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    RIA 550 Search Results

    RIA 550 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Airbor ne I ndust ria l Wire le ss Se ria l Devic e Se r ve r Se ria l t o 8 0 2 .1 1 b/g Wire le ss LAN ABDG-SE-IN5410, ABDG-SE-IN5420 Five La ye r Se c urit y The Airborne line of industrial wireless device servers and Ethernet adapters are built for networking equipment

    ABDG-SE-IN5410, ABDG-SE-IN5420 RS-485 RS-485 RS-232 RS-422 IN5410 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Airbor ne I ndust ria l Wire le ss Se ria l Devic e Se r ve r Se ria l t o 8 0 2 .1 1 b/g Wire le ss LAN ABDG-SE-IN5410, ABDG-SE-IN5420 Five La ye r Se c urit y The Airborne line of industrial wireless device servers and Ethernet adapters are built for networking equipment

    ABDG-SE-IN5410, ABDG-SE-IN5420 RS-485 RS-485 RS-232 RS-422 ABDG-SE-IN54x0 ds0112 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B& B ELECT RON I CS MES1x-2106ds - 1/4 M ode ls: M ES1 A, M ES1 B Et he rne t Ena ble M odbus Se ria l Port s on I ndust ria l Equipm e nt with Modbus Ethernet Serial Servers MES1A MES1B Fe a t ure s • • • • • • Converts Modbus ASCII/RTU to Modbus/TCP

    MES1x-2106ds RS-232 ESR901WB 89/336/EEC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MPF 050 SERIES DC/DC CONVERTER >Description This wide input voltage range DC/DC converter series allows to supply 12 VDC products with 24 VDC to 110VDC electrical installations. These converters are compliant to railway standard RIA 12.

    110VDC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Se ria l & Pa ra lle l Ex pre ssCa rds SSPXP, DSPXP, QSPXP & SPPXP Series Performance Line Technology ExpressCard technology is emerging with faster speeds and better efficiency than the typical PCMCIA and PC Cards, connecting high-bandwidth peripherals to notebooks

    ADP-XP54) ADP-XP54 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3M PC Card Header Dual Slot, No Ejector MCH Series Meets PCMCIA specifications Tapered header pins provide easy insertion High temperature plastic insulator Stand-off height options Solder retention clip option for secure hold-down ESD clips available See Regulatory Information Appendix RIA

    TS-1111-C SJ/T11363-2006, SJ/T11364-2006, PDF

    ria 261

    Abstract: Endress Hauser Hauser endress hauser temperature and pressure endress hauser temperature Endress ria261 endress hauser pressure endress hauser pressure datasheet digital display datasheet
    Text: Technical information TI 083R/09/en 510 02768 Field display RIA 261 Digital loop-powered field display for 4 to 20 mA current loops Features and benefits • Loop-powered display, no additional power supply cable required • 5 digit LC display, 26 mm character

    083R/09/en 111R/09/) 007R/09/a3) 003/R/09/en) D-79574 083R/09/en/12 ria 261 Endress Hauser Hauser endress hauser temperature and pressure endress hauser temperature Endress ria261 endress hauser pressure endress hauser pressure datasheet digital display datasheet PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATASHEET Em be dde d 5 6 -pin I ndust ria l Te m pe rat ure Ra nge CK 5 0 5 Com pa t ible Cloc k Features/Benefits: • Fully integrated Vreg • Differential outputs have integrated series resistors to give ZO = 50 Ohms • Supports spread spectrum modulation, 0 to -0.5% down

    400MHz 318MHz CK505-compatible DOT96/SRC 27M/SRtside 199707558G 9ERS3125 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Germany - Sales United States - Sales Hungary - Production RIA electronic Vertriebs-GmbH RIA electronic Inc. Electronic Connectors KONFORM, Hungary Szerszam-es celgepgyarto K Ottilienstrasse 9 D-78176 Blumberg Phone +49 77 02 / 5 33 - 0 Fax +49 77 02 / 5 33 - 433

