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    RWB 252 Search Results

    RWB 252 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C4122KV13/CY7C4142KV13 144-Mbit QDR -IV XP SRAM 144-Mbit QDR™-IV XP SRAM Features • Configurations CY7C4122KV13 – 8 M x 18 144-Mbit density 8 M × 18, 4 M × 36 [1] ■ Total Random Transaction Rate of 2132 MT/s ■ Maximum operating frequency of 1066 MHz

    CY7C4122KV13/CY7C4142KV13 144-Mbit CY7C4122KV13 CY7C4142 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C4122KV13/CY7C4142KV13 144-Mbit QDR -IV XP SRAM 144-Mbit QDR™-IV GT SRAM Features • Configurations CY7C4122KV13 – 8 M x 18 144-Mbit density 8 M × 18, 4 M × 36 [1] ■ Total Random Transaction Rate of 2132 MT/s ■ Maximum operating frequency of 1066 MHz

    CY7C4122KV13/CY7C4142KV13 144-Mbit CY7C4122KV13 CY7C4142g PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C4122KV13/CY7C4142KV13 144-Mbit QDR -IV XP SRAM 144-Mbit QDR™-IV GT SRAM Features • Configurations CY7C4122KV13 – 8 M x 18 144-Mbit density 8 M × 18, 4 M × 36 [1] ■ Total Random Transaction Rate of 2132 MT/s ■ Maximum operating frequency of 1066 MHz

    CY7C4122KV13/CY7C4142KV13 144-Mbit CY7C4122KV13 CY7C4142changes PDF


    Abstract: PD98442 dsb 303 gdr5 POS-PHY pmc PD98441 PRBS23 59C22 PRBS-23 S1709
    Text: DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT µPD98442 CELL/PACKET SERIAL TRANSCEIVER 8-LINE DESCRIPTION The µPD98442 is a backplane transceiver that serially transmits the parallel data stream of UTOPIA Level3/Level2 TM or POS-PHY Level3/Level2 interface in full-duplex mode via an eight channels of LVDS line. This device is ideal for

    PD98442 PD98442 PD98441 8B/10B 63E17 dsb 303 gdr5 POS-PHY pmc PD98441 PRBS23 59C22 PRBS-23 S1709 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C4022KV13/CY7C4042KV13 72-Mbit QDR -IV XP SRAM 72-Mbit QDR™-IV XP SRAM Features • Configurations 72-Mbit density 4 M x 18, 2 M × 36 [1] CY7C4022KV13 – 4 M × 18 ■ Total Random Transaction Rate of 2132 MT/s ■ Maximum operating frequency of 1066 MHz

    CY7C4022KV13/CY7C4042KV13 72-Mbit CY7C4022KV13 PDF


    Abstract: transistor p2w MCP43XX MARKING R2W PIC10F206 MCP43X2 marking P2W 20L-TSSOP 435X mcp4x
    Text: MCP433X/435X 7/8-Bit Quad SPI Digital POT with Volatile Memory MCP43X1 Quad Potentiometers TSSOP P2A P2W P2B VDD SDO RESET NC P0B P0W P0A 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P3A P3W P3B CS SCK SDI VSS P1B P1W P1A P2B P2W P2A P3A P3W MCP43X1 Quad Potentiometers

    MCP433X/435X MCP43X1 DS22242A-page transistor p2w MCP43XX MARKING R2W PIC10F206 MCP43X2 marking P2W 20L-TSSOP 435X mcp4x PDF


    Abstract: TAA 611 B12 MARKING R2W MCP443X ICE 28165 MCP402X i2c MCP4462 MCP44X2 QFN-20 TSSOP-20
    Text: MCP443X/5X 7/8-Bit Volatile Quad Digital POT with I2C Interface  2010 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP44X1 Quad Potentiometers 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 12 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P3A P3W P3B HVC/A0 SCL SDA VSS P1B P1W P1A P2A P2W P2B VDD A1 RESET NC P0B P0W

    MCP443X/5X MCP44X1 DS22267A-page TAA 611 B12 MARKING R2W MCP443X ICE 28165 MCP402X i2c MCP4462 MCP44X2 QFN-20 TSSOP-20 PDF

    transistor p2w

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCP433X/435X 7/8-Bit Quad SPI Digital POT with Volatile Memory MCP43X1 Quad Potentiometers TSSOP P2A P2W P2B VDD SDO RESET NC P0B P0W P0A 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P3A P3W P3B CS SCK SDI VSS P1B P1W P1A P2B P2W P2A P3A P3W MCP43X1 Quad Potentiometers

