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    RETICON CCD Search Results

    RETICON CCD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    EL7154CS-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation High Speed, Monolithic Pin Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL7154CS Renesas Electronics Corporation High Speed, Monolithic Pin Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R2A45005AHNP#W0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 8M BSI CMOS Image Sensor for Security Applications Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL7154CS-T13 Renesas Electronics Corporation High Speed, Monolithic Pin Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL7154CN Renesas Electronics Corporation High Speed, Monolithic Pin Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    RETICON CCD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A T A S H E E 14 µm, Dual Output, 2048 and 4096 Elements D S E N S O R S O LUTI O N S CCD Line Scan Array P-Series High Speed Linear Photodiode Array Imagers T Description Based on the industry standard Reticon arrays, PerkinElmer has combined the best features of highsensitivity photodiode array detection and high-speed charge coupled

    DTS1007P PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH SPEED ModuleS฀and฀optical฀receiverS฀ SmartBlue Linear Camera HIGH SENSITIVITY LINEAR CAMERAS FOR MACHINE VISION CCD Linear Cameras – SmartBlue™ Linear Camera applications • High speed machine vision • Postal / parcel sorting • Web inspection

    8/10/12-bit SB4480CLG-011 SB4480CLQ-011 SB4480CLX PDF


    Abstract: 13001 s 8b TRANSISTOR reticon tad-32 RETICON ccd MC33269ST-5.0T3 diagram transistor 13001
    Text: n ¿'^EGzG RETICON TD Series Single Output TDI Array CCD TDI Array Introduction Output • EG&G Reticon’s Single Output TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integra­ tion TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include

    OCR Scan
    1024x64 1024x96 RC0512ANN-011 TD1064AAG-011 13001 s 8b TRANSISTOR reticon tad-32 RETICON ccd MC33269ST-5.0T3 diagram transistor 13001 PDF

    RETICON ccd rc

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J}^EG rG RETICON Description EG&G Reticon’s RA2048J array is a high-speed CCD Imager designed to operate in the Time Delay Integration TDI mode. This array was designed for industrial inspection, noncontact measurement, pattern recognition, and any pro­

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    RA2048J RC0505ANN-011 303G73Ã RETICON ccd rc PDF

    reticon tad-32

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: il e / 3 .1 3 O C T in n M RETICO N TD Serles Unidirectional TDI Array Introduction EG&G Reticon’s Unidirectional TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integration TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include industrial

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    RC0511 ANN-011 0004b4fl reticon tad-32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: J^EtSzG RET1CON Bmreal0J ^ Z t CCD TOI Array Introduction Horizontal Output EG&G Reticon’s bidirectional TDI arrays are high-speed, CCD imagers designed to operate in the Time Delay Integra­ tion TDI mode. Applications for Reticon TDI arrays include industrial inspection, noncontact measurement, pattern rec­

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    arra024 1024x96 RC0510ANN-011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E G & G RETICON lflE D • 3030738 0003180 1 ■ PRELIMINARY JLe B&G RETICON General Description The RA1200J is a full frame C C D sensor designed specifically for use in astronomy, spectroscopy and related scientific imaging applications. Its combination of very low noise and

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    RA1200J A1200JAU-011 RA1200JA A1200JAU-021 A1200JA PDF

    RETICON ccd

    Abstract: RETICON
    Text: E G & G RETICON 1ÔE D • 3030735 0003050 4 ■ RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D D Series Tapped RETICON High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array EG&G Reticon's RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 128 diodes. The RL1282D has two

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    RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1284DAQ-011 RETICON ccd RETICON PDF


    Abstract: RETICON CCD RETICON photodiode array 512 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel RL1288DAQ-011 Reticon 256 reticon photodiode array RC07 RL1282D RL1288D
    Text: E G & G RETICON 1ÔE D • 3030735 0003050 4 ■ RL1282D, RL1284D, RL1288D D Series Tapped RETICON High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array EG&G Reticon's RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 128 diodes. The RL1282D has two

