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    SIEMENS EM 350 99 Search Results

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    diode sy-170

    Abstract: YL-1050 siemens rs 1003 TH-558 electron tube 7527 siemens rs 3060 cj yl 1042 yl 1050 tetrode siemens rs 1002 YL1057
    Text: Contents Selection Tables 5 8 Equivalent Transmitter Tubes 15 Symbols and Terms 17 Explanations on Technical Data 21 Data Sheets 37 Early Transmitter Tube Models 412 SCS on the Internet Creating new links er W vice W o rl d As of now you can tie up with Passive Components


    PLC siemens S7-200 cpu 222

    Abstract: plc em 231 em-232 siemens PLC siemens S7-200 EM277 PLC siemens S7-200 cpu 226 PLC S7 ladder logic of real time clock ppi cable to rs485 Wiring Diagram s7-200 siemens plc analog em 231
    Text: SIMATIC S7-200 Micro PLC General Description Ordering Information The SIMATIC S7-200 Micro PLC system offers a complete range of products to fit almost any control or automation application. Each compact S7-200 CPU unit is completely self-contained and includes the CPU, power supply, and

    S7-200 AuAD200AA0 6ES72921AE200AA0 6ES72921AG200AA0 6ES79720BA110XA0 6ES79720BB110XA0 6ES79720BA500XA0 PLC siemens S7-200 cpu 222 plc em 231 em-232 siemens PLC siemens S7-200 EM277 PLC siemens S7-200 cpu 226 PLC S7 ladder logic of real time clock ppi cable to rs485 Wiring Diagram s7-200 siemens plc analog em 231 PDF

    siemens r10 core

    Abstract: siemens ferrite n22 p14 CRASTIN CE 7931 Siemens Ferrite n27 RM Siemens Ferrite perminvar Siemens Ferrite n67 RM siemens siferrit al 400 siemens R10 K1 siferrit mt 500 b
    Text: SIFERRIT Materials Based on IEC 60401, the data specified here are typical data for the material in question, which have been determined principally on the basis of ring cores. The purpose of such characteristic material data is to provide the user with improved means for


    shortwave ssb

    Abstract: FUSE SIEMENS SIEMENS FUSE siemens 350 98 siemens tube rs tube Q81-X168 YL1011 Q81-X1401 Q81-X985
    Text: - Transmitter Tetrode RS 1082 C YL 1011/YL 1012 For single-sideband transmitters and TV transmitters Coaxial metal-ceramic tetrode for frequencies up to 250 MHz, forced-air-cooled or vapor-cooled,

    C-Archiv-DB/GG-RO-engl/DB-Senderoehren-96 BNR-B442-P4213-X-X- 1011/YL Q51-X1082 Q53-X1082 Zub31V shortwave ssb FUSE SIEMENS SIEMENS FUSE siemens 350 98 siemens tube rs tube Q81-X168 YL1011 Q81-X1401 Q81-X985 PDF

    3 phase motor soft starter circuit diagram

    Abstract: star delta wiring diagram motor start y SIEMENS SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS FC 6XV1 830-3EH10 catalog for 3RT series contactor* siemens siemens EN 60947 VDE 0660 IEC 947 induction motor soft starter 3 phase motor soft starter circuit 6ES7 134-4JB50-0AB0 ET200s F-CPU IM151-7 3RV19 21 1M
    Text: Load Feeders, Motor Starters and Soft Starters 6/2 6/4 6/5 6/12 6/15 Introduction 3RW Soft Starters General data 3RW30, 3RW31 for standard applications 3RW40 for standard applications 3RW44 for High Feature applications 6/46 3RA Fuseless Load Feeders General data

    3RW30, 3RW31 3RW40 3RW44 3RA11 3RA12 3RV19 3RE19 13-1CB1 3 phase motor soft starter circuit diagram star delta wiring diagram motor start y SIEMENS SIMATIC NET PROFIBUS FC 6XV1 830-3EH10 catalog for 3RT series contactor* siemens siemens EN 60947 VDE 0660 IEC 947 induction motor soft starter 3 phase motor soft starter circuit 6ES7 134-4JB50-0AB0 ET200s F-CPU IM151-7 3RV19 21 1M PDF

