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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TBAW56 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 80 V, 0.215 A, SOT23 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    HN1D05FE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 400 V, 0.1 A, ES6 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCWA1225G Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation High Power Switch / SPDT / WCSP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCK126BG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Load Switch IC, 1 to 5.5 V, 1 A, WCSP4G Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    1SS387 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Switching Diode, 80 V, 0.1 A, SOD-523 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation


    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch

    Abstract: SITAC telefunken ta 750 termocouple j BRT21H BRT21-H 83690
    Text: 2 BR 21, 22, 23 Vishay Telefunken SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch with zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current

    0884-approved IF/IFT25 SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch SITAC telefunken ta 750 termocouple j BRT21H BRT21-H 83690 PDF


    Abstract: Vishay BRT 21 BRT21H BRT21-H
    Text: 2 BRT 21, 22, 23 Vishay Telefunken SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch with zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current

    0884-approved IF/IFT25 SITAC Vishay BRT 21 BRT21H BRT21-H PDF


    Abstract: termocouple A11 MARKING CODE transistor a1020 C67079-A1020-A6 C67079-A1021-A10 C67079-A1021-A6 C67079-A1022-A6 C67079-A1050-A16 C67079-A1051-A11
    Text: BRT 21, BRT 22, BRT 23 SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch with zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    0884-approved C67079-A1020-A6 C67079-A1050-A16 IF/IFT25 A1051 termocouple A11 MARKING CODE transistor a1020 C67079-A1020-A6 C67079-A1021-A10 C67079-A1021-A6 C67079-A1022-A6 C67079-A1050-A16 C67079-A1051-A11 PDF


    Abstract: OPTOCOUPLER for thyristor gate how to interface optocoupler with triac Triac 380v OPTOCOUPLER thyristor triac driver opto ac single phase 220v low power factor improve circuit diagram converter from 110v to 220v schematic diagram driver thyristor Three phase mosfet ac switch
    Text: SITAC: An Optocoupler AC-Switch Introduction The new SITAC AC switch SITAC = Siemens Isolated Triac AC switch in SIPMOS technology provides an optically isolated interface between microelectronics and AC power electronics. Its voltage capability and interference immunity are adequate for 110-V and


    transistor A1002

    Abstract: a1042 A11 MARKING CODE C67079-A1041-A8 C67079-A1000-A10 C67079-A1000-A6 C67079-A1001-A10 C67079-A1001-A6 C67079-A1002-A6 C67079-A1041-A11
    Text: BRT 11, BRT 12, BRT 13 SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch without zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    0884-approved C67079-A1000-A6 C67079-A1000-A10 C67079- IF/IFT25 transistor A1002 a1042 A11 MARKING CODE C67079-A1041-A8 C67079-A1000-A10 C67079-A1000-A6 C67079-A1001-A10 C67079-A1001-A6 C67079-A1002-A6 C67079-A1041-A11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 BR 11, 12, 13 Vishay Telefunken SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch without zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    0884-approved IF/IFT25 PDF

    transistor A1002

    Abstract: A1041 C67079-A1000-A10 C67079-A1000-A6 C67079-A1001-A10 C67079-A1001-A6 C67079-A1002-A6 C67079-A1041-A11 C67079-A1041-A14 C67079-A1041-A5
    Text: 2 BRT 11, 12, 13 Vishay Telefunken SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch without zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    0884-approved C67079-A1000-A6 C67079-A1000-A10 IF/IFT25 transistor A1002 A1041 C67079-A1000-A10 C67079-A1000-A6 C67079-A1001-A10 C67079-A1001-A6 C67079-A1002-A6 C67079-A1041-A11 C67079-A1041-A14 C67079-A1041-A5 PDF

    smd-transistor DATA BOOK

    Abstract: triac ansteuerung smd-transistor SMD transistors Relais datenblatt RGS 13 simple circuit diagram of electronic choke SITAC P-Channel Depletion Mode Field Effect Transistor SMD transistor Mo Siemens varistor family
    Text: Technische Angaben Technical Information SIPMOS Kleinsignal-Bauelemente SIPMOS Small-Signal Components MOS-Transistoren im Bereich 50 V . 800 V und 40 mA . 3800 mA. IGBT: 1200 V; 2500 mA MOS transistors in the range of 50 V . 800 V and 40 mA . 3800 mA.



    Abstract: BRT13H
    Text: SIEMENS BRT11, BRT12, BRT13 SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch with zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    OCR Scan
    0884-approved BRT11, BRT12, BRT13 SICQ0004 /F//FT25 BRT12H BRT13H PDF


    Text: SIEMENS BRT 21, BRT 22, BRT 23 SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch with zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SI EM ENS BRT 11, BRT 12, BRT13 SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch with zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • M icrocom puter-com patible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    OCR Scan
    BRT13 0884-approved C67079-A1000-A6 67079-A1000-A10 fAft25Â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SI EM ENS BRT 21, BRT 22, BRT 23 SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • AC switch with zero-voltage detector • Electrically insulated between input and output circuit • Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current • UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    OCR Scan
    0884-approved C67079-A1020-A6 C67079-A1050-A16 C67079-A1021-A6 h/hi25Â PDF

    SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch BRT 22

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS SITAC AC Switches BRT 21 BRT 22 BRT 23 AC switch with zero-voltage d e tector con sistin g o f tw o e le ctrica lly insulated lateral power ICs. These pow er ICs integrate a th yristo r system, a photo detector, noise sup pre ssion and a zero voltage switch at the ou tput and an IR GaAs diod e at the input. Turning on o c c u rs at

