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    SARONIX NYMPH Search Results

    SARONIX NYMPH Datasheets Context Search

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    50hz sine generator using crystal

    Abstract: 400hz sine oscillator HC165 HC4060 crystal nymph 4060 4081 4024 50 Hz Crystal oscillator 74HC4060 application note 4.194304 crystal oscillator 50hz sine oscillator ML2035
    Text: June 1996 Application Note 42025 Generating Fixed Frequency Sine Waves with ML2035 Jon Klein The ML2035 Programmable Sine Wave Generator is a convenient solution for generating accurate sine waves. Often an accurate fixed sine wave reference is required in

    ML2035 ML2035 50hz sine generator using crystal 400hz sine oscillator HC165 HC4060 crystal nymph 4060 4081 4024 50 Hz Crystal oscillator 74HC4060 application note 4.194304 crystal oscillator 50hz sine oscillator PDF


    Abstract: AD1B60BS NMP111 AD592 IPTS-68 circuit diagram temperature measurement rtd 10K3A1 AD1B60 AD1B60BJ thermistor 10k 25c Betatherm
    Text: a FEATURES • Complete Sensor-to-Digital Signal Conditioning and Data Conversion • Multiple Input Ranges Thermocouples: J, K, T, E, R, S, and B RTDs: 100 ⍀ Platinum ␣ = 385 and 392 Voltage: Ten Ranges from ؎10 mV to ؎10 V Two Custom Ranges (User Defined)


    crystal 11.0592 MHz

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Intelligent Digitizing Signal Conditioner AD1B60 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES • Complete Sensor-to-Digital Signal Conditioning and Data Conversion • Multiple Input Ranges Thermocouples: J, K, T, E, R, S, and B RTDs: 100 ⍀ Platinum ␣ = 385 and 392

    C1831a crystal 11.0592 MHz PDF


    Abstract: RTC58321A
    Text: SARONIX ?D DE 1 0 0 0 3 3 2 = ] OOGOOBT T | Real Time Clock Module —r t c CriYWPIì; 8003329 SARONIX CO 70C 58321 00039 by SaRonix Ref, No_ RTC Date_ May 1985 Page _1 of 2 Technical Data Description Function Table A Real Time Clock incorporating an

    OCR Scan
    16-pin 768kHz 12-hour 24-hour MS58321RS. RTC58321AA. 4010Transport RTC58321AA RTC58321A PDF

    Logic PROBE diagram circuit

    Abstract: P623 xtalosc 50J1
    Text: Crystal Clock Oscillator —e c l .NYMPH, by SaRonix 8 0 0 3 3 2 9 SARONIX 83D 0 0 0 6 5 Ref. Nn Series M Date October 1986 Page-_ 1 2Î ? Technical Data Description Frequency Range: A crystal controlled hybrid oscillator circuit providing precise rise and fall

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    14-pin NCEOIOCP-100 NCK006 P6202FET P6230ECL NCK000 Logic PROBE diagram circuit P623 xtalosc 50J1 PDF


    Abstract: Z070 SD0332 nymph
    Text: SARONIX 01 De] 500335^ 00000^4 b J~P T-50-Z3 Crystal Clock Oscillator —t t l ;nymphj tri-s ta te by SaRonix Ref. Mn natP Technical Data Series M May 1988 Page- L _ o f—? _ Description Frequency Range: 250 kHz to 50 MHz A crystal controlled hybrid oscillator

    OCR Scan
    T-50-Z3 14-pin NTT050CR SD0332T' 1N4148 NTT050C Z070 SD0332 nymph PDF


    Abstract: saronix nymph
    Text: SARONIX 0 1 D E | flOD33E^00D103 3 | " T - S O -23 Crystal Clock Oscillator — S1149 Series ECL TSYMPHJ by SaRonix Technical Data Description Output Waveform Series M D ate-Page_ 1 May 1988 of 2 5 MHz to 140 MHz Frequency Range: A crystal controlled hybrid oscil­

    OCR Scan
    flOD33E^ 00D103 S1149 14-pin K1149 --S1149 S1149AA P6202FET P6231ECL nymph saronix nymph PDF