    OCR Scan
    RL1282D, RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1282DAQ-011 RL1284DAQ-011 RL1288DAQ-011 RC0716LNN-020 RETICON RETICON CCD RETICON photodiode array 512 Reticon photodiode array 1024 pixel Reticon 256 reticon photodiode array RC07 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY J ^ E B rB RETiCON W M CCD Transversal Filter The RT5601B is a buried-channel version of the RT5601A surfacechannel CCD transversal filter. It has the same basic layout and pin designations, but the buried-channel technology allows a maximum sample

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    RT5601B RT5601A RT5601A) 0i/03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary n G zG RETICON ¿'^E HS0512J Fast Framing CCD Imager General Description 1 40 : 13 [ 2 V ID 1 2 [ The HS0512J is a split frame CCD sensor designed specifically for high speed photographic, and high contrast imaging applica­ tions. Its combination of high speed readout with 1000 times

    OCR Scan
    HS0512J HS0512J 303Q73B D0047bfl PDF


    Abstract: RD5106A RD6610A RD5107A RD661OA rd5107 RETICON RD510 RD6610ANP011 EGG RETICON
    Text: Advance Information ¿n'^E E zG RETICON RD6610A 2048-Sample CCD Analog Delay Line Description 1 Clock The RD661OA is a 2048-sample analog delay line. It accepts an arbitrary analog voltage signal within certain voltage swing and bandwidth limits and outputs the same signal delayed in time.

    OCR Scan
    RD661OA 2048-sample RD5106A/RD5107A RD5108A RD661 RD6610ANP-011 rd5106 RD5106A RD6610A RD5107A rd5107 RETICON RD510 RD6610ANP011 EGG RETICON PDF


    Abstract: RETICON CCD A0564J
    Text: Preliminary ^ E G z E RETICON Ful FrameCCD General Description The R A0564J is a full fram e C C D se nso r with reset capabilities designed specifically for use in spectroscopy, biom edical im ag­ ing, and related scientific imaging applications. The package for

    OCR Scan
    A0564J RA0564J 0564JA Reticon RETICON CCD PDF

    RETICON 128 application notes

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: K Series JLeGsB RET1CON Wide Aperture Linear Photodiode Array W Introduction The EG&G Reticon K Series linear photodiode arrays are designed for applications that require higher sensitivity and wider dynamic range than is available with square element geometries. Devices in this series contain 128, 256, 512 or

    OCR Scan
    RL0128K RL0256K RC0100LNB-011/RC0104LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0105LNN-011 RC0100LNB-011/RC0106LNN-011 3D3D73Ã RETICON 128 application notes PDF

    bucket brigade devices

    Abstract: Bucket Brigade RETICON 128 application notes
    Text: f l ^ ^ E „ G _ s tS , R E T IC O Introduction RA0256B N Solid State Image Sensor Array V, VSUB 1 The EG&G Reticon RA0256B is a two-dimensional self­ scanned optical sensor array with perfected characteristics. 65,536 discrete photodiodes are geometrically arranged into

    OCR Scan
    RA0256B RA0256B RA0256BAQ-011 RC0503ANC-011 RA0256BAQ-020 bucket brigade devices Bucket Brigade RETICON 128 application notes PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h J ' ^ E B k G D Series Tapped r e t t c o High Speed Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array n RL1282D Introduction EG&G Reticon’s RL1282D, RL1284D and RL1288D are ultrahigh-speed, self-scanned charge-coupled linear arrays with video output taps every 126 diodes. The RL1282D has two

    OCR Scan
    RL1282D RL1282D, RL1284D RL1288D RL1282D RL1288DAQ-111 RC0716LNB-020 RC0716LNB-011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information J ^ E B x B RA0640A Solid State Imaging Array R E T K X D N General Description EG&G Reticon’s RA0640A Array is a two-dimensional self­ scanned solid state imaging array. 300,720 discrete photo­ diodes are arranged in a 640 x 480 matrix. In contrast to

