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    R40UT Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    ALL TYPE IC DATA AND manual substitution BOOK

    Abstract: 74245 BUFFER IC 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC computer parallel interface pin diagram of 74245 BUFFER IC ibm t30 laptop schematic diagram intel 80386SL schematic diagram of laptop motherboard ic 4800 for laptop motherboard IEEE 1284 Peripheral Interface Controller
    Text: CL-CD1284 'CIRRUS LOGIC D a ta B o ok FEATURES Parallel Port Peripheral-side High-speed, bidirectional, multi-protocol parallel port: • Hardware implementation of all modes of the IEEE STD (Standard) 1284 specification (including automatic negotiation)

    OCR Scan
    CL-CD1284 64-byte CL-CD1400) 1284-Compatible ALL TYPE IC DATA AND manual substitution BOOK 74245 BUFFER IC 74245 BIDIRECTIONAL BUFFER IC computer parallel interface pin diagram of 74245 BUFFER IC ibm t30 laptop schematic diagram intel 80386SL schematic diagram of laptop motherboard ic 4800 for laptop motherboard IEEE 1284 Peripheral Interface Controller PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-0273; Rev 0; 7/94 V M ^X IV M 3 V to 5.5V, 3-Driver/5‘Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver Using Four 0 .1\iF Capacitors The MAX3241 is ideal for 3.3V-only systems, mixed 3.3V and 5.0V systems, or 5.0V-only systems that require true RS-232 performance. Features

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    RS-232 MAX3241 RS-232 EIA/TIA232 MAX218 MAX560 MAX213 MAX561 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1298; RevO; 10/97 ± 1 5 k V ESD-Protected, 3 .0 V to 5.5V, 250kbps RS-232 Transceiver _ A p p lica tio n s Notebook, Subnotebook, and Palmtop Computers F e a tu re s ♦ Enhanced ESD Protection: ±15kV Human Body Model ±8kV (IEC1000-4-2, Contact Discharge)

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    250kbps RS-232 IEC1000-4-2, 300pA 250kbps EIA/TIA-232 MAX3241 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .s e p s o m 2 19-0065; Rev 1; 8/92 + 5 V R S -2 3 2 T ra n s c e iv e rs w ith 0 .1 \iF E x te rn a l C a p a c ito rs The low-pow er shutdown m ode of the MAX200, MAX206, and M AX211 is useful in battery-pow ered systems since pow er dissipation is reduced to less than 5 iW. The

    OCR Scan
    MAX200, MAX206, AX211 MAX203 MAX205 MAX211 28-pin 120kbits/sec PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19- 7186; Rev 0; 2/97 > k l > J X I > k l ± 15kVESD -Protected, EM C-Com pliant, 230kbps, D u al R S-232 S e ria l P o rt fo r M otherboards/Desktops Features The MAX3187 complete, dual DTE RS-232 serial port meets the stringent ESD requirements of the European

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    15kVESD 230kbps, S-232 MAX3187 RS-232 RS-232 1-0040A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HOLTEK H T HT6575-1 TTL Integration with Voltage Doubler Specification Features O perates from single +5V power supply Five external capacitors F ou r tran sm itte rs an d five receivers H igh d ata rate: up to 120kbit/sec General Description T his chip is excellent for applications such a s

    OCR Scan
    HT6575-1 120kbit/sec T6575-1 S-232 /-12V T30UT T10UT T20UT R20UT R10UT S232 PDF


    Abstract: CM560
    Text: A CM560X CALIFORNIA MICRO DEVICES Microcircuits Division 3.3V Tranceiver with Tristate, Advanced Information Data Sheet DESCRIPTION The CM 560X family o f products is intended for communication applications which satisfy the EIA/T1A-562 specification, which allows

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    CM560X EIA/T1A-562 RS-232 28-Pin 560x CM560 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A CALIFORNIA MICRO DEVICES Microcircuits Division Advanced Information Data Sheet CM561X 3 3V EIA/TIA-562 Tranceiver with Power-Down and Tristate CM OS DESCRIPTION FEATURES The CM561X family o f products is intended for communication applications which satisfy

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    CM561X EIA/TIA-562 CM561X RS-232 28-Pin CM241 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION All inform ation in this data sheet is prelim inary and subject to change. y 12/92 i / i / j x i / i / i +3V-Pow ered, Low-Power, True R S-232 Transceiver G e n e ra l D e s c rip tio n A shutdow n m ode reduces pow er consum ption to 30nW

