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    Harris Semiconductor RURP8100CC

    8A, 700V-1000V ULTRAFAST Dual DIODE
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Rochester Electronics RURP8100CC 130 1
    • 1 $0.6176
    • 10 $0.6176
    • 100 $0.5805
    • 1000 $0.525
    • 10000 $0.525
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    RURP8100CC Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    RURP8100CC Fairchild Semiconductor 8A, 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diode Original PDF
    RURP8100CC Harris Semiconductor Ultrafast Recovery Rectifier Original PDF
    RURP8100CC Harris Semiconductor Original PDF
    RURP8100CC Intersil 8A, 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diode Original PDF
    RURP8100CC Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF

    RURP8100CC Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RURP8100CC Data Sheet January 2000 File Number 4021.1 8A, 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diode Features The RURP8100CC is an ultrafast dual diode with soft recovery characteristics trr < 85ns . It has low forward voltage drop and is of silicon nitride passivated ion-implanted


    1334 diode

    Abstract: RURP880CC RURP8100CC RURP870CC RURP890CC
    Text: RURP870CC, RURP880CC, RURP890CC, RURP8100CC S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8A, 700V - 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diodes June 1995 Features Package • Ultrafast with Soft Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <85ns JEDEC TO-220AB o • Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +175 C

    RURP870CC, RURP880CC, RURP890CC, RURP8100CC O-220AB RURP890CC RURP8100CC 1-800-4-HARRIS 1334 diode RURP880CC RURP870CC RURP890CC PDF


    Abstract: IGBT 1000V .200A
    Text: RURP8100CC Data Sheet January 2002 8A, 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diode Features The RURP8100CC is an ultrafast dual diode with soft recovery characteristics trr < 85ns . It has low forward voltage drop and is of silicon nitride passivated ion-implanted epitaxial planar construction.

    RURP8100CC RURP8100CC 175oC IGBT 1000V .200A PDF


    Abstract: RURP8100CC
    Text: RURP8100CC Data Sheet January 2000 File Number 4021.1 8A, 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diode Features The RURP8100CC is an ultrafast dual diode with soft recovery characteristics trr < 85ns . It has low forward voltage drop and is of silicon nitride passivated ion-implanted epitaxial planar construction.



    Abstract: MUR1560 MUR850 MUR850 diode MUR880E MUR1510 MUR1515 MUR810 MUR815 RURG3010
    Text: 150A RURP8120 RURP15120 RURP30120 RURG30120 RURG50120 RURG75120 RURU50120 RURU75120 RURU100120 RURU150120 2.1V 110ns 2.1V 130ns 2.1V 150ns 2.1V 150ns 2.1 200ns 2.1V 200ns 2.1V 200ns 2.1V 200ns 2.1V 200ns 2.1V 200ns 1200V S E M I C O N D U C TO R NOTE: VF at IF AVG , TJ = 25oC; trr at IF(AVG), dIF/dt = 100A/µs or 200A/µs, TJ = 25oC; † trr at IF = 1A.

    RURP8120 RURP15120 RURP30120 RURG30120 RURG50120 RURG75120 RURU50120 RURU75120 RURU100120 RURU150120 RURU10060 MUR1560 MUR850 MUR850 diode MUR880E MUR1510 MUR1515 MUR810 MUR815 RURG3010 PDF

    MUR1520 equivalent

    Abstract: MUR850 BYW51150 MUR1550 MUR880 MUR1510 MUR810 RURD410 RURD610 RURD610S
    Text: 75A/80A 100A 150A MUR1550 RURP3050 RURG3050 RURG5050 RURG8050 RURU5050 RURU8050 RURU10050 RURU15050 MUR850 RURP1550 RURP850 60ns 1.5V 60ns 1.5V 60ns 1.6V 75ns 1.6V 85ns 1.6V 75ns 1.6V 85ns 1.6V 100ns 1.6V 100ns 60ns 1.5V 60ns† 1.5V MUR8100E RURP15100 RURP30100 RURG30100 RURG50100 RURG80100 RURU50100 RURU80100 RURU100100 RURU150100

    5A/80A MUR1550 RURP3050 RURG3050 RURG5050 RURG8050 RURU5050 RURU8050 RURU10050 RURU15050 MUR1520 equivalent MUR850 BYW51150 MUR1550 MUR880 MUR1510 MUR810 RURD410 RURD610 RURD610S PDF

    65e9 transistor

    Abstract: transistor 75307D Transistor 65e8 SD MOSFET DRIVE DATASHEET 4468 8 PIN G40N60 RHR15120 equivalent 10n120bnd 76107d transistor 76121D emerson three phase dc motor driver service note
    Text: DUAL DIE POWER MOSFETs TM 1 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 | | ID AMPS rDS ON VGE = 10V OHMS rDS(ON) VGE = 5V OHMS rDS(ON) VGE = 2.5V OHMS TYPE MS-012AA (SO-8) MO-153AA (TSSOP-8) 12 3.50 - 0.050 - Dual N RF1K49090 - 12 3.50 - 0.130 - Dual P RF1K49093 - 12