    MIL-STD-883C method 2007.1

    Abstract: xtalosc MIL-STD-883C MIL-STD-202f method 215B
    Text: Crystal Clock Oscillator —e c l .NYMPH, 8003329 by SaRonix SARONIX 83D 0 0 0 6 5 R ef. N n Technical Data D a te Series M O ctober 1986 P a g e - _1 Description 10 k: 10 kH: Frequency Stab ility : In put Voltage: -5 .2 V D C ± 5 % In put Current: 60 m A m ax, 40 m A typical

    OCR Scan
    14-pin changeTD-883C, MIL-STD-202F, MIL-STD-883C, MIL-STD-883C method 2007.1 xtalosc MIL-STD-883C MIL-STD-202f method 215B PDF


    Abstract: rasco 1 motorola rasco 1 MIL-STD-883C crystal oscillator rasco a pin Saronix nch 030 rasco
    Text: SARONIX SB i>ËJ 0 0 0 3 3 2 ^ OOODGb'i 7 |~>9 Crystal Clock Oscillator fN Y M P H j — DT 'S O ^ hcm os by SaRonix Ref. No. Date-Page- Technical Data Series M October 1986 1 of 2 Description Frequency Range: 500 kHz to 50 MHz A crystal controlled, low current

    OCR Scan
    14-pin nymph rasco 1 motorola rasco 1 MIL-STD-883C crystal oscillator rasco a pin Saronix nch 030 rasco PDF


    Abstract: nymph Saronix nct
    Text: d e ^ fiODBBa^ o o o o c m saronxx 01 T - 5 0 -2 3 5 £ Crystal Clock Oscillator— Low Profile t t l NYMPH; rîT>Vr 11 l ì i i ì ìT I a l f T r by SaRonix Ref. No_ Series M May 1988 Technical Data D a t e _ Page_ -L of Description Frequency Range:

    OCR Scan
    14-pin IL-STD-883C, IL-STD-883C nymph Saronix nct PDF

    saronix nymph

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI Tec h n o lo g y in c VL7C412 300/1200 BIT-PER-SECOND MODEM SINGLE 5-VOLT POWER SUPPLY DESCRIPTION FEATURES • FSK and PSK modulators and demodulators, high-band and lowband filters with compromise ampli­ tude and group delay equalizers The VL7C412 is a complete, 5 V single

    OCR Scan
    VL7C412 24-pin 28-pin IOL-160 RL-1200 saronix nymph PDF


    Abstract: 8 bit Psk modem block diagrams saronix nymph PLL pSK DEMODULATOR CRXA1 Direct quadrature Modulator and Mixer 28-pin audio FSK modulator and Demodulator
    Text: VLSI T echnolo gy , in c . VL7C312 300/1200 BIT-PER-SECOND MODEM WITH PIN PROGRAMMABLE RECEIVER GAIN DESCRIPTION FEATURES • FSK and PSK modulators and demodulators, high-band and lowband filters with compromise ampli­ tude and group delay equalizers • Pin programmable receiver gain

    OCR Scan
    VL7C312 24-pin 28-pin IOL-160 RL-1200 nymph 8 bit Psk modem block diagrams saronix nymph PLL pSK DEMODULATOR CRXA1 Direct quadrature Modulator and Mixer 28-pin audio FSK modulator and Demodulator PDF


    Abstract: nymph saronix nymph psk modulator SCK 074 PLL pSK DEMODULATOR adaa LM386 replacement VL7C412-QC VL7C212A
    Text: VLSI T ec h n o lo g y , in c VL7C412 300/1200 BIT-PER-SECOND MODEM SINGLE 5-VOLT POWER SUPPLY DESCRIPTION FEATURES • High level of integration provides a highly cost effective 300/1200 bitper- second modems • FSK and PSK modulators and demodulators, high-band and lowband filters with compromise ampli­

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    VL7C412 24-pin 28-pin 140-C VL82C50 nymph saronix nymph psk modulator SCK 074 PLL pSK DEMODULATOR adaa LM386 replacement VL7C412-QC VL7C212A PDF


    Abstract: optoisolator interface with 8051 EM-188
    Text: SC11004/SC11014 300/1200 Bit Per Second Modem 'V ' SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ All modulators, demodulators, and filters with compromise equalizers on chip □ Call progress mode, tone gen­ erators for DTMF, V.22 guard and calling tones □ On-chip hybrid 2 4 -P IN D IP