    TCA 700 v

    Abstract: TCA 700 TCA 160 TCA 150 t 6 pin TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PA A 671 transistor TR 671 TOP 2 TCA971 Tca671 671 transistor
    Text: 47E D m ÖEBSbQS 003MÖ70 b « S I E G SI EM EN S A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F Transistor Array with 5 NPN Transistors TCA 671 TCA 871 TCA 971 TCA 991 Features Bipolar IC • • • • • Versatile use Slight l/BE and B deviations High output current

    OCR Scan
    235b05 Q67000-T1 P-DIP-14 Q67000-A2366 P-DSO-14 Q67000-T2 Q67000-A2367 Q67000-T11 TCA 700 v TCA 700 TCA 160 TCA 150 t 6 pin TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PA A 671 transistor TR 671 TOP 2 TCA971 Tca671 671 transistor PDF

    intel 8035

    Abstract: 8035 instruction set SAB 8048 p D 8035 intel 8048 8035
    Text: 47E » SIEM EN S • ô535bDS DDETSÜB * « S I E G SIEMENS AKT IENGESELLSCHAF - r - m 8 Bit Single Chip Microcontroller - f t - o SAB 8035/8048 obsolescent Type Extended Temperature Range: - 40 to + 85 C - 40 to + 110 "C SAB 8048-P-T40/85 SAB 8048-P-T40/110

    OCR Scan
    535bDS 8048-P-T40/85 8048-P-T40/110 8035L-P-T40/85 Q67120-C133 Q67120-C162 Q67120-C140 intel 8035 8035 instruction set SAB 8048 p D 8035 intel 8048 8035 PDF

    siemens em 350 99

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS s id e v i e w t o p v ie w IRMS6400 IRMT6400 4 Mb Infrared Data Transceiver Preliminary FEATURES Fully C om pliant w ith IrDA Specification Data Rates 9.6 Kb/s to 4.0 M b /s W ide Range of Supply V oltage 2.7 to 5.5 V Standby Current 3.3 m A a t 5.0 V Typical

    OCR Scan
    IRMS6400 IRMT6400 S/T6400 siemens em 350 99 PDF

    marking A7s

    Abstract: siemens em 350 99 DIODE marking 351
    Text: SIEMENS Silicon Switching Diode Array BAV 99 Features • For high-speed switching • Connected in series Type Marking Ordering Code tape and reel BAV 99 A7s Q68000-A549 Pin Configuration Package1) SOT-23 3 ¿— EH I IX ° P U 07005 Maximum Ratings per Diode

    OCR Scan
    Q68000-A549 OT-23 BAV99 M0076 marking A7s siemens em 350 99 DIODE marking 351 PDF


    Abstract: BCY 85 BCY58 Q60203-Y58 Q60203-Y58-G Q60203-Y58-H Q60203-Y58-J Q60203-Y58-K Q60203-Y59 Q60203-Y59-G
    Text: 2SC » • 023SbQS GGQM30b 3 « S I E G NPN Silicon Planar Transistors - 2 5C 0 4 3 0 6 BCY 58 BCY59 D - BCY 65 E BCY 58, BCY 59, and BCY 65 E are epitaxial NPN silicon Planartransistors in T 0 18 cases 18 A 3 DIN 41876 . The collector is electrically connected to the case. The transistors

    OCR Scan
    23Sb05 BCY58 BCY59 Q60203-Y58 Q60203-Y58-G Q60203-Y58-H Q60203-Y58-J Q60203-Y58-K Q60203-Y59 Q60203-Y59-G BCY 85 Q60203-Y58 Q60203-Y58-G Q60203-Y58-H Q60203-Y58-J Q60203-Y58-K Q60203-Y59 Q60203-Y59-G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BFQ 81 NPN Silicon RF Transistor • For low-noise amplifiers up to 2GHz and broadband analog and digital applications in telecommunications systems at collector currents from 0.5 mA to 20 mA. ESP: Electrostatic discharge sensitive device, observe handling precaution!

