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    SCR TO94 Search Results

    SCR TO94 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    P104 Coilcraft Inc Silicon Controlled Rectifier, Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CR08AS-12AET14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Thyristor Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR08AS-12AT14#B10 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 0.8A - Triac Low Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR5FM-12LB#BH0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 5A - Triac Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    BCR20CM-12LBA8#BB0 Renesas Electronics Corporation 600V - 20A - Triac Medium Power Use Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    SCR TO94 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: SCR Gate Drive NTE5578
    Text: NTE5576 & NTE5578 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR 175 Amps, TO94 Absolute Maximum Ratings: (TJ = +125°C unless otherwise specified) Repetitive Peak Voltages, VDRM & VRRM NTE5576 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600V

    NTE5576 NTE5578 NTE5576 SCR Gate Drive NTE5578 PDF


    Abstract: NTE5572 NTE5574 500v 50a scr 50A 1200V SCR SCR Gate Drive
    Text: NTE5570, NTE5572, & NTE5574 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR 125 Amp, TO94 Electrical Characteristics: (Maximum values @ TJ = +125°C unless otherwise specified) Repetitive Peak Voltages, VDRM & VRRM NTE5570 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200V

    NTE5570, NTE5572, NTE5574 NTE5570 NTE5572 nte5570 NTE5572 NTE5574 500v 50a scr 50A 1200V SCR SCR Gate Drive PDF


    Abstract: NTE5372 NTE537
    Text: NTE5371 & NTE5372 Silicon Controlled Rectifier SCR for High Speed Switching 125 Amp, TO94 Features: D All Diffused Design D Center Amplifying Gate D High Surge Current Capability D Low Thermal Impedance D High Speed Performance Applications: D Inverters

    NTE5371 NTE5372 195K/W 08K/W NTE5371 NTE5372 NTE537 PDF


    Abstract: ST333C0 ST083S08
    Text: SCR Inverters Part Number VRRM VDRM V IT(RMS) (A) I @T T(AV) C (A) (°C) VGT I TSM 50 Hz 60 Hz (V) (A) (A) IGT (mA) VTM @ ITM (V) tq (µs) R Θ JC (DC) Notes (°C/W) Fax-on-Demand TO-209AC (TO-94) to view a data sheet click on the part number ST083S10PF.0

    O-209AC ST083S10PF. ST083S12PF. ST083S04PF. ST083S08PF. ST103S04PF. ST103S08PF. IRKLF180-08H. IRKLF200-12H. IRKLF200-04H. ST103S08 ST333C0 ST083S08 PDF


    Abstract: st330c14c0 87105 T70RIA120 25RIA scr stud 218 IRKH26-12 IRKT41-12 T50RIA20 irkt71
    Text: International Rectifier Phase Control SCR Part Number V RRM V DRM V I T(RMS) (A) I T(AV) (A) @T (C) (°C) I TSM 50 Hz 60 Hz (A) (A) I V GT GT (V) (mA) V @I TM TM (V) (A) R Θ dv/dt (V/µs) (°C/W) Notes Fax-on-Demand D2Pak Thyristors D2Pak 16TTS08S 800 16

    16TTS08S 16TTS12S 16TTS16S 25TTS08S 25TTS12S 25TTS16S 16TTS08 16TTS12 16TTS16 25TTS08 P102K st330c14c0 87105 T70RIA120 25RIA scr stud 218 IRKH26-12 IRKT41-12 T50RIA20 irkt71 PDF


    Abstract: IT510 T510 BP107 P-24 80.125 scr TO94
    Text: T510 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 Phase Control SCR 50-80 Amperes (80-125 RMS) 600 Volts Scales s* 2 ” T510 Phase Control SCR

    OCR Scan
    BP107, a2700 IT510 T510 BP107 P-24 80.125 scr TO94 PDF

    SCR to-65

    Abstract: 03906GRF TO-65 TO-94 40c20b JANTX2N2329
    Text: Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Part Number SCR ID301 JAN2N2329 JAN2N2329S JANTX2N2329 JANTX2N2329S JANTXV2N2329 JANTXV2N2329S GB200 GB200A GB300 GB300A GB201 GB201A GB301 GB301A 40C10B 03902GRF 03902GUF 40C20B 03904GPF 03904GRF 03904GUF 40C40B 03906GPF 03906GRF

    OCR Scan

    TO93 package

    Abstract: TO93 15101GOB 2n2505 to-83 TO-93 package TO94 2N2507 scr 2N2504 150C120BIL
    Text: Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Part Number SCR 2N1804 2N4366 2N4376 70C100BIL 2N4367 2N4377 70C120BIL 08001 GOB 08002GOB 08004GOB 08006GOB 2N2503 15101GOB 2N2504 15102GOB 2N2505 2N2506 15104GOB 2N2507 2N2508 15106GOB 150C80BIL 150C100BIL 150C120BIL 175C60B

