32 A15R PLCC32
    Text: microMODUL-2 Hardware-Manual Dezember 1996 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG microMODUL-2 Im Buch verwendete Bezeichnungen für Erzeugnisse, die zugleich ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen darstellen, wurden nicht besonders gekennzeichnet. Das

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    pio 8255

    Abstract: SAB 8255 SABC503 5C060 80C154 80C32 82C55 LCC-32 PLCC32 U5 z1
    Text: miniMODUL-500/503 Hardware-Manual Ausgabe Mai 1994 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG miniMODUL-500/503 Im Buch verwendete Bezeichnungen für Erzeugnisse, die zugleich ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen darstellen, wurden nicht besonders gekennzeichnet. Das

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    Abstract: dpc31 SIEMENS SPC3 siemens SPC3 st siemens dpc31 6GK1588 Siemens IEC MAU vt1 transistor siemens SPC3 profibus controller siemens transformator
    Text: SIMATIC NET SIM1 Anwenderbeschreibung Datum 05.05.97 User Description Date Bestell-Nr. 6GK1971-5XB00-0AA0 Order No. 6GK1971-5XB00-0AA0 May,05th 97 Products and Services of the PROFIBUS Center Products and Services of the PROFIBUS Center ASICs LSPM2 5-pack

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    Abstract: quarz 16mhz 74HC14PW C1008 Y L603 ENc-02 ATMEGA168-20AU ic901 IC602-D VX3MH
    Text: A <ä TRINAMIC-LOGO-SS TMC332 Evaluation Board 2v01 T R I N A MI C Motion Control Masstab Fur diese Zeichnung behalten wir uns alle Rechte vor. Datum Bearb. Gepr. Norm Name A) jflll | TRINAMIC Motion C ontrol GmbH & Co KG S te rn stra sse 67, 2 0 3 5 7 Hamburg / Germany

    OCR Scan
    TMC332 LM2594M-5 150uH/1A/0R23 TMC428-I C1100 100nF/16V X1100 TMC428 IC601 quarz 16mhz 74HC14PW C1008 Y L603 ENc-02 ATMEGA168-20AU ic901 IC602-D VX3MH PDF