    OCR Scan
    RA0640A RA0640A RA0640ANN-011 PDF


    Abstract: RETICON RL 1024 STR 6656 RETICON RL0512DAG011 RL0512DKQ RL0512DAG RL2048DAG011 rl1024dag RL1024DAG-011
    Text: m T T 'r /V M l ¥ E T CI O N PI J ^ E G z G D Series Linear Family R Charge-Coupled Photodiode Array Introduction _ EG&G Reticon’s D Series image sensors are high-speed, self-scanned, charge-coupled photodiode CCPD arrays. The D Series Family, consisting of the STANDARD-D, VALU E­

    OCR Scan
    1993EG 00045AA RL2048dag RETICON RL 1024 STR 6656 RETICON RL0512DAG011 RL0512DKQ RL0512DAG RL2048DAG011 rl1024dag RL1024DAG-011 PDF

    IC TTL 7404

    Abstract: RETICON ccd
    Text: Il ^ 1 -II E G r G R E a LT IC - _ O D Series Linear Family N Charge-Coupled j Photodiode Array Introduction _ EG&G Reticon’s D Series im age sensors are high-speed, self-scanned, charge-coupled photodiode C CPD arrays. The D Series Fam ily, consisting o f th e STAN D ARD -D , VALUED, FAST-D, and LO LIG H T-D im age sensors, allow s the

    OCR Scan
    3Q3G73Ã IC TTL 7404 RETICON ccd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary J ^ E B e B R E T IC O N Real Time CC^Imager General Description The RA1000J is a full frame CCD sensor designed specifically for real time photographic, and high contrast imaging applica­ tions. Its combination of real time readout with 1000 times

    OCR Scan
    RA1000J 3D3073Ã RA1000J AQ-011 00D47 PDF


    Abstract: CCD linear array EG*G Reticon Eg&g RETICON CCD 1994 Dewar IR Sensor ppt VAB 21 RETICON ccd lumogen ir thermo sensor
    Text: Preliminary n p e n D C T O -rtM RL4000J, RL4001J Charge Coupled Linear Array [ Introduction The RL4000J is a linear CCD sensor designed specifically for high resolution, and high contrast imaging applications. Its combination of high density pixel packing with 100 times

    OCR Scan
    RL4000J, RL4001J RL4000J 3D3D73Ã Reticon CCD linear array EG*G Reticon Eg&g RETICON CCD 1994 Dewar IR Sensor ppt VAB 21 RETICON ccd lumogen ir thermo sensor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R A 0 1 0 0 A /R A 0 1 2 8 N ¡L e I 3 e B r e t t c o The scanning method permits pixel rates up to 10 MHz. Each line of pixel information is parallel-loaded into two high-speed bucket-brigade BBD analog shift registers and sequentially shifted out. The outputs of the registers are then combined

    OCR Scan
    scientific128NAQ-020 RC0502ANA-020 RA0128NAF-011 RA0128NAF-020 03073A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n ¿'^EGzG RETTCON RA2000J Full Frame CCD Imager General Description The RA2000J is a full frame CCD sensor designed specifi­ cally for use in astronomy, spectroscopy and related scien­ tific imaging applications. Its combination of very low noise and low dark current make it ideal for low light level, high

    OCR Scan
    RA2000J RA2000J 03073A PDF

    RETICON ccd

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information P Series J ^ E G zG RETICO N 256-, 512-, 1024-, 2048-Element Photodiode Linear Array General Description The P Series linear image sensors offer a high performance solution to the increasing demands of advanced imaging appli­ cations. This product family provides unparalleled performance

    OCR Scan
    2048-Element 2048-elements, RL0256PAQ-011 RL0512PAQ-011 RL1024PAQ-011 RL2048PAQ-011 RETICON ccd PDF