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    Seiko Epson Corporation SG-8018CG 28.63636M-TJHSAB

    Standard Clock Oscillators SG-8018CG 28.63636M-TJHSAB: MHZ OSC 1.8V-3.3V 50PPM -40-105C ST BULK
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics SG-8018CG 28.63636M-TJHSAB
    • 1 $1.86
    • 10 $1.78
    • 100 $1.49
    • 1000 $1.34
    • 10000 $1.28
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    SAB 286 Datasheets Context Search

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    SAB 82258

    Abstract: 82c258 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF 74LS08 SAB 82C258 LOGIC DESCRIPTION OF 74LS373 FUNCTIONAL APPLICATION OF 74LS244 74mc139 82258 82532 74LS08C
    Text: ICs for Communications High Speed HDLC-Frame Relay SAB 82532 with SAB 82258 and SAB 80C166 Application Note 08.93 SAB 82532 Revision History: Original Version 08.93 Previous Releases: Page Subjects changes since last revision Data Classification Maximum Ratings

    80C166 0F400H SAB 82258 82c258 INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF 74LS08 SAB 82C258 LOGIC DESCRIPTION OF 74LS373 FUNCTIONAL APPLICATION OF 74LS244 74mc139 82258 82532 74LS08C PDF


    Abstract: smd-transistor DATA BOOK SmD TRANSISTOR a75 nec j303 SmD TRANSISTOR a74 toshiba l300 tda databook SmD TRANSISTOR a71 4665T SMD-transistor code br
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE System Application of SAB 9076/77 PiP Processor AN96081 Philips Semiconductors System Application of SAB 9076/77 PiP Processor Application Note AN96081 Abstract Picture-in-Picture Controller SAB 9076 with colour decoders TDA 8315, TDA8310A and video processor TDA

    AN96081 TDA8310A AN94072 AN96027 AN96041 smd-transistor smd-transistor DATA BOOK SmD TRANSISTOR a75 nec j303 SmD TRANSISTOR a74 toshiba l300 tda databook SmD TRANSISTOR a71 4665T SMD-transistor code br PDF


    Abstract: 82c257 SAB 3210 82c258 sab82c257 82258 SAB 82C257 SAB82C258A "SAB 82C258A"
    Text: ICs for Communications High-Performance DMA Controller for 16-bit Microcomputer Systems SAB 82C257 Version 2.1 User’s Manual Addendum 09.95 SAB 82C257 Revision History: Current Version: 09.95 Previous Version: Page Subjects changes since last revision

    16-bit 82C257 82C257 82C257. 82C258A SAB 3210 82c258 sab82c257 82258 SAB 82C257 SAB82C258A "SAB 82C258A" PDF

    SAB 8155 p

    Abstract: SAB 8155 8051-UART Microcontroller Family SAB 8051 Pocket Guide Q67120-C452 80C535 microcontroller 8155 intel microcontroller pin diagram PLM51 stepper motor interface with 8051 7434 ic
    Text: Microcomputer Components SAB 80C517/80C537 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller User's Manual 05.94 Edition 05.95 This edition was realized using the software system FrameMaker. Published by Siemens AG, Bereich Halbleiter, MarketingKommunikation, Balanstraße 73,

    80C517/80C537 SAB 8155 p SAB 8155 8051-UART Microcontroller Family SAB 8051 Pocket Guide Q67120-C452 80C535 microcontroller 8155 intel microcontroller pin diagram PLM51 stepper motor interface with 8051 7434 ic PDF


    Abstract: 82C258A 82C258A-12 HA14-16 SAB 80286 16 N SAB crt AD63a 3AD9 82C258A-1 82C258A-16
    Text: Advanced DMA Controller SAB 82C258A for 16-/32-Bit Microcomputer Systems CMOS SAB 82C258A-1 SAB 82C258A-16 SAB 82C258A-12 SAB 82C258A-20 10 MHz 16 MHz • Fully compatible with the SAB 82258A hardware, software and pin-out . Upward-compatible with the SAB 82258

    OCR Scan
    16-/32-Bit 82C258A-1 82C258A-16 82C258A 82C258A-12 82C258A-20 2258A 32-bit 16-/8-bit 82c258 82C258A HA14-16 SAB 80286 16 N SAB crt AD63a 3AD9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Advanced DMA Controller SAB 82C258A for 16-/32-Bit Microcomputer Systems CMOS Advance Inform ation SAB 82C258A-1 SAB 82C258A-16 SAB 82C258A-12 SAB 82C258A-20 10 MHz 16 MHz 12.5 MHz 20 M Hz • Fully com patible with the SAB 82258A hardware, software and pin-out .

