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    Siemens ofw

    Abstract: pmb4420 PMB5420 Siemens pmb 4420 PMB 4420 siemens matsua saw 45 B8103 PMB 5420 SAW-Filter siemens matsua saw
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Application Note Matching the B8103 ISM-IF-Filter to Siemens PMB4420 and PMB5420 Horst Germann S+M OFW E MF January 29, 1999 Munich, Germany Reg.-No.: MFAPP04A Siemens Matsushita Components SAW Components Application: Matching the B8103 ISM-IF-Filter

    B8103 PMB4420 PMB5420 MFAPP04A DIP18D PMB5420 Siemens ofw Siemens pmb 4420 PMB 4420 siemens matsua saw 45 PMB 5420 SAW-Filter siemens matsua saw PDF

    PMB 4420

    Abstract: Siemens pmb 4420 "Matsua Components" resistor B8104 pmb4420 OFW K 1950 Siemens ofw matsushita resistor Siemens matsua capacitor matsua resistor network
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Application Note Matching the B8104 DECT-IF-Filter to an Open Collector Chip Set e.g. Siemens PMB4420 Horst Germann S+M OFW E MF October 30, 1998 Munich, Germany Reg.-No.: MFAPP01B Siemens Matsushita Components SAW Components

    B8104 PMB4420) MFAPP01B DIP18D PMB 4420 Siemens pmb 4420 "Matsua Components" resistor pmb4420 OFW K 1950 Siemens ofw matsushita resistor Siemens matsua capacitor matsua resistor network PDF

    Siemens pmb 4420

    Abstract: PMB 4420 Siemens ofw B8100 pmb4420 SAW-Filter siemens matsua saw filter saw Siemens matsua PMB4420 V1.3 IC/Siemens ofw
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Application Note Matching the B8100 DECT-IF-Filter to an Open Collector Chip Set e.g. Siemens PMB4420 Horst Germann S+M OFW E MF September 02, 1998 Munich, Germany Reg.-No.: MFAPP02B Siemens Matsushita Components SAW Components

    B8100 PMB4420) MFAPP02B DIP18D Siemens pmb 4420 PMB 4420 Siemens ofw pmb4420 SAW-Filter siemens matsua saw filter saw Siemens matsua PMB4420 V1.3 IC/Siemens ofw PDF

    Siemens ofw

    Abstract: siemens off saw filter B3550 SIMID02 RF pcb antenna 434 siemens 433.92 433.92mhz rf receiver SIEMENS saw filter 433.92mhz BCX70K
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Schematic and PCB layout for a keyless-entry ASK receiver working at 433.92 MHz App. Note #6 Author: Updated: Department: Alexander Glas December 5, 1998 S+M OFW-EU-AS Siemens Matsushita Components SAW Components Application: ASK Receiver for the ISM Band @ 433.92MHz

    92MHz SIMID02 B3551 UAA3201 UAA3201 B3551 Siemens ofw siemens off saw filter B3550 SIMID02 RF pcb antenna 434 siemens 433.92 433.92mhz rf receiver SIEMENS saw filter 433.92mhz BCX70K PDF


    Abstract: siemens matsushita saw 45 SAW-Filter B3550 Siemens ofw filter saw Siemens matsua
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Matching of the B3550 and optimising the crosstalk by evaluating a good RF layout App. Note #4 Author: Updated: Department: Alexander Glas June 26, 1998 S+M OFW-EU-AS Siemens Matsushita Components SAW Components Application: Matching and optimised PCB for B3550

    B3550 B3550 434MHz. B355X 434m siemens matsushita saw 45 SAW-Filter Siemens ofw filter saw Siemens matsua PDF

    diode t25 4 G9

    Abstract: diode t25 4 g8 diode t25 4 c5 diode t25 4 g0 TRANSISTOR G13 diode t25 4 c4 BFP420 diode t25 4 c6 filter saw Siemens matsua siemens matsushita saw 45
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Application Note Using the B4204 PCN 2in1 Filter with a LNA based on the BFP420 RF Transistor Horst Germann S+M OFW E MF October 30, 1998 Munich, Germany Reg.-No.: MFAPP03A Siemens Matsushita Components SAW Components Application: Using B4204 with a LNA based on BFP420

