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    XL1225 equivalent

    Abstract: 2N3053 equivalent BF422 EQUIVALENT bc238 equivalent 2N6397 equivalent 2N5551 equivalent 2SB772 equivalent BC109 BC184 BC549 2sd880 equivalent BT169 equivalent
    Text: Transistors, SCR, IC CROSS REFERENCE / EQUIVALENT TABLE R Cross Reference Table 1 / 13 INDUSTRY TYPE No. DC COMP. TYPE No. Cross Reference Table 2 / 13 PACKAGE INDUSTRY TYPE No. DC COMP. TYPE No. PACKAGE 2N2955 2N2955 TO-3 2SA952 2SA952 TO-92 2N3055 2N3055

    2N2955 2SA952 2N3055 2SB1426 2N3417 XL1225 equivalent 2N3053 equivalent BF422 EQUIVALENT bc238 equivalent 2N6397 equivalent 2N5551 equivalent 2SB772 equivalent BC109 BC184 BC549 2sd880 equivalent BT169 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: SCR tyn612 TYN612 SCR CP20C60 po111 SCR tyn616 triac bt151 EC103D CP12C60 triac cp20c60
    Text: Cross Reference – SCR Competitor APOLLO Part No CR100-6 CR100-8 Philips STM On-semi Teccor BT169D PO111DA, P0102 MCR100-6 EC103D BT169G X00605MA MCR100-8 X0205MA, X0202 MCR22-8 CR22-8 CR6C60 BT300 X0405MF,TYN606 CP10C60 TC22-8 TF341M TYN610 MCR12CM CP12C60

    CR100-6 CR100-8 CR22-8 CR6C60 CP10C60 CP12C60 CP20C60 CP25C60 BT151 BT152 PO111DA SCR tyn612 TYN612 SCR po111 SCR tyn616 triac bt151 EC103D triac cp20c60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CPC1998 AC Power Switch Characteristics Description Parameter Rating Units AC Operating Voltage 20-240 Vrms CPC1998J is an AC Solid State Switch utilizing dual power SCR outputs. This device also includes zero-cross turn-on circuitry and is specified with an

    CPC1998 CPC1998J 800VP 20Arms 2500Vrms DS-CPC1998-R01 PDF

    transistor 2Ap

    Abstract: CPC1998 CPC1998J J-STD-033 RL1201 DS-CPC1998-R01
    Text: CPC1998 AC Power Switch Characteristics Description Parameter Rating Units AC Operating Voltage 20-240 Vrms CPC1998J is an AC Solid State Switch utilizing dual power SCR outputs. This device also includes zero-cross turn-on circuitry and is specified with an

    CPC1998 CPC1998J 800VP 20Arms 2500Vrms DS-CPC1998-R01 transistor 2Ap CPC1998 J-STD-033 RL1201 DS-CPC1998-R01 PDF


    Abstract: L522F RSF74Y100RM L622F relay d2w B512F-2T L514F 24HV1A100 m505032 cpv240
    Text: Solid State Relays All Dimensions Are in Inches mm Featuring state-of-the-art Surface Mount Technology, these SPST-NO relays deliver proven reliability in the most demanding applications. Output consists of an SCR AC switch and is available in zero-cross and

    40-600V, CMD2425 CMD2450 CMD2475 CMD2490 CMD24110 CMD24125 CMD4825 CMD4850 CMD4875 l312f L522F RSF74Y100RM L622F relay d2w B512F-2T L514F 24HV1A100 m505032 cpv240 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CPC1998 AC Power Switch INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Characteristics Description Parameter Rating Units AC Operating Voltage 20-240 Vrms CPC1998J is an AC Solid State Switch utilizing dual power SCR outputs. This device also includes zero-cross turn-on circuitry and is specified with an

    CPC1998 CPC1998J 800VP 20Arms 2500Vrms DS-CPC1998-R03 PDF

    transistor 2Ap

    Abstract: RCA SCR RCA 518 CPC1998 CPC1998J
    Text: CPC1998 AC Power Switch INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIVISION Characteristics Description Parameter Rating Units AC Operating Voltage 20-240 Vrms CPC1998J is an AC Solid State Switch utilizing dual power SCR outputs. This device also includes zero-cross turn-on circuitry and is specified with an

    CPC1998 CPC1998J 800VP 2500Vrms CPC1998 DS-CPC1998-R02 transistor 2Ap RCA SCR RCA 518 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet November 1999 L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features • Small size/surface-mount packaging ■ Monolithic IC reliability ■ Low impulse noise ■ Make-before-break, break-before-make operation ■ Clean, bounce-free switching ■ Low, matched ON-resistance

    L7581 s581AC ATTL7581BAE ATTL7581BAE-TR* ATTL7581BC 16-Pin L7581AAE PDF


    Abstract: Le79232 schematic design for surge protector and electric PWC2010-200KF AC OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTOR FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR ST B1250T DZ23C16 GR-1089 raychem feedthrough
    Text: LCAS Devices Applications of the Zarlink LCAS Devices Protecting Line Card Access Switch LCAS Devices Application Note Abstract: This application note discusses the need for protection and presents ways to minimize stresses on the LCAS device. The LCAS has built-in protection but requires external protection circuitry to limit excessive voltages, currents, and

    Le75181, Le75183, Le75282 Le75181 Le79232 schematic design for surge protector and electric PWC2010-200KF AC OVER VOLTAGE PROTECTOR FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR ST B1250T DZ23C16 GR-1089 raychem feedthrough PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features • Small size/surface-mount packaging ■ Monolithic IC reliability ■ Low impulse noise ■ Make-before-break, break-before-make operation ■ Clean, bounce-free switching ■ Low, matched ON-resistance ■ Built-in current limiting, thermal shutdown, and SLIC

