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    "MOSFET Drivers"

    Abstract: MLP33-10 MOSFET DRIVER circuits MOSFET DRIVERS bootstrap diode half bridge MOSFET driver IC Si9912 Si9913 SiP41101 SiP41103
    Text: Half-Bridge MOSFET Drivers for High-Efficiency Power Control FEATURES • Drives MOSFETs in 4.5- to 50-V systems • Up to 4-A peak drive current • 250-kHz to 1-MHz switching frequency • Synchronous enable/disable option • Break-before-make circuit • Bootstrapped high-side drive

    250-kHz Si99xx, SiP411xx Si9913 SiP41101 TSSOP-16 SiP42101 SiP41103 "MOSFET Drivers" MLP33-10 MOSFET DRIVER circuits MOSFET DRIVERS bootstrap diode half bridge MOSFET driver IC Si9912 Si9913 PDF

    auto turn off battery charger using LM317

    Abstract: lm317 so-8 LM317 auto charger LM79XX Siliconix mosfet guide sot23-5 LDO Regulator Controller FM1233 SI9120 LM317 SOT223 24v voltage regulator 120 volt input 24 volt output
    Text: Power IC Selector Guide Vishay Siliconix 2201 Laurelwood Road P.O. Box 54951 Santa Clara, CA 95056 Phone: +1 408 988 8000 Fax: +1 408 567 8950 NOTICE The information in this catalog has been carefully checked for accuracy, and though it is believed to be correct,

    UCC3800PW SiP2800DQ UCC3801D UCC2804D SiP2801DY UCC3801PW SiP2801DQ UCC3802D SiP2802DY UCC3802PW auto turn off battery charger using LM317 lm317 so-8 LM317 auto charger LM79XX Siliconix mosfet guide sot23-5 LDO Regulator Controller FM1233 SI9120 LM317 SOT223 24v voltage regulator 120 volt input 24 volt output PDF