    OCR Scan
    SC11004/SC11014 IA317 optoisolator interface with 8051 EM-188 PDF

    103 varistor sck

    Abstract: sj 2025 for amplifiers varistor xf SC11008
    Text: SI ER RA S E M I C O N D U C T O R CORP 54E D I Ô242D1D D O O n D O T -7 S -1 3 ' 0 5 SC11015 300/1200 Bit Per Second Modem SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 24-PIN DIP PACKAGE 28-PIN PLCC PACKAGE □ Bell 212 A / 103 and CCITT V .22/ V.21 compatible; V.22 notch fil­

    OCR Scan
    242D1D SC11015 103 varistor sck sj 2025 for amplifiers varistor xf SC11008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y "v = SC11004/SC11014 300/1200 Bit Per Second Modem 'V ' SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ Bell 212A and CCITT V.22 com ­ patible; includes notch filter □ SC11014 supports V.21 □ Serial control interface □ Programmable audio port □ All loopback diagnostics

    OCR Scan
    SC11004/SC11014 SC11014 11004CV 11014CV SC11004CN SC11014CN SC11004 PDF

    saronix nymph

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A V ” SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR SC11015 300/1200 Bit Per Second Modem 2 8 -P IN PLCC PA CK A G E □ Bell 212 A /103 and CCITT V.22/ V.21 compatible; V.22 notch fil­ ter included □ Serial control interface □ Program m able audio port □ All loopback diagnostics

    OCR Scan
    SC11015 SC11015 SC11004/ SC11014 saronix nymph PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SC11015 300/1200 Bit Per Second Modem SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR □ All m odulators, dem odulators and filters w ith com prom ise equalizers on chip □ Call progress mode, tone gen­ erators for DTMF, V.22 guard and calling tones □ On-chip hybrid □ Pin program m able receiver gain

    OCR Scan
    SC11015 SC11014 /103orV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR S e p t e m b e r 1986 sciföö!7sciioi4 300/1200 Bit Per S econ d M od em s FEATURES BENEFITS • FSK an d PSK m odulators and dem odulators, high-band and low -band filters w ith com pro­ m ise am p litu d e and g roup delay equalizers

    OCR Scan
    SC11014 exter-2-846210 S-17127 9S132, 31-6733 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR M arch 1988 SC11015 3 0 0 /1 2 0 0 Bit Per S e c o n d M o d e m BENEFITS • FSK a n d PSK m o d u la to rs a n d d e m o d u la to rs, h ig h -b a n d a n d lo w -b a n d filters w ith c o m p ro ­ m ise a m p litu d e a n d g ro u p d elay e q u a liz e rs

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    SC11015 PDF


    Abstract: SC11007 VARISTOR 1301 SC11015 phone and modem splitter circuit diagram varistor 22n Z Varistor RU SSI RS-232 convertor hybrid 1200 audio amplifier schematic diagram 103 varistor sck
    Text: o SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR M arch 1988 SC I1015 3 0 0 / 1 2 0 0 B it P e r S e c o n d M o d e m RENEFITS • FSK a n d PSK m o d u la to rs an d d em od u lators, h ig h -b a n d an d lo w -b a n d filters w ith c o m p r o ­ m ise a m p litu d e a n d g ro u p d ela y eq u a lize rs

    OCR Scan
    SC11015 12A/103 SC11004/SC11014 SCK 302 VARISTOR SC11007 VARISTOR 1301 SC11015 phone and modem splitter circuit diagram varistor 22n Z Varistor RU SSI RS-232 convertor hybrid 1200 audio amplifier schematic diagram 103 varistor sck PDF

    MN 6030 remote control

    Abstract: fsk modulator using 555 SC11014CN fsk generator using timer 555 IC 74135 SC11008 SC11007 3222-16 JTP 1212 74135
    Text: Q SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR S e p te m b e r 1986 SC1ÌÒÒ%?SC11014 _ 3 0 0 / 1 2 0 0 B it P e r S e c o n d M o d e m s FEATURES BENEFITS • FSK an d PSK m o d u la to rs an d d em od u lators, h ig h -b a n d an d lo w -b a n d filters w ith c o m p r o ­

    OCR Scan
    SC11014 N-1364 S-17127 MN 6030 remote control fsk modulator using 555 SC11014CN fsk generator using timer 555 IC 74135 SC11008 SC11007 3222-16 JTP 1212 74135 PDF