    B4204 BFP420 MFAPP03A BFP420 L585C) diode t25 4 G9 diode t25 4 g8 diode t25 4 c5 diode t25 4 g0 TRANSISTOR G13 diode t25 4 c4 diode t25 4 c6 filter saw Siemens matsua siemens matsushita saw 45 PDF

    tuner LG

    Abstract: TO39 package STTH Tuner matsushita SIEMENS saw if filter Siemens ofw lg tuner siemens off saw filter saw tv if filters SAW-Filter
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Minimising the crosstalk of SAT-SAW filter by using an optimized PCB layout App. Note #9 Abstract: The crosstalk level of SAT SAW filters has a strong influence on the selectivity as well as amplitude- and group delay ripple. The crosstalk depends on the PCB layout.



    Abstract: K9253M K2958M K2977M k9260m G1966M SAW FILTER K3255K K9456M G1966M G1984M
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components IF Filters for Intercarrier Applications Picture Carrier MHz Type PC - SC Distance MHz 36.88 38.00 B1952M K2953M K2958M K2959M K2963M K2965M K2972M K2973M K6264K K6264K K6265K K6265K K6268K K6277K K6277K K6284K M1973D G1872M G1875M

    B1952M K2953M K2958M K2959M K2963M K2965M K2972M K2973M K6264K L9453M K9253M K2958M K2977M k9260m G1966M SAW FILTER K3255K K9456M G1966M G1984M PDF

    siemens B4203

    Abstract: B4570 Siemens ofw b4677 siemens saw filters QCC8B DCC-14 QCC12B QCC10B B4209
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components RF Filters for Cellular Phone Center Frequency MHz Type 1,5 dB Insertion Bandwidth Attenuation MHz dB Package Application 836,5 836,5 B4657 B4681 30,0 31,0 2,8 2,3 DCC6 DCC6 AMPS Tx AMPS Tx 836,5 836,5 B4690 B4111 31,0 30,0 3,0

    B4657 B4681 B4690 B4111 B4660 B4658 B4682 B4691 B4677 B4687 siemens B4203 B4570 Siemens ofw b4677 siemens saw filters QCC8B DCC-14 QCC12B QCC10B B4209 PDF


    Abstract: Siemens ofw G B5547 B2578 B5504 B3623 B3625 B3634 B4540 DCC18
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Basestation Filters Center Frequency MHz 71,00 90,00 190,00 227,00 * : Type B3625 B3623 B3626 B3621 Bandwidth 3 dB MHz Bandwidth Insertion Out of Band Package 20 dB Attenuation Rejection MHz dB dB Application 0,34 0,35 0,85 1,83

    B3625 B3623 B3626 B3621 DCC18 DCC14B QCC12 18dB-bandwidth B3634 QCC12 Siemens ofw G B5547 B2578 B5504 B3623 B3625 B3634 B4540 DCC18 PDF


    Abstract: B8100 matsushita resistor network matsua resistor network siemens 4261 F0110 Siemens ofw ofw 367 siemens matsua saw filter saw Siemens matsua
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Application Note Calculation of Matching Networks for SAW Filters Abstract: This application note demonstrates the use of impedance values both of filter and chip sets in the calculation of all matching networks possible. Starting out with a practical example,

    MFAPP05A B4907 B8100 matsushita resistor network matsua resistor network siemens 4261 F0110 Siemens ofw ofw 367 siemens matsua saw filter saw Siemens matsua PDF

    R707 433,92 MHz

    Abstract: saw Colpitts circuit design SM r707 SAW s m r707 r707 saw colpitts oscillator resonator 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator TO39 SAW R707 siemens r707 433.92 loop antenna
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Principles of SAWR-stabilized oscillators and transmitters. App: Note #1 This application note describes the principles of SAW-stabilized oscillator design. Oscillator types for one- and two-port SAW resonators are discussed.

