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    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 15A Avg. 100 Volts SBD KSH15A10B •最大定格 Maximum Ratings Item Symbol く り 返 し ピ ー ク 逆 電 圧 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 平 均 整 流 電 流 Average Rectified Forward Current 実 効 順 電 流 R.M.S. Forward Current サ

    KSH15A10B Tc120 KSH15A10/KSH15A10B KSH15A10B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 15A Avg. 100 Volts SBD KSH15A10B •OUTLINE DRAWING mm ■最大定格 Maximum Ratings Item Symbol く り 返 し ピ ー ク 逆 電 圧 Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 平 均 整 流 電 流 Average Rectified Forward Current 実 効 順 電 流 R.M.S. Forward Current

    KSH15A10B KSH15A10/KSH15A10B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BL GALAXY ELECTRICAL BY459 VOLTAGE RANGE: 1500 V CURRENT: 12.0 A SUPER FAST RECTIFIERS FEATURES TO - 220AC Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Easily cleaned with alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents

    BY459 220AC O--220AC MIL-STD202 078ounces RECT180 RECT120 RECT60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BL GALAXY ELECTRICAL D5L60 VOLTAGE RANGE: 600 V CURRENT: 5.0 A SUPER FAST RECTIFIERS FEATURES TO - 220AC Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Easily cleaned with alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents The plastic material carries U/L recognition 94V-0

    D5L60 220AC O--220AC MIL-STD202 078ounces RECT180 RECT120 RECT60 D5L60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 31DF6 Super Fast Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 600 V CURRENT: 3.0 A Features DO - 27 Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Easily cleaned with alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents The plastic material carries U/L recognition 94V-0

    31DF6 DO--27 041ounces RECT180 RECT120 RECT60 31df6 PDF


    Abstract: 31DF6Z
    Text: BL GALAXY ELECTRICAL 31DF6 Z VOLTAGE RANGE: 600 V CURRENT: 3.0 A SUPER FAST RECTIFIERS FEATURES DO - 27 Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Easily cleaned with alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents The plastic material carries U/L recognition 94V-0

    31DF6 DO--27 MIL-STD202 041ounces RECT180 RECT120 RECT60 31DF6Z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BY459 Super Fast Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 1500 V CURRENT: 12.0 A Features 2.8± 0.1 TO - 220AC Low cost Diffused junction 4.5± 0.2 10.2± 0.2 1.4± 0.2 φ 3.8± 0.15 Low leakage High current capability Easily cleaned with alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents

    BY459 220AC O--220 300uS RECT180 RECT120 RECT60 PDF