    MCP433X/435X MCP43X1 DS22242A-page transistor p2w PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCP443X/5X 7/8-Bit Volatile Quad Digital POT with I2C Interface  2010 Microchip Technology Inc. MCP44X1 Quad Potentiometers 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 12 12 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P3A P3W P3B HVC/A0 SCL SDA VSS P1B P1W P1A P2A P2W P2B VDD A1 RESET NC P0B P0W

    MCP443X/5X MCP44X1 DS22267A-page PDF

    HCS08 c code example

    Abstract: HCS08 code example assembly HCS08 c code example PWM HCS08 c code example TIMER interrupt HCS08 c code example interrupt HCS08 SPI code example assembly HCS08 code example assembly TPM codewarrior traffic light HCS08 c code example USING TIMER interrupts c programming hcs08
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN2616 Rev. 2, 07/2006 Getting Started with HCS08 and CodeWarrior Using C Revised for CodeWarrior v3.1 → v5.1 by: Stephen Pickering East Kilbride, Scotland 1 Overview The purpose of this application note is to demonstrate

    AN2616 HCS08 HCS08, HCS08 HCS08 c code example HCS08 code example assembly HCS08 c code example PWM HCS08 c code example TIMER interrupt HCS08 c code example interrupt HCS08 SPI code example assembly HCS08 code example assembly TPM codewarrior traffic light HCS08 c code example USING TIMER interrupts c programming hcs08 PDF


    Abstract: SOIC-8 RSN 6000 B MCP4011 MCP4012 MCP4013 MCP4014 mcp4011-503e Potentiometers sot 23-6 Marking Code potentiometer 502 TJ
    Text: MCP4011/2/3/4 Low-Cost 64-Step Volatile Digital POT Package Types • Volatile Digital Potentiometer in SOT-23, SOIC, MSOP and DFN packages • 64 Taps: 63 Resistors with Taps to terminal A and terminal B • Simple Up/Down U/D Protocol • Power-on Recall of Default Wiper Setting

    MCP4011/2/3/4 64-Step OT-23, DS21978A-page 401152E SOIC-8 RSN 6000 B MCP4011 MCP4012 MCP4013 MCP4014 mcp4011-503e Potentiometers sot 23-6 Marking Code potentiometer 502 TJ PDF

    HCS08 code example assembly

    Abstract: HCS08 c code example PWM HCS08 c code example hcs08 linker map codewarrior traffic light HCS12 processor expert ADC code source AN2616 datasheet HCS08/HCS12 multilink freescale 68HC908 GB60
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Application Note AN2616 2/2004, Rev. 1 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Getting Started with HCS08 and CodeWarrior Using C By Stephen Pickering 8/16-bit Systems Group East Kilbride, Scotland Overview The purpose of this application note is to demonstrate how easy it is to develop

    AN2616 HCS08 8/16-bit HCS08, HCS08 HCS08 code example assembly HCS08 c code example PWM HCS08 c code example hcs08 linker map codewarrior traffic light HCS12 processor expert ADC code source AN2616 datasheet HCS08/HCS12 multilink freescale 68HC908 GB60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC143416/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC143416 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Advance Information Dual 16-Bit Linear Codec-Filter The MC143416 Dual 16–Bit Linear Codec–Filter is a single–chip implementation of the data conversion interface required to design high–speed

    MC143416/D MC143416 16-Bit MC143416 PDF


    Abstract: MC143450RDK MC143452RDK MC143416 Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by MC143416/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC143416 Advance Information Dual 16-Bit Linear Codec-Filter The MC143416 Dual 16–Bit Linear Codec–Filter is a single–chip implementation of the data conversion interface required to design high–speed

    MC143416/D MC143416 16-Bit MC143416 MC143416PB MC143450RDK MC143452RDK Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: MC143416PB MC143450RDK AG1A CNTL10
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by MC143416/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC143416 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Advance Information Dual 16-Bit Linear Codec-Filter The MC143416 Dual 16–Bit Linear Codec–Filter is a single–chip implementation of the data conversion interface required to design high–speed

    MC143416/D MC143416 16-Bit MC143416 MC143416PB MC143450RDK AG1A CNTL10 PDF


    Abstract: LXT6282 E1 HDB3
    Text: Data Sheet MARCH 1999 Revision 2.0 LXT6282 Octal E1 Digital Interface with CRC-4 Monitoring and Jitter/Wander Suppression General Description Features LXT6282 is an eight-channel E1 digital interface. It integrates an E1 dejitter phase locked loop, an E1 retiming

