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    RAYTHEON 14 PIN PLASTIC DIP Search Results

    RAYTHEON 14 PIN PLASTIC DIP Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB09MF-010 9-Pin (DB9) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MF-002.5 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Female 2.5ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB15MM-025 15-Pin (DB15) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 25ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB25MM-010 25-Pin (DB25) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 10ft Datasheet
    CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-DSDMDB37MM-002.5 37-Pin (DB37) Deluxe D-Sub Cable - Copper Shielded - Male / Male 2.5ft Datasheet

    RAYTHEON 14 PIN PLASTIC DIP Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: TMC2011AB2C 2111A DI-74 2111AN TMC2011AR3C1 TDC1011 TMC2011 TMC2011A TMC2111
    Text: Electronics Semiconductor Division TMC2011A/TMC2111A Variable-Length Shift Register Features • Available in 24-pin CERDIP and plastic DIP and 28-lead Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier • Low power CMOS • TMC2011A is a pin compatible replacement for the TDC1011 and TMC2011

    TMC2011A/TMC2111A 24-pin 28-lead TMC2011A TDC1011 TMC2011 TMC2211A TMC2111 40MHz TMC2011A: 2011ab2c TMC2011AB2C 2111A DI-74 2111AN TMC2011AR3C1 TMC2011 TMC2111 PDF


    Abstract: raytheon xr2207
    Text: RAYTHEON-. 7597360 SEMICONDUCTOR S7 DE~| 7 S T 7 3 t . Q RAYTHEON CO» GOGMTSG 57C 4 04950 T~50-\S LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Raytheon XR-2207 Features Description • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

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    50-\S XR-2207 XR2207CP raytheon xr2207 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • 7S cì73bQ DDD6411 WtRlH 4^3 RAYTHEON/ SEMICONDUCTOR T H > IP 1 1 7 « - A D b4E D TMC1175 CMOS 8-Bit Video A/D Converter Description ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The TMC1175 analog-to-dlgital A/D converter employs

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    DDD6411 TMC1175 TMC1175 24-Pin 1175N2C20 1175N2C30 1175N2C40 PDF


    Abstract: 4559 raytheon RM4559DE RM4559 RC4559
    Text: "RAYTHEON-. SEMICONDUCTOR S7 7597360 j>F| ?Sci73bD DDD4bbfi D |~~ RAYTHEON CO» 57C P R O D U C T SP E C IF IC A T IO N S Raytheon 04668 D T-79- LIN E A R IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U ITS High Performance Dual Operational Amplifier RC4559 Features Description

    OCR Scan
    i73bD T-79- RC4559 T-79-05-20 400Hz i73bG RC4559NB 4559 raytheon RM4559DE RM4559 RC4559 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b4E J> m V S ^ b D RAYTHEON/ DDDññ37 323 *R T N SEMICONDUCTOR RC4558 Dual High-Gain Operational Amplifier Description Features The 4558 integrated circuit is a dual high-gain operational amplifier internally compensated and constructed on a single silicon 1Cusing an advanced

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    RC4558 PDF


    Abstract: RC4558 RC4558T raytheon 4558 RC4558 application 4558 schematic diagram raytheon RM4558T 7ST7313D fc 4558
    Text: "RAYTHEON- , 7597360 SEMICONDUCTOR S7 DE^| 7ST7313D RAYTHEON CO* PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS R ay fh e o n 57C • 2.5MHz unity gain bandwidth guaranteed ■ Supply voltage ±22V for RM4558 and ±15V for RC4558 ■ Short-circuit protection ■ No frequency compensation required

    OCR Scan
    7ST7313D RC4558 RM4558 0004b52 00D4t T-79-05-20 RC4558NB RC4558 RC4558T raytheon 4558 RC4558 application 4558 schematic diagram raytheon RM4558T 7ST7313D fc 4558 PDF


    Abstract: OP07b OP-07 application RAYTHEON SEMICONDUCTOR
    Text: OP-07 OP- 07 Precision Operational Amplifier Description Features The OP-07 operational amplifier is designed for precision low-level signal conditioning where ultra low Vo s and TCV q s are required along with very low bias currents. Internal compensation eliminates the

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    sine wave generator using 741

    Abstract: 50 hz notch filter using gyrator IC 741 substitute RC4136 jrc4136 U4136
    Text: RC4136 RAYTHEON/ H E D I 7 S cl 7 3 t j D O Q O b D Ofa fi | Operational Amplifiers ^^ SEMICONDUCTOR RC4136 General Performance Quad 741 Operational Amplifier This amplifier meets or exceeds all specifica­ tions for 741 type amplifiers. Excellent channel