    OCR Scan
    D-78176 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Group Of Companies Albert Metz American Affilate RIA electronic Albert Metz RIA electronic Inc., USA Electronic connectors 0ttilienstra 3e 9 D-78176 Blumberg Phone+49 0 77 0 2 /5 33 -0 Fax +49 0 77 02 / 5 33 - 433 430 Industrial Way West P.O. Box 447 Eatontown, N.J. 07724

    OCR Scan
    D-78176 PDF


    Abstract: AD7528TE ldh 180/10 5962-8770103RX military IMU 5962-87701
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DATE YR-MO-OA DESCRIPTION Page 11: Correction to terminal connections, changes throughout. E d ito ria l A PPRO V ED 1988 MAY 11 Add one vendor, CAGE 54186 fo r devices 01, 02, and 03. Make changes to 1.3 and table I . E d ito ria l changes throughout.

    OCR Scan
    MONOL355 AD7528UE/883B MP7528UL/883 PM7528ARC/8838 5962-8770102RX AD7528TE ldh 180/10 5962-8770103RX military IMU 5962-87701 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F-205 amtec IP S 1 -1 2 0 - 0 1 - S - D - V S ^wtec.comltea' POWER CONNECTOR SET SERIESS1 SPECIFICATIONS For com plete specifications see w ww .sam ?IPT1 or w w w .sam ?! PS1 In s u la to r M a te ria l B lack LCP C o n ta c t M a te ria l:

    OCR Scan
    F-205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA M C 14194B 4 -B it B id ire c tio n a l U n iv e rs a l S h ift R e g is te r L SUFFIX CERAM IC CASE 620 The MC14194B is a 4 -b it static shift register capable of operating in the p a ra lle l lo a d , s e ria l s h ift le ft, s e ria l s h ift rig h t, o r h old m o d e . The

    OCR Scan
    14194B MC14194B C14194B/D MC14194B/D PDF

    SKT 70 F 08 CT

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M IL-C-26482, Series 1 Connectors KPT/KPSE Perform ance and M a te ria l S p ecifica tion s STANDARD MATERIALS AND FINISHES Shell MECHANICAL aluminum alloy, conductive olive drab chromate over cadmium finish per Q Q-P-416 Insulator polychloroprene Grommet and Seal

    OCR Scan
    IL-C-26482, Q-P-416 IL-G-45204 SKT 70 F 08 CT PDF


    Abstract: Z8430CMB MIL-STD-1562 D-10 1N MARKING 8301601XX ccdc7 Z0843004 Z084300 8301601
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION Change to m ilita ry drawing format. Changes to table I. to timing diagram. Change vendor sim ilar part numbers. E d ito ria l changes throughout. APPROVED Change 1987 APR 21 M Change timing diagrams. Change vendor address. Add switching

    OCR Scan
    M38510/48301BXX 8301602XX Z0843002CMB M38510/48302BXX MIL-STD-1562) Z8430ACMB. Z8430CMB. SSO-547 z0843004cmb Z8430CMB MIL-STD-1562 D-10 1N MARKING 8301601XX ccdc7 Z0843004 Z084300 8301601 PDF

    1155 socket

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LIVE BUG LOADING S.OJ. -listing & Bum-In YAMAICHIIC107 Series m m [IN CH ] - C ontrolling D im ensions is mm Body M aterial: Polyetherimide P.E.I glass filled. C ontact M a te ria l: Beryllium Copper C ontact P la tin g ; Gold over Nickel S pecificatio n s:

    OCR Scan
    YAMAICHIIC107 107x16 0S01xl6 IC107-3405-* 107x11 107x12 27x13 107x15 1155 socket PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA A Remove vendor CAGE number 50088. Add vendor, CAGE number 34335. Device type 01 not ava ilab le from approved source. Add device type 04. E d ito ria l changes throughout. Convert to m ilita ry drawing formate. Added case X.

