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    Sharp Microelectronics of the Americas S11MD5V

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    Quest Components S11MD5V 23,108
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    • 100 $1.65
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    • 10000 $0.495
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    S11MD5V Datasheets (4)

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    S11MD5V Sharp Mini-flat Type Phototriac Coupler Original PDF
    S11MD5V Sharp Mini-flat Type Phototriac Coupler Original PDF
    S11MD5VI Sharp Phototriac Coupler Original PDF
    S11MD5VP Sharp Phototriac Coupler Original PDF

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    Abstract: e64380 S22MD4 S13MD1 s21md3t UL1577 S21MS7 S21ME4 7421 phototriac
    Text: PHOTOTRIAC COUPLER AGENCY APPROVALS List of Safety Standard Approved Models Triggering Photocouplers Approved Model Number S11MD3 S11MD4T S11MD4V S11MD5 S11MD5T S11MD5TS S11MD5V S11MD7T S11MD7TS S11MD8T S11MD9T S11ME5 S11ME6 S11MS1 S11MS2 S11MS3 S11MS4 S11MS7

    S11MD3 S11MD4T S11MD4V S11MD5 S11MD5T S11MD5TS S11MD5V S11MD7T S11MD7TS S11MD8T S11MD3 e64380 S22MD4 S13MD1 s21md3t UL1577 S21MS7 S21ME4 7421 phototriac PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S11MD5V Mini-flat Type Phototriac Coupler S11MD5V ❈ Lead forming type I type and taping reel type (P type) are also available. (S11MD5VI/S11MD5VP) ❈ TUV ( VDE0884 ) approved type is also available as an option. . • Features ■ Outline Dimensions

    S11MD5V S11MD5VI/S11MD5VP) VDE0884 000Vrms E64380 S11MD5V/S11MD5VI S11MD5V s11*5v PDF

    t trigger

    Abstract: E64380 phototriac catalogue S11MD5V VDE0884
    Text: S11MD5V Mini-flat Type Phototriac Coupler S11MD5V ❈ Lead forming type I type and taping reel type (P type) are also available. (S11MD5VI/S11MD5VP) ❈ TUV ( VDE0884 ) approved type is also available as an option. . • Features ■ Outline Dimensions

    S11MD5V S11MD5VI/S11MD5VP) VDE0884 000Vrms E64380 S11MD5V/S11MD5VI S11MD5V AC100V t trigger E64380 phototriac catalogue VDE0884 PDF

    Liteon PC817

    Abstract: cosmo 817 CNY 817 PC123 Triac Liteon 4n33 toshiba PC817 4n33 4n25 datasheet 4N25 CROSS nec pc123 817 cosmo
    Text: PHOTO COUPLER CROSS REFERENCE Transistor Output - DC Input KODENSHI SHARP PC-17T1 PC-17T2 PC-17T4 FAIRCHILD VISHAY NEC LITEON COSMO H11A817 K817P SFH615A SFH615AA SFH617A PS2501-1 PS2561-1 PS2571-1 LTV-816 LTV-817 -V LTV-819-1 LTV123 LTV-610 K1010 PS2501-2

    PC-17T1 PC-17T2 PC-17T4 H11A817 K817P SFH615A SFH615AA SFH617A PS2501-1 PS2561-1 Liteon PC817 cosmo 817 CNY 817 PC123 Triac Liteon 4n33 toshiba PC817 4n33 4n25 datasheet 4N25 CROSS nec pc123 817 cosmo PDF

    SHARP S201S02

    Abstract: S201S01 s201s02 GP1A01 S201S04 is433 PC818u Sharp is433 SHARP S201S01 PC923 equivalent
    Text: Product Change Notification Type of Notification: Discontinuation ISSUE DATE LAST BUY DATE NOTIFICATION NO. LAST SHIP DATE 25 November 2003 31 December 2003 20031125-01 March 31, 2004 This is to advise you that the following product s have been discontinued.