    OCR Scan
    Q62702-F1049 OT-23 900MHz PDF

    ic 8035

    Abstract: 8035 8243p intel 8035 processor 8035 8035L-P 8035 instruction set D 8243 C SAB8035 8035lp
    Text: SIEM ENS 8 Bit Single Chip Microcontroller SAB 8035/8048 obsolescent Type Extended Temperature Range: - 40 to + 85 C - 4 0 to + 110 C SAB 8048-P-T40/85 SAB 8048-P-T40/110 SAB 8035L-P-T40/85 • • • • • • • • • Mask Programmable ROM Mask Programmable ROM

    OCR Scan
    8048-P-T40/85 8048-P-T40/110 8035L-P-T40/85 ic 8035 8035 8243p intel 8035 processor 8035 8035L-P 8035 instruction set D 8243 C SAB8035 8035lp PDF

    TRANSISTOR si 6822

    Abstract: LM 3140 si 6822 transistor transistor 6822 si transistors Si 6822 lm3140 SN-72500 transistors br 6822 Siemens technische transistor 6823
    Text: Technische Erläuterungen SIEMENS Allgem eines O ptoelektronische Bauelem ente haben in der m odernen Elektronik und dam it in fast allen Bereichen unseres Lebens weiten Eingang gefunden. Sie sind in hohem Maße an dem Um stellungsprozeß von Mechanik auf Elektronik beteiligt und haben, aufgrund ihrer Funktion als

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: SAB 8051 p
    Text: SIEM ENS 8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller SAB 8051 A/8031 A SAB 8051 A/8051 A-16 Microcontroller with factory maskprogrammable ROM SAB 8031 A/8031 A-16 Microcontroller for external ROM SAB 8051A/8031A, 12 MHz operation SAB 8051 A-16/8031 A-16, 16 MHz operation

    OCR Scan
    051A/8031A, 16-bit P-DIP-40 PL-CC-44 P-DIP-40 51A-P 67120-C P-DIP-40) SIEMENS SAB 8051A-P SAB 8051 p PDF

    transistor vergleichsliste

    Abstract: OC44 AD149 ASZ16 siemens transistor asy 27 AF124 ASZ15 GD241 transistor gc301 AC125F
    Text: TRANSISTOR VERGLEICHSLISTE Teil 1: G erm anium transistoren ra d io -television T ran sistorvergleichsliste T eil 1 : G erm anium transistoren TRANSISTOR V E R G L E I C H S LI S T E T eil 1: G erin an iu u itran sisto ren M IL IT Ä R V E R L A G D E R D E U T S C H E N D E M O K R A T IS C H E N

    OCR Scan

    siemens ISDN-NTBA

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Æ 7 SCS-THOMSON GS1T70-D540 ISDN DC-DC CONVERTER PRELIMINARY DATA FEATURES • W ide input voltage range: 25 V to 115V ■ Peak in p u t o ve rvo lta g e w ith sta n d : 1kV for 1,2/50|xs ■ Peak overvoltage withstand on O utput 2 40V : 250V for 1 0 /7 0 0 |iS

    OCR Scan
    GS1T70-D540 K1400 siemens ISDN-NTBA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS HLMP-2300/-2600 Series YELLOW HLMP-2400/-2700 Series GREEN HLMP-2500/-2800 Series SUPER-RED LED Light Bars Package D im ensions in Inches mm HLMP-2300, -2400, -2500 HLMP-2620, ‘2720, -2820 • * j- .399(10 16)max f-»- 799 (20 32) max 020 (5) 200(5 08)

    OCR Scan
    HLMP-2300/-2600 HLMP-2400/-2700 HLMP-2500/-2800 HLMP-2620, HLMP-2300, HLMP-2350, HLMP-2655, HLMP2500 HLMP2550 HLMP2800 LF-20 PDF

    SIEMENS B 58 371

    Abstract: 8032A-P siemens b 58 371 ba intel 80 8032AP intel 80c52 SAB 8051 p 8052A movx interfacing of RAM and ROM with 8085
    Text: 4?E D SIEM EN S • 053SbDS 002^015 b « S I E G SIEMENS AKT IEN6ESELLSCHAF 8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller SAB 8052A/8032A Ext. Temp. Preliminary Extended Temperature Range: - 40" to + 85 "C - 40" to + 100 °C SAB 8052A-T40/85 SAB 8052A-T40/100 . . .

