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    RCA TUBE 43 Search Results

    RCA TUBE 43 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    AV-THLIN2RCAM-005 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol AV-THLIN2RCAM-005 Thin-line Single RCA Coaxial Cable - RCA Male / RCA Male (Coaxial Digital Audio Compatible) 5ft Datasheet
    CN-ACPRREDAA0 Amphenol Cables on Demand RCA Male Plug Cable Connector (Red) - Amphenol ACPR-RED - Gold Plated Diecast Shell Datasheet
    AV-3.5MINYRCA-015 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol AV-3.5MINYRCA-015 Stereo Y Adapter Cable - Premium Gold Stereo 3.5mm (Headphone Plug) to Dual RCA Y Adapter Cable - 3.5mm Mini-Stereo Male to Dual RCA Male 15ft Datasheet
    CR6KM-12A#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, TO-220FN, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3AS-8ME#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, MP-3A, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RCA TUBE 43 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tube Sockets ^ EFJohnson * COMPONENTS inches millimeters Pow er Type Power Tube Socket FEATURES: • Raised pads for excellent base pin cooling • For tubes such as RCA 8072, 8121 and 8122 SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Brass per QQ-B-626D .0001" nickel plated

    OCR Scan
    QQ-B-626D GQ-C-533, 1EP11 L-423 DC-200 QQ-C-533 PDF

    "vacuum tube" 1A6

    Abstract: 1a6 tube "vacuum tube" 2a7 ST-12 Scans-0017331
    Text: $ | 6 M A X .* RCA-1 A6 PENTAGRID CONVERTER The 1A6 is a multi-electrode type of vacuum tube designed to perform simultaneously the function of a mixer tube and of an oscillator tube in superheterodyne circuits. Through its use, the independent control of each function is made possible within a single

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: RCA tube 43 rca 6c6 rca77 metal detector service manual rca tube 47 RCA tube ST-12 5 volts audio amplifier rca 6a7
    Text: 6M AX" RCA-77 TRIPLE-GRID DETECTOR AMPLIFIER The 77 is a triple-grid tube rec­ ommended especially for service as a biased detector in radio receivers de­ signed for its characteristics. In such service, this tube is capable of deliv­ ering a large audio-frequency output voltage with relatively small input voltage.

    OCR Scan
    RCA-77 92C-5279 RCA-77 RCA tube 43 rca 6c6 rca77 metal detector service manual rca tube 47 RCA tube ST-12 5 volts audio amplifier rca 6a7 PDF


    Abstract: B6-63 Scans-0017298
    Text: 14RP4 KINESCOPE Low-Voltage Electro­ static Focus Magnetic Deflection RCA-I4RP4 viewed, is low-voltage has screen and jected picture x screen area of the low-cost, instruments, with corners, of magnetic-defor Filterglass 9-5/8" rounded tube a nd primarily

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    14RP4 c2g1 B6-63 Scans-0017298 PDF

    RCA 4x150a

    Abstract: 4X150A rca tube 1635 RCA 3080 7034/4X150A 703H 500 watts audio amplifier diagram RECTIFIER GI RCA-7035
    Text: T h is b u l l e t i n also a p p lie s t o RCA—7035/4-XI BOD wh ich is id e n tic a l w ith RCA-703M-/ M-X150A e x c e p t f o r i t s h e a t e r r a t i n g o f 2 6 . 5 ± 10% v o l t s , 0 . 5 8 ampere. 7 3 / 4 4 X 1 5 7035/4X150D A BEAM POWER TUBE RCA- 7034/ 4XI 5 0 A i s

    OCR Scan
    7034/4X150A RCA-7035/tX150D RCA-703 7035/4X150D RCA-7034/4XI50A 21/3Z 92CS-9800RI RCA 4x150a 4X150A rca tube 1635 RCA 3080 7034/4X150A 703H 500 watts audio amplifier diagram RECTIFIER GI RCA-7035 PDF