    GP1A01 GP1A13R GP1A15 GP1A17 GP1A18 GP1A20 GP1A33R GP1A67H GP1A67L GP1A70R SHARP S201S02 S201S01 s201s02 GP1A01 S201S04 is433 PC818u Sharp is433 SHARP S201S01 PC923 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: S202DS4 S102DS2 SHARP S202DS4 s201s01 SHARP S201S02 s201s02 S202DS4 SHARP IS1621 pc111ys
    Text: Obsolete Optoelectronics Products and Replacement Part Numbers Subcategory Model SHARP Replacement Part Detector BS100D BR100C Detector BS100G1 BR100C Detector BS120R BR120 Detector BS521 BR520 Detector GA100T802MZ GA100T802MZ1 Detector GA100T8R1MZ GA100T8R2MZ

    BS100D BR100C BS100G1 BS120R BR120 BS521 BR520 GA100T802MZ GA100T802MZ1 S202DS2 S202DS4 S102DS2 SHARP S202DS4 s201s01 SHARP S201S02 s201s02 S202DS4 SHARP IS1621 pc111ys PDF


    Abstract: MCP3041 PC817 SOP-4 cosmo 817 PC923 APPLICATION NOTES opto coupler TLP250 MCP3040 mcp3031 tpl621-2 TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note
    Text: Optoelectronic Products Reference Guide 2007-2008 1 TOSHIBA AMERICA ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS, INC. 1 Toshiba is proud to provide this comprehensive optoelectronic products reference guide. As one of the world’s largest manufacturers of optoelectronic products,

    AQS210PSX AQS210PSZ, TLP270G TPL621 MCP3041 PC817 SOP-4 cosmo 817 PC923 APPLICATION NOTES opto coupler TLP250 MCP3040 mcp3031 tpl621-2 TLP250 MOSFET DRIVER application note PDF


    Abstract: s11md3 TLP523-1 ON3111 ON3131 TLP620T TLP596A TLP521 SOP tlp5231 AQY214S
    Text: [ 13 ] 他社品との互換表 [ 13 ] 他社品との互換表 1. フォトカプラ シャープ形名 当社相当品 分類 注 1 コード PC110L PC112L PC111L PC113L PC120 PC121 PC123 PC354NT PC357NT PC3H4 PC3H7 PC3Q64Q PC3Q67Q PC725V PC733 PC817 PC827

    PC110L PC112L PC111L PC113L PC120 PC121 PC123 PC354NT PC357NT PC3Q64Q ON3161 s11md3 TLP523-1 ON3111 ON3131 TLP620T TLP596A TLP521 SOP tlp5231 AQY214S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP S11MD5V Mini-flat Type Phototriac Coupler S11MD5V «L ead forming type I type and taping reel type (P type) are also available. (S11MD5VI/S11MD5VP) (Page 656) • Outlne Dim ensions ■ Features 1. Iso latio n v o lta g e betw een in p u t a n d o u tp u t

    OCR Scan
    S11MD5V E64380 D5V/S11M S11MD5VI/S11MD5VP) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SHARP ELEK/ MELEC DIV 1SE 0 I 01007*10 000301^ M I S11MD5V/S11MM5 Phototriac Couplers S11MD5V S11MM5 T - 41-87 Phototriac Coupler Mini-flat Type Phototriac Coupler Lead forming type I type of S11MD5V is also available. (S11MD5VI) (Page 482) • O u tlin e D im ensions

    OCR Scan
    S11MD5V/S11MM5 S11MD5V S11MM5 S11MD5VI) S11MM5) 000Vrms S11MD5V) phototriac PDF

    triac drive circuit

    Abstract: S11MD5V
    Text: SHARP S11MD5V Mini-flat Type Phototriac Coupler S11MD5V * L ead fo rm ing type I type and taping reel type (P type) are also available. <S11 M D 5 V I/S 1 1 M D 5V P ) * TU V ( V D E 0 8 8 4 ) approved type is also available as an option. • Features ■ Outline Dimensions

    OCR Scan
    S11MD5V S11MD5V E64380 S11MD5V/S11MD5VI) triac drive circuit PDF


    Abstract: PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51
    Text: SHARP Model No. List Model No. List • Infrared Emitting Diodes Model No. GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q GL4S3Q GL4800 GL460 GL461 GL4600 GL4610 GL4100 GL4200 GL4910 GL496 GL513F GL514 GL560 GL561 GL533 GL537 GL538 GL550 GL551

    OCR Scan
    GL1F20 GL380 QL381 GL382 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL480 GL480Q LT1560ED PQ2WZ51 LT024MD GP1F31T s202t02 GP1U801X LT022 GP2L20L GP1U78R PQ05DZ51 PDF