    92MHz BFS17P R707 433,92 MHz saw Colpitts circuit design SM r707 SAW s m r707 r707 saw colpitts oscillator resonator 433.92 Mhz two-port saw resonator TO39 SAW R707 siemens r707 433.92 loop antenna PDF

    c55 siemens

    Abstract: SIEMENS saw filter 433.92mhz rf receiver B3550 UAA3201T Siemens ofw siemens matsua saw 45 siemens matsua saw filter saw Siemens matsua matsua saw
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components Preamplifier – SAW filter section for a receiver in the ISM band @ 433.92MHz App. Note #8 Abstract: In this application a preamplifier is described. The amplifier simplifies the matching of the antenna to the SAW-filter and increases the system sensitivity by reducing the

    92MHz 92MHz B3550 c55 siemens SIEMENS saw filter 433.92mhz rf receiver UAA3201T Siemens ofw siemens matsua saw 45 siemens matsua saw filter saw Siemens matsua matsua saw PDF

    aktive elektronische bauelemente 2

    Abstract: Siemens E10D Siemens ofw G Siemens ofw zwischenfrequenz OFW G 1968
    Text: Mobilkommunikation als Wachstumsmotor Erfolg durch Innovation Mobilität und Kommunikation sind gleichermaßen Grundanliegen und Grundbedürfnisse der Menschen. Die elektronische Kommunikationstechnik bringt beides auf einen Nenner. Den Schlüssel für die Mobilkommunikation bilden elektronische Bauelemente und



    Abstract: B4535 Y6971T Y6972T Y6972 ZF-filter Y6932T Y6930 SM B4535 B4536
    Text: Klaus Ruffing Schnurlos-Telefone erfolgreich mit OFW-Filter Hersteller von SchnurlosTelefonen bedienen sowohl den Massenmarkt mit Lowcost-Versionen als auch den professionellen Bereich mit High-performance-Geräten. S+M bietet hier mit einem großen Spektrum an HFund ZF-OFW-Filter für jede

    100-Millionen-Grenze Y6930T B4535 Y6971T Y6972T Y6972 ZF-filter Y6932T Y6930 SM B4535 B4536 PDF

    epcos r707

    Abstract: siemens r707 SM RX 433 saw resonator r2632 B3530 epcos r708 R2632 resonator R708 EPCOS r707 SM r707 SAW
    Text: Designing the Future Immer höhere Ansprüche an Komfort und Sicherheit im Kfz haben die Nachfrage nach Keyless-Entry-Systemen sprunghaft ansteigen lassen. Waren diese elektronischen Schließsysteme in der Vergangenheit Fahrzeugen der Oberklasse vorbehalten, setzen sie sich heute mehr und



    Abstract: Siemens ofw G1962M S M G1962M "if amplifier" siemens TDA audio power amplifier envelope detector circuit amplitude demodulation tda audio ics TDA audio amplifier circuits TDA 452
    Text: ICs for Consumer Electronics Multistandard Video-PLL-Demodulator QPT-IF DF-Mixer AM-AF Sound Demodulator TDA 6930 Version 1.0 Data Sheet 02.97 TDA 6930 Revision History: Current Version: 02.97 Previous Version: Page Page in previous (in current Version Version)

    GPS05123 P-DSO-28-1 GPS05697 P-DSO-32-1 GPD05546 P-SDIP-30-1 L9453M Siemens ofw G1962M S M G1962M "if amplifier" siemens TDA audio power amplifier envelope detector circuit amplitude demodulation tda audio ics TDA audio amplifier circuits TDA 452 PDF