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    RC4136 RC4136 5-00535A J73bQ sine wave generator using 741 50 hz notch filter using gyrator IC 741 substitute jrc4136 U4136 PDF


    Abstract: 741 operational amplifier RC4136 RM4136DC raytheon RC4136DB Stereo Tone Control RC4136DC sine wave generator using 741 741 operational filter 4136
    Text: RAYTHEON-, S E M I C O N D U C T O R S7 D E I 7 S c]73tiD 0D04L.15 b 7 5 9 7 3 6 0 RAYTHEON CO, PRO D U CT SP ECIFICA TIO N S Raytheon 57C 04612 • Unity gain bandwidth — 3MHz ■ Short circuit protection ■ No frequency compensation required ■ No latch-up

    OCR Scan
    73tiD 0D04L RC4136 ft-05-40 i73bD RC4136DB 741 operational amplifier RC4136 RM4136DC raytheon RC4136DB Stereo Tone Control RC4136DC sine wave generator using 741 741 operational filter 4136 PDF


    Abstract: RC5534ANB RM5534 RC5534ADE RC5534A raytheon RC5534 s7 200 noise Bt141 rc5534
    Text: RAYTHEON-. SEMICONDUCTOR S7 p r o d u c t s p e c ific a tio n s 7 5 9 7 3 6 0 RAYTHEON CO* Raytheon D E | 7 ST 73 bü^ DD0 41 ô 1 û LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS ' 57C 0 4 6 8 9 High Performance Low Noise Operational Amplifier Features • Small signal bandwidth — 10MHz

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    RC5534 10MHz 600X1, 10kHz 200kHz 7ST73t RC5534NB RC5534ANB RM5534 RC5534ADE RC5534A raytheon RC5534 s7 200 noise Bt141 rc5534 PDF


    Abstract: 50 hz notch filter using gyrator raytheon analog 8 pin dip RC4136 multiple aperture window discriminator RM4136D 741s LM324 distortion
    Text: RC4136 RC4136 General Performance Quad 741 Operational Amplifier Description Features The 4136 is made up of four 741 type independent high gain operational amplifiers internally compensated and constructed on a single silicon chip using the planar epitaxial process.

    OCR Scan
    RC4136 RAYTHEON SEMICONDUCTOR 50 hz notch filter using gyrator raytheon analog 8 pin dip RC4136 multiple aperture window discriminator RM4136D 741s LM324 distortion PDF


    Abstract: ic 4558 pin diagram
    Text: RC4558 Dual High-Gain Operational Amplifier Description Features The 4558 integrated circuit is a dual high-gain operational amplifier internally compensated and constructed on a single silicon 1C using an advanced epitaxial process. ♦ ♦ Combining the features of the 741 with the close

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    RC4558 4558D ic 4558 pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: LM324 50 hz notch filter using gyrator RS 741s sine wave generator using 741
    Text: Operational Amplifiers RC4136 RC4136 General Performance Quad 741 Operational Amplifier This amplifier meets or exceeds all specifica­ tions for 741 type amplifiers. Excellent channel separation allows the use of the 4136 quad amplifier in all 741 operational amplifier appli­

    OCR Scan
    RC4136 RC4136 5-00533A 5-00534A LM324 50 hz notch filter using gyrator RS 741s sine wave generator using 741 PDF


    Abstract: MAX 7910 RV3403ADB RM3503ADC RC3403ADC RC3403 LM324 as wein bridge oscillator RAYTHEON SEMICONDUCTOR RC-350 RAYTHEON
    Text: RAYTHEON^ SEMICONDUCTOR 57 De J 75T73fc>0 □DQ4bO]i 1 | ^ 57C 04 60 1 7 5 9 7 3 6 0 “ RAYTHEON“ CO* P R O D U C T S PEC IFIC ATIO N S Raytheon LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Ground Sensing Quad Operational Amplifier Features RC3403A, RC3503A Mask Pattern

    OCR Scan
    75T73bO T-79-10 RC3403A, RC3503A LM324 MC3403 RC/RV3403A RM3503A Q004bll RG3403A, RC3403ADB MAX 7910 RV3403ADB RM3503ADC RC3403ADC RC3403 LM324 as wein bridge oscillator RAYTHEON SEMICONDUCTOR RC-350 RAYTHEON PDF

    3522 op

    Abstract: raytheon OP37 raytheon OP47
    Text: OP-37 Low Noise Operational Amplifier Description Features The OP-37 is designed for instrumentation grade signal conditioning where tow noise both spectral density and burst , wide bandwidth, and high slew rate are required along with low input offset voltage, low