    OCR Scan
    S-232 AX212 120kbits/sec MAX212CWG PDF


    Abstract: MAX208EAG MAX206 MAX213 MAX200 MAX205 MAX209 MAX211 MAX204-MAX208 RS232 MAX202
    Text: 19-0065; Rev 5; 12/96 +5V R S-232 T ra n sce iv ers with 0.1 [iF E x tern a l C a p a cito rs _ Features Superior to Bipolar: ♦ 0.1 \iF to 10|iF External Capacitors ♦ 120kbits/sec Data Rate ♦ 2 Receivers Active in Shutdown Mode MAX213

    OCR Scan
    RS-232 MAX200-MAX211/MAX213 MAX201 MAX209 EIA/TIA-232E 20kbits/sec. MAX208EAG MAX206 MAX213 MAX200 MAX205 MAX211 MAX204-MAX208 RS232 MAX202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Sipepc | SP3221EH/3223EH/3243EH | SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE High Speed True +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers • Meets true RS-232 protocol operation from a +3.0V to +5.5V power supply ■ Adheres to EIA/TIA-562 specifications down to +2.7V power source

    OCR Scan
    SP3221EH/3223EH/3243EH RS-232 EIA/TIA-562 SP3221EH IEC1000-4-2 SP3221EH/3223EH/3243EH SP3221E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S ip e * | SP3221 E/3223E/3243E SIGNAL P R O C E SS IN G E XC E L LE N C E True +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers • Meets true EIA/TIA-232-F Standards from a +3.0V to +5.5V power supply ■ Adheres to EIA/TIA-562 specifications down to +2.7V power source

    OCR Scan
    SP3221 E/3223E/3243E RS-232 EIA/TIA-232-F EIA/TIA-562 120Kbps SP3221E IEC1000-4-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SP522/SP524 | Low-Cost Programmable ] Multi-Protocol Transceivers J • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ SP522 — 2 Drivers and 2 Receivers SP524 — 4 Drivers and 4 Receivers Driver and Receiver Tri-State Control Low-Cost WAN Solution Loopback Function for Diagnostics

    OCR Scan
    SP522/SP524 SP522 SP524 -RS-232 RS-423 -RS-422 RS-485 SP522/524 PDF

    rs-24 relay

    Abstract: 208EAN
    Text: ANALO G ► D EV IC ES EMI/EMCCompliant, ± 15 kV ESD Protected, RS-232 Line Driver^Receivers FEATURES Complies with 89/336/EEC EMC Directive ESD Protection to IEC1000-4-2 801.2 ±8 kV: Contact Discharge ±15 kV: Air-Gap Discharge ±15 kV: Human Body Model

    OCR Scan
    RS-232 89/336/EEC IEC1000-4-2 IEC1000-4-4) EN55022) 24-Lead RS-24) RS-28) ADM207BADM208BADM211EADM213E rs-24 relay 208EAN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION All information in this data sheet is preliminary and subject to change. ¿m am j f U m I I jm am Br I 1{iA Supply Current, True +3V to + 5 .5 V R S-232 Transceivers Using Four 0.1\l F C apacitors Supply current of 1nA is achieved with MAXIM’S new

    OCR Scan
    S-232 MAX3223/MAX3243 RS-232 120kbps MAX3223 I10UT T20UT R10UT max3243 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyjxivki 19-1339; Rev 0; 1/98 ± 1 5 k V E S D - P r o t e c t e d , 1jiA, 1 M b p s , 3 . 0 V t o 5 . 5 V , R S - 2 3 2 T r a n s c e i v e r s w i t h A u t o S h u t d o w n Plus _ F e a t u r e s ♦ ESD Protection for RS-232 I/O Pins:

    OCR Scan
    RS-232 IEC1000-4-2, MS001-XX MEH058AB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ykiyjxivki 19-1283; RevO; 10/97 ± 1 5 k V E S D -P ro te c te d , 1pA, 3 .0 V to 5.5V , 1M bps R S -2 3 2 T ra n s c e iv e rs w ith A u to S h u td o w n Plus F e a tu re s ♦ Enhanced ESD Protection: ±15kV Human Body Model ±8kV (IEC 1000-4-2, Contact Discharge)

    OCR Scan
    RS-232 MAX3243E MAX3244E AX3245E 102mm MS013-XX PDF

    ds2 lio board

    Abstract: VMP22 6cpw AW3216 TPA 239 P603B I0603B 25Q 328
    Text: f^TC1 _ 1 — 2 -13 —1 ? _ 6 - 7 fi — - 9 1 O — I2 t -! 1 MTG118_N_RD30X12 MTG2 f_ 1 4 — 3 ♦ —2 f—' 4 In f, *— 7 fi i— i— 90 » • —1 » 12 ! 1 r1 M TG118_N_RD30X12 MTG11B_N_RD30X12 MTG118_N_RD3 DH EA SN CG RI IC ON OFC C EPT PC ARD