    1-888-INTERSIL MS-012AA MO-153AA RF1K49090 RF1K49093 RF1K49092 ITF87056DQT ITF87072DK8T ITF87008DQT RF1K49223 65e9 transistor transistor 75307D Transistor 65e8 SD MOSFET DRIVE DATASHEET 4468 8 PIN G40N60 RHR15120 equivalent 10n120bnd 76107d transistor 76121D emerson three phase dc motor driver service note PDF


    Abstract: RHRU100120 RHRP860C Rectifier 1A 1200V RURD420 RURD420S RHRP8120 RURD460S RURD620 RURD660
    Text: INTERSIL ULTRAFAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER PRODUCTS TO-252 TO-251 NOTE: TO-252 is designated by “S” suffix. TO-220AC IF AVG VRRM 4A RURD420, RURD420S, 1.0V 35ns 6A 8A 1-888-INTERSIL or 321-724-7143 400V 600V RURD460, RURD460S, 1.5V 60ns 8A RURD620, RURD620S,

    O-252 O-251 O-252 O-220AC RURD420, RURD420S, 1-888-INTERSIL RURD840, RURD840S, MUR1540, SINGLE LEAD TO-218 RHRU100120 RHRP860C Rectifier 1A 1200V RURD420 RURD420S RHRP8120 RURD460S RURD620 RURD660 PDF


    Abstract: ultrafast recovery dual rectifier RHRP8120 RHRU100120 Hyperfast Diode 1200V RURG8060 smps design 32V MUR1520 MUR820 RURD420
    Text: FO-011.2 5/12/00 12:09 PM Page 1 I N T E R S I L C O R P O R AT I O N B U I L D I N G S I L I C O N A D V A N TA G E S F O R T EC H N O LO GY U LT R A F A S T A N D H Y P E R F A S T RECTIFIERS Intersil Corporation provides the silicon advantage in a burgeoning market

    FO-011 O-218 O-204AA O-220 Rating/10 MS012AA O-262, O-263 O-264X MUR840 ultrafast recovery dual rectifier RHRP8120 RHRU100120 Hyperfast Diode 1200V RURG8060 smps design 32V MUR1520 MUR820 RURD420 PDF


    Abstract: RURD620 MUR1520 equivalent RHRU100120 MUR1520 MUR1540 MUR1560 MUR8100E MUR820 MUR840
    Text: Rectifier Selection Tree TM File Number RECTIFIER PRODUCTS ULTRAFAST RECOVERY MUR1520 MUR1540 MUR1560 MUR8100E MUR820 MUR840 MUR860 RURD4120 RURD4120S RURD420 RURD420S RURD460 RURD460S RURD6120 RURD6120S RURD620 RURD620S RURD660 RURD660S RURD840 RURD840S RURD860

    MUR1520 MUR1540 MUR1560 MUR8100E MUR820 MUR840 MUR860 RURD4120 RURD4120S RURD420 RURU8060 RURD620 MUR1520 equivalent RHRU100120 MUR1520 MUR1540 MUR1560 MUR8100E MUR820 MUR840 PDF

    MOSFET 1200v 30a

    Abstract: Rad hard for Harris 32v smps RHRU100120 RHRG3060c harris mur1520 MUR820 RURD420 RURP820C
    Text: 41892.6 - FO-011 SELECTION 11/19/98 10:57 AM Page 1 Harris Semiconductor-An Industry Leader Harris Semiconductor comprises one sector of Harris Product Line Selection Corporation, an international communications and electronics For More Information: Harris On-Line Services:

    FO-011 1-800-4-HARRIS MOSFET 1200v 30a Rad hard for Harris 32v smps RHRU100120 RHRG3060c harris mur1520 MUR820 RURD420 RURP820C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RURP870CC, RURP880CC, RURP890CC, RURP8100CC Semiconductor 8A, 700V - 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diodes June 1995 Features Package • Ultrafast with Soft Recovery. <85ns JEDEC TQ-220AB • Operating

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RURP870CC, RURP880CC, RURP890CC, RURP8100CC S em iconductor 8A, 700V - 1000V Ultrafast Dual Diodes June 1995 Package Features • Ultrafast with Soft Recovery. <85ns JEDEC TO-220AB • Operating

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: UR1620C RURP880 RURP840CC
    Text: HARRIS DUAL ULTRA-FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER PRODUCT LINE TO-251AA TO-252AA TO-220AB TO-218AC I r AVG I r AVG) U AVG) I f ^AVG) 4Ax2 4Ax2 6Ax2 4Ax2 6Ax2 8Ax2 6Ax2 U(AVG) 30Ax2 15Ax2 30Ax2 RURD410CC RURD610CC RURD410CCS RURD610CCS 35ns 1,0V 35ns 35ns 1.0V 1.0V

    OCR Scan
    O-251AA O-252AA O-220AB O-218AC O-247 15Ax2 30Ax2 RURG3010CC 15AX2 UR1620C RURP880 RURP840CC PDF