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    Abstract: nec V25 microcontroller uPD70108 uPD70320L-8 4011BP uPD70320 PD70320 uPD70320-8 UPD70320GJ-8 UPD70320GJ-8-5BG
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: smd transistor WW1 ww1 transistor smd PD70208 uPD71054 uPD70208 uPD70208H uPD70216H V40TM V50HL
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD70208H, 70216H V40HLTM, V50HLTM 16/8, 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The µ PD70208H V40HL is a high-speed, low-power 16-/8-bit microprocessor based on the µ PD70208 (V40TM) with 16-bit architecture, 8-bit data bus, and general-purpose peripheral functions.

    PD70208H, 70216H V40HLTM, V50HLTM 16-BIT PD70208H V40HL) 16-/8-bit PD70208 V40TM) V40HL smd transistor WW1 ww1 transistor smd PD70208 uPD71054 uPD70208 uPD70208H uPD70216H V40TM V50HL PDF

    a1273 transistor DATA

    Abstract: a1273 transistor a1273 transistor scheme transistor A1267 a1273 80188 Programmers Reference Manual A1266 transistor a1271 transistor A1273 transistor A1270
    Text: 80C186EB/80C188EB Microprocessor User’s Manual 80C186EB/80C188EB Microprocessor User’s Manual February 1995 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    80C186EB/80C188EB sa-16 a1273 transistor DATA a1273 transistor a1273 transistor scheme transistor A1267 a1273 80188 Programmers Reference Manual A1266 transistor a1271 transistor A1273 transistor A1270 PDF


    Abstract: A1273 A1266 transistor a1266 a1273 transistor a1232 transistor A1267 transistor a1276 a1273 transistor scheme a1273 y transistor
    Text: 80C186EC/80C188EC Microprocessor User’s Manual 80C186EC/80C188EC Microprocessor User’s Manual 1995 Order Number 272047-003 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including

    80C186EC/80C188EC 82C59A Index-10 A1306 TRANSISTOR A1273 A1266 transistor a1266 a1273 transistor a1232 transistor A1267 transistor a1276 a1273 transistor scheme a1273 y transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC A/PD70216 V50 16-Bit Microprocessor: High-Integration, CMOS NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /uPD70216 (V50T“) is a high-performance, lowpower 16-bit microprocessor integrating a number of commonly-used peripherals to dramatically reduce the size of microprocessor systems. The CMOS construc­

    OCR Scan
    /PD70216 16-Bit /uPD70216 /L/PD70216 PD70216 juPD70108//vPD70116 y/PD8086//uPD8088 9t30ZQd^ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC n P D 70208 V 40 8 /1 6-Bit Microprocessor: High-Integration, CMOS NEC Electronics Inc. Description The ^PD70208 (V40'“ ) is a high-performance, lowpower 16-bit microprocessor integrating a number of commonly used peripherals to dramatically reduce the

    OCR Scan
    PD70208 16-bit //PD70208 The/yPD70208 /PD70108///PD70116 /dPD8086//t/PD8088 PDF

    nec v53 cpu

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description The V53” is a high-speed, high-integration 16-bit CMOS microprocessor with a CPU that is object and source code compatible with the V20 /V30®. Integrated on the same die is a 4-channel DMA controller, a UART, three

    OCR Scan
    16-bit nPD71087/8237 /iPD71071. jiPD71051 PPD70236 nec v53 cpu PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Description The V53 is a high-speed, high-integration 16-bit CMOS microprocessor with a CPU that is object and source code compatible with the V20 /V30®. integrated on the same die is a 4-channel DMA controller, a UART, three timer/counters, an interrupt controller, a refresh

    OCR Scan
    16-bit pPD71087/8237 pPD71071, the/rPD71051 16-bit JIPD70236 D70236 PDF


    Abstract: motor jun tuo 2T825 LM 3177 switching reg stepping motor EM 58b d70433gd d70433 uPD70433 PD70433 TFK 601
    Text: DATA SHEET N E MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT C ¿ ¿ P D 7 4 3 3 V55PI 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION The ¿iPD70433 V55P0 is a m icroprocessor in which a 16-bit CPU, RAM, serial interface, parallel interface, A/D converter, tim ers; DMA controller, interrupt controller, etc., are integrated

    OCR Scan
    V55PITM 16-BIT uPD70433 V55P0 V55PI /iPD70320 V25TM V35TM) 15Z1 motor jun tuo 2T825 LM 3177 switching reg stepping motor EM 58b d70433gd d70433 PD70433 TFK 601 PDF


    Abstract: uPD70116
    Text: PRELIMINARY DATA SH EET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ELECTRON DEVICE ¿¿PD70280 V51 16-BIT M ICROPROCESSOR DESCRIPTION ThejiPD 70280 V51 is a 16-bit m icroprocessor containing a CPU equivalent to the ¿iPD70116H {V30HL™)and peripheral functions for the PC/XT™ on a single chip.