    OCR Scan
    O-209AB TO93 package TO93 15101GOB 2n2505 to-83 TO-93 package TO94 2N2507 scr 2N2504 150C120BIL PDF

    cs 23-12

    Abstract: scr 2308 CS 8-12 10MSA
    Text: , Thyristors SCRs SCR = Silicon Controlled Rectifier Phase Control Thyristors Thyristors are very rugged devices. Compared to all other semiconductor components, they feature the highest current capacity per chip area, espe­ cially at high voltage. They are mainly

    OCR Scan
    O-208AA O-208AC O-209AC cs 23-12 scr 2308 CS 8-12 10MSA PDF

    t500 02 06 AQ

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: mNBŒ X bME D • 7S T4bEl QOQbBSE öS? H P R X T510 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillls Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 POÜIEREX INC Phase Control SCR

    OCR Scan
    BP107, Gb357 t500 02 06 AQ PDF

    SCR 612

    Abstract: MJFR BP107 T500 T510 SCR gate Control IC PGM-16 SCR 500A scr TO94
    Text: m W B iB T500 C Powerex, Inc., 200 HSIIis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 412 925-7272 Powerex, Europe, S.A. 428 Avenue G. Durand, BP107, 72003 Le Mans, France (43) 41.14.14 Phase Control SCR 40-80 Amperes (63-125 RMS) 1600 Volts Ì* Scale » 2”

    OCR Scan
    BP107, SCR 612 MJFR BP107 T500 T510 SCR gate Control IC PGM-16 SCR 500A scr TO94 PDF

    SCR firing inverter circuit

    Abstract: types of scr packages scr specifications cehco how to check scr scr gate triggring circuit scr 1000 amps SCR Inverter 350CR SCR A281D
    Text: 4537491 HOLMES CARL E CO ^ 4 D E § 45374^1 0000034 7 94D 0 0 0 3 4 D T - ¿ Silicon Controlled Rectifiers Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCR’s) are used primarily to control the flow of electrical current in much the same way that potentiometers and relays are used.

    OCR Scan
    GD0DD34 The150 V4-28 SCR firing inverter circuit types of scr packages scr specifications cehco how to check scr scr gate triggring circuit scr 1000 amps SCR Inverter 350CR SCR A281D PDF


    Abstract: TO208AD ior scr IR 81RIA40 SCR scr stud 280 ST280S04P to-208ad ST230S16P st230s16p0 IR stud SCR
    Text: Phase Control SCR Internationa! IÖR Rectifier Part Number VRRM/ VD«M ’ «MS V (A) >TSM •T(AV) @ TC (a) (b) (A) (°Q (A) (A) VGT 1GT (V) (A) @ ! TM dv/th R(rÜC(DC) (V) (A) (V//j s ) (°C/W) Notes Fax c Demand Outline Number Key Thyristors ST230S16P0

    OCR Scan
    ST230S16P0 ST280S04P0V ST280SO6POV i253C 125LC ST180S04P2V 81RIA40 82RIA40 O-209AE O-118) s80500 TO208AD ior scr IR 81RIA40 SCR scr stud 280 ST280S04P to-208ad ST230S16P IR stud SCR PDF


    Abstract: lg 330 c 151
    Text: Phase Control SCR International IöR Rectifier V RRM/ ’ iSM Port V DRM 1RMS Number 00 A *T(*V) @ * C (A) (°C) (a) (b) VGT <61 (A) (A) (V) (A) @ I TMdv/dt R QfC(DC) (V) (A)(V//I>) (°C/W) Fax on Demand Case O utline Number Key Notes Thyristors TO-2Q9AE (TO -118 )

    OCR Scan
    ST300S04P0 ST300S08P0 ST300S12P0 ST300SI6P0 ST300S18P0 ST300S20P0 ST330S04P0 ST330S ST330S12PO ST330S14P0 lg 330 c 151 PDF


    Abstract: 125VC
    Text: phase Control SCR Internationa! I ö R Rectifier VRRM/ Part Number TSM V DRM ' ¡MS (V (A) *T(AV) @ T C (a) (A) (°C) (A) c (b) (A) VGT 1GT (V) (A) @ l dv/dt R e»C(DC) (V) (A) (V//i$) (°C/W) Demand Outline Number Key Notes Thyristors TO-2Q8AD (TO-83)

    OCR Scan
    2NI801 2N1802 2N1803 2N1804 125CC 125VC 125rC O-118) O-209AC O-208AD TO83 PDF

    SCR C60

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR D1651 2N2023 2N2024 2N2025 C60A C60F C60U C62A C62F
    Text: SCR C60.2 500 Volts 110 A RMS The General Electric C60 2N 2023-2N 2030 and C62 Series Silicon Con­ trolled Rectifiers are designed for high-current operation at extreme tem­ peratures. Rated as high as 110 amperes DC—with a maximum junction temperature of 150°C—they are especially suited for applications where

    OCR Scan
    2N2023-2N2030) SCR C60 TRANSISTOR D1651 2N2023 2N2024 2N2025 C60A C60F C60U C62A C62F PDF


    Abstract: 82R1A40 TO-209AE 1A120
    Text: Internationa! IG R Rectifier Phase Control SCR If5^1 V 8 M I/ Port Number VDRM '»»S 00 1T{AV @ T C o) (A) (A) fC ) 22 35 85 (A) Fin (b) (A) ve i *GT (V) (A) @ ' l * dv/dt * 0 K(DC) (V) (A) (V/pi) (°C/W) Notes on Case Demand Outline Number Key Thyristors