    OCR Scan
    0603B R1002 ds2 lio board VMP22 6cpw AW3216 TPA 239 P603B I0603B 25Q 328 PDF

    PH 71719

    Abstract: gp027 c114 esh GP030 URP15 ad4 1314 2SL42 C14-17 LA 7814 EX237
    Text: I »? il U _,c o £2 ÙSL 2 2 / m M 8IfiSSSïS51! | | | l| | | * I | S | ! ii| | | | | | | | l! I ilii l| g l| ïI ï| i| i | - fr s r T ü T -Ü Ï3 T 83T “W “ ÏÏT —u r — z r “ TO T -fT F T “ 7 TFT - :.s u ¿Va .T I T

    OCR Scan
    0VDDO51 PH 71719 gp027 c114 esh GP030 URP15 ad4 1314 2SL42 C14-17 LA 7814 EX237 PDF

    MAX232 G4

    Abstract: MAX560 MAX560CAI MAX560CWI MAX561
    Text: yi/iyjxiyi/i 19-0015;Rev0:5/92 + 3.3V Transceiver w ith Tw o EIA /TIA -562 R eceivers A ctive in Shutdown _ _ Features ♦ 2 Receivers Active in Shutdown Mode MAX560 ♦ Small 28-pin SSOP Package - 40% the Area of SO Package ♦ Guaranteed Interoperability with BS-232

    OCR Scan
    EIA/TIA-562 AX560/MAX561 RS-232 MAX560/MAX561 20kbits/sec MAX560 MAX232 G4 MAX560CAI MAX560CWI MAX561 PDF


    Abstract: MAX232A SO-16 MAX2200 AX233 MAX233m
    Text: 19-4323; Rev 6; 3/96 +5 V-Po w ered, M ulti-C hannel R S-232 Drivers/Receivers T h ese p a rts are p a rtic u la rly use fu l in b a tte ry -p o w e re d system s, s in c e the ir lo w -p o w e r s hu tdow n m o de re d u ce s p o w e r d is s ip a tio n to le s s th a n 5 p W . T h e M A X 2 2 5 ,

    OCR Scan
    S-232 IA/TIA-232E AX233, AX235, 245-M MAX220/222/223A/233A/242/243 MAX244/245/246/247/248/249 ax223 MAX232A SO-16 MAX2200 AX233 MAX233m PDF


    Abstract: T3JU max231 pin diagram MAX231 of max233 AX232CPE MAX24T AX233 MAX241CWI MAX233 application notes
    Text: J V \ Æ X \ J V \ +5 V Powered RS-232 Drivers/Receivers -Features M axim 's fam ily o f line drivers/receivers are intended fo r all RS-232 and V.28/V.24 co m m unications inter­ faces, and in particular, fo r those a pplications where

    OCR Scan
    RS-232 MAX230, MAX236, MAX240 MAX241 MAX233 MAX235 MAX231 MAX239 ZENER R3M T3JU max231 pin diagram of max233 AX232CPE MAX24T AX233 MAX241CWI MAX233 application notes PDF


    Abstract: MAX3242CAI max3242ca MAX3242CWI MAX3241 AX3241
    Text: XX-XXXX, RevO; 7/94 A lilX IA I Low Supply Current, True 3-Driver/5-Receiver RS-232 Transceivers The MAX3241/MAX3242 operate from input voltages rang­ ing from 3.0V to 5.5V. They are ideal for 3.3V-only sys­ tem s, m ixed 3.3V and 5.0V system s, or 5.0V -only

    OCR Scan
    RS-232 MAX3241 MAX3242 120kbps MAX3241/MAX3242 MAX3242CAI max3242ca MAX3242CWI AX3241 PDF

    ksd 01f

    Abstract: SP3243F 3223E SP3221E
    Text: C iV N A V « I I ^HCorporation W »V SP3221EH/3223EH/3243EH SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE High Speed True +3.0V to +5.5V RS-232 Transceivers Meets true RS-232 protocol operation from a +3.0V to +5.5V power supply Adheres to EIA/TIA-562 specifications down to +2.7V power source

    OCR Scan
    SP3221EH/3223EH/3243EH RS-232 EIA/TIA-562 SP3221EH IEC1000-4-2 SP3221EH/3223EH/3243EH ksd 01f SP3243F 3223E SP3221E PDF