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    RSN 314 H 41

    Abstract: RSN 314 TN725B avaya 555-231-601 8400B avaya 7400B DEFINITY automatic Speech Recognition avaya 7400A
    Text: GuestWorks and DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Property Management System Interface Specifications 555-231-601 Comcode Issue 3 November 2000 Copyright  2000, Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved Notice Every effort was made to ensure that the information in this book was complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information is subject to


    BKC Semiconductors

    Abstract: tag 8944 TR 13003 lnk 304 pn
    Text: Introduction 1 Functional Description 2 System Operation 3 MC92501 External Interfaces 4 MC92501 Data Path Operation 5 MC92501 Protocol Processing Support 6 MC92501 Programming Model 7 Test Operation 8 MC92501 Product SpeciÞcations 9 UPC/NPC Design A Maintenance Slot Calculations

    MC92501 MC92501UM/D MC92501 BKC Semiconductors tag 8944 TR 13003 lnk 304 pn PDF

    MOTOROLA 4221

    Abstract: transistor eb 13003 PT 100 temperature controller microprocesor 7107 TSC 13003 rsn 311 w6 mwsl eb 13003 EVR16 MC145650 sw 13003
    Text: Order this document by MC92501UM/A Advance Information MC92501 ATM Cell Processor UserÕs Manual Preliminary Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Motorola makes no warranty, representation or guarantee

    MC92501UM/A MC92501 MC92501 Index-10 MOTOROLA 4221 transistor eb 13003 PT 100 temperature controller microprocesor 7107 TSC 13003 rsn 311 w6 mwsl eb 13003 EVR16 MC145650 sw 13003 PDF

    DSLAM configuration AWS

    Abstract: rx bc nbk TSC 13003 pcr 465 ATML 18751 circuit BKC International mpc82 bsdl nd1 marking code acm 33221
    Text: MC92520 ATM Cell Processor User’s Manual MC92520UM/D Rev. 0, 12/2000 DigitalDNA and Mfax are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Motorola microprocessors. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate Motorola integrated circuits or integrated

    MC92520 MC92520UM/D DSLAM configuration AWS rx bc nbk TSC 13003 pcr 465 ATML 18751 circuit BKC International mpc82 bsdl nd1 marking code acm 33221 PDF

    transistor eb 13003

    Abstract: rsn 311 w6 TSC 13003 MOTOROLA 13003 sw 13003 18751 circuit ESPC lnk 306 pn PR30 18751
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC92501UM/A Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Advance Information MC92501 ATM Cell Processor UserÕs Manual Preliminary For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MC92501UM/A MC92501 MC92501 Index-10 transistor eb 13003 rsn 311 w6 TSC 13003 MOTOROLA 13003 sw 13003 18751 circuit ESPC lnk 306 pn PR30 18751 PDF

    transistor eb 13003

    Abstract: MOTOROLA 13003 14974 TSC 13003 rsn 311 w6 nais ep 190 equivalent components for scr 207a NAIS Relay 5v DR rsn 311 eb 13003
    Text: TM MC92500 ATM Cell Processor Design Reference Manual Motorola reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to improve reliability, function or design. Motorola does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; neither does it convey any license under its patent

    MC92500 93-940R3 95-0114R1 TA-TSV-001408, AN1522, MC92500 transistor eb 13003 MOTOROLA 13003 14974 TSC 13003 rsn 311 w6 nais ep 190 equivalent components for scr 207a NAIS Relay 5v DR rsn 311 eb 13003 PDF

    Infineon ITS 7166

    Abstract: f0035 a1 f0035 cat c15 ecm F0041 QuadFALC errata FCC68 PUB43802 PUB62411 TR62411
    Text: Y R A IN LI M E ICs for Communications R E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Long and Short Haul Applications FALC -LH P PEB 2255 Version 1.3 Preliminary Data Sheet 05.99 DS 1 • PEB 2255 PRELIMINARY Revision History: Current Version: 05.99