    Abstract: 8 PIN SMD IC 314-150 k3264 K2977M L9453M ofw g 3254 b684 saw filter k6272k K9260M SIEMENS saw filter 44 MHz M3951M
    Text: Siemens Matsushita Components One Port Resonators Center Frequency MHz 239,75 297,80 303,83 304,25 304,30 308,50 314,50 315,00 315,00 315,00 345,00 390,00 392,85 403,05 403,55 407,25 417,50 418,00 423,17 Type Frequency Frequency Insertion Tolerance Tolerance Attenuation


    OFWG 1958

    Abstract: Siemens ofw ofwg OFW G 1958 nf 739 mosfet siemens ofwg saw filter k68 SMD SIEMENS saw filter siemens ofwg pll uhf oscillator
    Text: S IE M E N S VHF/UHF Tuner IC TUA 2017-X Preliminary Data Bipolar IC Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Combined UHF/Hyperband/VHF-Tuner-IC 3 oscillators and 3 mixers Only 3 frequency bands for the complete frequency range required

    OCR Scan
    2017-X OFWG 1958 Siemens ofw ofwg OFW G 1958 nf 739 mosfet siemens ofwg saw filter k68 SMD SIEMENS saw filter siemens ofwg pll uhf oscillator PDF


    Abstract: OFW G 1958 Q67000-A8239
    Text: SIEMENS VHF/UHF Tuner IC TUA 2017-X Preliminary Data Bipolar IC Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Combined UHF/Hyperband/VHF-Tuner-IC 3 oscillators and 3 mixers Only 3 frequency bands for the complete frequency range required

    OCR Scan
    TUA2017-X HP8970A TUA2017X OFW G 1958 Q67000-A8239 PDF

    js 1088

    Abstract: hyper BAND TV TUNER pin TUA2007X all mosfet vhf power amplifier FA-MT afvh l718a siemens TUA oszillator TUA2007
    Text: SIEMENS Preliminary Data Sheet TUA 2007 X VHF/UHF-Tuner IC This integrated circuit permits the design of TV tuners covering the entire frequency range from 48.860 MHz with a division into 3 bands. Application All tuners in TV- and VCR-sets Features: • Combined UHF /Hyperband / VHF-Tuner-IC

    OCR Scan
    Q6700Q-A8195 P-DSO-28 2007X js 1088 hyper BAND TV TUNER pin TUA2007X all mosfet vhf power amplifier FA-MT afvh l718a siemens TUA oszillator TUA2007 PDF

    RF based remote control APPLICATION

    Abstract: ANT013 Telefunken Taschenbuch rf remote automotive temic TEMIC ANT019 ANT019 taschenbuch
    Text: Editorial Information Some chapters of this Design Guide were released as single Application Notes or Design Hints before. For your information, each title, issue date and author is given below according to the sequence the texts appear as chapters within this Design Guide.

    OCR Scan
    U2740B ANT012, ANT013, U2270B RF based remote control APPLICATION ANT013 Telefunken Taschenbuch rf remote automotive temic TEMIC ANT019 ANT019 taschenbuch PDF

    Siemens ofw

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS ICs for Consumer Electronics Multistandard Video-PLL-Demodulator QPT-IF DF-Mixer AM-AF Sound Demodulator TDA 6930 Version 1.0 Data Sheet 02.97 TDA 6930 Revision History: Current Version: 02.97 Previous Version: Page in previous Version Page (in current

    OCR Scan
    P-SDIP-30-1 Siemens ofw PDF


    Abstract: SDA 3202-3 Siemens ofw k682 MOSFET OFWG K68A ofw m 1958 oszillator k682 BB515B
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet SIEMENS TUA 2007 X VHF/UHF-Tuner IC This integrated circuit permits the design of TV tuners covering the entire frequency range from 48.860 MHz with a division into 3 bands. Application All tuners in TV- and VCR-sets Features: • Combined UHF /Hyperband /VHF-Tuner-IC

    OCR Scan
    13-rr C2071 SDA 3202-3 Siemens ofw k682 MOSFET OFWG K68A ofw m 1958 oszillator k682 BB515B PDF