    Abstract: LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506
    Text: INDEX 1 0 4 - 1 0 9 _ DC_ GL1PR112.69 GL3KG63. 66 GL5EG41.66 1 0 4 - n 0 5 O o c .113 DC1B1CP. 100 GL1PR135.69 GL3KG8. 66

    OCR Scan
    109-n GL1PR112. GL1PR135. GL1PR136. GL1PR211. GL1PR212. GL3KG63. GL3P201. GL3P202. GL3P305. LQ070T5BG01 LM24P20 LM162KS1 BSCR86L00 IR2C07 LM5Q31 IR3Y29B BSCU86L60 lq6bw lq6bw506 PDF

    JIS C 0806

    Abstract: PC817I PC110U PC113U PC817 gull PC922 PC817 4pin PC817P s22md1v PC816 Sharp
    Text: SHARP Lead Forming Type/Taping Reel Type Lead Forming Type/Taping Reel Type • Features I ty p e Lead form ing gull wing type, for surface m ounting VI (W) ty p e Lead form ing type of m ulti-cutting (V type) , for surface m ounting FI ty p e Lead form ing (gull wing) type of wide spaced 0.4" lead form ing type (F type), for

    OCR Scan
    PC110L PC111L PC112L PC113L PC120 PC120F PC121 PC121F PC123 PC123F JIS C 0806 PC817I PC110U PC113U PC817 gull PC922 PC817 4pin PC817P s22md1v PC816 Sharp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PHOTOTRIAC COUPLER ☆ New product PHOTOTRIAC COUPLERS - A : Under application Model No. Absolute maximum ratings A pproved by safety standards Internal connection diagram Features Package TÜV VDE UL VDE 0884 Others 3884 S11MS3 100V lines, opaque m ini-flat

    OCR Scan
    D0177LT S21ME4 PDF

    S216S02 Application circuit

    Abstract: PC113 SHARP GP1U78R GP1S73P S202S02 application IS471FS pt461100 s26md IS489 GP1A71A1
    Text: Solid State Low Po we v o l t a g e R e Chopper R< P M i T i a r v H e Quick Reference Guide Quick Reference Guide • Infrared Emitting Diodes « For IR Data Communication IrDA » Mode! No. Features Operating Suppply Voltage v cc (V) GL1F20 Applicable to IrDA 1.0

    OCR Scan
    GL1F20 12MHz S101S06V S201S06V S102S02 S112S02 S116S02 S202S02 S212S02 S216S02 S216S02 Application circuit PC113 SHARP GP1U78R GP1S73P S202S02 application IS471FS pt461100 s26md IS489 GP1A71A1 PDF


    Abstract: pc906 PC12KI PT4800 PC111L 1 928 403 736 PC101 SHARP GL453 PC8520 PC849 SHARP
    Text: SHARP Model No. List Model No. List Model No. Page • PIN Photodiodes Model No. ■ Phototransistors Page Model No. Page GL360 116 PD49PI GL371 119 PD410PI GL372 119 PD412PI G L380 122 PD480PI 178 PT461F 234 GL381 122 PD480PI1 178 PT465F 234 PD481PI 170 PT480

    OCR Scan
    GL360 GL371 GL372 GL380 GL381 GL390 GL390V GL453 GL454 GL460 gp1u58x pc906 PC12KI PT4800 PC111L 1 928 403 736 PC101 SHARP PC8520 PC849 SHARP PDF


    Abstract: S21MD8T 1S21MD3V s21md4 s21me5 s21md3t S21MD7T SHARP S21ME4
    Text: PHOTOTRIAC COUPLER ☆ New product • PHOTOTRIAC COUPLERS Model No. Internal connection diagram Under application O: Approved Ta=25°C Electro-optical Absolute maximum ratings Approved by characteristics safety standards ON- Repetitive Isolation Min. trigger

    OCR Scan
    S11MS3 S11MS7 S21MS3 S11MS4 S21MS4 S11MD5V S21MD3V* S21ME3* PC4SE11NSZ S11MD5TS* S21ME4 S21MD8T 1S21MD3V s21md4 s21me5 s21md3t S21MD7T SHARP S21ME4 PDF