    OCR Scan
    1A120 ST180S04P1V ST180S04P2V B1RIA40 82R1A40 O-209AE O-118) O-209AC O-208AD O-208AC 22R1A120 82R1A40 TO-209AE PDF


    Abstract: 10RIA
    Text: Phase Control SCR International IQ R Rectifier V RRM/ *TSM V DRM 1 R«S Part Number V (A) 1T(AV) @ T C (a) (A) PQ Fax (b) (A) (A) % IgT ^ * 1 @ l (V) (A) (V) D em and Outline I d»/dt R0)C(DC) (A) (V //is ) (°C/W ) Notes Number Key Thyristors T0-208AA (TO-48)

    OCR Scan
    T0-208AA 150JC 81RIA40 82RIA40 10RIAl0M ST180S04P1V ST180S04P2V O-209AE O-118) TQ-209AC ST180S04P 10RIA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International Iö R Rectifier Phase Control SCR »R R M / Port Num ber TS M VDRM '«MS 00 A I T(AV} (A) @ *C (a) ("Q (b) (A) (A) V6T l 6T Vf« (V) (A) @ I TM (V) M ra * R q ,c{dc) (A) (V//us) (°C/W) Notes c Demand Outline Number Key Thyristors TO-2Û9AC (TO-94)

    OCR Scan
    80RIA40 80RIA80 80RIAI20 110RKJ40 S04P0V ST110S08P0V 10RKII20 ST110S12P0V ST1I0S14P0 IA10M PDF


    Abstract: RIA40 ST230S12P0 st230s14p ST230S12P0V
    Text: International IO R Rectifier Phase Control SCR V R»IHI/ Part Number Fox on Case Demand Outline Number Key *TSM V DRM RMS (V (A) ' t (AV) @ T c (A) r« j (•) (A) (b) (A) Y st •gt Yn« @ I TM dv/dt R G » C (D C ) (V) (A) (V/fis) (°C/W) (V) (A) Notes

    OCR Scan
    0S08P0 ST180S20P0 0S04P0 ST230S08P0V ST230S12P0V ST230S14P0 O-209AE O-118) O-209AC O-208AD RIA40 ST230S12P0 st230s14p PDF

    SCR 2N 689

    Abstract: 2n 690
    Text: In te rn a tio n a l IC2R Rectifier Phase Control SCR VM M / Part VDRM Number Fax on Cose Demand Outline Number Key 'iSM 1RMS V (A) 2N 685 200 16 2N 686 250 16 2N 687 300 16 *T(AV) @ Tc VGT 1GT ' f a dv/dt RQK(DC) (<») (b) (°C) (A) (A) 25 65 145 150 2

    OCR Scan
    2N691 TQ-209AE O-118) O-209AC O-208AD O-209AB O-208AC SCR 2N 689 2n 690 PDF


    Abstract: soria140
    Text: Phase Control SCR International IS2R Rectifier V RRM/ Part Number Fax on • tsm V DRM 1RMS A 00 *T(AV) @ Tc (A) (°C) (a) (A) M (A) VGT ! g T W m @>TM dv/dt RQ)C(DC) (V) (A) (V) (A) (V /p s) (°C/W) Notes Number Case O utline Key Thyristors TO -2 Q 8AC (T0 -6 S )

    OCR Scan
    ST180SG4P1V ST180S04P2V RIA40 82RIA40 O-118) O-208AD O-208AC soria140 PDF

    scr s-99

    Abstract: C60H dc
    Text: 7294621 POWEREX INC d F | 7 B c14ti5]i 0 Q 0 1 4 4 b ¿S'- / 7 SCR 500 Volts 110 A RMS The General Electric C60 2N2023-2N2030 and C62 Series Silicon Con­ trolled Rectifiers are designed for high-current operation at extreme tem­ peratures. Rated as high as 110 amperes DC—with a maximum junction

    OCR Scan
    c14ti5 2N2023-2N2030) MAX/10 scr s-99 C60H dc PDF


    Abstract: 25R1A80 25R1A60 scr 1A80 1A80 IR 81RIA40 SCR
    Text: Phase Control SCR International Iö R Rectifier V rrm / Part Number V DRM 1RMS M A 1 T(AV) @ T C (a) (A) (°C) (A) (b) (A) VGT 1GT (V) (A) (V) @ l dv/dt R 0JC(DC) (A) (V//is) (°C/W) Notes Demand Outline Number Key Thyristors 2 5 R IA 4 0 400 25 40 85

    OCR Scan
    81RIA40 82RIA40 10RIA10M. ST180SQ4P1V ST180S04P2V T0209AC O-209AE O-118) O-208AD T0-208AC 1a60 25R1A80 25R1A60 scr 1A80 1A80 IR 81RIA40 SCR PDF