    OCR Scan
    V51TM 16-BIT uPD70280 uPD70116H V30HLTM) PD70280 PD70270 V41TM) iPD70280, uPD70116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT V25+ 16/8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¡PD70325 V25+ is a single-chip m icrocontroller on w hich 16-bit CPU, RAM, serial interface, timer, DMA controller, interrupt controller, etc. are all integrated. The ¿¡PD70325 is software com patible with the 16/8-bit single­

    OCR Scan
    16/8-BIT PD70325 16-bit PD70325 PD70320 PD70108/70116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC N E C ELECTRONICS INC 30E D • ¡1PD70335 V35 Plus 16-Bit Microcomputer: Advanced, High-Speed DMA, Single-Chip, CMOS NEC E lectro n ics Inc. Description The jtPD70335 (V35 Plus) is a high-performance, 16-bit slngle-chip microcomputer with a 16-bit external data

    OCR Scan
    1PD70335 16-Bit jtPD70335 16-bit PD70335 tPD70108/116 /tPD70320/330 reg16 PDF


    Abstract: NEC D70325
    Text: SEC NEC Electronics Inc. pPD70325 V25 Plus 16-Bit Microcomputer: High-Speed DMA, Single-Chip, CMOS Description □ Internal 256-byte RAM memory The juPD70325 (V25 Plus) is a high-performance, 16-bit, single-chip microcomputer with an 8-bit external data

    OCR Scan
    pPD70325 16-Bit 256-byte juPD70325 16-bit, PD70325 /JPD70108/116 /JPD70320/330 reg16 D7032 NEC D70325 PDF

    interfacing of 8237 with 8085

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1^1 m J j NEC Electronics Inc. Description The V53 is a high-speed, high-integration 16-bit CMOS microprocessor with a CPU that is object and source code compatible with the V20 /V30®. Integrated on the same die is a 4-channel DMA controller, a DART, three

    OCR Scan
    16-bit jiPD71087/8237 jtPD71071. ftPD71051 JUPD70236 interfacing of 8237 with 8085 PDF

    NEC d70108 V20

    Abstract: d70108 nec d70108 nec V20 70108 V20 70108 PD70108 bytes and string manipulation of 8086 tfkd 340
    Text: //PD70108 V20 8/16-Bit Microprocessor: High-Performance, CMOS NEC D escriptio n O rd erin g In fo rm a tio n T h e //P D 7 0 1 0 8 (V20 ) is a C M O S 16-bit m icroprocessor with internal 16-bit architecture and an 8-b it external data bus. T h e /iP D 7 0 1 0 8 instruction set is a superset of

    OCR Scan
    uPD70108 16-bit uPD701 /PD70108 theyuPD70116 //PD70108 8/16-Bit NEC d70108 V20 d70108 nec d70108 nec V20 70108 V20 70108 PD70108 bytes and string manipulation of 8086 tfkd 340 PDF

    NEC uPD70325

    Abstract: NEC V25 70320 uPD79011 nec v25 ali m 3329 SA160M UPD70325-10 murata hfs V25TM hJST
    Text: NEC V25/V35 FAMILY MPD70320 V25 ,70322,70325(V25+),70327(V25S),79011 |jPD70330(V35),70332,70335(V35+),70337(V35S),79021 V25 /V35™ FAMILY 16/8-BIT SINGLE CHIP MICROCOMPUTER The V 2 5 /V 3 5 family members are single chip microcomputers integrating a 16-bit

    OCR Scan
    V25/V35 uPD70320 uPD70322 uPD70325 uPD70327 uPD79011 uPD70330 uPD70332 uPD70335 uPD70337 NEC uPD70325 NEC V25 70320 nec v25 ali m 3329 SA160M UPD70325-10 murata hfs V25TM hJST PDF


    Abstract: 70116-10 t127b AL6-P SERVICE MANUAL PS3 ic6660f 70116 70116 microprocessor NEC SAG 2003 PD70116
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT ju P D 7 0 1 1 6 V30 16-BIT MICROPROCESSOR The ¿/PD70116 V30 is a CMOS 16-bit m icroprocessor. The /¿PD70116 has a pow erful instruction set w hich includes b it processing and packed BCD operation and high speed m ultiplication/division instructions,