    I-378 I-379 Infineon ITS 7166 f0035 a1 f0035 cat c15 ecm F0041 QuadFALC errata FCC68 PUB43802 PUB62411 TR62411 PDF


    Abstract: cat c15 ecm esm 310 bp frs3 relay TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 XS42 infineon marking RFs rsn 311 RSN 310 R 36 f0058
    Text: Da ta Sh ee t, D S 1, J ul y 20 00 F A LC - L H E 1/ T1 /J 1 Fr a m er a nd L i n e In te r fa c e C om p on e nt f or L on g an d S h or t H au l A p p li c a ti o ns P EB 22 5 5 V er s i o n 1 .3 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-07

    D-81541 f0035 cat c15 ecm esm 310 bp frs3 relay TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 XS42 infineon marking RFs rsn 311 RSN 310 R 36 f0058 PDF


    Abstract: PEB 22554 v1.3 dcf 2052 esm 310 bp cat c15 ecm esm 112 390 msu 305 better ts20 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 PCR 406 J
    Text: Da ta Sh ee t, D S 1, J ul y 20 00 Q ua d FA LC Q ua d E 1 /T1 / J 1 Fr a me r an d L in e In te r fa c e Co m po n en t fo r L on g a nd S ho r t Ha u l A pp l i c at i on s P EB 22 5 54 Ve r s i o n 1. 3 Da ta c o m N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g .

    D-81541 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg PEB 22554 v1.3 dcf 2052 esm 310 bp cat c15 ecm esm 112 390 msu 305 better ts20 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 352 PCR 406 J PDF

    TSC 13003

    Abstract: Equivalent for SCR 207A MDS 2310 manual transistor EN 13003 A transistor EN 13003 ATML ESPC EVR16 NAIS 210 RELAY scr 207A equivalent components for scr 207a
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. TM Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC92500 ATM Cell Processor Design Reference Manual For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The following table presents the revision history of this document.

    MC92500 MC92500 MC92500. fol1994 95-0114R1 TA-TSV-001408, AN1522, TSC 13003 Equivalent for SCR 207A MDS 2310 manual transistor EN 13003 A transistor EN 13003 ATML ESPC EVR16 NAIS 210 RELAY scr 207A equivalent components for scr 207a PDF

    ESM 310 BP

    Abstract: SOCRATES FALC56 gcm3 capacitor smd transistor 7e xpa intel VR12 VR12 INTEL TSB36 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f MDS21
    Text: U s e r ’ s Ma n u al , D S 1 .1 , O c t . 20 0 3 FALC 5 6 E 1 / T 1 /J 1 F r a m e r a n d L i n e I n t e r f a c e C o m p o n e n t f o r L o n g - a n d S h o r t - H au l Applications PEF 2256 H/E, Version 2.1 Hardware Description W i r e d C o m m u n i c a t i o ns

    XTS16RA ESM 310 BP SOCRATES FALC56 gcm3 capacitor smd transistor 7e xpa intel VR12 VR12 INTEL TSB36 SMD TRANSISTOR MARKING 9f MDS21 PDF

    PEF 22554 E

    Abstract: QuadFALC V2.1 SMD fuse marking x03 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg PEB 22554 v2 2 QuadFALC 2.1 SOCRATES QUADFALC - PEF 22554 PEF 22554 HT cat c15 ecm
    Text: P re li mi na ry Da ta S he et , DS 1, A ug . 20 02 QuadFALC Q ua d E 1 /T1 / J 1 Fr a me r an d L in e In te r fa c e Co m po n en t fo r L on g a nd S ho r t Ha u l A pp l i c at i on s P EF 2 25 5 4 HT V e r s io n 2 .1 P EF 2 25 5 4 E V e r s i on 2 . 1

    XTS16RA PEF 22554 E QuadFALC V2.1 SMD fuse marking x03 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg PEB 22554 v2 2 QuadFALC 2.1 SOCRATES QUADFALC - PEF 22554 PEF 22554 HT cat c15 ecm PDF