    "vacuum tube" 6a7

    Abstract: rca tube 71a tube 6k6 RCA 2A3 rca tube 6e5 5y4g 6j7 g 6A6 twin triode tube rca 6c6 TRIODE RS 1016
    Text: T E C H N I C A L S E R I E S RC-13 PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS R E C E IV IN G TUBE MANUAL NON-RECEIVING TUBES In addition to the Receiving Tube Types described in this Manual, RCA M ANUFACTURING COMPANY, INC. S For For For For For For u p p l ie s T ubes A tnateur T ran sm itters

    OCR Scan

    8791 tube

    Abstract: RCA-8791 A2912 Erie Technological Products HF power amplifier 1000W RCA tube 43 9806 amplifier 1000w ERIE TECHNOLOGICAL cermolox
    Text: CERM O LO X 5 0 0 W P E P Output 38 d B Open Lo o p T hird Order D isto rtio n 43 dB T hird Order D isto rtio n w /Cathode R F u ll Input to 4 00 M H z RCA-8791 Beam Power Tube R u gge d ize d , R e lia b le y M atrix O x id e Cathode H -1587 The RCA-8791* is designed specifically to meet the high linearity and low noise requirements of modern HF,

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    H-1587 RCA-8791 RCA-8791* 92LM-2384 8791 tube A2912 Erie Technological Products HF power amplifier 1000W RCA tube 43 9806 amplifier 1000w ERIE TECHNOLOGICAL cermolox PDF


    Abstract: rca tube 56 ERIE TECHNOLOGICAL RCA 8153 RCA tube 76 tl 7805 l 559 rca RCA tube 83
    Text: CERM O LO X 1000 Watts P E P Output RCA-8792 37 d B Open Lood Third Order D isto rtio n 42 d B Third Order D isto rtio n w /C athode R F u ll Input to 400 M H z Beam Power Tube Sturdy, R e lia b le M atrix O xide Cathode H -158 The RCA-8792* is designed specifically to meet the high linearity and low noise requirements of modem HF,

    OCR Scan
    H-158 RCA-8792 RCA-8792* 1CE-300. -2439RI RCA-8792 rca tube 56 ERIE TECHNOLOGICAL RCA 8153 RCA tube 76 tl 7805 l 559 rca RCA tube 83 PDF


    Abstract: RCA-6146B rca tube 6146b 6146b tube tube 6146b 6I46B 6146B Pin connections tube 8298a 6u6 tube ccs 9620
    Text: RCA-6146B/8298A BEAM POWER TUBE Controlled Zero-Bias Plate Current Controlled Power Output at Reduced Heater Voltage 85 Watts CW Output ICAS at 60 Me 50 Watts CW Output (ICAS) at 175 Me 3-13/16" Max. Length 1-21/32" Max. Diameter Octal 8-Pin Base Small, Sturdy Structure

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    RCA-6146B/8298A RCA-6146B/8298A 6I46B B8-I50 B8-I59 92CS-12 6146B RCA-6146B rca tube 6146b 6146b tube tube 6146b 6146B Pin connections tube 8298a 6u6 tube ccs 9620 PDF


    Abstract: rca 50 rca50
    Text: RCA-50 POWER AMPLIFIER The 50 is a power'amplifier tube designed for use primarily in the output stage of an audio-frequency amplifier employing transformer coupling. It is capable of delivering large undistorted power. CHARACTERISTICS Fil a m e n t V o lt a g e A . C . or D. C . .

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    RCA-50 ST-19 S07R3 RCA-50 rca 50 rca50 PDF

    RCA 813

    Abstract: RCA-813 813 tube 300 watts power amplifier layout rms 813 RCA 4-1000 tubes
    Text: 813 BEAM POWER TUBE 400 Watts Input on Phone I CAS up to 30 Me 500 Watts Input on CW (ICAS) up to 30 Me Thoriated-Tungsten Filament High Power Sensitivity RCA-813 is a general-purpose beam p o we r t u b e of the transm itting thoriated-tungsten ment as

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    upto30 RCA-813 92CM-4963R3 RCA 813 813 tube 300 watts power amplifier layout rms 813 RCA 4-1000 tubes PDF

    6L6 tube

    Abstract: 6l6 push-pull audio circuit rca 6l6 tube 6L6 6l6, tube class AB audio power amplifier rca tube 47 6l6 g
    Text: RCA-6L6 Ga gì BEAM POWER AMPLIFIER T he 6L6 is a power-amplifier tube of the All-Metal type for use in the output stage of radio receivers, espe­ cially those designed to have ample reserve of power-d elivering ability. The 6L6 provides high power output sensitivity and high efficiency. The power