    OCR Scan
    82C258A 16-/32-Bit 82C258A-1 82C258A-16 82C258A-12 82C258A-20 2258A 32-bit 16-/8-bit A19/S6 82c258 PDF


    Abstract: A535B old Resistors Siemens s
    Text: SIEMENS High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5 Preliminary SAB 83C517A-5 SAB 80C517A Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM Microcontroller for external ROM • SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5, up to 18 MHz operation

    OCR Scan
    83C517A-5 80C517A 10-bit 80C515, 80C517, 80C515A P-LCC-84, P-MQFP-100-2 80C517A/83C5r MQFP--100 B158-H6497-X-X-7600 A535B old Resistors Siemens s PDF


    Abstract: SAB 8051 p
    Text: SIEM ENS 8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller SAB 8051 A/8031 A SAB 8051 A/8051 A-16 Microcontroller with factory maskprogrammable ROM SAB 8031 A/8031 A-16 Microcontroller for external ROM SAB 8051A/8031A, 12 MHz operation SAB 8051 A-16/8031 A-16, 16 MHz operation

    OCR Scan
    051A/8031A, 16-bit P-DIP-40 PL-CC-44 P-DIP-40 51A-P 67120-C P-DIP-40) SIEMENS SAB 8051A-P SAB 8051 p PDF


    Abstract: 8276 m 8276 SAB8088 8276-2 GPA01 R/kt 8276
    Text: SAB 8276 Small System CRT Controller • Program m able screen and character form at • 6 independent visual attributes • Dual row buffers • Program m able DM A burst mode • Cursor control 4 types • Single +5V supply • SAB 8051, SAB 8085, SAB 8086 and SAB 8088

    OCR Scan
    8276-P Q67120-P83 8276-2-P Q67120-P93 SAB8276 8276 m 8276 SAB8088 8276-2 GPA01 R/kt 8276 PDF


    Abstract: 80286 processor LA 4108 82289 SIEMENS SAB 8051A-P
    Text: SAB 82289 Bus Arbiter for SAB 80286 Processors SAB 82289-6 up to 12 MHz SAB 82289 up to 16 MHz • Supports m ultim a ste r system bus arbitration protocol • Three m odes o f bus release operation fo r fle xib le system configuration • Synchronizes SAB 80286 processor w ith

    OCR Scan

    sab 3013

    Abstract: sab82258 SAB82258A-A 82258 SAB82258A SAB 3011 SAB 80286 16 N a23 445-1 SAB 80186 SAB 82258
    Text: Advanced DMA Controller SAB 82258A for 16-/32-Bit Microcomputer Systems SAB 82258A • • • • • • • • SAB 82258A-1 8 MHz Fully upward-compatible with SAB 82258 hardware and software Supports 32-bit fly-by transfers 4 independent high-speed DMA

    OCR Scan
    16-/32-Bit 2258A 2258A-1 32-bit 16/8-bit 2258A sab 3013 sab82258 SAB82258A-A 82258 SAB82258A SAB 3011 SAB 80286 16 N a23 445-1 SAB 80186 SAB 82258 PDF

    Siemens 80186

    Abstract: so do chan 4558 82257 SAB 80186 SAB82257 8086 a23 445-1 i82257
    Text: Advanced DMA Controller SAB 82257 for 8-/16-Bit Microcomputer Systems 8 MHz • High-performance 16-bit DMA controller for 16-bit family processors SAB 80286, SAB 80186/188, SAB 8086/88 • 4 independent high-speed DMA channels • Adaptive on-chip bus interface for

    OCR Scan
    8-/16-Bit 16-bit 16/8-bit Siemens 80186 so do chan 4558 82257 SAB 80186 SAB82257 8086 a23 445-1 i82257 PDF

    PLCC-68 8051 siemens

    Abstract: 80C32 smd marking b4h smd marking code fj FET 80C515 80C535 80c535-n ma A235 sab-80535 SMD MARKING CODE E2H
    Text: I flB3SbOS 0002020 321 SIEMENS High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C515/80C535 Preliminary SAB 80C515/80C515-16 SAB 80CS35/80C535-16 CMOS microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM CMOS microcontroller for external ROM • 8 K x 8 ROM SAB 80C515 only

    OCR Scan
    80C515/80C535 80C515/80C515-16 80C535/80C535-16 80C515 16-bit 8235b05 MQFP-80 0H35b05 PLCC-68 8051 siemens 80C32 smd marking b4h smd marking code fj FET 80C535 80c535-n ma A235 sab-80535 SMD MARKING CODE E2H PDF

    a23 445-1 409

    Abstract: 82257 sab80186 siemens s7 IM 365 82257-N SAB 80186 SIEMENS et 200 cpu
    Text: SIEM ENS Advanced DMA Controller SAB 82257 for 8-/16-Bit Microcomputer Systems Prelim inary • High-perform ance 16-bit DMA controller for 16-bit family processors SAB 80286, SAB 80186/188, SAB 8086/88 • 4 independent high-speed DMA channels • Adaptive on-chip bus interface for

    OCR Scan
    8-/16-Bit 16-bit 16/8-bit A19/S6-A16/S3, a23 445-1 409 82257 sab80186 siemens s7 IM 365 82257-N SAB 80186 SIEMENS et 200 cpu PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Advanced DMA Controller SAB 82258A for 16-/32-Bit Microcomputer Systems Advance Information SAB 82258A SAB 82258A-1 8 MHz 10 MHz 16 Mbytes addressing range 16 Mbytes maximum block size Command chaining for automatic processing Automatic data chaining scattering