    Ericsson PBC 6200

    Abstract: ericsson PBC 6500 NTP 7513 pbc 05 ericsson 74LSO4 LM356 LM356 IC circuit diagram TE 555-1 ntp 3200 ic digital amplifier PEB 2050 N V2.2
    Text: ICs for Communications Signal Processing Codec Filter SICOFI , SICOFI®-2 User’s Manual 03.92 PEB 2060; PEB 2260 Revision History: Original Version 03.92 Previous Releases: Page Subjects changes since last revision Edition 03.92 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker.

    D-8000 Ericsson PBC 6200 ericsson PBC 6500 NTP 7513 pbc 05 ericsson 74LSO4 LM356 LM356 IC circuit diagram TE 555-1 ntp 3200 ic digital amplifier PEB 2050 N V2.2 PDF

    QuadFALC 3.1

    Abstract: QUADFALC - PEF 22554 Motorola transistor smd marking codes GCM1 Aop 4474 marking code 151 motorola SMD transistors PEF 22554 PEF 22554 HT P-BGA-160-1 QuadFALC Version 3.1
    Text: Da ta S he et, D S 1, S ep . 2 00 2 QuadFALC Quad E1/T1/J1 Framer and Line Interface Component for Long and Short Haul Applications PEF 22554 HT Version 2.1 PEF 22554 E Version 2.1 W i r ed Communications N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . PEF 22554 HT/E

    XTS16RA QuadFALC 3.1 QUADFALC - PEF 22554 Motorola transistor smd marking codes GCM1 Aop 4474 marking code 151 motorola SMD transistors PEF 22554 PEF 22554 HT P-BGA-160-1 QuadFALC Version 3.1 PDF

    smd TRANSISTOR code marking 27e

    Abstract: marking code A09 SMD Transistor cecl 080 cat c15 ecm dcf 2052 esm 112 390 smd transistor 7e xpa MARKING SMD TRANSISTOR 6c TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg siemens si IM 314 IM 304
    Text: ICs for Communications Quad Framing and Line Interface Component for E1 / T1 / J1 QuadFALCTM PEB 22554 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 09.98 DS 1 PEB 22554 Revision History: Current Version: 09.98 Previous Version: None Page in previous Version For questions on technology, delivery and prices please contact the Semiconductor

    ETS300 EASY22554: smd TRANSISTOR code marking 27e marking code A09 SMD Transistor cecl 080 cat c15 ecm dcf 2052 esm 112 390 smd transistor 7e xpa MARKING SMD TRANSISTOR 6c TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg siemens si IM 314 IM 304 PDF

    RSN 312 H 24

    Abstract: ic RSN 315 H 42 RSN 315 H 42 RSN 312 RSN 312 H 42 rsn 313 bc 574 transistor AM7905 TRANSISTOR 7905A 79M574
    Text: FVellmlnaiy H Am79M57/Am79M571 /Am79M574 Metering Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ P ro g ra m m a b le c o n s ta n t re s is tan c e feed L in e-feed c h a ra c te ris tic s in d e p e n d e n t of

    OCR Scan
    Am79M57/Am79M571 /Am79M574 RSN 312 H 24 ic RSN 315 H 42 RSN 315 H 42 RSN 312 RSN 312 H 42 rsn 313 bc 574 transistor AM7905 TRANSISTOR 7905A 79M574 PDF

    rsn 3404

    Abstract: cf -mh 22 e 103 m-c texas instruments data guide manual HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 PEAK DETECTOR CIRC Transistor AND DIODE Equivalent list Scans-049 RRUS 32 b2 specs TIL Display transistor 381 7943 363AM
    Text: a Telecommunication Products Data Book 1992/1993 Advanced Micro Devices Telecommunication Products Data Book 1 9 9 2 /1 9 9 3 D V A N C E D M I C R O D E V I C E S Î 1 1992 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products