    OCR Scan
    0884-app E52744) SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch BRT 22 PDF

    siemens rs 1016

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BRT21/22/23 SITAC AC SWITCHES OPTOCOUPLER FEATURES Package Dimensions in Inches m m fli fr rï * v drm =400 to 800 V * •t h m s = 3 ° 0 m A * d v /d tCIà 1 0,000 V/(is * E le c tric a lly In s u la te d Betw een In p u t and O u tp u t C irc u it

    OCR Scan
    BRT21/22/23 BRT21/22/23 E52744, siemens rs 1016 PDF

    siemens brt 21

    Abstract: SITAC BRT21H BRT21-H
    Text: BRT 21, BRT 22, BRT23 SIEMENS SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • • • • • AC switch without zero-voltage detector Electrically insulated between input and output circuit Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    OCR Scan
    BRT23 0884-approved IFT25 f//ft25 siemens brt 21 SITAC BRT21H BRT21-H PDF

    siemens BSM b2

    Abstract: smd zener GD AX transistor fp 1016 79 p Siemens anwendungsbeispiele siemens igbt BSM 25 gb 100 d BTS412A DIODE ZENER BZW 04 TRANSISTOR EN SMD TZ N-Kanal FET BTS542R
    Text: Technische Angaben SIPMOS-Leistungstransistoren und Dioden SIPMOS-Leistungstransistoren Transistoren im Bereich 50 V . 1000 V, 1,5 A . 60 A und 18 mQ . 8 Q. P -K a n a l N-Kanal Produktpalette • • • • • N- und P-Kanal-Anreicherungstypen FREDFET

    OCR Scan
    B152-B6299-X-X-7400 siemens BSM b2 smd zener GD AX transistor fp 1016 79 p Siemens anwendungsbeispiele siemens igbt BSM 25 gb 100 d BTS412A DIODE ZENER BZW 04 TRANSISTOR EN SMD TZ N-Kanal FET BTS542R PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BRT 11, BBT 12, BRT 13 SITAC AC Switches Without Zero Voltage Switch • • • • • AC switch without zero-voltage detector Electrically insulated between input and output circuit Microcomputer-compatible by very low trigger current UL-tested file no. E 52744 , code letter "J"

    OCR Scan
    0884-approved SIC00004 BRT11, BRT13 ps10 PDF

    mft 26

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS BRT21/22/23 SITAC AC SWITCHES OPTOCOUPLER FEATURES P ackage Dim ensions in Inches mm * V drm= 40 0 to 800 V * It b m s = 30 0 m A * dv/dtcrè 1 0,000 V/j is * Electrically In su la te d Betw een Input a n d O utput C ircuit * M ic ro co m p u te r C om p atible— V e ry L o w T rig g e r

    OCR Scan
    BRT21/22/23 E52744, Vd-800 BRT21/22/23 mft 26 PDF


    Abstract: DIP-6 BRT21H BRT21-H
    Text: SIE M EN S A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F M7E D • 6 2 3 S bO S G 0 E h 3 1 3 0 » S I E G FET-Treiber / FET Drivers ln V orbereitung / In preparation Type Package Fig. 2000 DIP-6 12a 2 ') DIP-8 13 'f ^Batt (max) ^ou. 'out mA V V kA 10 50 4.5 10 50 4 .5 1)

    OCR Scan

    SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch

    Abstract: SITAC FET Drivers zero voltage switch dip-6 "FET Drivers" 800 300 BRT21H BRT21-H
    Text: SIE M EN S A K T I E N G E S E L L S C H A F M7E D • 6 2 3 5 bO S G 0 E h 3 1 3 0 » S I E G FET-Treiber / FET Drivers ln V orbereitung / In preparation Type Package Fig. 2000 DIP-6 12a 21) DIP-8 13 'f ^B att (max) ^o u . 'out mA V V kA 10 50 4.5 10 50

    OCR Scan
    B235bOS SITAC AC Switches With Zero Voltage Switch SITAC FET Drivers zero voltage switch dip-6 "FET Drivers" 800 300 BRT21H BRT21-H PDF

    siemens Transistoren

    Abstract: induktive triac ansteuerung smd transistors SIPMOS application note BSS98 equivalent Siemens Halbleiter Bauelemente Siemens Halbleiter
    Text: Technische Angaben Technical Information SIEMENS SIPMOS Kleinsignal-Bauelemente SIPMOS® Small-Signal Components MOS-Transistoren im Bereich 50 V . 800 V und 40 mA . 3800 mA. IGBT: 1200 V; 2500 mA MOS transistors in the range of 50 V . 800 V and 40 mA . 3800 mA.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: TCR100
    Text: SIEMENS FEATURES BRT11/12/13 SITAC AC SWITCHES OPTOCOUPLER Package Dimensions in Inches mm f? l • Vdrm=400 to 800 V f^ l , pin one .248 (6 30) .256 (6.50) • Itb m s = 3 0 0 m A • d v /d tcr>10 ,0 0 0 V /|is • Electrically Insulated Between Input and

    OCR Scan
    BRT11/12/13 BRT11/12/13 E52744, 0D723l flS3b32b 00Q724Q VDE0303 TCR100 PDF


    Abstract: BRT11 BRT12 LTT thyristor
    Text: SIEMENS BRT11/12/13 SITAC AC SWITCHES OPTOCOUPLER FEATURES Package Dimensions in Inches mm • Vdrm=400 to 800 V f? l , pin one .248 (6 30) .256 (6.50) • Itb m s = 3 0 0 m A • d v /d tcr>10 ,0 0 0 V /|is • Electrically Insulated Between Input and

    OCR Scan
    BRT11/12/13 -BRT11/12/13 E52744, fl23b3EÃ VDE0303 BRT11 BRT12 LTT thyristor PDF