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    OP-37 OP-27 OP-37 3522 op raytheon OP37 raytheon OP47 PDF

    thermocouple OP07 amplifier

    Abstract: OP07 "direct replacement" OP-07 application 15 ma OP-07 THERMOCOUPLE AMPLIFIER OP-07 differential OP-07AT/883B op07 parameters OP-07 application qp07c OP-07CM
    Text: OP-07 Precision Operational Amplifier Description Features The OP-07 operational amplifier is designed for precision low-level signal conditioning where ultra low Vo s and TCVq s are required along with very low bias currents. Internal compensation eliminates the

    OCR Scan
    OP-07 OP-07 OP-07_ -10mV thermocouple OP07 amplifier OP07 "direct replacement" OP-07 application 15 ma OP-07 THERMOCOUPLE AMPLIFIER OP-07 differential OP-07AT/883B op07 parameters OP-07 application qp07c OP-07CM PDF

    MSP 3416 G

    Abstract: 2210j 2210g8 2210H8C65 2s227 TMC2210J0V95 TMC2010 b7 6368 LMA10 2210G8C
    Text: TMC2210 TMC2210 CMOS Multiplier-Accumulator 1 6 x 1 6 B it, 6 5 , 8 0 , 9 5 n s Description Features The TMC2210 is a high-speed 1 6 x 1 6 bit digital ♦ 6 5 ,8 0 or 95 ns multiply-accumulate time multiplier-accumulator which is available in speed bins ♦

    OCR Scan
    TMC2210 TMC2210 32-bit 35-bit 16-bit 68-pin MSP 3416 G 2210j 2210g8 2210H8C65 2s227 TMC2210J0V95 TMC2010 b7 6368 LMA10 2210G8C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RC4136 RC4136 General Performance Quad 741 Operational Amplifier Description Features The 4136 is made up of four 741 type independent high gain operational amplifiers internally compensated and constructed on a single silicon chip using the planar epitaxial process.

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    RC4136 PDF


    Abstract: raytheon OP47 op47 OP47BD OP47G OP47GM op47gt OP-47BT OP-47CT OP47AD
    Text: Operational Amplifiers OP-47 OP-47 Low Noise, High Slew Rate Operational Amplifier Description The OP-47 is designed for instrumentation grade signal conditioning where low noise both spectral density and burst , wide bandwidth, and high slew rate are required along with low

    OCR Scan
    OP-47 OP-47 600i2 OP-47_ raytheon OP47 op47 OP47BD OP47G OP47GM op47gt OP-47BT OP-47CT OP47AD PDF


    Abstract: LT/SG3527A
    Text: LT-1012 Operational Amplifiers LT-1012 Low-Power Precision Operational Amplifiers RC4097 Data Sheet. The LT-1012 can improve the performance of a wide range of precision operational amplifier applications, including reference circuits, thermocouple amplifiers,

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    LT-1012 LT-1012 114dB RC4097 1012C LT/SG3527A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP-37 Low Noise Operational Amplifier Description Features The OP-37 is designed for instrumentation grade signal conditioning where low noise both spectral density and burst , wide bandwidth, and high slew rate are required along with low input offset voltage, low

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    OP-37 OP-37 OP-27 DP-37C PDF


    Abstract: precision Absolute Value Circuit 75173 F 000587 LT1002 OP-07 OP-77 RC4077 RC4277 RC4277EN
    Text: RC4277 H E RAYTHEON/ D I 7 5 = 1 7 3 3 0 D0G5072 Operational Amplifiers SEMICONDUCTOR RC4277 Dual Precision Operational Amplifiers drift, and noise levels also support high preci­ sion operation. The high performance of the RC4277 results from two innovative and unconventional manu­

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    RC4277 RC4077, LT1002, OP-07 OP-77 RC4277 T-79-06-20 RAYTHEON precision Absolute Value Circuit 75173 F 000587 LT1002 RC4077 RC4277EN PDF


    Abstract: RC714
    Text: Product Specifications Linear Integrated Circuits RC714 Raytheon RC714 Instrumentation Grade Operational Amplifier Connection Information 8-Lead TO-99 Metal Can Top View Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ Low noise 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz — 0.35 /¿Vp-p Ultra-low Vos — 30 mV

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    RC714 AD510 RC714 RC714CH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b4E D 75T73bO GDDTOfl? IRTN RV4145 RAYTHEON/ SENICONDUCTOR RV4145 Low Power Ground Fault Interrupter Description Features The RV4145 is a low pow er controller fo r AC outlet ground fa u lt interrupters. These devices detect hazardous grounding conditions, such as

    OCR Scan
    75T73bO RV4145 RV4145 PDF