    OCR Scan
    is110 CD028 PL028 06751F PL032 CD040 rsn 3404 cf -mh 22 e 103 m-c texas instruments data guide manual HIGH VOLTAGE ISOLATION DZ 2101 PEAK DETECTOR CIRC Transistor AND DIODE Equivalent list Scans-049 RRUS 32 b2 specs TIL Display transistor 381 7943 363AM PDF


    Abstract: Z4075 AM7950 AM7901ADC SPT75 CMS 2015
    Text: ADV MICRO iTELECOM> t.'i D E « DSS7S27 □ □ n E 5 ci T T -7 5 - 1 1 - 0 9 A m 7 9 0 T A / B o Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit WORLD-CHIP PRELIMINARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS <0 4.096 MHz, 64-channel expanded mode operation Built-in test modes

    OCR Scan
    DaS7S27 Am790TA/B 64-channel Am7901A Am7901 i7901a/B au17901a/b AF003652 0es7s57 6837A ST7511 Z4075 AM7950 AM7901ADC SPT75 CMS 2015 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADV MICRO iTELECOM> t.'i D E « DSS7S27 □ □ n E 5 ci T T -7 5 - 1 1 - 0 9 A m 7 9 0 T A / B o Subscriber Line Audio-Processing Circuit WORLD-CHIP PRELIMINARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS <0 4.096 MHz, 64-channel expanded mode operation Built-in test modes

    OCR Scan
    DSS7S27 64-channel Am7901A Am7901B T-75-ll 6642A GES75E7 PDF

    PCR 406 J transistor

    Abstract: transistor pcr 406 PCR 406 TRANSISTOR transistor pcr 406 j pcr 406 equivalent
    Text: -?ailG 73 0 0 1 3 E55 D | ¿ - r - W - f Q - O * R65C10 R65C10 One-Chip Microcomputer SECTION I INTRODUCTION SUMMARY FEATURES The Rockwell R65C10 microcomputer is a complete 8-bit com­ puter fabricated on a single chip using an N-well silicon gate CMOS process. The R65C10 complements an industry standard

    OCR Scan
    R65C10 R65C10 R6500 R65C00 R6500/* R65C00/* PCR 406 J transistor transistor pcr 406 PCR 406 TRANSISTOR transistor pcr 406 j pcr 406 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 54175 SN7401 74L42 SN7437 SN74S40
    Text: Ordering Instructions and Mechanical Data INTEGRATED CIRCUITS MECHANICAL DATA ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Electrical characteristics presented in this catalog, unless otherwise noted, apply for circuit type s listed in the page heading regardless of package. Except for diode arrays, ECL, and MOS devices, the availability of a circuit function in a

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    SN15312 SN15325, SN15370 SN7449 54175 SN7401 74L42 SN7437 SN74S40 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEB 2 0 1991 Advance Information a Am29050 Advanced Micro Devices Streamlined Instruction Microprocessor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Full 32-bit, three-bus architecture ■ 192 general-purpose registers ■ 32 million instructions per second MIPS sustained at 40 MHz

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    Am29050 32-bit, 1024-byte 80-megaflop 64-entry 20-MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: g iiK « mm h l j | b i t M *»»* a t i gMk E N 3 ICs for Communications Framing and Line Interface Component for PCM 30 and PCM 24 FALC-LH PEB 2255 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 05.97 T2255-XV11-P1 -7600 PEB 2255 Revision History: Current Version: 05.97

    OCR Scan
    T2255-XV11-P1 P-MQFP-80-1 120IA-BiDTCl8Ox 2IA-BIDI80x 2IA-BIDIH14x PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Communications Quad Framing and Line Interface Component for E1 / T1 / J1 QuadFALC PEB 22554 Version 1.1 Preliminary Data Sheet 09.98 DS 1 PEB 22554 Revision History: Current Version: 09.98 Previous Version: None Page in previous Version

    OCR Scan
    ETS300 EASY22554: PDF