    OCR Scan
    2258A 16-/32-Bit 2258A-1 C-CC-68, C-PGA-68, PL-CC-68 32-bit 2258A PDF


    Abstract: SAB 80186 82C37B-8-P Siemens 80186 working of 80286 82C37 82C37A 82C37B-5 SAB 80286
    Text: SAB 82C37 B-5/82C37 B-8 High-Performance CMOS Programmable DMA Controller SAB 82C37B-5 SAB 82C37B-8 5 MHz 8 MHz • F u lly u p w a rd -c o m p a tib le to SAB 8 2C 37A CM OS a nd SAB 8237A (N M O S ) • H ig h p e rfo rm a n c e : tra n s fe rs up to 8 M b y te s /s

    OCR Scan
    82C37 B-5/82C37 82C37B-5 82C37B-8 82C37A 16-bit 24-bit 82C37B-8 82C37B SAB8237A SAB 80186 82C37B-8-P Siemens 80186 working of 80286 82C37A SAB 80286 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C517A / 83C517A-5 Preliminary SAB 83C517A-5 S A B 80C 517A Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM Micro controller for external ROM • SAB 80C517A / 83C517A-5, up to 18 MHz operation

    OCR Scan
    80C517A 83C517A-5 83C517A-5, 83C517A-5 10-bit 80C51 PDF

    siemens mov all range

    Abstract: intel 80c535 n
    Text: 47E D • 023SbDS OOaô'ID? b » S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF T- s SAB 80C515/80C535 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller Advance Inform ation SAB 80C515 / 80C515-16 CMOS microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM SAB 80CS35 / 80C535-16 CMOS microcontroller for external ROM

    OCR Scan
    023SbDS 80C515/80C535 80C515 80C515-16 80CS35 80C535-16 80C515-T40/110, 80C535-T40/110 80C515-T40/85, 80C53S-T40/85 siemens mov all range intel 80c535 n PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: I f l 2 3 Sb 0 5 0002020 321 SIEM ENS High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C515/80C535 Prelim inary SAB 80C515/80C515-16 SAB 80C535/80C535-16 • 8 Kx 8 CMOS microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM CMOS microcontroller for external ROM

    OCR Scan
    80C515/80C535 80C515/80C515-16 80C535/80C535-16 80C515 16-bit MQFP-80 PDF

    SAB 82258

    Abstract: sab82257
    Text: 4 7E D Device Specifications • fiSBSbGS SIEI1ENS DD330S1 1 « S IE G AKTI ENGESELLSCHAF Preliminary T - « 3 - 3 3 - l et SAB 82257 High-Performance DMA Controller for 16-Bit Microcomputer Systems SAB 82257 SAB 82257-6 8 MHz 6 MHz • • • • 16 Mbytes addressing range

    OCR Scan
    DD330S1 16-Bit SAB82257 fl235b05 003310b 82257-N Q67120-P176 82257-6-N SAB 82258 sab82257 PDF


    Abstract: 80C51 80C515 80C515A 80C517A 83C517A-5
    Text: SIEM ENS High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller SAB 80C517A/83C517A-5 Preliminary SAB 83C517A-5 S A B 80C 517A Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM Microcontroller for external ROM • Eight data pointers for external memory

    OCR Scan
    80C517A/83C517A-5 83C517A-5 80C517A 80C517A/83C517A-5, 80C51 16-bit MQFP-100-yPin P-LCC-84/Pin 80C517 80C515 80C515A PDF


    Abstract: siemens 286
    Text: 47E SIEM EN S » • ñ23SbOS SIEMENS GDaasm 7 «SIEG AKTIENGESELLSCHAF ^ •5 2 -3 3 -1 ^ SAB 82C257 Advanced DMA Controller for 8-/16-Bit Microcomputer Systems 10MHz Advanced Information • High-performance 16-bit DMA controller for 16-bit family processors SAB 80286,

    OCR Scan
    23SbOS 82C257 8-/16-Bit 10MHz 16-bit 16/8-bit 82C257 PL-CC-68 dda09 siemens 286 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S S E ÏV I IE ISt S SAB 16C550A Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Trans­ mitter with FIFOs Advance Information G eneral System Configuration 265 4.90 SAB 16C550A • • Capable of running all existing 16450 software Pin for pin com patible with the existing

    OCR Scan
    16C550A 16C450 SST00715 1768Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 47E D SIEMENS • ÔE35bD5 □03101,0 b « S I E G SIEMENS AK TIE NG ESE LLSCHAF ^ 5 3 - 3 3 - ^ Advanced DMA Controller SAB 82257 for 8-/16-Bit Microcomputer Systems Preliminary • High-performance 16-bit DMA controller for 16-bit family processors SAB 80286,

    OCR Scan
    E35bD5 8-/16-Bit 16-bit 16/8-bit flS35b05 T-52-33-7g PDF