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    6600-ohm 6L6 tube 6l6 push-pull audio circuit rca 6l6 tube 6L6 6l6, tube class AB audio power amplifier rca tube 47 6l6 g PDF


    Abstract: 6I46B ge tube 6146b tube 6146b 6146 tubes 8298A ccs 100 2U00 6I46A rca tube 6146b

    OCR Scan
    6146B/8298A 6I46B/8298A 6I46A, 92CS-I2243 92CM-8I45 6146B 6I46B ge tube 6146b tube 6146b 6146 tubes 8298A ccs 100 2U00 6I46A rca tube 6146b PDF


    Abstract: GRID-N22 7212 tube
    Text: 7212 BEAM POWER TUBE Small Size High Power Gain T — 12 Bulb For Use Under Severe Shock and Vibration 90 Watts CW Input ICAS up to 60 Me 60 Watts CW Input (ICAS) at 175 Me TENTATIVE RCA -7212 is specifically a s ma l l for performance beam p o we r t u b e

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    RCA-7212 GRID-N22 7212 tube PDF

    rca 913 tube

    Abstract: SCR tic 107
    Text: Video/Monitor Circuits_ Advance Information/ Preliminary Data CA3224 Automatic Picture Tube Bias Circuit F o r T V P ic tu re T u b e an d C R T C u to ff Bias C o n tro l A p p lic a tio n s T h e RCA CA3224E* is an autom atic p ic tu re tu b e bias

    OCR Scan
    CA3224 CA3224E* CA3224E CA3224E, ICAN-7304 rca 913 tube SCR tic 107 PDF

    rca tube 6146a

    Abstract: 6146A 6146-A RCA-6146A 6146 tube tube 6146 ccs 9620 rca 6146 6146 rca tube 58
    Text: RCA-6146A BEAM POWER TUBE Controlled Plate Controlled at Zero-Bias Current 90 W a t t s 60 W a t t s Power O u t p u t Reduced CW I n p u t I C A S up t o CW I n p u t ( I C A S ) a t Sturdy Heater V o lta g e r CA fJL large po wer power. Because of its high

    OCR Scan
    RCA-6146A RCA-6146A andosci11 B8-I50 B8-86, B8-98 rca tube 6146a 6146A 6146-A 6146 tube tube 6146 ccs 9620 rca 6146 6146 rca tube 58 PDF


    Abstract: rca tube 7094 septar socket 7094 ely transformers powec 175MC rca company GRID-N22 240Watts
    Text: 7094 BEAM POWER TUBE I. i n „ . J o?r S t u r d y St ru c t u r e 500 Watt s C W Input ICAS Up to 60 Me 335 W a tt s cw lnP ut ( ICAS) at 175 M e F o rc ed -A ir Co ol ed at Max. Ra ti ng s TENTATI VE RCA-7094 is a high-perveance beam p o w e r t u b e

    OCR Scan
    RCA-7094 rca tube 7094 septar socket 7094 ely transformers powec 175MC rca company GRID-N22 240Watts PDF


    Abstract: phosphor p20 RCA-7315 degaussing electronic 40 w tube light circuit 5no5a
    Text: 7315 DISPLAY STORAGE TUBE j./> " n t !n 9 un ^ e w . n g Gun Good R e s o l u t i o n D i r e c t - V i e w Ty pe 3 . 8 " -D ia m e t e r Di sp la y N o n - E q u i 1 ibrium W r i t i n g Grid -C on tr ol Re ad in g Viewing T E N T A T IV E RCA-7315 the

    OCR Scan
    14-Pin RCA-7315 RCA-2F21 phosphor p20 degaussing electronic 40 w tube light circuit 5no5a PDF