    OCR Scan
    8200703XX AM2167-55/BRA AM2167-55/BUA 8200704RX 8200704XX AM2167-45/BRA AM2167-45/BUA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AMP Catalog 1307612 Universal MATE-N-LOKII Connectors Revised 7-01 H ousing Kits, Free H anging or Panel M ount Product Specification: 2 Circuit, In-line Centerline spacing— .250 [6 35] M a te ria l: Nylon Flammability Rating— U L 9 4 V -0 .845 [ 21 . 46 ] -

    OCR Scan
    page9009 640900-X PDF

    94v0 circuit board

    Abstract: 350433-2 2 94v-0 board 94v-0 circuit board UL 94v-0 board UL 94v-2 350432-1 350431-1 350735-1 35042B-2
    Text: ua ia iuy i ou / j io Issjed 9-99 Universal MATE-N-LOK Connectors Continued PC Board Vertical Pin Headers 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6 and 8 C irc u it, In -Lin e C enterline Spa cin g — 6.35 [ 250] S o ld e r Ta ll D ia m e te r — 1.57 [ 062] [ 235 ] [. 550 ] M a te ria l

    OCR Scan
    3505B8-2 1-80D-522-6752 717-9B6-7777 94v0 circuit board 350433-2 2 94v-0 board 94v-0 circuit board UL 94v-0 board UL 94v-2 350432-1 350431-1 350735-1 35042B-2 PDF

    8080a intel microprocessor Architecture Diagram

    Abstract: Z8530 ABOTT microprocessor 80286 AM7960 SDLC scc pll TTPC CRC-16 Z8000 Z8030
    Text: Z8030/Z8530 H Z8030/Z8530(H) Serial Communications Controller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS T w o 0 to 2 M bps fu ll d u p le x se ria l ch a n n e ls Each channel has independent oscillator, baud-rate generator, and PLL for clock recovery, dram atically reducing external com ponents.

    OCR Scan
    Z8030/Z8530 Z8030 Z8000 CRC-16 Z8530) WF006011 ZBS30H* Z8530 8080a intel microprocessor Architecture Diagram ABOTT microprocessor 80286 AM7960 SDLC scc pll TTPC PDF


    Abstract: ECL binary Counter
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE VR-MO-M Add fig u re 3. Technical changes in 1 .3 , 1 .4 , and tables I and I I . Change in terminal connections. E d ito ria l changes throughout. APPROVED 89 AUG 28 REV SHEET REV SHEET REV STATUS OF SHEETS REV SHEET 3 PMIC N/A

    OCR Scan
    5962-8759001EX 10H416/BEAJC 5962-8759001FX 10H416/BFAJC 5962-87590012X 10H416M/B2AJC MIL-M-3B510 ECL binary Counter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS LTR B DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION APPROVED 88 DEC. 08 Add case o u tlin e "F " to device type 01. Add vendor CAGE 18324 to case o u tlin e s E, F, and 2. E d it o ria l changes throughout. Change current CAGE code. CUIRRENT CAGE CODE 67268 REV SHEET

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SI 3205
    Text: S-7190A 64-bit THERMAL HEAD DRIVER The S-7190A is a thermal print head driver, consisting of a CMOS 64-bit shift reg iste r with s e ria l input and serial/parallel output, a C M O S 64-bit latch and 64 Nch opendrain drivers. It directly drives a thin film or a thick

    OCR Scan
    S-7190A 64-bit S-7190A DDG301fi S7190A SI 3205 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Amplifiers Broadband, Linear AMP-case QQ96 Plug-In & Coaxial AMP-case PP120 MAN ZFL-case Y39/460 ZHL-1HLD Va ria ble Gain I0 to 1200 MHz up to 20 mW + 1 3 dBm output FREQ. MHz MODEL NO. ZFl-lOOOGVl * ZFL-1000G * K GAIN, dB M i. f« 10-1200 10-1000 24 17

    OCR Scan
    PP120 Y39/460 ZFL-1000G ZFL-1000H ZFL-1000VH ZFL-2000 ZFL-2500 ZFL-2500VH AV243 4Q500 PDF