    L7581 PDF


    Abstract: L8581 Le75282
    Text: Le75181 Ringing Access Switch VE750 Series APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION „ „ „ „ „ The VoiceEdge™ family VE750 series of Line Card Access Switches LCAS is a family of monolithic solid-state switches that is designed to provide both power ringing access and test

    Le75181 VE750 Le75181A/B L7581A/B Le75181C L8581A Le75181 LE75181CSC L8581 Le75282 PDF


    Abstract: Le75181 L8581 L8581A IC 4009 DATASHEET SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit circuit diagram of surge protector for AC mains crowbar Le75181A trigger impulse generator
    Text: Le75181 Ringing Access Switch VE750 Series APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION „ „ „ „ „ The VoiceEdge™ family VE750 series of Line Card Access Switches LCAS is a family of monolithic solid-state switches that is designed to provide both power ringing access and test

    Le75181 VE750 Le75181A/B L7581A/B Le75181C L8581A Le75181 Le75181cbsc L8581 IC 4009 DATASHEET SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit circuit diagram of surge protector for AC mains crowbar Le75181A trigger impulse generator PDF


    Abstract: l7582 ringing cadence generator truth table of ic 7495 A ATTL7581AAE ATTL7581AAE-TR L7541 L7581 L7583 L7581AAE LUCENT
    Text: Data Sheet November 1999 L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features • Small size/surface-mount packaging ■ Monolithic IC reliability ■ Low impulse noise ■ Make-before-break, break-before-make operation ■ Clean, bounce-free switching ■ Low, matched ON-resistance

    L7581 DS00-050ALC DS99-014ALC) L7581AAE l7582 ringing cadence generator truth table of ic 7495 A ATTL7581AAE ATTL7581AAE-TR L7541 L7583 L7581AAE LUCENT PDF


    Abstract: Le75181 L8581 L8581A JESD22 LE75181ABSC LE75181BBSC
    Text: Le75181 Ringing Access Switch VE750 Series APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION „ „ „ „ „ The VoiceEdge™ family VE750 series of Line Card Access Switches LCAS is a family of monolithic solid-state switches that is designed to provide both power ringing access and test

    Le75181 VE750 Le75181A/B L7581A/B Le75181C L8581A Le75181cbsc Le75181 L8581 JESD22 LE75181ABSC LE75181BBSC PDF


    Text: CPC7581 Line Card Access Switch Features • Small 16 pin surface mount SOIC package • Monolithic IC reliability • Low matched RDSON • Eliminates the need for zero cross switching • Flexible switch timing to transition from ringing mode to idle/talk mode



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CPC7581 Line Card Access Switch Features • Small 16 pin surface mount SOIC package • Monolithic IC reliability • Low matched RDSON • Eliminates the need for zero cross switching • Flexible switch timing to transition from ringing mode to idle/talk mode

    CPC7581 DS-CPC7581-R1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Small size/surface-mount packaging • Monolithic IC reliability ■ Low impulse noise ■ Make-before-break, break-before-make operation ■ Clean, bounce-free switching ■ Low, matched ON-resistance ■ Built-in current limiting, thermal shutdown, and SLIC

    L7581 1000-piece L7581AAE PDF


    Abstract: L8581 L8581A LE75181BBSC Le75181 LE75181ABSC crowbar SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit JESD22 Le75181A
    Text: Le75181 A Ringing Access Switch VE750 Series Voice Solution APPLICATIONS DESCRIPTION „ „ „ „ „ The VoiceEdge™ family VE750 series of Line Card Access Switches LCAS is a family of monolithic solid-state switches that is designed to provide both power ringing access and test

    Le75181 VE750 Le75181A/B L7581A/B Le75181C LE75181CBSC L8581 L8581A LE75181BBSC Le75181 LE75181ABSC crowbar SCR TRIGGER PULSE circuit JESD22 Le75181A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet March 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features • Small size/surface-mount packaging ■ Monolithic IC reliability ■ Low impulse noise ■ Make-before-break, break-before-make operation

    OCR Scan
    L7581 switches324 DS97-198ALC DS97-007ALC) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet February 1997 m i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features main line, and hybrid fiber coax/fiber-in-the-loop ana­ log line card applications. The L7581 has three states: the idle talk state line break switches closed,

    OCR Scan
    L7581 DS97-007ALC DS95-019LCAS) DD5002b Q023b22 PDF

    truth table of ic 7495 A

    Abstract: L7581AAE
    Text: Data Sheet February 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features main line, and hybrid fiber coax/fiber-in-the-loop ana­ log line card applications. The L7581 has three states: the idle talk state line break switches closed,

    OCR Scan
    L7581 DS97-007ALC DS95-019LCAS) 005002b 0023b22 truth table of ic 7495 A L7581AAE PDF


    Abstract: L7541 L7581 L7582 L7583 LUCL7581AAE 7495 dip switch
    Text: Data Sheet February 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features main line, and hybrid fiber coax/fiber-in-the-loop ana­ log line card applications. The L7581 has three states: the idle talk state line break switches closed,

    OCR Scan
    L7581 Des49) DS97-007ALC DS95-019LCAS) D023fe 005D L7541 L7582 L7583 LUCL7581AAE 7495 dip switch PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet February 1997 m i c r o e l e c t r o n i c s group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features • Small size/surface-mount packaging ■ Monolithic IC reliability ■ No impulse noise ■ No zero cross switching required

    OCR Scan
    L7581 DS97-007ALC 019LCAS) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet December 1998 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations L7581 Ringing Access Switch Features • Small size/surface-mount packaging states: the idle talk state line break switches closed, ringing access switches open , the power ringing state (line break switches open, ringing access

    OCR Scan
    L7581 DS99-014ALC DS97-198ALC) PDF