    RCA tube 83

    Abstract: U50 tube rca tube 58 Oscillator cof RADIOTRON rca company rca tube 26 rca 310 rca 35 tube RCA tube
    Text: 834 R-F POWER AMPLIFIER Filament Thoriated Tungsten 7.5 Voltage a-c or d-c v o lts Current amp. 3-1 Am plification Factor 10.5 D irect Interelectrode Capacitances: 2.6 Grid to Plate JiMf Grid to Filament 2.2 0.6 Plate to Filament Maximum O veral1 Length 6-7/8"

    OCR Scan
    UR-542A) 92C-4544 92C-4545 RCA tube 83 U50 tube rca tube 58 Oscillator cof RADIOTRON rca company rca tube 26 rca 310 rca 35 tube RCA tube PDF

    RCA 8001

    Abstract: 1500 WATTS POWER AMP RCA 240 RADIOTRON T-48 rca company rca tube 47 RCA tube 46 power amplifier RF RCA tube
    Text: MODULATOR, A-F POWER AMPLIFIER R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, OSCILLATOR F i lament Voltage Current T ho riated Tungsten 11 15.5 A m p lific a tio n F a c to r D ire c t 20.5 In te re le c tro d e Capacitances Gr i d t o a-c or d-c v o lt s amp. Plate approx : Mfjf

    OCR Scan
    92C-4454 92C-4455 92S-5497 RCA 8001 1500 WATTS POWER AMP RCA 240 RADIOTRON T-48 rca company rca tube 47 RCA tube 46 power amplifier RF RCA tube PDF

    rca tube 801

    Abstract: amplifier RF CLASS B rca 8000 TCA 7800 801a amplifier RADIOTRON rca tube 53 rca company rca tube 27 RCA 2000 RCA tube
    Text: 801-A /801 R-F POWER AMPLIFIER, A-F POWER AMPLIFIER, MODULATOR Filament Th oriated tungsten Voltage 7 .5 a-c or d-c v o lt s Current 1. 25 amp. A m p lific a tio n Factor 8 D ire c t In te re le ctro de Capacitances: M pf G rid to Plate 6 .0 G rid to Filament

    OCR Scan
    01-A/801 ST-16 UR-542-A ST-16 92S-5538 rca tube 801 amplifier RF CLASS B rca 8000 TCA 7800 801a amplifier RADIOTRON rca tube 53 rca company rca tube 27 RCA 2000 RCA tube PDF

    RCA tube

    Abstract: 500C
    Text: TRANSM ITTING TRIODE WATER & FORCED-AIR COOLED GENERAL DATA E l e c t r jc a l : Filament: Tungsten, Three-Sect ion Type Excitation . . . . lcpAC, 39AC, or DC Voltage per section. . . 3 3 . volts Current per section. . . 7 0 , . amo.

    OCR Scan
    92CM-4389R2 92CM-4390R3 92CM-4383R2 92CM-4384R2 92CM-6069R2 RCA tube 500C PDF

    rca 913 tube

    Abstract: RADIOTRON rca company RCA tube 43 RCA tube
    Text: HIGH-VACUUM CATHODE-RAY TUBE H eater Coated Uni p o te n tia l Cathode Vo ltag e 6 .3 a-c o r d-c v o lt s C urrent 0.6 amp. Focus E le c t r o s t a t ic D e fle c tio n E le c t r o s t a t ic E le ctro d e s DJ^ and D J 2 u p p er : nearest to screen E le c tro d e s 0J^ and DJ^ (lo w e r):

    OCR Scan
    MT-10 92C-4680 rca 913 tube RADIOTRON rca company RCA tube 43 RCA tube PDF

    814 tube

    Abstract: ef 804 rca 804 804 tube RADIOTRON rca company 100 watt power supply dc 12 volt to 220 volt dc rs tube RCA tube 76
    Text: R-F POWER AMPLIFIER PENTODE Filament Thoriated Tungsten Voltage 7.5 Current 3.0 Transconductance for a-c or d-c vol ts amp. pmhos p l a t e c u r r e n t o f 32 ma. 3250 Direct Interelectrode Capacitances: 0.01 max. mmT Grid to Pla te with external shielding

    OCR Scan
    VOLTS-1250 92C-4S66 2C-4S67 92C-4569 814 tube ef 804 rca 804 804 tube RADIOTRON rca company 100 watt power supply dc 12 volt to 220 volt dc rs tube RCA tube 76 PDF