    OCR Scan
    053SbDS 052A-T40/85 052A-T40/100 032A-T40/85 032A-T40/100 052A/8032A 16-bit PLCC44 23SbDS SIEMENS B 58 371 8032A-P siemens b 58 371 ba intel 80 8032AP intel 80c52 SAB 8051 p 8052A movx interfacing of RAM and ROM with 8085 PDF

    capacitor tnr 471

    Abstract: 15g390k TNR 471 15g821k SIEMENS LIGHTNING ARRESTORS 15G470K 15g470km ERZC14DK391 ERZ-C14DK390 TNR-15G470KM
    Text: TYPE VSA VARISTORS TRANSIENT / SURGE ABSORBER APPLICATIONS FEATURES Transistor, diode, IC, thyristor and triac semiconductor protection. Surge protection in consumer electronics. Surge protection in industrial electronics. Surge protection in communication, measuring and

    OCR Scan
    610mm capacitor tnr 471 15g390k TNR 471 15g821k SIEMENS LIGHTNING ARRESTORS 15G470K 15g470km ERZC14DK391 ERZ-C14DK390 TNR-15G470KM PDF

    K4A 206

    Abstract: zv43 tua4300 s0833 S08330 K43T k32 smd
    Text: SIEMENS One-Chip Car Radio 1 Overview 1.1 Application TUA 4300 The TUA 4300 is a one-chip car radio system consist­ ing of AM/FM receiver, AM-up/down conversion, AGC amplifier/demodulator, FM-IF limiter amplifier/demodu­ lator and stereo Decoder/noise blanker.

    OCR Scan
    P-MQFP-64-1 EM-BIDICl64x K4A 206 zv43 tua4300 s0833 S08330 K43T k32 smd PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 3.3V 4M x 64/72-Bit 1 BANK SDRAM Module 3.3V 8M x 64/72-Bit 2 BANK SDRAM Module HYS64 72 V4200GU-8/-10 HYS64(72)V8220GU-8/-10 PC66 & PC100 168 pin unbuffered DIMM Modules • 168 Pin unbuffered 8 Byte Dual-In-Line SDRAM Modules for PC main memory applications

    OCR Scan
    64/72-Bit HYS64 V4200GU-8/-10 V8220GU-8/-10 PC100 4Mx72 V4200/8220G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 3.3V 1M X 64-Bit EDO-DRAM Module 3.3V 1M X 72-Bit EDO-DRAM Module HYM64V1005GU-50/-60/-70 HYM72V1005GU-50/-60/-70 168pin unbuffered DIMM Module with serial presence detect Preliminary Information • 168 Pin JEDEC Standard, Unbuffered 8 Byte Dual In-Line Memory Module

    OCR Scan
    64-Bit 72-Bit HYM64V1005GU-50/-60/-70 HYM72V1005GU-50/-60/-70 168pin V1005GU-50/-60/-70 L-DIM-168-10 PDF


    Abstract: mosfet BUZ 326 BUZ MOSFET 334 spd14n05 mosfet BUZ 349 mosfet buz 90a BUZ 100 MOSFET bup202 BUZ MOSFET 102s BUZ MOSFET 111S
    Text: SIEMENS Power Semiconductors MOS Transistors IGBTs Duo-Packs FREDs U ♦ BS 107 200 26.00 0.8. 2.0 0.13 TO-92 BSS 192 -240 20.00 -2.0. .-0.8 BS 170 60 5.00 0.8. 2.0 0.30 TO-92 BSS 229 250 100.00 -1.8. .-0.7 0.07 TO-92 BSO 307N 30 0.075 1.2. 2.0 4.2 SO-8

    OCR Scan
    615NV BSP318S BUZ MOSFET mosfet BUZ 326 BUZ MOSFET 334 spd14n05 mosfet BUZ 349 mosfet buz 90a BUZ 100 MOSFET bup202 BUZ MOSFET 102s BUZ MOSFET 111S PDF

    STT 3 SIEMENS 431

    Abstract: 80c517 Siemens sab 2793b-p
    Text: bOE D • fl2 3 5 fc iO S G G H 7T23 S IE M E N S SIEMENS 152 « S IE G A K T IE N G E S E L L S C H A F ^ High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller ^ e=r - / 9 - o 7 SAB 80C517/80C537 Advanced Information SAB 80C517 SAB 80C537 Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM

    OCR Scan
    80C517 80C537 80C517/80C537 32-bit 16-bit 80C515 023SbOS 80C517/83C537 P-LCC-84 STT 3 SIEMENS 431 Siemens sab 2793b-p PDF