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    SA25F080 Search Results

    SA25F080 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SA25F080 Saifun Semiconductors 8Mb, 16x512Kb sectors serial flash with 25MHz SPI bus interface Original PDF

    SA25F080 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PM25LV020 SO8w footprint MX25L8005M2C-15G MX25L8005M2C MLP8 FOOTPRINT ICE25P05 SST25VF016-33-4C-QA M25PE10-VMP6TG Y25f05
    Text: SPI Serial Flash for code, data and parameter storage Cross-reference guide August 2005 Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties

    CRSERFLASH0705 PM25LV040 PM25LV020 SO8w footprint MX25L8005M2C-15G MX25L8005M2C MLP8 FOOTPRINT ICE25P05 SST25VF016-33-4C-QA M25PE10-VMP6TG Y25f05 PDF

    soic8 footprint

    Abstract: soic8 SA25F040 SA25F080 SA25F160 16x512 SA25F040 SOIC8 in mm footprint soic8 150 2014 8pin SAIFUN flash
    Text: SA25F-cmyk_12.6.03.fh9 6/12/03 0:34 Page 1 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K Saifun's SA25F Family of SPI Serial Flash Memory Devices Take your designs to a higher level with the power of Saifun NROM memory Fastest Access Times The SA25F family sets the industry speed

    SA25F-cmyk SA25F 512Kb SA25F soic8 footprint soic8 SA25F040 SA25F080 SA25F160 16x512 SA25F040 SOIC8 in mm footprint soic8 150 2014 8pin SAIFUN flash PDF


    Abstract: W25Q64 EN25T80 WINBOND W25q64 PM25LV020 PM25LV080 ML22420 USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer SST25LF010A W25Q40
    Text: 2008 年 12 月 04 日 V1.4 外置存储器型语音芯片语音数据的在线更新 现在有的客户希望播放的语音内容在产品量产起来后能够改变语音的内容,比如产品升 级,增加新的语音段等,并且能够方便的实现语音数据的下载更新。有的客户希望能够播放

    //ossh20080311 ML22420 M25PE16 16Mbit 024ms) PM25LV040 W25Q64 EN25T80 WINBOND W25q64 PM25LV020 PM25LV080 ML22420 USB 2.0 SPI Flash Programmer SST25LF010A W25Q40 PDF