    LXT6282 LXT6282 SXT6251 PDS-6282-R1 LXT6234 E1 HDB3 PDF


    Abstract: MCP4011 application 534256 Potentiometers sot 23-6 Marking Code ABG SOT-23-6 inl816 MCP4011 MCP4012 MCP4013 MCP4014
    Text: MCP4011/2/3/4 Low-Cost 64-Step Volatile Digital POT Package Types • Volatile Digital Potentiometer in SOT-23, SOIC, MSOP and DFN packages • 64 Taps: 63 Resistors with Taps to terminal A and terminal B • Simple Up/Down U/D Protocol • Power-on Recall of Default Wiper Setting

    MCP4011/2/3/4 64-Step OT-23, DS21978A-page 401152E MCP4011 application 534256 Potentiometers sot 23-6 Marking Code ABG SOT-23-6 inl816 MCP4011 MCP4012 MCP4013 MCP4014 PDF

    E1 HDB3

    Abstract: SXT6234 LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS G703 G704 LXT334 t j9h mux E1 E1 frame
    Text: DATA SHEET SEPTEMBER, 1998 Revision 1.1 SXT6282 Octal E1 Digital Interface with CRC-4 Monitoring and Jitter/Wander Suppression General Description Features SXT6282 is an eight-channel E1 digital interface. It integrates an E1 dejitter phase locked loop, an E1 retiming

    SXT6282 SXT6282 SXT6251 PDS-6282-R1 E1 HDB3 SXT6234 LEVEL ONE COMMUNICATIONS G703 G704 LXT334 t j9h mux E1 E1 frame PDF


    Abstract: diode K1V 452 1488h AG18 1AB3 K1V 40 N PM5315 SPECTRA-2488 PMC 1601 001B PM5315

    PM5315 SPECTRA-2488 PMC-1990821 PM5315 1221h diode K1V 452 1488h AG18 1AB3 K1V 40 N PM5315 SPECTRA-2488 PMC 1601 001B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MCP4011/2/3/4 Low-Cost 64-Step Volatile Digital POT Package Types • Volatile Digital Potentiometer in SOT-23, SOIC, MSOP and DFN packages • 64 Taps: 63 Resistors with Taps to terminal A and terminal B • Simple Up/Down U/D Protocol • Power-on Recall of Default Wiper Setting

    MCP4011/2/3/4 64-Step OT-23, DS21978C-page PDF

    Digital Potentiometer

    Abstract: 401152E MCP4014 MCP4011 application Potentiometers sot 23-6 Marking Code 2225-K DS21978C MCP4011 MCP401X MCP402X
    Text: MCP4011/2/3/4 Low-Cost 64-Step Volatile Digital POT Package Types • Volatile Digital Potentiometer in SOT-23, SOIC, MSOP and DFN packages • 64 Taps: 63 Resistors with Taps to terminal A and terminal B • Simple Up/Down U/D Protocol • Power-on Recall of Default Wiper Setting

    MCP4011/2/3/4 64-Step OT-23, DS21978C-page Digital Potentiometer 401152E MCP4014 MCP4011 application Potentiometers sot 23-6 Marking Code 2225-K DS21978C MCP4011 MCP401X MCP402X PDF

    diode K1V 452

    Abstract: 09CCH 09E0H 09A1H 0943H 09C8 0951H 05C1H 1488h K1V 40 N
    Text: SPECTRA-2488 Telecom Standard Product Data Sheet Released PM5315 SPECTRA-2488 SONET/SDH PAYLOAD EXTRACTOR/ALIGNER FOR 2488 MBIT/S Data Sheet Proprietary and Confidential Released Issue 4: November, 2001 Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its Customers’ Internal Use

    SPECTRA-2488 PM5315 SPECTRA-2488 PMC-1990821, PMC-1990821 31x31 diode K1V 452 09CCH 09E0H 09A1H 0943H 09C8 0951H 05C1H 1488h K1V 40 N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information This document contains information on a new product. The parametric information, although not fully characterized, is the result of testing initial devices. M28352/M28353/M28354/M28356 M2835x Dual/Triple/Quad/Hex DS3/E3/STS-1 Line Interface Unit with Integrated DJAT

    M28352/M28353/M28354/M28356 M2835x) M2835x 0x00F) 2835X-DSH-001-D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advance Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters that are subject to change. M28352/M28353/M28354/M28356 M2835x Dual/Triple/Quad/Hex DS3/E3/STS-1 Line Interface Unit with Integrated DJAT

    M28352/M28353/M28354/M28356 M2835x) M2835x 0x00F) 2835X-DSH-001-C M28354 PDF