    OCR Scan
    V30TM 16-BIT uPD70116 /iPD70116 1PD70116 16-/8-bit iPD70108 V20TM) iem-871 70116-10 t127b AL6-P SERVICE MANUAL PS3 ic6660f 70116 70116 microprocessor NEC SAG 2003 PD70116 PDF


    Abstract: kyocera CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER LCC nec V25 microcontroller PD70320 kyocera CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER LCC 68 ne gJ8 d70322 D7032 83-004 PD70322
    Text: SEC ¿/PD70320/70322 V25 16-Bit Microcomputers: Single-Chip, CMOS NEC Electronics Inc. D escrip tio n The ¿/PD70320 and /uPD70322 (V25T“) are h igh -per­ form ance, 16-bit, sin gle -chip m icrocom puters w ith an 8-b it external data bus. They com b in e the in stru ction

    OCR Scan
    uPD70320 uPD70322 16-bit, //PD70108 V20TM) uPD70320/322 //PD70322 PD70320/322 D70320 kyocera CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER LCC nec V25 microcontroller PD70320 kyocera CERAMIC LEADLESS CHIP CARRIER LCC 68 ne gJ8 d70322 D7032 83-004 PD70322 PDF


    Abstract: D70236 smd 3F9 uPD72291 JUPD70236 interfacing of 8251 devices with 8085 high level language programming of 8085 microprocessor 8085 mnemonic opcode ls-112 TFK U 111 B
    Text: NEC Electronics Inc. Description The V53 is a high-speed, high-integration 16-bit CM O S m icroprocessor with a CPU that is object and source code com patible with the V20 /V30®. Integrated on the same die is a 4-channel D M A controller, a DART, three

    OCR Scan
    UPD70236 16-Bit V53TM mPD71087/8237 /iPD71071. fiPD71051 jjPD70236 XC-01 D70236 smd 3F9 uPD72291 JUPD70236 interfacing of 8251 devices with 8085 high level language programming of 8085 microprocessor 8085 mnemonic opcode ls-112 TFK U 111 B PDF


    Abstract: 8080 instructions
    Text: Z 70116V 30 High-Performance 16-Bit Microprocessor Prelim inary Zilog Specification May 1986 DESCRIPTION • IEEE-796 bus compatible interface The Z 70116 V30 is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor with an internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus.

    OCR Scan
    0116V 16-Bit Z70116 Z70108 IEEE-796 8080 instructions PDF


    Abstract: V40HL PD70208H
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD70208H, 70216H 15. INSTRUCTION SET Table 15-1 Operand Type Legend Description Identifier reg 8/16-bit general register destination register in an instruction using tw o 8/16-bit general registers reg' Source register in an instruction using tw o 8/16-bit general registers

    OCR Scan
    uPD70208H uPD70216H 8/16-bit 16-bit mem16 mem32 imm16 V40HL PD70208H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEC 4. /1PD70280 INSTRUCTION SET Table 4-1 Sym bol reg Operand Types Meaning 8/16-bit general-purpose register Destination register, when instruction-uses two 8/16-bit general-purpose registers reg' Source register, when instruction uses tw o 8/16-bit general-purpose registers

    OCR Scan
    uPD70280 mem16 mem32 ptr16 emptr32 regptr16 8/16-bit 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 UPD70116 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh
    Text: N E C 6427525 N E C ELECTRONICS INC Tfl DE§ t.427S25 0014^74 1 980 14974 ELECTRONICS INC NEC NEC Electronics Inc. Q //PD 70116 V30 16-BIT HIGH-PERFORMANCE CMOS MICROPROCESSOR -T ' ‘/ 9 - / 7 V 6 Description Ordering Information_ The//PD70116 (V30) is a CMOS 16-bit microprocessor

    OCR Scan
    427S25 uPD70116 16-bit the/jPD8086/8088; The/uPD70116 //PD70116 //PD70108 UPD8080A PD70116-10 ASA16 UPD8080 D141F PD70116 UPD70116D UPD70116D-10 dkrh PDF


    Abstract: 8080 instructions
    Text: SONY C X Q 70116 16-Bit Microprocessor Description Pin Configuration Top View The C XQ 70116 is a C M O S 16-bit microprocessor / Small-scale\ / Larae-tcale 1 I Mode /\M o d e / with internal 16-bit architecture and a 16-bit external data bus. The C XQ 70116 instruction set is a superset

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit CXQ70116 CXQ70108 CXQ70116 34MAX---------------- 8080 instructions PDF